ehealth radio network

Saturday Oct 05, 2024
Saturday Oct 05, 2024
Dr. Michael Schirripa, an MD and a forensic psychiatrist, who works in private practice in Australia, where he provides specialists mental health assessments in the context of a broad range of medicolegal matters joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Mental Health Channels. He also provides treatment for a range of psychiatric disorders such as depressive disorder, bipolar disorder and anxiety disorders.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Michael Schirripa discuss the following:
1What, as a psychiatrist, do you see is the difference between "sadness" and a major depressive disorder?
As a psychiatrist, what do you understand about the ways that anxiety can impact on people's lives?
What are some of the lifestyle changes that people can undertake to improve their mental health overall?
As a psychiatrist, do you believe that technology and its use is a positive or negative when it comes to mental health?
What is the role of popular culture when it comes to the way in which it portrays mental health? Does it help or hinder when it comes to issues like stigma?
What is the one piece of advice that you would give to someone who is struggling with depression or anxiety?
I believe you have recently released your debut novel. Can you tell us about that?
Dr. Michael Schirripa is a distinguished Adelaide-based psychiatrist with over two decades of experience in the field, encompassing both forensic and private practice settings.
He has extensive experience providing psychiatric assessments for courts, serving as an expert witness in various trials, treating patients within secure mental health facilities, and addressing complex mental health issues in prison populations.
Dr. Schirripa also maintains a thriving private practice, specialising in the treatment of chronic depressive disorders. Through his work with lifestyle psychiatry, he emphasises the importance of lifestyle factors, including diet, exercise, and sleep, in promoting mental well-being.
In 2024, he wrote, produced, and released the podcast series Mindhunting: Journeys In Forensic Psychiatry, which details all aspects of forensic psychiatry with commentary from real cases and his experience.
His debut novel, a psychiatric thriller called MINDHUNT, has just been released. It’s the only psychological thriller in the world written by an actual forensic psychiatrist!
Social Media Links: Facebook: CLICK HEREInstagram:
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Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Tina Paterson the author of the new book Effective Remote Teams joins eHealth Radio and the Health News Channel. Tina has helped teams of over 10,000 members navigate working remotely while maintaining a healthy work/life balance.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Tina Paterson discuss the following:
How is it possible to leverage a virtual team and not only meet your goals but to outperform them without burnout?
It’s said that remote working can actually lead to over-productivity which can be a very fast way to lead to burnout. What can leaders do to help foster a culture of not over producing?
What are some warning signs that employees, particularly your over achievers are nearing the burnout stage?
Do you think that overall company culture needs to change to address burnout?
What are your feelings about the purpose of the office and how some executives are demanding that their teams return to the office full time?
What is your idea of a perfect work environment or scenario?
Do you think Leaders believe it’s silly, unproductive or unprofessional to connect with their teams other than in a professional manner?
Leaders seem to really be in a spot these days where they are asked to be a lot more flexible when it comes to dealing with their teams, what in your opinion is the best way for them to get help in handling tough situations?
Tina Paterson is a master of efficiency, helping leaders to navigate the complexity of working with remote teams.
Author of the book Effective Remote Teams, Tina has helped teams of over 10,000 members to navigate this new world of working remotely while maintaining a healthy work/life balance. With her proven steps and processes, these remote teams are actually MORE effective and efficient with more free time for their family and personal lives.
She dispels the entrenched notions of time and effectiveness and instead teaches the hard-earned strategies she has learned first-hand, to move from exhaustion and being overwhelmed to a happier, healthier, more productive leader, wife, and parent.
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Tuesday May 18, 2021
Emotional Fitness & Wellbeing with Kerrie Denton
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Kerrie Denton from Sydney Australia who is an International Speaker, Health Coach and Published Author joins eHealth Radio and the Health & Wellness Coaching Channel. She has her own online health coaching business and has created her own personal development tool kits which are in global demand.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Kerrie Denton discuss the following:
You are a Women's Health Practitioner and Mindset Mentor. Can I ask how the two can work together successfully?
I see you are passionate about Health Literacy. Why is this important to you?
You work a lot mentoring women as to how to achieve and maintain positive energy. Your process is based on holistic health care. Could you please explain this?
How does Positive Psychology influence health outcomes?
Could you please give us 3 tips as to how to develop that unbreakable mindset?
Kerrie Denton is an International Speaker, TV Personality and Published Author. She has over 25 years of experience working in Women's Health and specializes in personal development and preventative health care. Kerrie is also an International Certified Master NLP Practitioner and is most passionate about promoting the importance of mental health.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Saturday Mar 27, 2021
Finding Sense of Self as a Self-Sacrificing Person with Krissy Regan
Saturday Mar 27, 2021
Saturday Mar 27, 2021
Krissy Regan, The Wellness Poet and Founder of Mindful Mums Queensland, an author, speaker and Wellness Coach based in Townsville, Queensland, Australia again joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Health & Wellness Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Krissy Regan discuss the following:
What is a Self-Sacrificing Person?
Why is that a Self-Sacrificing Person will generally compromise their well-being for others?
How does a person who has compromised their health through giving to others start to turn things around?
What 3 steps would you encourage someone to take to feel empowered for their own health and well-being?
How is it that very giving people who are self-sacrificing often feel like victims?
Summary: If you notice your health and well-being suffering because you are a very giving person ask yourself this question. What would happen if I was not here?
Krissy Regan is an Author, Speaker, Wellness Coach and Founder of Mindful Mums Queensland. In 2020 Krissy published her self-help, health and well-being book called; Broken to Unbreakable, 12 Steps to an Unbreakable Mind, Body & Spirit.
In 2021 Krissy launched her Online Wellness School with her signature program; 12 Steps to an Unbreakable Mind, Body and Spirit.
Krissy believes that health and well-being can be learned by each and everyone of us, and we can all develop the tools to get healthy and stay healthy.
Krissy studied Exercise Science and Sports Management and has lived and worked in more than 7 countries. She currently resides in a regional city of Australia called Townsville where she spends her time educating herself and others about the importance of health, well-being, self-care and embracing a wellness mindset.
Krissy admits that lifestyle choices and our own beliefs can often keep us trapped in a negative health cycle and when we choose to change that cycle it takes commitment, consistency and a willingness to challenge our own thinking and beliefs on health.
Krissy is mum to 2 young children and her desire is to empower parents to care for their own needs each day so they can be healthy role models to future generations.
Social Media Links:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
The Surprising Health Benefits of Manuka Honey
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Michael Bell, Founder and CEO of Manukora that sources potent raw Manuka Honey from the remote regions of New Zealand, and finds new ways to use it joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Nutrition Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Michael Bell discuss the following:
Where does Manukora Manuka honey come from?
What are the benefits of Manuka honey?
How can you use Manuka honey?
How do you ensure ingredients in natural supplements are safe?
What do you people not realize about the benefits of plant-based health products?
Summary: Our bees are doing amazing things for us, and we are learning more and more about how manuka honey works as a natural alternative antibiotic agent. This natural, pure, and delicious health food product serves a true immune booster. Many of us are handling an incredible amount of stress right now, and this can have a huge, negative impact on our health. So, it's essential we take care of ourselves and in a natural way. A healthier diet with plant-based foods will increase your antioxidant intake that can help fight stress and reduce your risk of stress-related diseases.
As a proud New Zealander with an absolute passion for the natural health and wellness space, Michael Bell is driven to provide a new level of innovation and excellence to his customers around the world.
Having launched three Manuka brands across 15+ markets and directly supplying some of the world’s largest retail chains, his latest venture is introducing the U.S. to the power of Mānuka honey.
At every step of the process from hive to you, Manukora ensures that the potency, quality, purity, and pollen count of Manukora honey are all exactly as they were the day they left the hives. Manukora has a variety of honey with different amounts of Methylglyoxal (MGO), a naturally occurring compound that makes Manuka honey unique and health boosting. With a fierce dedication to sustainability, Manukora ensures their bee colonies are located only in the most remote locations which allows the bees to forage on an endless and uncontaminated supply of nectar and pollen to create the purest Mānuka.
Social Media Links: Instagram: Facebook: Linkedin:

Monday Feb 08, 2021
A Wellness Movement in 2021
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Krissy Regan, The Wellness Poet and Founder of Mindful Mums Queensland, an author, speaker and Wellness Coach based in Townsville, Queensland, Australia joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Health & Wellness Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Krissy Regan discuss the following:
Why did you decide to create a Wellness School?
What has prompted you to want to create a Wellness Movement?
You have turned your book; Broken to Unbreakable, 12 Steps to an Unbreakable Mind, Body & Spirit into an Online Program - what can people expect from that?
Why do you think it's important to become educated about health, well-being and self-care?
How can people join your Wellness School?
Summary: Physical Health and Mental Health are directly linked and we have seen mental health suffer during this global pandemic. Taking small and consistent steps each day with our physical health, embracing meditation and stress management techniques can have a dramatic impact on your mental and emotional health. Just start small, be consistent and notice the days that you feel good, and what was different about that day versus other days.
Krissy Regan is an Author, Speaker, Wellness Coach and Founder of Mindful Mums Queensland. In 2020 Krissy published her self-help, health and wellbeing book called; Broken to Unbreakable, 12 Steps to an Unbreakable Mind, Body & Spirit.
In 2021 Krissy launched her Online Wellness School with her signature program; 12 Steps to an Unbreakable Mind, Body and Spirit.
Krissy believes that health and well-being can be learned by each and everyone of us, and we can all develop the tools to get healthy and stay healthy.
Krissy studied Exercise Science and Sports Management and has lived and worked in more than 7 countries. She currently resides in a regional city of Australia called Townsville where she spends her time educating herself and others about the importance of health, well-being, self-care and embracing a wellness mindset.
Krissy admits that lifestyle choices and our own beliefs can often keep us trapped in a negative health cycle and when we choose to change that cycle it takes commitment, consistency and a willingness to challenge our own thinking and beliefs on health.
Krissy is mum to 2 young children and her desire is to empower parents to care for their own needs each day so they can be healthy role models to future generations.
Social Media Links:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Wednesday May 06, 2020
Combined Music and Play Therapy: A new way to changing toddler sleep habits!
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Deb Herdman, Director & Developer of Nigh’ Nigh’ Sleepy Head, a company that helps parents guide their children into better sleep using music and play therapy joins eHealth Radio and the Children's Health and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Deb Herdman discuss the following:
Why does my toddler wake up so much?
Are routines important?
Do you think controlled crying is useful?
Can you briefly how the 3 R’s to Sleep Success was developed?
Why is the combination of music and play therapy so effective in helping children develop better sleep skills.
Deb Herdman is a multi-generational mum with over 25 years of experience as a registered nurse.Founding Nigh’ Nigh’ Sleepy Head in 2011, when her third child had infant and toddler sleep and settling issues, Debs music and play therapy system have produced outstanding results toward helping families improve sleep issues and enhance bonding for better physical and emotional health.
As the composer of the unique Nigh’ Nigh’ music, Debs approach supports attentive parenting so children can develop sleep independence and self-regulation without stress. She is the author of two e/Books that describe her 3 R’s to Sleep Success system based on Routine, Re-connection, and Relaxation.
Deb has been published in Australia and internationally including recently in ‘Life research’ Journal. She consults privately, to parent groups and community health institutions and recently opened the worlds first music and play therapy ‘Nigh’ Nigh’ Baby Sleep School’ that supports parents face to face or video link, in their home or the clinic. She presents interactive workshops and webinars to parents with children aged 0 to 5+ years including children with special needs where they can learn the ‘3 R’s to Sleep Success’ technique.
Deb is passionate about educating parents about the outstanding benefits music has to emotional, the developing brain and helping parents understand the importance of good sleep practice for life. The Nigh’ Nigh’ Sleepy Head® resources and system aligns with best mental health practice, and music and lullaby research.
Deb is a registered nurse (DipHealthScience) and Certificates in Safe Sleep Space Education. Professional associations include AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority) and APRA/AMCOS (Australasian Performing Right Association), WWC (Working with Children Certificate).
In addition to helping families thrive, Deb homeschools her youngest son and continues to develop her passion for song writing music and composition. She enjoys her rural lifestyle in Central Victoria, Australia.
Websites: |
Social Media Links: Facebook: | Twitter: @NighNighSleepy

Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Dr. Huan Xu, who travels the world as an Access Consciousness and Right Voice for you Facilitator, empowering others to discover their unique capacities to heal and create change they require in their lives joins eHealth Radio and the Health and Personal Development Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Huan Xu discuss the following:
How is connecting and communicating more than just about the language we use to be seen and heard?
How is it possible to express our voice, whatever our learned or natural communication differences, to be understood effectively?
When we feel nervous or fearful about expressing ourselves, what could we do to better help ourselves relax, so we are able to get our message across clearly?
What is the most valuable lesson you have learnt from listening to your own body, and to trust in your own inner voice about yourself?
What would be one easy to use, and effective tool that listeners can use in any situation to have more clarity and ease when working with change in their lives?
Dr. Huan Xu has acquired many titles in her career – scientist, dentist, entrepreneur, mother, wife, and coach. Curious about both human bodies and minds and studying everything from biomedical science to meditation, yoga and intuitive healing, Dr Xu now travels the globe sharing the tools of Right Voice For You, a specialty program of Access Consciousness, empowering people to discover their unique capacities and have the life they truly desire.
Website: Facebook:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Saturday Dec 14, 2019
The importance of people-led design in Digital Health
Saturday Dec 14, 2019
Saturday Dec 14, 2019
Guy Cooper, Managing Director of Wave Digital, an app development company in Melbourne, Australia joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Technology Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Guy Cooper discuss the following:
Can you tell me a bit about yourself and your role at Wave Digital?
What’s your involvement in Australia’s digital health industry?
What is people-led design and why is it important?
Can you provide some practical examples of apps you have designed including the impact of a people-led design approach?
What is your advice to digital health startups looking to develop an app?
Tip: If you are thinking of developing an app, make sure you put time and energy into understanding the target audience for your product. The better you understand users frustrations, needs and fears, the more useful your product will be and therefore the more likely it will succeed.
Guy Cooper is Managing Director of Wave Digital, an app development company in Melbourne, Australia. A business owner and tech entrepreneur, Guy works with founders, executives and fellow business owners to bring their app idea to life. After spending a decade in business and a decade in technology, Guy knows how to use apps to drive business growth and improve lives.
Guy started his career as an accountant with PricewaterhouseCoopers. He later moved into the tech industry as Chief Financial Accountant of 99designs (and the broader Sitepoint Group). Under his financial oversight, 99designs grew from a team of 5 to over 100, culminating in a $35m financing round from Accel Partners. Since 2013, he has successfully owned and managed Wave Digital, an app development company that has delivered custom software to Startups, Business and Government for the past 19 years. In 2019, Wave Digital has been ranked the Top Melbourne App Developer by Clutch, a premier ratings and reviews platform for B2B service providers.
Throughout his career, Guy has worked with a wide array of businesses in a variety of industries from healthcare, education, transport and property development to agriculture, hospitality, book publishing and world-wide ‘.com’ technology companies. He uses this breadth of experience to provide refreshing advice and industry insights that make people want him as their adviser, partner and mentor.
Guy is a Chartered Accountant, jazz enthusiast, Dad and French language student (not in that order).
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: @wavedigitalaus

Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Building partnerships with your family dentist for long-term dental care
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Dr. Gautam Herle, Principal Dentist at The Myers Street Dental Clinic in Geelong, Australia that prides itself on their long-term understanding of their patients joins eHealth Radio and the Dental Care and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Gautam Herle discuss the following:
Tell us a little about yourself and what brought you to practice dentistry in Geelong?
You’ve been successfully practicing dentistry for more than a decade, and you would have formed a lot of strong patient relationships in that time. What do you think it is that makes your patients come back to you?
What should people be looking for when choosing a dentist for themselves, and their families?
What’s one misconception people say about teeth and dental care that you’d strongly argue against?
What’s once piece of advice do you give your patients that you could give our listeners now as the best way forward to improve their dental health?
Having been practicing dentistry in Geelong for more than a decade, Dr. Gautam Herle is highly invested in current technology to serve his patients in the best possible way. In addition to the use of fluorescence technology for regular oral cancer screening, Dr Herle introduced the new 3Shape TRIOS digital impression system into his practice. This new and improved digital workflow can provide more efficient, comfortable and predictable dentistry to patients. Dr Herle also uses a microscope which is a valuable piece of equipment used in successful management of dental treatment. He is married and a proud father of two, and proud owner of two dogs.
Website: Facebook: