ehealth radio network

Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Laura Carabello, Editor in Chief at Medical Travel & Digital Health News, the authoritative newsletter for medical tourism and digital health, to discuss international medical travel and Centers of Excellence during Medical Travel Month joins eHealth Radio and the Health News Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Laura Carabello discuss the following:
Tell us about Medical Travel & Digital Health News. How did it get started? What is it’s focus and global audience?
What is the significance of January Medical Travel Month?
Please describe international medical travel, inbound and outbound US medical travel.
Why do people travel for care? Why do employers adopt medical travel benefits?
What are the characteristics of US Centers of Excellence? What services are typically offered for medical travelers?
Will medical travel continue during COVID?
Laura Carabello, Chief Creative Officer, CPR Strategic Marketing Communications is an entrepreneur and strategy consultant in both domestic and international businesses related to healthcare, life sciences and medical devices, information technology, medical travel and managed care/benefits. Carabello has been instrumental in the growth and development of multiple companies and organizations both domestic and worldwide. She currently serves on the International Committee of the Self Insurance Institute of America (
Founder and principal owner of CPR Strategic Marketing and Communications, (, Carabello has more than 25 years' experience in business development, marketing, and corporate positioning. As strategy consultant, she has worked with over 1,000 companies, including public and private organizations. She also serves as a strategic advisor to public, private and not-for-profit entities, and has been invited by the US Federal Trade Commission to testify on healthcare advertising and marketing ethics. Carabello was recently tapped to develop special projects for Forbes magazine.
Carabello conducts marketing presentations at high profile industry conferences where she addresses issues impacting healthcare providers, payers, employers and other stakeholders involved in the ecosystem. She has been invited by multi-national governments, hospital systems, and private sector companies to present at international meetings on healthcare and benefits issues.
She is the publisher and managing editor of Medical Travel & Digital Health News, the authoritative, online business-to business international newsletter of the medical tourism industry ( as well as US Domestic Medical Travel (, the newsletter dedicated to US intra-state and inbound medical travel. In 2011, Carabello published Medical Travel Today: Opinions and Perspectives on an Industry in the Making. She also serves on the editorial board for the World Korean Medical Journal (WKMJ), a global organization of more than 140,000 Korean physicians dispersed throughout the world.
She has been invited for membership status in the Healthcare Women’s Leadership Trust, awarded the annual citation from the NJ Association of Women Business Owners; and was elected as a "Pioneer Woman of the 90s." She was named as a “Woman of Influence” by the YWCA of Bergen County, served on the Bergen County “YW” Board of Directors and was recently named a NJ business ICON by NJBIZ.
Ms. Carabello holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism from the Newhouse School of Communications at Syracuse University, and she is a candidate for a Master's Degree.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Linkedin: Twitter:

Friday Oct 15, 2021
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Alisha Moopen, Deputy Managing Director of Aster DM Healthcare, one of the largest private healthcare service providers operating in multiple GCC states and India with 27 hospitals, 115 clinics and 223+ pharmacies in seven countries joins eHealth and the Healthcare and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Alisha Moopen discuss the following:
What is your background?
How did you get involved with the Thought Leadership & Innovation Foundation (known as the TLI Foundation) as an executive with Aster DM Healthcare?
What will be role as a board member for the TLI Foundation in connection with your Aster work?
Could you provide our listeners with information about ASTER DM Healthcare and its worldwide reach?
What are your expansion plans in the Western Hemisphere – the Cayman Islands project? Give our listeners the timeline for launch and overview of services.
How will your services expand the options for more affordable, quality care?
Can you give some examples of ways that ASTER DM has helped undeserved populations – particularly children in need?
Are your services available to worldwide audiences and how many people typically take advantage of medical value travel to ASTER DM hospitals?
Alisha Moopen is the Deputy Managing Director of Aster DM Healthcare. Having joined the company as a Director in 2013, she is responsible for overseeing the strategic direction and development of the company, and notably spearheading the expansion of the group into new markets.
Alisha was recently elected by World Economic Forum as a Young Global Leader to join the class of 2018. Recognizing her past work in healthcare, she has been inducted into a 5-year program with like-minded people who are committed and passionate to tackle the main challenges of the world today, with healthcare being one of them. She was also recognized as one of the Top 100 World’s Greatest Leaders in Asia and GCC in 2018. Forbes Middle East magazine has selected Alisha as one of the Top Next Generation Indian Leaders in 2018. She also won Khaleej Times’ Emerging Leaders Award 2018 for Healthcare. She is a Chartered Accountant from the ICAS (Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland) and worked earlier with Ernst & Young.
She graduated from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor with distinction in Finance & Accounting.
Alisha’s philosophy in life is ‘Healthiness is Happiness’. She wants to enable quality healthcare across the globe through treating people with compassion, precision and excellence. She is dedicated to the cause of women empowerment and mental health. She believes in the diversity of workforce, strength in differences and focused on improving the glass ceilings at work for women. She was instrumental in launching the Women in Leadership program at Aster DM Healthcare which empowers talented and capable female employees with training and growth opportunities, to shape them for leadership roles.
She is also an active philanthropist, being a trustee of Aster DM Foundation and involved in social welfare through Aster Volunteers program which bridges the gap between people who would like to help with those in need.
Alisha Moopen is dedicated to ensuring that humanity leverages on advances in science as well as personal re-engineering of self, ranging from lifestyle choices to dealing with the external environment, to staying happy and healthy, both physically and mentally. She believes using technology can enable better health outcomes for population management through precision medicine, connected care and AI.
Social Media Links: Facebook: @AsterHealthcare Instagram: @asterhealthcare LinkedIn: Aster DM Healthcare Twitter: @ASTERHealthcare

Wednesday Jan 11, 2017
MedjetAssist: Your premier global air-medical transport provider
Wednesday Jan 11, 2017
Wednesday Jan 11, 2017
John Gobbels, the Chief Operating Officer/Vice President and transport expert for MedjetAssist, the premier global air-medical transport membership program for travelers which is a great supplement to travel insurance again joins eHealth Radio and the Travel Health Care Information Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest John Gobbels discuss the following:
What is MedjetAssist, and how does it compare/contrast to basic travel insurance?
What are some of the different kinds of Medjet memberships?
With the recent attack in Germany, we are reminded that travel safety is very important. How would a Medjet membership benefit a traveler in Berlin at that time?
As winter sports season has begun, would you recommend Medjet for skiers and snowboarders?
Would Medjet cover snowbirds or students studying abroad who are away from home for an extended period of time?
John Gobbels brings over 25 years of pre-hospital and hospital service and management experience to his role as vice president and COO of MedjetAssist. Since joining the premier air-medical transport membership program in 2006 as director of transport operations, Mr. Gobbels has been responsible for complete oversight of all transport and repatriation operations.
Before moving from his hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to Medjet’s headquarters in Birmingham, Alabama, Mr. Gobbels spent 13 years with STAT MedEvac, the air ambulance arm of the renowned University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC). During his tenure, he played integral roles in almost all aspects of the program, from base operations to communications and clinical operations.
For six years Mr. Gobbels served as clinical director of STAT MedEvac, overseeing compliance with the Commission on Air-Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS), as well as the continuing education requirements for all clinical staff. Previously, he was a flight nurse and paramedic. Mr. Gobbels began his career with UPMC in 1991 as a critical care nurse.
John Gobbels holds a Masters degree in Management and Information Technology from Carlow University in Pittsburgh, PA., as well as multiple degrees in health care.
Web Site:
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: @MedjetAssist

Friday Aug 05, 2016
MedjetAssist: Take Trips, Not Chances
Friday Aug 05, 2016
Friday Aug 05, 2016
John Gobbels, the Chief Operating Officer/Vice President and transport expert for MedjetAssist, the premier global air-medical transport membership program for travelers which is a great supplement to travel insurance again joins eHealth Radio and the Travel Health Care Information Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest John Gobbels discuss the following:What is MedjetAssist, and how does it compare/contrast to basic travel insurance? What is the main differentiator?What are some of the different kinds of Medjet memberships? Are they appropriate for both leisure and business travelers? Medical emergencies don't discriminate. Does Medjet see a wide range of transport types from all ages, gender and locations? Medjet recently launched a new Horizon membership called "Medjet Horizon" which includes more than just the medical evacuation portion. What exactly does this membership entail and how would it be beneficial for travelers, especially in light of recent terrorist attacks? What are a few of the most important precautions that families can take to protect themselves while traveling this summer?
Duration: 7:58
John Gobbels brings over 25 years of pre-hospital and hospital service and management experience to his role as vice president and COO of MedjetAssist. Since joining the premier air-medical transport membership program in 2006 as director of transport operations, Mr. Gobbels has been responsible for complete oversight of all transport and repatriation operations.
Before moving from his hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to Medjet’s headquarters in Birmingham, Alabama, Mr. Gobbels spent 13 years with STAT MedEvac, the air ambulance arm of the renowned University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC). During his tenure, he played integral roles in almost all aspects of the program, from base operations to communications and clinical operations.
For six years Mr. Gobbels served as clinical director of STAT MedEvac, overseeing compliance with the Commission on Air-Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS), as well as the continuing education requirements for all clinical staff. Previously, he was a flight nurse and paramedic. Mr. Gobbels began his career with UPMC in 1991 as a critical care nurse.
John Gobbels holds a Masters degree in Management and Information Technology from Carlow University in Pittsburgh, PA., as well as multiple degrees in health care.
Web Site:

Saturday Nov 07, 2015
MedjetAssist, a great supplement to travel insurance
Saturday Nov 07, 2015
Saturday Nov 07, 2015
John Gobbels, the Chief Operating Officer/Vice President and transport expert for MedjetAssist, the premier global air-medical transport membership program for travelers which is a great supplement to travel insurance again joins eHealth Radio and the Travel Health Care Information Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest John Gobbels discuss the following:What is MedjetAssist, and how is it different from travel insurance?Briefly describe some of the Medjet membership options that travelers can choose from.Medjet recently launched its newest membership upgrade option: Horizon. Can you tell me a little bit about what this entails in terms of additional protection for Medjet members?What types of injuries/illnesses does Medjet usually see when transporting a member? And what is the average price range of a transport for someone who is not a Medjet member where they would unfortunately have to pay out of pocket?With holiday travel soon approaching, what is the best Medjet option for families to enroll in?
Duration: 9:55
John Gobbels is the Chief Operating Officer/Vice President and transport expert for MedjetAssist, the premier global air-medical transport membership program for travelers. With an initial career as a critical care nurse, John brings over 25 years of pre-hospital and hospital service and management experience to his current role. He is responsible for complete oversight of all MedjetAssist’s transport and repatriation operations.
Web Site:

Tuesday Jun 23, 2015
Tuesday Jun 23, 2015
Diane Carbo RN and CEO of and who works with seniors to remain at home for as long as possible joins eHealth Radio and the Senior Care and Travel Health Care Channels. She and her team identified a need for a simple to use Medical ID system that provides specific health information for aging seniors.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Diane Carbo discuss the following:Can you tell me why personal health information is important when traveling?What is considered important personal information? What important information should be included? Who do you share your personal medical information with? How should a person store their personal health information?
Duration: 9:35
My name is Diane Carbo. I’m a licensed registered nurse with over 39 years experience practicing in a variety of organizations and community settings and as an advocate for older adults and their families.
My passion is to help people plan for long term health care needs.
This includes helping families with crisis management that requires
long term health care. The goal is to assist these individual’s to
remain independent and in their homes or a familiar surrounding for as
long as possible.
My commitment to enhance the lives of aging adults comes not only
from clinical experience, but from personal experience while caring for
my father and mother in law.
I was a very young woman, when I saw the mental and emotional decline
that occurred in my grandmother when my father and his brothers decided
it was time to place her in a nursing home. I vowed to do everything in
my power to assist my aging loved ones to stay at home as they aged.
My father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer at the age of 72. When
he was told that hospice was his only option, he was devastated. My
father was man of modest means, but he had a timeshare in Hawaii. He
saved and planned his vacation there every other year. This was the year
he was to go to Hawaii. His first thoughts were that he would have to
cancel his trip.
I asked my father to wait and see how he was feeling before he
cancelled his trip. I explained the role of hospice was not so much
about dying, as it was about how you chose to live your life before you
A few weeks later, my father spent 6 weeks in Hawaii on hospice. His
mental, emotional and physical health improved so much the first week
that the nurses felt that he did not require their services. My dad
started feeling sick they & just before he was to return home to the
mainland. He died at home several weeks later surrounded by his family
and friends. I believe he lasted as long as he did because he was
mentally, spiritually and emotionally uplifted by his ability live out
his dream of taking his last trip.
I have a passion for helping aging adults realize their goal of remaining at home as they age.
I have a strong belief that aging adults do better, live longer and
healthier lives surrounded by their loved ones and familiar
surroundings. My work in senior behavioral health, Assisted Living, Long
Term Care and Home care made me aware of the struggles family members
caring for some one at home with dementia struggle and feel
misunderstood, alone and unsupported.
I came to experience and understand the frustration so many
experience along the caregiving journey. From this knowledge and my
passion to help others, it is the goal of this site to help family
caregivers and individuals suffering from dementia have an experience
that will enhance the care partner/care recipient relationship. As the
dementia progresses, it is my goal to develop a trust and confidence in
the care partner so that they will communicate effectively to build the
dementia patient’s sense of well being. Person centered care,
activities, mindfulness and validation therapy are all effective
approaches to use as the increasing challenges of communicating. The
person with dementia progressively loses the ability to remember
things, to organize, or even to express their thoughts. I look forward
to working with you to make your caregiving journey the best possible
experience it can be. Please do not have delusions, there are some very
difficult times ahead. Together, we can create an experience that will
enhance the relationship you and for your family member with dementia.
Websites: |

Saturday May 23, 2015
Saturday May 23, 2015
Tina Aldatz and Margie Floris, Co-Founders of Savvy Traveler join eHealth Radio and the Health News and Travel Channels to share with you the newest "on-the-go" travel "must have" products that keep us all healthy while traveling!
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guests Tina Aldatz and Margie Floris discuss the following:We have learned that you are best friends in business! Tina, how have you managed to keep a healthy working relationship with Margie Floris your partner after all these years?So you both built the now global company Foot Petals, can you tell us what Savvy Traveler is?Since you both travel all the time, what is the one thing you were most shocked to learn about as far as facts about germs, and surface bacteria on planes?What is your best seller so far from all the individually packed towelettes Savvy Traveler has created?What is next for Savvy Traveler, will we see the product in airports? Any new products on the horizon?
Duration: 9:26
Tina Aldatz and her best friend Margie Floris are Co-Founders of the newest "must have" travel products, making traveling simple, smart, and safe. The company is called Savvy Traveler and the website is Savvy Traveler is a premier lifestyle brand offering daily use products in convenient kits and single-use packets that are disposable, eco-friendly and made in CA! Savvy Traveler is dedicated to overall travel wellness while offering stylish lifestyle components for both personal and surface use. They are high performance products that are individually packed in a disposable towelette form that remove 99% of surface contamination. Savvy Traveler, American-made products with a modern design, help consumers carry all of their must-haves while they travel for a healthy, easy, on-the-go experience. Keeping travelers healthy for all their destinations!
TINA ALDATZ, Entrepreneur and CEO, made her mark on the world as a self-starting entrepreneur and founder of Foot Petals, the revolutionary line of designer insole cushions for women's high heels. As a child, Tina severely burned her feet after accidently stepping on buried hot coals at the beach. From her foot injury, Tina created Foot Petals to help fill a gap in the market for women?s high-heeled foot support. Through her strength and tenacity, Foot Petals became a successful multi-million dollar company that was recognized by Inc. 500 as one of the "500 fastest growing companies in America". Tina is a true pediatric burn survivor who has taken a horrific tragedy and turned it into her destiny. Tina has also been featured in Forbes Magazine as an "entrepreneur to watch" and was honored to become the 2011 National Latina Business Women Association's (NLBWA) "Business Woman of the Year".
Currently, Tina is the CEO of Savvy Traveler, a premier lifestyle brand dedicated to the health and wellness of the on-the-go consumer. Savvy Traveler is launching a revolutionary line of products intended to make the life of a jetsetter more clean and convenient. Recently, Tina authored her first book, "From Stilettos to the Stock Exchange", an autobiographical telling of her life and business, from concept to creation.
Tina is also an activist in her community. As a member of the Board of Directors for Hispanic 100 and Chairwoman of its highly regarded Mentor Program, she is dedicated to inspiring others and believes that success comes from within. The goal of the mentor program is to help young, goal orientated Latinos between the ages of 18 and 24 become successful in business and civic engagement through mentored relationships with successful Hispanic professionals. Tina has also volunteered and helped organizations around her community like Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Orange County, Girls Inc., and in 2011 Foot Petals created an endowment through the Two Ten Foundation, focusing solely on scholarships for Women in the Footwear Industry (WIFI).
Tina is a strong advocate for change with regard to immigration policy in the United States. She is as an Executive Producer for Frontera, a very poignant film starring Eva Longoria and Ed Harris that brings to light the controversial and ongoing debate regarding illegal immigration along the U.S. and Mexican border. Tina believes it is crucial to remember what every immigrant is seeking?opportunity.Tina is driven to inspire women in all walks of life to pursue the American dream. She strives to motivate and assist women in business to bring their power and passion to reality.
Margarita "Margie" Floris is a self-made, successful businesswoman and entrepreneur with an extensive career in the fashion, accessories and footwear industries. As a pioneer in her field, she has established herself as a leading woman in the fashion industry through her experience in sales and management. After acquiring her degree in marketing and management from the Tobe Coburn School of Fashion in New York, Margie became the international sales manager for BCBG Max Azria and led the management of launching its cutting-edge product line throughout the United Kingdom and parts of the Middle East, Hong Kong, Central and South America.
In 2001, Margie joined long time friend, Tina Aldatz, taking the footwear industry by storm through the launching of their innovative line of custom insoles for women's high heels, Foot Petals. Margie was instrumental in globally growing the Foot Petals brand through her dedication, hard work and professionalism in developing and maintaining key relationships that enabled Foot Petals to be acquired by a publicly traded company. Through her direct management, Foot Petals consistently exhibited consistent and positive growth year after year.
Margie is also actively involved in the promotion of women in business; having helped fund the very first endowment fund for Two Ten's Women in Footwear Industry by providing college scholarships to young women looking to succeed in the footwear business. She is also a member of the Cosmetic Executive Women, serves as a mentor for Hispanic 100, and is a founding partner and board member of Apparel Insiders LLC. Apparel Insiders is a media company founded in 2010 that publishes both an online and print magazine delivering an inside perspective of the contemporary fashion industry.
Currently, Margie has joined business partner Aldatz, once again, as President of Savvy Traveler, a premier lifestyle brand dedicated to the health and wellness of the on-the-go consumer. Savvy Traveler showcases a revolutionary line of products intended to make the life of a jetsetter more clean and convenient by offering smart, safe and simple solutions. Margie continues to strive to be at the forefront of the fashion industry by creating unique, innovative solutions for today's consumers.

Friday Apr 03, 2015
Some common misperceptions about regular travel insurance
Friday Apr 03, 2015
Friday Apr 03, 2015
John Gobbels, the Chief Operating Officer/Vice President and transport expert for MedjetAssist, the premier global air-medical transport membership program for travelers including college students once again joins eHealth Radio and the Travel Health Care Information Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest John Gobbels discuss the following:What is MedjetAssist and how does it work?What are some common misperceptions about regular travel insurance, and how does Medjet fit in?What types of medical emergencies does Medjet typically handle? What are some of the different types of memberships that Medjet offers?What is the cost of a basic annual individual Medjet membership compared to the average cost range that non-members pay if they need a transport?Now that it’s springtime and families are starting to plan their summer vacations, how does the Medjet family membership work and what does it entail?
Duration: 6:36
John Gobbels brings over 23 years of pre-hospital and hospital service and management experience to his role as vice president and COO of MedjetAssist.
Since joining the premier medical evacuation membership program in 2006 as director of transport operations, Mr. Gobbels has been responsible for complete oversight of all transport and repatriation operations.
Before moving from his hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to Medjet’s headquarters in Birmingham, Alabama, Mr. Gobbels spent 13 years with STAT MedEvac, the air ambulance arm of the renowned University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC). During his tenure, he played integral roles in almost all aspects of the program, from base operations to communications and clinical operations.
For six years Mr. Gobbels served as clinical director of STAT MedEvac, overseeing compliance with the Commission on Air-Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS), as well as the continuing education requirements for all clinical staff. Previously, he was a flight nurse and paramedic. Mr. Gobbels began his career with UPMC in 1991 as a critical care nurse.
Mr. Gobbels holds a Masters degree in Management and Information Technology from Carlow University in Pittsburgh, PA., as well as multiple degrees in health care.
Web Site:

Saturday Nov 08, 2014
Take Trips, not Chances with MedjetAssist
Saturday Nov 08, 2014
Saturday Nov 08, 2014
John Gobbels, the Chief Operating Officer/Vice President and transport expert for MedjetAssist, the premier global air-medical transport membership program for travelers including college students once again joins eHealth Radio and the Travel Health Care Information Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest John Gobbels discuss the following:What is MedjetAssist, and how is it different from regular travel insurance?If someone is not a Medjet member and they happen to have a medical emergency while traveling and need a transport, what is the average cost range they could potentially face?What types of medical emergencies does Medjet typically handle? Describe an example of a recent one.What are the different types of Medjet memberships? Are there both short-term and annual memberships?Do you see an equal number of leisure and business transports or is one more predominant over another?
Duration: 8:26
John Gobbels brings over 23 years of pre-hospital and hospital service and management experience to his role as vice president and COO of MedjetAssist. Since joining the premier medical evacuation membership program in 2006 as director of transport operations, Mr. Gobbels has been responsible for complete oversight of all transport and repatriation operations.
Before moving from his hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to Medjet’s headquarters in Birmingham, Alabama, Mr. Gobbels spent 13 years with STAT MedEvac, the air ambulance arm of the renowned University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC). During his tenure, he played integral roles in almost all aspects of the program, from base operations to communications and clinical operations.
For six years Mr. Gobbels served as clinical director of STAT MedEvac, overseeing compliance with the Commission on Air-Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS), as well as the continuing education requirements for all clinical staff. Previously, he was a flight nurse and paramedic. Mr. Gobbels began his career with UPMC in 1991 as a critical care nurse.
Mr. Gobbels holds a Masters degree in Management and Information Technology from Carlow University in Pittsburgh, PA., as well as multiple degrees in health care.
Web Site:
Twitter: @MedjetAssist

Saturday Sep 27, 2014
Obedo Neck and Back Cradle, the latest compact and comfortable travel pillow
Saturday Sep 27, 2014
Saturday Sep 27, 2014
Gordon Hsu, CTO and CFO of Obedo Enterprises and their new product the Obedo Neck and Back Cradle, the latest compact and comfortable travel pillow joins eHealth Radio Health and Travel Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Gordon Hsu discuss the following:Why was the OBedo Neck & Back Cradle developed?How is the Obedo Neck & Back Cradle different from any other travel pillow?Where can you use this?What are customers saying about it?Any other final points here in conclusion?
Duration: 5:05
Gordon Hsu spent his first career in the information technology field as a software developer and in his second career as a CPA. In his last position, he was Corporate Controller for a New York listed public company with a global reach in container vessel construction and management with a billion in assets. Throughout his two careers, Gordon has been involved in many challenging projects and have been able to think creatively to solve various problems. In his personal life, his priority is to maintain a healthy and happy home life with his wife and two kids.
Significant air travel throughout his life, long camping drives and a particular photo created the inspiration for the Obedo Neck & Back Cradle and with that idea he approached his respected partner with the idea and it was well received. Thus his third career as a product developer began with the seal of approval…from the wife.
Web Site: