ehealth radio network

Friday Jan 12, 2024
Revolutionizing Retiree Healthcare
Friday Jan 12, 2024
Friday Jan 12, 2024
John Dulzack, the CEO of RetireeFirst, the premier retiree benefit management solutions and advocacy service provider, proven to enhance the experience and outcomes for group plan sponsors and their retirees joins eHealth Radio and the Healthcare and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest John Dulzack discuss the following:
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and RetireeFirst?
The Inflation Reduction Act is ushering in some big changes and new policies. How does this affect retiree healthcare?
How can we distinguish fact from fiction regarding recent claims about Medicare and Medicare Advantage, including price confusion, coverage differences and MA’s complexities?
Can you elaborate a bit on how group plans differ from individual Medicare Advantage plans?
An issue we hear a lot about when it comes to healthcare for retirees is unmet gaps in care. Can you tell us a bit about gaps in care, their impacts, and how to close them?
John P. Dulczak, CEO and founder of RetireeFirst, oversees business strategy, growth planning, and overall operations for the company. Under his leadership, the organization has grown significantly since its inception and continues to expand its employee base among all functional departments. John has over 20 years of experience in designing and providing Retiree Benefits Management and health advocacy services for plan sponsors and their retirees. He began his career serving ERISA union and public sector health and welfare funds. He worked as a multiemployer benefit plan administrator, managing three health and welfare funds totaling over 30,000 members and dependents. He then served as the National Director of Taft-Hartley Business Development for Prescription Solutions before opening RetireeFirst.
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Saturday Jul 18, 2020
5 Ways Seniors Are Saving the World Right Now
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Thelma Reese, an aging expert and co author of "How Seniors Are Saving the World, Retirement Activism to the Rescue!" joins eHealth Radio and the Health News & Retirement Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Thelma Reese discuss the following:
What inspired you to write this book?
Who are the people you write about in your book, and how did you find them?
Is this a “how-to” book?
What do you hope readers will get from this book? What have you learned about retirement from writing this book?
What is so important about this book for today’s readers?
Thelma Reese is the author of The New Senior Woman, The New Senior Man and now her 3rd book "How Seniors Are Saving the World, Retirement Activism to the Rescue!" Thelma is the creator of the blog, She’s a retired professor of English and Education, the former spokesperson for Hooked on Phonics, and has long been active in national and Philadelphia-based educational and cultural initiatives. BJ Kittredge is a former health care professional and educator.
Website: Blog:
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter:

Wednesday Feb 21, 2018
Reinventing retirement: The Best is Yet for Come for Boomer Men
Wednesday Feb 21, 2018
Wednesday Feb 21, 2018
Dr. Thelma Reese, author of The New Senior Man: Exploring New Horizons, New Opportunities joins eHealth Radio and the Health News Channel. She is here to talk about an entirely new concept of retirement. What Baby Boomer men face when they finish working has little to do with what their fathers faced. Retirement is a far longer phase of life, and it’s filled with possibilities.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Thelma Reese discuss the following:
What prompted you to write this book? Can you talk about your experiences on book tour for your first book?
Why do men have their own set of challenges facing retirement?
Can you give a few examples of men who’ve rewritten their own playbook on retiring, and why they’re inspiring?
Why is retirement changing so much?
Did you find that men dealt with intimacy and sex differently than the preceding generation? Why?
What’s your advice for a man heading into this next phase of his life?
Live alone, or live with others? What’s the consensus among the men you interviewed?
How can men stand up to ageism — and how is it different for men than women?
Dr. Thelma Reese, author of The New Senior Woman: Reinventing the Years Beyond Mid-Life, wrote The New Senior Man to satisfy the numerous requests from men who wanted their own book. She is the creator of the blog,, is a retired professor of English and Education, was the spokesper for Hooked on Phonics, and has long been active in literacy and cultural initiatives in Philadelphia.