ehealth radio network

Friday Nov 29, 2019
Platelet Activation and where it comes from
Friday Nov 29, 2019
Friday Nov 29, 2019
Bill Dubiel, CEO of LightInterga Technologies maker of the ThromboLUX system, a simple 5-minute test that tells you the platelet activation status of a platelet bag, and lets you transfuse with confidence joins eHealth Radio and the Health News Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Bill Dubiel discuss the following:
What is platelet activation and what it the implication to transfusions?
Tell us about the platelet transfusion studies you have conducted and what the results show?
How does the ThromboLUX test answer the question of platelet activation status?
Your studies suggest that by giving resting platelets to cancer patients they have better outcomes? Why?
Where does platelet activation come from and can it be prevented?
Do you have any early users of the product and what could patients or medical professionals do to find out more about the technology?
Bill Dubiel is the President and CEO of LightIntegra Technologies, bringing more the 30 years of Healthcare experience with his last 10 years specifically helping medical device start-ups through the commercial buildout and product launch.
Previously, Bill was Chief Commercial Officer at PGDx and CyVek responsible for building a commercial organization to launch novel products into the global market. Bill also held executive sales, marketing, and service leadership positions at Ventana, Roche, Bayer and Chiron Diagnostics. Bill holds a BS from Rutgers University and an MBA from Phoenix University.
Websites: |
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: @ThromboLUX

Monday Nov 19, 2012
Prevent strokes or heart attacks with blood viscosity testing
Monday Nov 19, 2012
Monday Nov 19, 2012
Dr. Pushpa Larsen, a naturopathic doctor and an expert on blood viscosity talks with us on eHealth Radio and the Blood Health Channel about how blood viscosity testing helps patients prevent strokes or heart attacks.
Listen to interview [audio player below] with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Pushpa Larsen discuss the following:
How does blood viscosity testing help patients prevent strokes or heart attacks?
Are there other conditions affected by blood viscosity?
How often should a person get his or her blood viscosity tested?
How long does the test take and how long does it take to get the results of the test?
Isn’t it enough for me to get my blood pressure and cholesterol checked? Why do I also need the blood viscosity test?
What is the research that backs up blood viscosity monitoring and testing?
Dr. Pushpa Larsen graduated from Bastyr University in Naturopathic Medicine, Naturopathic Midwifery, and Spirituality, Health and Medicine. She has worked as a Research Clinician for the Bastyr University Research Institute and as Affiliate Clinical Faculty for Bastyr University, training students in her clinic. Dr. Larsen is a regular contributor to Naturopathic Doctor News & Review and the Townsend Letter for Doctors, and presents webinars on many topics in laboratory medicine. She practiced in Seattle for 10 years before joining Meridian Valley Lab as a Consulting Physician nearly three years ago. She consults with hundreds of doctors every year on the use and interpretation of 24-hour urine hormone profiles and other tests offered by Meridian Valley Lab.
About Meridian Valley Lab Meridian Valley Lab, founded in 1976, is a world leader in allergy and hormone testing, specializing in comprehensive 24-hour Urine Hormone and Metabolite testing. Meridian Valley Lab was the first lab in the USA to offer this test to help doctors use Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy safely and effectively. The pioneering spirit of the lab is rooted in its founder and Medical Director Dr. Jonathan Wright’s dedication to treating the root causes of diseases rather than just symptoms. Meridian Valley Lab’s core values are quality and accuracy. The staff working at all levels within the organization are fully qualified, conscientious and interested in providing the best laboratory services. More information is available at
Anyone interested in having a blood viscosity test should ask their doctor. Doctors interested in scheduling patients for a blood viscosity test can contact Meridian Valley Lab to order a viscosity shipping kit or to establish an account at 425-271-8689 (toll-free at 855-405-TEST).
Related Web Site: