ehealth radio network

Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Therapy to Negotiate the End of Your Relationship
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psychologist and Clinical Director again joins eHealth Radio and the Relationship & Psychology Channels to discuss therapy to negotiate the end of your relationship.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
What are different types of motivation that people have?
Why are some more fulfilling than others?
What issues cannot understanding our own motivations cause?
What can help us understand our true motivations?
How can we work from a motivation based perspective?
Dr. Nikki Martinez received her Masters and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology, and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois.
She is the Head of Clinical Development for, where she can be reached if you are interested in individual or couples work with her. She is an Adjunct Professor in psychology graduate studies, is a telemental health psychologist, a disability consultant, and a blogger for the Huffington Post and Everyday Power Blog.
Website: Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter: @DrNikkiMartinez Instagram: @nikkimaramartinez

Wednesday Sep 13, 2017
Why the Failure of a Relationship Does NOT Make you a Failure
Wednesday Sep 13, 2017
Wednesday Sep 13, 2017
Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psychologist and Clinical Director again joins eHealth Radio and the Family & Relationship Channels to discuss why the failure of a relationship does not make you a failure.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
Why do people feel like a personal failure after the end of a relationship?
Why should they NOT feel this way?
How can they look at this as a growth experience?
Talk about the importance of time alone.
How does this makes them a better partner in the future.
Dr. Nikki Martinez received her Masters and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology, and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois.
She is the Head of Clinical Development for, where she can be reached if you are interested in individual or couples work with her. She is an Adjunct Professor in psychology graduate studies, is a telemental health psychologist, a disability consultant, and a blogger for the Huffington Post and Everyday Power Blog.
Website: Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter: @DrNikkiMartinez Instagram: @nikkimaramartinez

Friday Jun 16, 2017
Leading healthcare companies partner with Appstem to go mobile
Friday Jun 16, 2017
Friday Jun 16, 2017
Robert Armstrong the Co-Founder and CEO of Appstem a leading software design and development firm creating innovative mobile and web products that specializes in mobile apps, web development, IoT integration, and backend solutions joins eHealth Radio and the Health Care and Technology Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Robert Armstrong discuss the following:
What are some of the ways that you've seen healthcare companies use mobile technology?
What is the impact of wearables in today's industry?
Do you think that telemedicine will have a dramatic impact on people's access to healthcare?
The healthcare industry has a reputation of being very proprietary and siloed? Is that changing?
What are some of the issues that a start-up should consider before developing a mobile healthcare app?
Robert Armstrong is the Co-Founder and CEO of Appstem, a leading mobile design and development firm. He has been selling technology products and services for the last 15 years. Prior to Appstem, Robert spent five years at Oracle Corporation selling enterprise application software and left in 2010 when he saw an opportunity in the mobile application market. Robert has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Marketing from California State University, Chico.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter:

Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
Treating Substance Abuse Through Telemental Health and in Primary Care
Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psychologist and Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor again joins eHealth Radio and the Mental Health, Health Care, Health News & TeleMental Health Channels to discuss treating substance abuse through telemental health and in primary Care.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
How common are substance abuse issues in the United States?
You note that there are very high rates of mental health issues associated with substance abuse. What are those conditions and statistics?
You wrote an article discussing the epidemic of this issue, as well as some guidelines for treating them in new environments. What made you see a need for this?
What are some of the essential pieces of substance abuse treatment?
Substance abuse and addictions are two of your specialities. What drew you too them, and how can people reach you for help?
Dr. Nikki Martinez received her Masters and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology, and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois.
She is the Head of Clinical Development for, where she can be reached if you are interested in individual or couples work with her. She is an Adjunct Professor for 2 graduate programs, a Blogger for the Huffington Post, Everydaypowerblog, Older Dating, Success Stories, Sivana Spirit, Proud Stories, and a Contributor for the Chicago Tribune. She just published her first 8th book through
Website: Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter: @DrNikkiMartinez

Monday Apr 10, 2017
Exploring the Benefits of Telemental Health
Monday Apr 10, 2017
Monday Apr 10, 2017
Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psychologist and Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor again joins eHealth Radio and the Mental Health, Health Care, Health News & Tele-Medicine Channels to discuss exploring the benefits of Telemental Health.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
Although we have discussed this before, remind us what Telemental Health is.
Who could benefit from Telemental Health?
Who would not be an ideal candidate for Telemental health?
Why is this such a popular option for many clients?
What would you say to someone who is leary to give this modality of therapy a chance? You provide Telemental Health Services. How can someone reach you if they are interested in this type of treatment?
Dr. Nikki Martinez received her Masters and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology, and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois.
She is the Head of Clinical Development for, where she can be reached if you are interested in individual or couples work with her. She is an Adjunct Professor for 2 graduate programs, a Blogger for the Huffington Post, Everydaypowerblog, Older Dating, Success Stories, Sivana Spirit, Proud Stories, and a Contributor for the Chicago Tribune. She just published her first 8th book through
Website: Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter: @DrNikkiMartinez

Saturday Apr 08, 2017
FootprintID- Benefits to Employers, Employees and Travelers
Saturday Apr 08, 2017
Saturday Apr 08, 2017
Beth Tofel, President of FootprintID that helps individuals have always access to their health and medical information again joins eHealth Radio and the Health Care & Technology Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Beth Tofel discuss the following:
What is new since we spoke last?
How does that work with FootprintID being provided to employees as an Employee Benefit, and how does it benefit an employee?
What is the benefit to an Employer?
You had mentioned the benefits for travelers and in the travel industry, can you share with us what value you provide there?
What issues or trends in healthcare are you seeing and how are you helping to solve some of those issues?
You never leave home without your keys – but what about your health information? With FootprintID®, you can carry your entire health history right in your pocket.
We’ve designed this unique membership service to help parents, caretakers, and seniors keep track of their medical records – and access them whenever and wherever they need to.Signing up takes minutes, and you can store your entire family’s records in one secure, easy-to-use online portal. With FootprintID®, you can keep important health information at the ready and manage it from your phone, tablet, or computer. FootprintID® lets you share your information with physicians, emergency responders, and other family members. Coordinate medical histories across healthcare providers. And keep updated information on hand for school nurses, sports teams, summer camps – and in case of emergency. If you are a business owner who is looking to enhance your healthcare benefits, FootprintID® delivers an affordable, value-added option that empowers your employees to take their health into their hands. It reduces stress and the downtime that can result from lengthy phone calls to physicians and pharmacies, as well as unnecessary doctor visits, tests and follow-up. And it can literally be a lifesaver in an emergency.FootprintID® is a simple and portable solution for keeping vital health records organized, secure, and on hand. For more information about how it can benefit you, your family or your employees, contact me at, or visit
Follow FootprintID: Facebook: Twitter: @footprintid

Monday Mar 20, 2017
How TelaDietitian is redefining medical nutrition therapy in telehealth
Monday Mar 20, 2017
Monday Mar 20, 2017
Jackie Arnett Elnahar the CEO of TelaDietitian the premier telehealth solution for nutrition counseling joins eHealth Radio and the Health News, Nutrition & Telemedicine Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Jackie Arnett Elnahar discuss the following:
What was the inspiration of your starting TelaDietitian?
What is the process for using TelaDietitian?
How is it different than the traditional approach of medical nutrition therapy?
What have been the results thus far?
Who is the ideal user of TelaDietitian?
As the leader in telenutrition, where is TelaDietitian heading?
Jackie Arnett Elnahar RD, Esq., is a dietitian and an attorney. She is CEO and co-founder of TelaDietitian, the premier telehealth solution for medical nutrition therapy consultations. As a registered dietitian, Elnahar specializes in weight loss and disease prevention, management, and reversal. She has helped many clients fulfill their health and wellness goals and achieve a long-term solution through a realistic and results-oriented approach that has changed lives. She is published in prominent journals, magazines, blogs, and newsletters. Elnahar has done extensive research in diets for clinical conditions, especially on nutrition and gene expression, and uses her in-depth scientific foundation to create practical nutritional solutions.Elnahar worked in corporate wellness at Bloomberg LP, and has hosted healthy cooking classes at Bowery Culinary Center and Whole Foods Wellness Club in Tribeca in New York City. She also volunteers as a camp counselor for the Herbert G. Birch Camp for families struggling with AIDS, for which she modeled and raised $10,000 for the G.I.V.E. Jean Campaign for Ralph Lauren. A proponent of fitness and exercise, she is also a certified fitness instructor.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter:

Friday Feb 10, 2017
The Growth of Telemedicine and the Reality of Its Potential
Friday Feb 10, 2017
Friday Feb 10, 2017
Dr. Gay Gooden, Co-founder and Telemedicine Physician with RelyMD, a virtual health service that provides 24/7 access to board-certified emergency medicine doctors for both adults and children via video consultation joins eHealth Radio and the Healthcare & TeleMedicine Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Gay Gooden discuss the following:
The number of patients using telehealth services is expected to rise from less than 350,000 in 2013 to nearly seven million in 2018. Why do you think those numbers are increasing so rapidly?
Health systems and patients aren’t the only ones reaping the benefits of telemedicine. What other types of organizations are seeing reductions in costs?
We’ve heard about two industries that are actively using telemedicine. Are there other fields where telemedicine will also see growth?
It sounds like there is a lot of good coming from telemedicine. What are the barriers that still need to be overcome?
You’re a co-founder and an actively practicing physician with RelyMD. Can you tell us a little about the company?
Dr. Gay Gooden is a practicing board-certified emergency medicine physician at Wake Emergency Physicians, PA in Raleigh, N.C. She is a co-founder of RelyMD and currently serves as the Medical Staff President of WakeMed Cary. Dr. Gooden completed both her Doctorate of Medicine and residency training in Emergency Medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She also received her bachelor of science in biology at UNC. RelyMD, is a virtual health service that provides 24/7 access to board-certified emergency medicine doctors for both adults and children via video consultation. Patients are able to seek treatment from a doctor with an average wait time of less than 10 minutes via web browser or mobile app. RelyMD is owned and staffed by Wake Emergency Physicians, PA, a group of 100 emergency medicine physicians who provide care to approximately 300,000 patients annually at hospitals throughout the region.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter:

Wednesday Aug 24, 2016
The Power of Negative Self-Talk and How to Change It
Wednesday Aug 24, 2016
Wednesday Aug 24, 2016
Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psychologist and Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor again joins eHealth Radio and the Personal Development Channel to discuss the power of negative self-talk and how to change it.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following: What is self-talk?Where and why do we learn negative self-talk and messages?Why is negative self-talk so much harder to break, than it is to learn positive self-talk?What are a few examples of ways in which you can replace a negative thought with a positive or more realistic one?What are some ways in which you can start and end your day with positive messages to set a tone?
Duration: 11:00
Dr. Nikki Martinez received her Masters and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology, and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois.
She is the Head of Clinical Development for, where she can be reached if you are interested in individual or couples work with her. She is an Adjunct Professor for 2 graduate programs, a Blogger for the Huffington Post, Everydaypowerblog, Older Dating, Success Stories, and a Contributor to the Chicago Tribune. She just published her first 8th book through
Twitter: @DrNikkiMartinez
The views and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Saturday Aug 13, 2016
The Benefits of Telehealth in Mental Health, for Those New to the Concept
Saturday Aug 13, 2016
Saturday Aug 13, 2016
Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psychologist and Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor again joins eHealth Radio and the Mental Health and Telemedicine Channels to discuss the benefits of Telehealth in Mental Health, for fhose new to the concept.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:Can you tell us what Telehealth is, when it comes to mental health, and what a person could expect during a session with you?What types of issues lend themselves to Telehealth?What types of issues would not be appropriate for telehealth, and require a different level of care. What are some benefits a person can experience with Telehealth?What would you tell someone who is leery, or on the fence about giving Telehealth a chance?
Duration: 8:57
Dr. Nikki Martinez received her Masters and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology, and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois.
She is the Head of Clinical Development for, where she can be reached if you are interested in individual or couples work with her. She is an Adjunct Professor for 2 graduate programs, a Blogger for the Huffington Post, Everydaypowerblog, Older Dating, Success Stories, and a Contributor to the Chicago Tribune. She just published her first 8th book through
Twitter: @DrNikkiMartinez