ehealth radio network

Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
The Expansion Project with Louise Plant
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Louise Plant, a Soul Expansion Educator and Creator of The Expansion Project™ that is to expand wisdom to those ready to be inspired and motivated for a happier and healthier life joins eHealth Radio and the Personal Development Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Louise Plant discuss the following:
Why the Expansion Project?
Why does making people happy make the world a better place?
What is self-actualization?
What do you believe are the biggest problems people are facing right now?
What tips would you give them to help overcome that?
Why do you believe education is such a powerful tool?
As creator of The Expansion Program, Louise sees there is more disconnection, disease and death on this planet that there has even been before. Their mission is to raise the consciousness and awareness of the planet by making the world a happier place where happier people do kinder things for themselves, others and the planet.
The Expansion Project™ is to expand wisdom to those ready to be inspired and motivated for a happier and healthier life. Her unique methodologies give people a life skills toolbox that can guide you and your family through the rest of your life.
"We help those who are disconnected frustrated and who feel like they are failing to feel reconnected, creatively inspired, frisky and happy."
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: @pleasuretarian
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Saturday Sep 21, 2019
Australia and the Globalization of Medicinal Cannabis
Saturday Sep 21, 2019
Saturday Sep 21, 2019
Asaf Katz the Co-founder and COO of Cannvalate, an Australia-based company that provides a number of services across the breadth of the medicinal cannabis community joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Cannabis Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Asaf Katz discuss the following:
By way of brief background, tell our listeners about your involvement in the cannabis industry.
Regarding the industry globally, what most interests you about the legalization of medicinal cannabis?
In Australia, where medicinal cannabis is legal nationwide, what is the takeaway lesson for growers of cannabis in North America?
Why is Australia’s legalization of medicinal cannabis a test case—or proof of concept—of the success of this industry?
Finally, what else should our listeners know about Australia and the cannabis industry in general?
Asaf Katz is the Co-founder and COO of Cannvalate, an Australia-based company that provides a number of services across the breadth of the medicinal cannabis community. A serial entrepreneur, Asaf holds an undergraduate degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from Tel Aviv University and an MBA from the University of Melbourne - Melbourne School of Business.
Social Media Links: LinkedIn: Facebook:

Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Makeup so good for your skin, you don’t need to wash it off
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Megan Potter is an Australian qualified personal stylist, beauty therapist and makeup artist who has developed a range of cosmetics so good for your skin you don’t need to wash it off and joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Skin Care Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Megan Potter discuss the following:
Why did you decide to develop your own range of cosmetics?
Aren’t there many natural mineral makeup products out there?
How is your makeup good for skin?
Tell me about what others are saying about your makeup?
Can everyone use Megan Potter Cosmetics?
TIP: If you do want to clean your face at the end of the day, there is no need to purchase expensive cleaners and exfoliate. Cleans your skin with simple coconut oil and a face washer, I think you call it a wash cloth? I use three drops of my Refreshing facial oil once at night. My skin is still moist and ready for me to apply makeup without any additional moisturizers. You might need to apply 3 drops again in the morning if you live in a dry climate – I’m here in Queensland Australia which is sup-tropical!
Megan Potter is a qualified personal stylist, beauty therapist and makeup artist having styled clients in Brisbane, Melbourne and Adelaide Australia. Her career began as a beauty therapist and makeup artist over a decade ago in Adelaide, and her career took her to Dubai in 2008 for the International Beauty Expo. It was there that Megan helped to put Australia on the map as a mecca for quality mineral makeup.
Her aim has always been to help women look and feel good, whatever their budget. Restoring and growing confidence and self-love in her clients is Megan’s absolute passion.
All of Megan’s own brand of makeup and skincare are made using 100% natural ingredients, are of the highest purity, and made in Australia.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: @meganpotter_cosmetics

Friday Jul 26, 2019
Dr. Suzie Bekir on Mouth Breathing in Children
Friday Jul 26, 2019
Friday Jul 26, 2019
Dr. Suzie Bekir, a General Practitioner with Collective.Care in Bella Vista, Sydney joins eHealth Radio and the Children's Health and Health News Channels. Dr Suzie has over 10 years of experience and an interest in Allergies.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Suzie Bekir discuss the following:
Can you tell us a little about what you do?
I’d be interested to hear more about mouth-breathing in children. What can this be an indication of?
What advice would you offer parents who are noticing their child mouth-breath?
Could you explain to the listeners what is new in complimentary treatment for hay-fever?
What tips could you share for those out there suffering with hay-fever?
Is there anything else you think it is important for our listeners to understand?
Dr. Suzan Bekir is an experienced General Practitioner at Taylor Clinic, where she practices family medicine amongst a collective of specialty interests including sexual health, paediatrics, mental health, HRT, vitamin therapy, nutritional medicine, allergy + ENT, cosmetic medicine, skin and laser medicine.
She completed her medical degree at the UNSW in 2004 and vocationally trained with the RACGP. She worked in medical clinics in Rose Bay and Bondi before opening her own private rooms in Double Bay in 2015.
As Clinical Director, she innovated GP shared care with primary care speciality clinics in Allergy, ENT, and Skin, designed for the Health Care Homes of the future. Dr Suzie continues to work alongside her partner Dr Tobias Pincock, ENT (Adult and Paediatric) and Facial Plastic, where they clinically consult and are clinical supervisors for Special Skills Mentorship programs for Doctors.
Dr. Suzie has dedicated much of her time to medical education and is passionate about up-skilling General Practitioners to deliver more comprehensive health services in Allergy, ENT, Skin Medicine as well as training GP’s on medical grade lasers, non surgical and surgical cosmetic medicine treatments, body sculpting procedures and vagina restorative laser procedures. Amongst this, Dr. Bekir also enjoys medical journalism especially producing medical education content. Her interests also spans Daoist Meditation principles, qui gong + healing practices.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram:

Saturday Jul 13, 2019
How to have a better recovery post-birth with Anna Scammell
Saturday Jul 13, 2019
Saturday Jul 13, 2019
Anna Scammell, Masters-trained Women’s Health & Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist in Sydney, and founder of an online resource for all pregnant & postpartum women joins the eHealth Radio and the Health News and Female Health Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Anna Scammell discuss the following:
How do you help pregnant & postpartum women?
What can women do during their pregnancy to help their recovery post-birth?
What can women do straight after birth to optimise their recovery?
Tell us more about your Postpartum E-book, and how it helps women.
Why are pelvic floor & core exercises so important?
Anna Scammell is a Masters-trained Women’s Health & Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist in Sydney, and Founder of Anna combines her 10+ years of clinical experience and evidence based knowledge to bring women online consults, E-books and Free Guides. Anna’s mission is to educate, empower & inspire as many women as possible to be the best version of yourself during their childbearing years and beyond.
Social Media Links: Instagram: @the.whole.mother Facebook:

Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Laser Treatments for Snoring: A Multifaceted Approach
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Dr. Garry Cussell, Clinical Director at Specialist Clinics of Australia, a clinic that has pioneered laser snoring treatments in Australia with their SleepTight program for snoring joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Sleep Health Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Garry Cussell discuss the following:
What is SleepTight?
How does it work?
Why is it so important to treat snoring?
How much research is there behind the technology?
Who is this treatment suitable for?
Clinical Director, Dr Garry Cussell, founder of Specialist Clinics of Australia and medical practitioner with 34 years’ of experience, is considered a leader in the field of cosmetic medicine and the treatment of snoring and sleep apnoea. His dedication to practicing quality and reliable procedures with only the most state of the art technology has resulted in a skill set that is highly sought after across the state of New South Wales.
In 2012, Dr Cussell and his wife Robyn Cussell RN, established Specialist Clinics of Australia in Sydney’s Central Business District with a results-driven approach to new treatments and a Research and Development team who assisted in the development of their unique SleepTight program for snoring and sleep apnoea.
Specialist Clinics of Australia has since delivered over 4,400 treatments for snoring and sleep apnoea with a 96% success rate for patients who comply with the full program.

Thursday May 23, 2019
Seniors' Eye Health: What to look out for and how to protect yourself
Thursday May 23, 2019
Thursday May 23, 2019
Stefan Mayer, Market Analyst from Clearly Australia - an online, one-stop destination for all forms of vision correction including glasses, contact lenses, sunglasses and more joins eHealth Radio and the Eye Health and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Stefan Mayer discuss the following:
What happens to our eyes as we age?
What factors contribute to eye health as we age?
What are some of the signs and symptoms’ of eye problems?
What are some of the ways we can protect our eyes as we age?
What is the most important thing people should remember?
As an Australian-based company with Approved Provider status with all major private health funds, Clearly offers 100 per cent private health fund coverage on prescription eyewear.
Clearly offers the lowest prices, fastest shipping, and most knowledgeable customer care for eyewear needs across all of Australia. Whether you need contact lenses, glasses, sunnies, or more, Clearly Australia is a one-stop destination for full vision correction.
Clearly Australia is focused on Improving lives by improving sight, for every Glasses purchase on the website, Clearly will donate a pair to someone in need.
Clearly is relentless in its pursuit of the latest optical innovations, from contact lens technologies to breakthroughs in eyewear design. With a great range of exclusive brands Clearly always finds you your perfect fit.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: @clearlyau Instagram: @clearlyau

Sunday Mar 17, 2019
It is time to be Ear Responsible! Enjoy your water passions without the pain
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Brian Connors, Director at SwimSeal Australasia that markets a unique product that protects the ear from pain and infections caused by water being trapped in the ear joins eHealth Radio and the Ear Health and Health News Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Brian Connors discuss the following:
What is SwimSeal Protective Ear Drops?
Does it treat or prevent Swimmers Ear?
What is the unmet need that SwimSeal Protective Ear Drops is addressing? How big of an issue is this?
How are people dealing with this before the availability of SwimSeal?
How adequate are these current practices?
How do you use SwimSeal?
What is in it? (what are the components of SwimSeal)?
Who will most benefit from SwimSeal? A
re there any precautions or contraindication?
Does it build up in the ear? How does it get out?
After working in the medical device sector for over 25 years Brian saw the opportunity to introduce a new product into the Australian and Asian markets to protect ears against ear pain and infections caused by repeated exposure to water or by water being trapped in the ear after being in the water or even after showering.
After researching the market, Brian realised that the aural (ear) sector was underserved, especially in the area of prevention of water related pain and infection. Conservative estimates are that 2% of the population suffer from and infection each years and thousands more suffer pain and irritation form exposure to water.
The product, SWIMSEAL PROTECTIVE EAR DROPS was developed in conjunction with Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) medical specialists and uses a unique formulation of medical grade silicone and Australian Tea Tree Oil. It works as an upfront preventative against ear pain and infections and is safe to use for all ages from 6 months. With this background and with regulatory approval in the markets where the product is sold you can have peace of mind that it is safe to use.
It is the perfect companion for anyone who enjoys water sports - swimming, surfing, scuba diving and snorkelling, water polo synchronised swimming fact any water based activity has a need for SWIMSEAL.
In addition it is ideal for mum’s and their little ones to ensure that bath time and water play times do not turn into interrupted nights and unnecessary visits to the doctor to treat painful ear infections.
Until now people have used products to try to treat retained water with little success. In fact most of these products are alcohol based and cause more harm than good!
Now with SwimSeal people can be ”ear responsible” not irresponsible and stop water causing damage to their ears.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram:

Thursday Feb 28, 2019
Are relational avatars the future of mental health treatment?
Thursday Feb 28, 2019
Thursday Feb 28, 2019
Tim Hawke, a mental health clinician from Australian company Clevertar, that has a range of app based health coaching programs which are delivered interactively by a relational avatar joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Mental Health Channels. Today's discussion is about their anxiety and depression coach which may well be the future of mental health treatment at scale.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Tim Hawke discuss the following:
How is the prevalence of anxiety and depression growing, and yet the understanding and education of these conditions not matching this rise?
What is cognitive behaviour therapy and how does it work to treat high prevalence mental illness such as depression and anxiety?
Where can self-help material work people? And what can someone do to see changes in their mood or mental health right now?
How do virtual agents like Claire and the Clevertar team bridge a gap in supporting users see change in their mental health?
Tim Hawke is a mental health clinician and cognitive behavioural therapist – he has worked in the health and mental health sector for the past 10 years, with experience in acute and emergency mental health care and is now focused and passionate in providing evidence-based therapies to support those suffering high prevalence mental illness such as anxiety and depression.
Tim believes through improved education and awareness, people can experience breakthrough through struggles of mental illness and find mastery over their mood, experience recovery and improved well being. Tim worked closely with Clevertar and Flinders University's School of Medicine to write the app based mental health coaching program.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: @clevertar

Saturday Feb 16, 2019
Don't neglect your hearing this 2019
Saturday Feb 16, 2019
Saturday Feb 16, 2019
Sydney-based audiologist, Emma Beedell joins eHealth Radio and the Hearing Health and Health News Channels to share what people misunderstand about their hearing and what it’s like to be an audiologist.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Emma Beedell discuss the following:
Please tell the audience a bit about your background and how you ended up a leading audiologist?
Much of our audience may not realise what acute hearing audiologists are experts in, could you tell us a little about the main reasons patients come to your clinic?
What have you found is the biggest myth when it comes to ear wax removal for the average patient?
Why are regular hearing tests important, and how often should we have our hearing tested?
What advice would you give out audience to ensure that they don’t neglect their hearing in 2019?
Emma Beedell is an Audiologist, BSpHSc, MClinAud, MAudA(CCP).
Graduated from Macquarie University with a Bachelor of Speech and Hearing sciences and a Master of Clinical Audiology.
Emma has recently moved back home after working in Canberra for a few years. She enjoys working with clients of all ages but loves working with children.
Emma is passionate about providing information to clients to help them make informed decisions. She can support you through the hearing journey from testing to the fitting of a hearing aid, should it be necessary. Emma was a wide variety of knowledge across different products.
In her spare time, Emma enjoys a good book and taking her dog to the dog park.
Emma is an Audiology Australia accredited audiologist.
About Collective Care:
Located in Sydney’s rapidly growing north west (Bella Vista), our patients come to us from across the wider Sydney and New South Wales area. That’s because our clinics are led by trained and experienced medical staff. Our doctors and nurses are provided with ongoing mentoring, training, and development to ensure we are able to offer our patients the very best in care.
We also believe in the principle that quality healthcare should be accessible to all, so patients are offered access to Medicare rebatable service and reasonably priced consultations and procedures with one of our advanced trained General Practitioners.
For conditions that require the views of specialists or surgeons or other inter-speciality health professionals, our unique collective care case conferences give patients the reassurance of seeing their healthcare team connected to co-manage their condition with their collective expertise.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: