ehealth radio network

Wednesday May 05, 2021
Bastille Delivers Zone Detection for Healthcare Sector
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Bob Baxley, CTO at Bastille Networks a company that delivers enterprise threat detection through software-defined radio joins eHealth Radio and the Technology Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Bob Baxley discuss the following:
Can you provide our listeners a background on Bastille and why the company was created?
What are some of the pain points in radio frequency that Bastille is addressing?
How will radio frequency’s complexity in the workplace change as workers return based on the devices they bring and the devices that they may be asked to wear?
What are the benefits of using Bastille's technology for zone detection to mitigate the unforeseen new threats from other contact tracing technologies?
What are some steps that the healthcare industry can improve to protect facilities and patient data from adversaries?
For more than a decade, Dr. Bob Baxley has been a technology leader in implementing machine learning algorithms for software defined and cognitive radios. At Bastille, Bob serves as Chief Technology Officer where he leads the development of systems to sift through massive amounts of radio frequency data to protect enterprises from radio threats.
Prior to joining Bastille, Bob was the Director of the Software Defined Radio Lab at Georgia Tech, where he led basic and applied research projects for organizations including NSF, ONR, Army, DoD, Air Force and DARPA. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers and patents, is the receipt of various research awards, and is a Senior Member of the IEEE. He also led the GTRI team that competed in the DARPA Spectrum Challenge and placed second out of 90 teams.
Social Media Links: Twitter: Linkedin:

Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Cutting Back on Alcohol with a Science-based Program
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Katie Lain, the Director of Community Engagement at Ria Health that provides at-home, evidence-based alcohol treatment through telemedicine joins eHealth Radio and the Addiction Prevention and Telemedicine Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Katie Lain discuss the following:
Can you tell us more about Ria Health and how it helps people who want to drink less alcohol, or even stop for good?
So if a person is finding it hard to control how much they drink, but they also don’t want to go 100% abstinent, what other options do they have?
But if someone does want to go abstinent, these methods can help as well?
How did you get involved with Ria?
In your experience, how would someone know if they are drinking too much and need to seek support to cut back or stop?
TIP: If you’re someone who is experiencing regular hangovers, or find you NEED alcohol to unwind every night or weekend, consider looking into evidence-based treatments and medication therapy. Abstinence is not required, it can be done discreetly and evidence shows that it is effective for many people – resulting in more control over their alcohol consumption, or giving it up more easily without battling alcohol cravings.
Katie Lain is the Director of Community Engagement with Ria Health. Ria’s science-backed platform is for anybody who wants to drink less alcohol and live a better life. Their evidence-based program is delivered through telehealth which means it’s accessible from anywhere using a HIPAA-compliant app.
Ria’s program provides both harm-reduction and abstinence based methods that include physician guided care plans, one-on-one coaching, medication therapy, peer group support and digital tools to track progress. Since Ria began in 2016, they have served over 1500 people and counting who want to improve their relationship with alcohol.
Ria Health is also covered by many major health insurers across the US, and on average, Ria Members see a 75% reduction in their Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) levels after 12 months in the program.
Katie Lain joined Ria Health after she overcame alcohol addiction through this evidence-based treatment method. She now works both professionally and personally to raise awareness about these options for treating alcohol dependence.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: YouTube:

Friday Apr 03, 2020
Friday Apr 03, 2020
Celine Tien is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Flowly joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Stress Management Channels. The company's app is designed to help manage chronic pain, stress and anxiety.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Celine Tien discuss the following:
What is Flowy’s mission?
How does your app help reduce stress? How does it work?
You have created a special #BreatheTogether experience for managing stress related to Corona pandemic stress.
Tell me more about the experience.
Where can our audience access the Flowy app?
Celine Tien is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Flowly. In her role, Celine leads a team focused on delivering an accessible and direct-to-consumer alternative for pain and anxiety management. Celine got her start in VR as the director and writer of the award-winning film, Pippa’s Pan 盼, one of the world’s first immersive virtual reality hybrid live-action films.
Prior to Flowly, Celine grew up as a film/TV actor and model, and later worked in feature development at Oriental DreamWorks in Shanghai and DreamWorks Animation in Los Angeles. Celine is also the founder of the nonprofit education-based organization: Zoom for Kids! Celine studied English and Film at Yale University.
A new app is helping people cope with Coronavirus-related stress and anxiety, while also providing monetary support for COVID-19 relief efforts.
Flowly, an app to help manage chronic pain, stress and anxiety, recently unveiled its “COVID-19 Relief Experience,” featuring targeted breathing exercises in an interactive environment designed specifically to reduce anxiety. The first eight Flowly Intro experiences and COVID-19 Relief Experience are free and available to all users who download the app.
Additionally, the company has teamed up with GlobalGiving to provide critical relief for COVID-19. Flowly will allocate $0.50 for every and any app session completed towards the Coronavirus Relief Fund, helping send doctors and nurses to affected communities, supply masks, ventilators, and other medical supplies to hospitals, and deliver essential items to families and children in need.
“The Coronavirus is not only affecting physical health, but is also taking a toll on mental health all around the world. The day-to-day uncertainty has led to a tremendous increase in stress and anxiety, and Flowly is here to help you manage that,” said Celine Tien, co-founder & CEO, Flowly.

Monday Aug 27, 2018
The Next Generation of Support For New Parents
Monday Aug 27, 2018
Monday Aug 27, 2018
George Brandes, Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer for Pacify, a telehealth app that provides 24/7 support to new parents joins eHealth Radio and the Health News & Technology Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest George Brandes discuss the following:
Tell me about Pacify, where did the idea come from and how does it work? How is the platform transforming healthcare?
I know that Pacify partners with public health programs such as Medicaid and WIC—the women, infant, children’s program—tell me more about these partnerships, how are they leveraging Pacify?
Give me some examples of the types of questions/concerns you help new parents with through the Pacify platform?
What’s next for Pacify?
George Brandes is Co-Founder and COO of Pacify. George was previously VP of Healthcare Programs at Jackson Hewitt, where he designed and deployed software to help uninsured customers apply for health coverage at tax time.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter:

Thursday Jul 17, 2014
MyBloodWorks App, a personal medical health tracker
Thursday Jul 17, 2014
Thursday Jul 17, 2014
Glen Ogle, President of GOGLE LLC, the creators of the MyBloodWorks App, a personal medical health tracker which is available in the Apple App Store joins eHealth Radio and the Healthcare and Technology Channels.
Duration: 5:58
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Glen Ogle discuss the following:What's new with MyBloodWorks App?Anything else new?What makes MyBloodWorks unique?What do you think about Medical devices that plugs into your phone?You have stated that hospitals put results on their websites for patients to see privately. How does this impact MyBloodWorks?
I tried many ways to monitor my health. Until I created MyBloodWorks, it was very difficult to keep track of my health. One out of three Americans will get high blood pressure. Changes in your pulse can be a clue to something. Many people have blood tests. Diabetes is on the rise. MyBloodWorks will track YOUR health, if you only want to track some areas of your health in MyBloodWorks, then just track what YOU want.
As a transplant patient with years of dialysis under my belt, iv'e been to over 100 physician visits and stayed in hospitals over 6 months of my life, not including dialysis. I know what you need to monitor. I take suggestions on improving MyBloodWorks as I have already updated the App on a MyBloodWorks users suggestion. I think this is the easiest medical App on the App Store.
Web Site:
App Store:
Facebook: www.facebook/goglellcTwitter: @gogleonline