ehealth radio network

Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
6 Ways to Free Yourself from the Happiness Trap and Find Real Joy
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
Shawn Léon Nowotnik, who is an artist, author, filmmaker, and therapist living outside Chicago joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Mental Health Channels. His new book is F*ck Happiness: The Search for Meaning in a World Gone Mad Chasing Happiness.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Shawn Léon Nowotnik discuss the following:
What inspired you to choose such a bold title, "F*ck Happiness," and what do you hope it conveys to readers?
Can you elaborate on the idea that the pursuit of happiness can be detrimental? What specific societal pressures do you believe contribute to this phenomenon?
How do you differentiate between happiness and a deeper sense of meaning in life? Why is this distinction important?
You discuss authenticity as vital to personal fulfillment. What are some practical ways individuals can begin to embrace their true selves in a culture that often promotes conformity?
Could you explain the concept of the "hedonic treadmill" and its implications for those constantly seeking happiness?
What personal experiences led you to challenge the traditional narrative around happiness?
You mention the complexities of the human experience. How has embracing these complexities shaped your own life and outlook?
You touch on the fear of judgment that comes with being authentic. How can individuals overcome this fear in a society dominated by social media and curated identities?
Shawn Léon Nowotnik, MSW, LCSW, is an artist, author, filmmaker, and therapist living outside Chicago. After losing his son to suicide, he was compelled to reevaluate his own narrative — and look at how loss, mental health, and addiction can affect every aspect of a person’s life. He's developed holistic treatment programs and advocates for improved mental health and addiction disorder treatments, as well as researching, writing, and public speaking about addiction, community, mental health, narrative, and social issues. His new book is F*ck Happiness: The Search for Meaning in a World Gone Mad Chasing Happiness.
Social Media Links: Linkedin:
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Saturday Nov 09, 2024
Nobody Should Grow Old Alone
Saturday Nov 09, 2024
Saturday Nov 09, 2024
Ivan Wicksteed, the Founder and CEO of Eve, a new virtual companion aimed at older adults who live alone joins eHealth Radio and the Senior Care and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Ivan Wicksteed discuss the following:
What made you create Eve?
How does Eve work?
What problem(s) is Eve addressing?
Who was Eve created for and what audience is she aimed at?
How is Eve different from Alexa or other services on the market today?
TIP: Talking is better for brain health than playing games or doing a crossword puzzle, because it engages many different parts of the brain. We lose 5% of our brain cells every decade past the age of 50. It’s time to build them back up?
Ivan Wicksteed is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Eve Communications. Eve is a virtual companion for older adults living alone. Prior to starting Eve Communications, Ivan served as the CMO of Go Henry, the Chief Growth & Revenue Officer at Go Henry, the CMO of Oscar Health and a Founding Partner at FNDR. Wicksteed created Eve after seeing the impact of loneliness on his grandparents which led to their eventual decline in health. He understand the importance of communications at every age.
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Saturday Oct 05, 2024
Saturday Oct 05, 2024
Dr. Michael Schirripa, an MD and a forensic psychiatrist, who works in private practice in Australia, where he provides specialists mental health assessments in the context of a broad range of medicolegal matters joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Mental Health Channels. He also provides treatment for a range of psychiatric disorders such as depressive disorder, bipolar disorder and anxiety disorders.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Michael Schirripa discuss the following:
1What, as a psychiatrist, do you see is the difference between "sadness" and a major depressive disorder?
As a psychiatrist, what do you understand about the ways that anxiety can impact on people's lives?
What are some of the lifestyle changes that people can undertake to improve their mental health overall?
As a psychiatrist, do you believe that technology and its use is a positive or negative when it comes to mental health?
What is the role of popular culture when it comes to the way in which it portrays mental health? Does it help or hinder when it comes to issues like stigma?
What is the one piece of advice that you would give to someone who is struggling with depression or anxiety?
I believe you have recently released your debut novel. Can you tell us about that?
Dr. Michael Schirripa is a distinguished Adelaide-based psychiatrist with over two decades of experience in the field, encompassing both forensic and private practice settings.
He has extensive experience providing psychiatric assessments for courts, serving as an expert witness in various trials, treating patients within secure mental health facilities, and addressing complex mental health issues in prison populations.
Dr. Schirripa also maintains a thriving private practice, specialising in the treatment of chronic depressive disorders. Through his work with lifestyle psychiatry, he emphasises the importance of lifestyle factors, including diet, exercise, and sleep, in promoting mental well-being.
In 2024, he wrote, produced, and released the podcast series Mindhunting: Journeys In Forensic Psychiatry, which details all aspects of forensic psychiatry with commentary from real cases and his experience.
His debut novel, a psychiatric thriller called MINDHUNT, has just been released. It’s the only psychological thriller in the world written by an actual forensic psychiatrist!
Social Media Links: Facebook: CLICK HEREInstagram:
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Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
Advantage Behavioral Health: Improving Access to Mental Health Matters
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
Colin Studwell, CEO of Advantage Behavioral Health, a network of behavioral health facilities called Harmony Bay and Victory Bay, committed to sustained healing and recovery from behavioral health and substance use conditions joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Mental Health Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Colin Studwell discuss the following:
Can you share your vision of Advantage Behavioral Health and your company’s approach to mental health?
What’s your secret sauce? There are a lot of mental health providers to compete with.
What are your future plans?
You combine telehealth with a brick and mortar model. How popular is telehealth? Is it effective?
What areas of mental health conditions are in greater demand today? Anxiety, depression, etc.?
Since the pandemic, there has been a significant increase in diagnosed or undiagnosed behavioral health issues among people of all ages. Who’s your typical patient?
As Chief Executive Officer, Colin Studwell is squarely responsible for the planning and execution of all major business initiatives throughout the Network.
Colin joined the Advantage team prior to the launch of Harmony Bay and was tasked with putting systems in place which would facilitate the company’s anticipated growth. To meet this challenge, Colin restructured the Network’s existing departments to facilitate the creation of an in-house Management Services Organization designed to provide a broad range of critical support services to Victory Bay and Harmony Bay as they grew. The ultimate outcome of this organizational overhaul was a finely tuned growth engine which allowed both Harmony Bay and Victory Bay to scale rapidly and into new geographies with no erosion of organizational efficiency.
Throughout his tenure at Advantage, Colin has served in a number of different roles across several distinct areas of the company, providing him with a unique perspective on the many functions of the organization. Colin now oversees all day-to-day Network operations, providing expert project management and leadership to the Advantage’s Executive Team.
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Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
Bad Habits We Can Break That Are Linked to Depression and or Anxiety
Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
Dr. Nikki Martinez who has been working as an Independent Medical Expert to assist the courts, for the past decade and has also been an Adjunct professor for almost 14 years again joins eHealth Radio and the Sleep Health & Health News Channels continuing an on-going series. Dr. Martinez engages in domestic and international consulting for various individuals, groups, and organizations, and offers individual and couples consulting via Tele-mental health services.
Topic: Bad Habits We Can Break That Are Linked to Depression and/or Anxiety, and Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Happier
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
When I hear the word ‘Habits,’ I think of things that people doing in their daily routine that they might be able to change to make an impact on their depression or anxiety. Is that accurate?
You have talked several times about the importance of establishing a morning and evening routine, can you talk a little about that, and its impact on mood?
You note there are ‘Scientifically Proven’ ways to be happier,’ can you talk a little about some of those ways?
Do you see regional, seasonal, or schedules having an impact on mood?
Why do we repeat patterns/Painful Dynamics?
Making ALL of these changes might feel overwhelming. Does someone need to make ALL of these changes to see/feel a difference?
Dr. Nicole Martinez received her master’s and her Doctorate from the Illinois School of Professional Psychology and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois. Prior to that, she attended the University of St. Francis where she completed a double major in Psychology and Therapeutic Recreation, with a specialization in the arts. Dr. Martinez has experience working with adolescents, children, and adults in individual, family, and group treatment.
Her therapeutic style can be described as integrative, assessing the needs and style that will best serve the individual client. She typically has a mix of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy and various holistic approaches, with an emphasis on CBT, Solution Focused Therapy, Reality Therapy, and Positive Psychology. She believes in exploring the connection between the body and the mind to treat all the individuals’ needs. Her belief is that an individual must explore many areas of their functioning to ensure optimum health physically and emotionally.
She stresses the essential belief that the therapist and client relationship is collaborative in nature, and the two are partners who communicate from the first steps of designing the course and goals of treatment, as well as what the priorities will be. Dr. Martinez understands that it is just as important to identify any treatment styles, tools, techniques, or methods that did work, but what did not work as well, so that the two of you can work together charting a new path and avoiding precious time lost and frustration on that which has already been proven to be a poor fit.
Dr. Martinez also understands that each person is unique, there is no one size fits all, and that the needs of an individual may not only change from the initial inception of a treatment plan but from month to month or session to session, and that adapting and meeting the patient; where they are at; at any given moment is essential to both letting the patient knows they are being heard and attended to, as well as positive treatment outcomes.
Areas of expertise: medical and health psychology, trauma, trauma-focused CBT, PTSD, depression, anxiety, social anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, neurodivergent emerging considerations, LGBTQIA populations, bereavement, forensics, substance abuse, and misuse disorders, addictive issues and behaviors, couples work, MISA populations, co-occurring disorders, domestic violence issues, sex offenders, special needs populations, and chronic medical issues and rare diseases. Evaluation and assessment of the above-mentioned individuals, as well as review of previous assessments.
Article Archives: EverydayPower: Huffington Post:
Social Media: Linkedin: Podbean: Instagram:
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The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
It’s NOT the Medication, It’s the Motivation!
Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
Dr. Nikki Martinez who has been working as an Independent Medical Expert to assist the courts, for the past decade and has also been an Adjunct professor for almost 14 years again joins eHealth Radio and the Psychology and Mental Health Channels continuing an on-going series. Dr. Martinez engages in domestic and international consulting for various individuals, groups, and organizations, and offers individual and couples consulting via Tele-mental health services.
Topic: It’s NOT the Medication, It’s the Motivation!
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
As the topic of the show notes, there Is an important misunderstanding about the fact that pre-existing suicidal thoughts cause suicidal behavior in individuals, not mental health medications. Could you explain what that misunderstanding is?
You note that it is essential that a child has a thorough evaluation before starting an antidepressant by a trained professional. Who should conduct it, what should it entail, and why is it so important?
The FDA has put a “Black Box” warning on ALL antidepressants but has only approved 9 for children and youth, and you also have some research you would like to discuss that shows it is not these medications that cause suicidal thoughts.
You note that a major problem is that parents, guardians, and providers don’t always realize that a teen is suicidal, and so they blame the medication when no one is asking the questions and having the conversation.
Based on your experience, and reports from individuals you have worked with over the years, what conversations could providers and guardians be having with children and teens to help make sure these incidents are significantly reduced?
Dr. Nicole Martinez received her master’s and her Doctorate from the Illinois School of Professional Psychology and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois. Prior to that, she attended the University of St. Francis where she completed a double major in Psychology and Therapeutic Recreation, with a specialization in the arts. Dr. Martinez has experience working with adolescents, children, and adults in individual, family, and group treatment.
Her therapeutic style can be described as integrative, assessing the needs and style that will best serve the individual client. She typically has a mix of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy and various holistic approaches, with an emphasis on CBT, Solution Focused Therapy, Reality Therapy, and Positive Psychology. She believes in exploring the connection between the body and the mind to treat all the individuals’ needs. Her belief is that an individual must explore many areas of their functioning to ensure optimum health physically and emotionally.
She stresses the essential belief that the therapist and client relationship is collaborative in nature, and the two are partners who communicate from the first steps of designing the course and goals of treatment, as well as what the priorities will be. Dr. Martinez understands that it is just as important to identify any treatment styles, tools, techniques, or methods that did work, but what did not work as well, so that the two of you can work together charting a new path and avoiding precious time lost and frustration on that which has already been proven to be a poor fit.
Dr. Martinez also understands that each person is unique, there is no one size fits all, and that the needs of an individual may not only change from the initial inception of a treatment plan but from month to month or session to session, and that adapting and meeting the patient; where they are at; at any given moment is essential to both letting the patient knows they are being heard and attended to, as well as positive treatment outcomes.
Areas of expertise: medical and health psychology, trauma, trauma-focused CBT, PTSD, depression, anxiety, social anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, neurodivergent emerging considerations, LGBTQIA populations, bereavement, forensics, substance abuse, and misuse disorders, addictive issues and behaviors, couples work, MISA populations, co-occurring disorders, domestic violence issues, sex offenders, special needs populations, and chronic medical issues and rare diseases. Evaluation and assessment of the above-mentioned individuals, as well as review of previous assessments.
Article Archives: EverydayPower: Huffington Post:
Social Media: Linkedin: Podbean: Instagram:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.
Show Note: Article from Mayo Clinic on this Topic: Article from UChicagoMed: Article from Harvard:

Saturday Oct 28, 2023
The ever growing numbers of depression and anxiety
Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Dr. Kymberli Boynton, Psy.D / MA.Ed / LMFT, a leading Southern California base Psychologist and Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist joins eHealth Radio and the Health News & Mental Health Channels to talk about the ever growing numbers of depression and anxiety that we are seeing in America today.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Kymberli Boynton discuss the following:
What are the signs of depression/anxiety?
What factors contribute to the development of depression/anxiety?
Are there specific coping strategies or exercises you recommend to your clients to help them manage their depressive and or anxiety symptoms?
Anxiety can manifest in various forms, such as generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder or panic anxiety disorder, can you explain the differences and how they are treated differently in therapy?
CBT is often used to treat Anxiety, can you explain how CBT works and its effectiveness?
How prevalent is anxiety/depression in society today and why do you think it’s on the rise?
Summary: In today’s society that is still dealing with Covid, cultural wars, political turmoil and ultimately more division than we have perhaps ever seen before, we are experiencing a huge uptick in depression, anxiety and suicide. Psychologists like Kymberli Boynton are seeing record numbers of patients, including children and teens. It is important to listen to those around us who might be experiencing angst, anxiety and depression and encourage them to get help.
As a psychologist, entrepreneur, mother of three, life coach, CEO/publisher of Serenity Wellness Magazine, producer, performer, and now TV personality, Southern California based Kymberli Boynton embodies the spirit of versatility and accomplishment. This dynamic tour-de-force is currently in pre-production on a new streaming series in collaboration with Emmy winning actor, producer, author and motivational speaker, Sean Kanan. Through this new venture, Boynton will reach a larger audience with her knowledge, insight, and expertise in the mental health sciences.
Boynton’s dedication to her profession and her multifaceted background showcases a remarkable commitment to promoting well-being and positive change in individuals' lives. Her extensive experience, coupled with her diverse range of certifications and accreditations, allows her to offer comprehensive and tailored support to her clients. Her genuine passion for her work shines through as she creates a safe and open space for her clients, particularly adolescents and children, to express themselves and navigate challenges. Her deep understanding of the emotions that can accompany difficult experiences underscores her commitment to providing professional guidance and support.
Having spent over 15 years in the mental health field, Boynton’s expertise spans various therapeutic modalities and techniques. Her additional certifications in areas such as Hypnotherapy, Life Coaching, NLP, and Law of Attraction reflect her holistic approach to care, ensuring that she addresses not only the psychological aspects but also the broader well-being of her clients. Furthermore, Boynton’s experience in both non-profit and private practice settings has exposed her to diverse populations and a wide array of challenges. This background equips her to effectively address issues ranging from trauma and anger management to identity concerns and substance abuse. Her specialization in working with youth and teenagers illustrates her ability to connect with these age groups as they navigate the complexities of growing up. Supported by a team of dedicated professionals, Boynton’s practice is centered around clients' well-being and individual needs. With a focus on helping clients achieve their desired goals and personal growth, her practice aims to make a positive impact on the lives of those they serve.
Beyond her clinical work, Boynton’s involvement in education, as a former elementary school teacher and principal, as well as her experience in college admissions, highlights her commitment to supporting adolescents in their educational goals. Her entrepreneurial ventures, including Serenity Wellness Center and Serenity Wellness Magazine, demonstrate her dedication to holistic wellness, encompassing mental, physical, and spiritual aspects. Her engagement as CEO/Founder of various Non-Profit Organizations, including Serenity Wellness Organization and Guam Communications Network (GCN), showcases her desire to uplift communities and promote cultural understanding. Her Chamorro heritage from Guam remains a strong influence, emphasizing the importance of culture, values, and traditions.
Through her numerous roles and initiatives, Kymberli Boynton exemplifies a profound commitment to making a positive impact on individuals' lives. Her work underscores the importance of self-love, empowerment, and holistic well-being, demonstrating her passion for helping others achieve personal growth for a healthier, happier life.
Social Media Links: Facebook:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.
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Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
It’s Ok To Be Not Ok: Acknowledging Grief and Depression
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Dr. Nikki Martinez, an Independent Medical Expert at the Federal level and has been an Adjunct professor for the past 13 years joins eHealth Radio and the Psychology & Relationships Channels. Dr. Martinez also works as an Independent Consultant for Various Individuals, Groups, and Organizations, as she continues to see a small caseload of Individual and Couple patients through Tele-Mental Health Services on a regular basis.
Topic: It's Ok To Be Not Ok: Acknowledging Grief and Depression
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
What made you think of this topic and this title?
I know you noted that this topic has a very personal significance to you, can you talk a bit about that?
What might the person thinking of harming themselves be thinking and doing around the time of the act?
Why might people, and especially professionals, like yourself, struggle to acknowledge grief and depression?
What should one remember if they or someone they know is struggling with thoughts of harming themselves?
Dr. Nicole Martinez received her master’s and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois. Prior to that she attended the University of St. Francis where she completed a double major in Psychology and Therapeutic Recreation. Dr. Martinez has experience working with adolescents and adults in individual, family, and group treatment.
Her therapeutic style can be described as integrative, assessing the needs and style that will best serve the individual client. She typically has a mix between Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy and various holistic approaches, with an emphasis in CBT, Solution Focused Therapy, Reality Therapy, and Positive Psychology. She believes in exploring the connection between the body and the mind to treat all the individuals’ needs. Her belief is that an individual must explore many areas of their functioning to ensure optimum health physically and emotionally.
She stresses the essential belief that the therapist and client relationship is collaborative in nature, and the two are 'partners,' who communicate from the first steps of designing the course and goals of treatment, as well as what the priorities will be. Dr. Martinez understands that it is just as important to identify any treatment styles, tools, techniques, or methods that 'did not' work, as did, so that the two of you can work together charting a new path and avoiding precious time and frustration on that which has already been proven to be a poor fit. Dr. Martinez also understands that each person is unique, there is no 'one size fits all,' and that the needs of an individual may not only change from the initial inception of a treatment plan, but from month to month or session to session, and that adapting and meeting the patient 'where they are at,' at any given moment is essential to both letting the patient know they are being heard and attended to, as well as positive treatment outcomes.
Areas of expertise: Medical and health psychology, trauma, PTSD, depression, anxiety, social anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADHD, autism spectrum disorders and neurodivergent considerations, LGBTQ populations, bereavement, forensics, substance abuse, addictive issues, couples work, MISA, co-occurring disorders, domestic violence, sex offenders, special needs populations, and chronic medical issues and rare diseases. Evaluation and assessment of the above-mentioned individuals.
Resource: [key word “Nikki Martinez”]
Social Media: Linkedin:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Saturday Jun 03, 2023
The Real Pandemic: Mentally Thrive Through Psychological Warfare
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Tonya Rebhahan, the best selling author of The Real Pandemic: Mentally Thrive Through Psychological Warfare joins eHealth Radio & the Mental Health Channel. Tonya is life coach certified in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy, and Holistic Nutrition.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Tonya Rebhahan discuss the following:
What made you think the Covid pandemic had such an impact on mental health.?
You are certified in NeuroLinguistic Programming - what is neurolinguistic programming?
As far as Hypnotherapy goes - can everyone be hypnotized?
Will you tell us a little bit about the Sylva Method?
What services do you offer if people could use further help?
Tonya Rebhahan is a life coach certified in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy, and Holistic Nutrition.
Not only does she have expertise in the field as a teacher but also as a patient. She suffered from depression and had significant trauma that lead to PTSD.
In her own journey, she sought answers for herself and applied all the knowledge she learned. As the author of the book "The Real Pandemic: Mentally Thrive Through Psychological Warfare", she educates in an easy-to-understand way but also gives simple-to-use tools that can be immediately implemented into one's life. And even though these tools are simple, they are highly effective at helping with anxiety and depression.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.
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Friday Apr 21, 2023
Why time is of the essence for innovation to improve mental health outcomes
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Friday Apr 21, 2023
John Letter the CEO of Proem Behavioral Health, formerly nView Health, the developer of the evidence-based clinical workflow software engine that helps providers triage patients and produce better mental health outcomes joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Mental Health Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest John Letter discuss the following:
Could you share with me what Proem Behavioral Health does - how does your solution, work and overall industry impact reach researchers, healthcare providers and behavioral health and addiction specialists?
As we all know and hear frequently on the news, mental health is a critical area needing innovation due to the epidemic proportions of mental health issues and conditions. Why do you think taking not only new tech approaches to address this epidemic are needed, but also a reframe on mental health itself as being easily treated by providers?
Beyond the stigma that can exist or lack of awareness among patients as well as some medical providers not being equipped till now to address mental health challenges, what do you think is needed that is tied to technology to help more people get the treatment they need?
As someone who is in a business leadership position within the healthcare industry more broadly, what do you recommend to healthcare innovations who may be entrepreneurs, or even innovation minded teams working within larger companies to make an impact that’s meaningful?
What are some areas of focus your team at Proem is focused on for the rest of this year that you hope will have made a positive change in the field by 2024?
John Letter is CEO of Proem Behavioral Health, formerly nView Health, developer of the evidence-based clinical workflow software engine that helps providers triage patients and produce better mental health outcomes. He is an experienced healthcare executive serving most recently as the President and COO of a successful population health company in the sleep health space.
John works tirelessly to help teams achieve sustainable growth while over-delivering on customer promises each day. At Proem, John is responsible for overall strategic direction, working alongside an incredible team focused on building digital health tools to help providers get the right answers, diagnoses and outcomes for their patients the first time. John and his wife reside in Atlanta and have two grown children.
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