ehealth radio network

Friday Sep 10, 2021
How Digital Technology is Changing the Landscape of Elder Health Care
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Avanlee Christine, the CEO and Founder of Avanlee Care, a new app that improves how families communicate and manage their care receiver’s health in real time joins eHealth Radio and the Senior Care and Technology Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Avanlee Christine discuss the following:
Tell me about the Avanlee Elderly Care APP and how it is different than what is currently on the market?
What is the most important feature of the Avanlee Care APP?
What are the challenges of caring for an aging parent or relative?
How has digital technology improved elder care and what does the future hold in your opinion?
What does the future hold for senior care in America?
Avanlee Christine is a founder, technologist and businesswoman. Throughout her career Avanlee has worked to provide better health and social care solutions for the elderly. Her experience caring for others and working with her own family to care for her ailing grandfather for 8 years, led her to realize that there was no technology solution available on the market that helped families and care-givers effectively support the health and social needs of an aging relative remotely. With the pandemic that need became all the more acute. She founded Avanlee Care to address that gap and provide families with a solution to transform the quality of remote health and social care for their elderly relatives.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram:

Saturday Sep 26, 2020
Adult health and wellness for those age 50 and beyond?
Saturday Sep 26, 2020
Saturday Sep 26, 2020
Dr. Jim Collins, President and CEO of Sapphire Essentials that provides high-quality, organically-grown, THC-Free CBD products for adults, seniors and caregivers joins eHealth Radio and the CBD & Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Jim Collins discuss the following:
Why did I choose to spend my career focusing on adult health and wellness for those age 50 and beyond?
What are the main ingredients to healthy and independent living beyond 50?
What are the differences between marijuana or cannabis and CBD?
How does CBD work or make a difference in physical or emotional health?
How can adults better cope with the stressors and isolation related to COVID-19?
Dr. Jim Collins is a Gerontologist and nationally-recognized expert in wellness and health care for seniors and older Americans. Based in Ohio, his 30 year career has spanned everything from Geropsychiatry to home health regimens for active seniors. Dr. Collins has a strong focus on education – a prolific author of published articles, he has served as a college instructor and is the founder of Collins Learning, a highly regarded education service that provides training to tens of thousands of senior care health professionals around the country.
Dr Collin’s passion for healthy aging and gerontology started when he was in high school and his father handed him the keys to the car to take his mom back and forth to work at the Assumption Nursing Home. Before and after school, he would stop in and visit with residents and staff and would continue this for decades. He became fascinated by the physical, emotional and neurological challenges faced by older Americans, especially those in senior living. It was here that Dr. Collin’s formed a life-long belief that preventative care and maintaining an active lifestyle were key in senior’s physical and emotional well-being.
Dr. Collins graduated college with the first degree ever in Applied Gerontological Studies, an approved major that he created, and then earned a master’s in sociology and psychology of aging. He also holds a doctoral degree in Health Administration and has received a certificate from the Institute for Life Span Development and Gerontology. Dr. Collins then established a gerontology practice and also began education consulting to what would become hundreds of senior living communities.
Dr. Collins has written countless articles, newsletters, and the first book about person-centered care for seniors entitled “The Person-Centered Way: Revolutionizing Quality of Life in Long Term Care”.
After researching hundreds of medical articles, Dr. Collins became an early strong proponent of the benefits of CBD for aging-related health. Given his vast background in physical, emotional and neuro-degenerative age-related disorders, he has emerged as an expert voice in the CBD space and is currently writing a book about aging and CBD. This passion led Dr. Collins to create Sapphire Essentials, with the mission to provide the highest-quality, all-natural, organically grown medical hemp-based CBD products to older adults and seniors. Sapphire Essentials is proud to be the first and only science-based CBD brand that is specifically formulated for the needs of active seniors.
Educator, speaker, author and now founder of Sapphire Essentials, Dr Collins remains as passionate as ever in his life mission – to provide senior wellness education and help older adults find powerful preventative solutions and maximize their quality of life.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram:

Monday Aug 06, 2018
The Shift: How Seeing People as People Changes Everything
Monday Aug 06, 2018
Monday Aug 06, 2018
Kimberly White, a freelance writer, a certified Arbinger Institute presenter, and former research assistant to its founder, Terry Warner and author of The Shift: How Seeing People as People Changes Everything joins eHealth Radio and the Health News & Senior Care Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Kimberly White discuss the following:
You’ve said this book came as a complete surprise to you. What’s different than you imagined?
What happens when you experience “the shift”?
Does this have limitations, or what doesn’t ‘the shift’ do?
How can seeing people as people help in the workplace, and at home?
Kimberly White is a freelance writer, certified Arbinger Institute presenter, and former research assistant to its founder, Terry Warner. Her nine months of research for The Shift included dozens of hours working alongside nursing home employees in offices, vans, patient rooms, and kitchens. She recently relocated from Harlem to a small farm town in Pawnee, Illinois to focus on writing.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: @kim_berly_white Linkedin:

Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
How to have THE TALK with Your Aging Parents
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Lynda Shrager, an occupational therapist, an expert in the field of geriatric rehabilitation, as well as author of Age In Place: A Guide to Modifying, Organizing and Decluttering Mom and Dad’s Home joins eHealth Radio and the Health News & Senior Care Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Lynda Shrager discuss the following:
What are some of the biggest obstacles to overcome when trying to help aging parents stay in their home?
What’s the best strategy for getting Mom and Dad on board with organizing and decluttering?
What are a few modifications that can make a big difference to the safety of seniors in their homes?
What are some red flags that signal a parent’s cognitive abilities are declining, and what should be done?
When is the best time to approach parents about making a plan in case the time comes that they aren’t able to function independently?
An essential aspect of successful aging in place is having a caregiving team at the ready. How do you build this team?
Lynda Shrager, OTR, MSW, CAPS is the author of Age In Place: A Guide to Modifying, Organizing and Decluttering Mom and Dad’s Home (Bull Publishing, March 8, 2018). Her newspaper column, Mom’s RX, appeared in countless newspapers across the country, and she is a featured columnist for Everyday Health, one of the country’s leading online consumer health websites. Lynda has practiced in the medical field of geriatric rehabilitation for more than 37 years, focusing on all aspects of senior health and wellness. She combines her expertise as an occupational therapist, a Master’s level social worker, professional organizer and certified aging in place specialist to pursue her passion of providing therapeutic care in the patient’s home environment and in educating their caregivers. Learn more at
Social Media Links: Twitter: Facebook:

Saturday Dec 30, 2017
Healing Senior Depression & Becoming Socially Active Through Technology
Saturday Dec 30, 2017
Saturday Dec 30, 2017
Dr. Kerry Burnight, a Gerontologist who has served for 18 years as a Professor of Geriatric Medicine at the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine and She serves full time as Chief Gerontologist at grandPad joins eHealth Radio and the Geriatrics and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Kerry Burnight discuss the following:
What is the single most important thing you can do to Age Well. And by aging well I mean, physical, mental, and emotional vitality.
What is the best way to foster and get the health/happiness/longevity benefits to these connections?
What does the research say about technology, is it hurting or helping our connection?
Given these challenges faced by older adults, what is the best way to reconnect my grandparents /parents (who live in another state!) back into social society so they can experience these longer and happier lives?
Is grandPad like an iPad?
What about those with cognitive impairment?
What is the best way to approach the subject of connection with your parents and grandparents?
Dr. Kerry Burnight has spent her entire professional career on a mission to improve the lives of seniors. She was a professor of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology at the University of California Irvine, and she is the founder and director of the nation's first Elder Abuse Forensic Center and the national non-profit, Ageless Alliance: United Against Elder Abuse. Kerry has spoken at The White House and as an expert on shows such as The Dr. Phil Show, CBS news, Money Matters, and The Doctors. She joined grandPad because of the firm's ability to prevent one of the most significant risk factors for elders: social isolation.

Thursday Dec 21, 2017
Seniors: Combatting Loneliness
Thursday Dec 21, 2017
Thursday Dec 21, 2017
Andrea Driggers, Regional Business Development Director and career licensed vocational nurse, specializing in geriatric care, at StoneGate Senior Living, an award-winning network of senior living and care facilities joins eHealth Radio and the Geriatric & Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Andrea Driggers discuss the following:
How big of a problem is loneliness for seniors in America today?
It’s no fun being lonely, but are there tangible impacts for seniors experiencing loneliness?
Why are so many seniors experiencing loneliness?
What can seniors do to tackle this problem?
What can neighbors, relatives, friends do to help?
Andrea Driggers is the Reginal Business Development Director for StoneGate Senior Living, an award-winning network of senior living and care facilities. She oversees the South Dallas Fort Worth market area. She has served as a licensed vocational nurse for 20 years, focusing on geriatric care and treatment.
About StoneGate Senior Living: Award-winning StoneGate Senior Living, LLC provides support services to senior living and care properties that offer skilled health care, assisted living, memory support and independent living locations in Colorado, Oklahoma, and Texas. Founded and led by a team of senior living industry veterans.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Linkedin:

Monday Nov 14, 2016
Monday Nov 14, 2016
William Ellis, Executive Director of the Board of Pharmacy Specialties® in Washington, D.C. joins eHealth Radio and the Health Care and Health News Channels. BPS, which is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year, is the premier post-licensure certification organization serving the pharmacy profession.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest William Ellis discuss the following:
What is the Board of Pharmacy Specialties?
How many pharmacists are currently BPS board certified?
What sets BPS board certified pharmacists apart from other pharmacists?
What role does the BPS board certified pharmacist play as an integral member of the healthcare team?
BPS recently announced that pharmacists board certified by the Commission for Certification in Geriatric Pharmacy will now be BPS Board Certified Geriatric Pharmacists. Can you tell us about the implications of this news?
Duration: 8:52
William M. Ellis is the Executive Director for the Board of Pharmacy Specialties® (BPS), an autonomous division of the American Pharmacists Association (APhA), in Washington, D.C. From 1997-2011, he served as CEO and Executive Director of the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Foundation. Ellis was the Executive Vice President for the Pennsylvania Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists from 1986-1997. Ellis also serves as Chair of the Council on Credentialing in Pharmacy which provides leadership, guidance, public information, and coordination for the profession of pharmacy's credentialing programs. In 2014, he was appointed a commissioner to the National Commission for Certifying Agencies. After receiving his pharmacy degree from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy (PCP), Ellis completed an executive residency with the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists in 1986 and earned his Master of Science degree in health education from Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia in 1994. Currently he also is serving as the chair of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy’s Board of Visitors.
Social Media Links: Facebook: @BPSweb

Monday Dec 07, 2015
Monday Dec 07, 2015
Dr. Patricia & Dr. Harrison Bloom, Clinical Associate Professors of Geriatrics and first-time authors of the book “Get Up and Move your “A**! A Light Hearted But Serious Guide To Successful Aging" joins eHealth Radio and the General Health and Health News Channels. With nearly 40 years each of clinical practice, teaching and research in the field of aging, they have both recently entered the “geriatric” age group themselves.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guests Dr. Patricia & Dr. Harrison Bloom discuss the following:Why did you decide to write a book like this?We know the boomer age group is growing, do you see or feel this is the reason more people are interested in learning how to stay healthy?What are some easy tips to staying healthy while getting older?It can be overwhelming today with all the vitamins, supplements that are supposed to help one stay younger, what are your thoughts on this?What do you want people to take away from this book?
Duration: 10:45
Patricia Bloom, MD and Harrison Bloom, MD have been partners in work and life for more than 45 years. As esteemed educators and clinicians in the field of geriatric medicine, they are well known throughout the New York City region, as well as nationally and internationally. Both are Clinical Associate Professors of Geriatrics at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, and have held leadership positions in the Columbia/St. Luke’s-Roosevelt, Albert Einstein, and Mount Sinai Medical Centers. Harrison Bloom teaches internationally through the United Nations International Institute on Aging, and Patricia Bloom teaches courses and workshops on mindfulness and stress reduction. Equally passionate in their mission to prevent or delay age-related diseases and disabilities, the Blooms hope that their “light-hearted but serious” health message will inspire young, middle-aged and older patients alike. Originally from Minnesota, they have two married children and two young grandchildren—with a third on the way—all living in the California Bay Area, where they frequently visit.