ehealth radio network

Wednesday Jun 06, 2012
Surgical accessories for the modern age of breast treatment
Wednesday Jun 06, 2012
Wednesday Jun 06, 2012
Dr. Elizabeth Chabner Thompson, athlete, physician, mother & creator and founder of Bffl Co., a fashionable line of bags, bras and surgical accessories for the modern age of breast treatment joins eHealth Radio.
Listen to interview [audio player below] with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Elizabeth Chabner Thompson discuss the following:
Tell us a little about your company. When, how and why did you start Bffl Co.?
You have a personal story that was part of the genesis of the business. Can you share that story with us?
What exactly is a Bffl Bag?
Tell us about the Brain Bffl bag, and how it came to be.
What other products do you sell?
Who benefits from Bffl Co. products?
Upon graduating from Johns Hopkins Medical School in 1993, Dr. Elizabeth Chabner Thompson began devoting herself to taking care of women. When her mother developed breast cancer, Elizabeth decided to focus her career on this specific disease, and during her residency, also obtained a Masters Degree in Public Health from Harvard.
Elizabeth worked as a Radiation Oncologist while raising her four children. With the support of her husband, she continued to pursue her love of sports (marathon running, open water swimming, tennis and golf) while balancing her career and family.
In 2006, after years of breast surveillance, biopsies, and endless consultations with genetic counselors, Elizabeth underwent prophylactic mastectomies. The experience of recovering from this surgery and the interactions with her physicians led her to begin working in the reconstructive surgery practice, helping other women with the difficult decision-making and recovery from breast surgery.
As an athlete, physician and mother, Elizabeth felt that while the surgeries and radiation treatment for breast cancer have rapidly evolved (in some cases even been revolutionized), however, the garments she could offer to her patients undergoing radiation therapy and surgery were designed in the 1970s, for patients undergoing surgeries of the past.
Also, patients were concerned and confused about their surgeries: “What should I bring to the hospital? Why does this surgical bra hit just where my drains exit? What bra should I wear after my surgery to maximize the cosmetic outcome? When can I begin to exercise again?”
Elizabeth decided to design a fashionable line of bags, bras and surgical accessories for the modern age of breast treatment. Armed with scissors, needle and thread, Elizabeth cut and sewed bras together to meet the needs of the 21st century patient, and Bffl co was born!
The Breast Bffl Bag™ and axilla pilla™ were launched in 2011 to enhance the breast cancer patient experience. Elizabeth and her best friend, Sara Kerr Reges, RN, then created the TBI “Brain” Bffl Bag for patients recovering from Traumatic Brain Injury, Brain Trauma, Concussion, Brain Tumors and Stroke.
The Mommy C-Section Bffl Bag™ and the ultimate Hospital Bag, as well as the Masthead™ Breast Reconstruction Bra, the Surgical Bra, Radiation Bra, and other recovery products will be available in 2012.
For each condition-related Bffl Bag™ sold, Bffl co will donate 15% of the proceeds of profits to a charity providing research and support for that condition.
Bffl co will continue to create Bffl Bags™ for many conditions and causes. Do you have a suggestion for a new Bffl bag? Email Elizabeth at