ehealth radio network

Thursday Mar 13, 2025
Thursday Mar 13, 2025
Brian Seth Hurst, an acclaimed author, speaker, and transformation coach whose book WHOLE has inspired countless individuals to achieve personal growth and inner peace joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Personal Development Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Matt Goldstein discuss the following:
What inspired you to write WHOLE, and how does it guide readers toward self-transformation and better health?
Can you share one belief or practice from your book that listeners can implement today to improve their mental or emotional well-being?
Many people struggle with stress and uncertainty. What advice do you have for finding balance and maintaining inner peace in challenging times?
The new Companion Workbook that accompanies WHOLE offers practical exercises. Can you walk us through one exercise that you love most?
How does the audiobook format enhance the experience of WHOLE, especially for busy individuals looking to focus on their well-being?
For someone just beginning their journey toward self-improvement, what is the first step you recommend to start becoming 'whole'?
Brian Seth Hurst wasn’t in his university’s philosophy class the day metaphysics was defined. Little did he know that discovering what lies beyond the visible world would become a lifelong avocation. Balancing the study of life with the business of life has led Brian to describe himself as a “metapractical” man.
Hurst had essentially two professional sides to his life—one as a successful entertainment executive, and the other as an intuitive counselor and coach. For years, these roles remained separate until a wake-up call led to the creation of "WHOLE," a collection of powerful essays that examines how beliefs serve, or do not serve, us in our lives, how those beliefs can be transformed to change our circumstances, and the power of the ultimate connection to Source.
A well-regarded international entertainment professional and prominent figure in the world of media, storytelling, and immersive experiences, he is known for his work as a producer, strategist, and writer, with a focus on pioneering new forms of content and storytelling techniques. Hurst has been at the forefront of the intersection between traditional media and emerging technologies, particularly in areas like virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and cross-platform storytelling. He has held leadership positions at The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, and the Producers Guild of America.
As a transition and transformation coach Hurst draws on his 40 years of experience in the areas of business and personal growth. His WHOLE Lifeworks™ program has empowered people in all walks of life to define their purpose and meaningful work in their lives.
Brian’s last literary adventure was as co-author, alongside Olivia Newton-John, of the best-selling children’s book “A Pig Tale.”
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: Youtube: TikTok:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.
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Saturday Nov 19, 2022
Social Media & The Wellness Industry
Saturday Nov 19, 2022
Saturday Nov 19, 2022
Megan Adolph, a health and wellness expert and the Founder of Wholistic Wanders, a wellness brand that inspires others to prioritize physical and emotional fitness through healthy lifestyle routines, nutrition, nature, and adventure on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and other digital channels joins eHealth Radio and the Health & Wellness and Health Marketing Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Megan Adolph discuss the following:
How can businesses in the health and wellness space use social media to grow their business? How do they create content that potential customers want to see?
What if a company has trouble creating education content? Is there a strategy or guide that can help them get ideas?
If our listeners want to see an example of a health and wellness company that’s using social media correctly, which company should they check out on Facebook or Instagram?
Does Zuma Nutrition use influencers in social media marketing?
For audience members who aren't familiar with social media influencers, can you tell us what a social media influencer is and how health and wellness companies work with them?
Megan Adolph is the founder of Wholistic Wanders, a digital content creator and influencer that inspires others to prioritize physical and emotional fitness through healthy lifestyle routines, nutrition, nature, and adventure. Megan holds a Bachelor's Degree in Kinesiology & Exercise Science and is a Certified Health Coach certified by the Institute of Integrative Nutrition.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram:

Saturday Oct 01, 2022
The MindZen Method™, a mindset wellbeing program for challenging times
Saturday Oct 01, 2022
Saturday Oct 01, 2022
Dr. Steve Woodbury, Founder and Director of the MindZen Method™, providing personal and group-based Mind and High -Performance Well-Being programs joins eHealth Radio and the Mental Health and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Steve Woodbury discuss the following:
Tell me about your passion(s).
What motivates you in your work as a MindZen Practitioner?
I know you are also a best-selling artist. How do you integrate your MindZen practice with your creative pursuits as an artist?
How does your approach differ from other countless services currently available for mind and mental heath challenges?
How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted on health and the wellbeing of your clients and the people engaging your professional help?
How important are mentors/coaches in your personal and professional growth?
Dr. Woodbury is an award-winning MindZen practioner who creates well-being solutions for people and their organisations.
Before we commence our program he conducts an assessment of an individual’s current position across the domains of personality, social connectedness, physical health, and mental health.
Dr. Woodbury works with each person to uniquely identify how their current lifestyle is preventing them from achieving their goals and then an individualized program is developed in consultation with them to plot, review, and achieve individual well-being.
Contact on Linkedin:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Proven Steps for Deep Restful Sleep & Avoid Sleepless Nights for Good
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Pradeep Kumar, the Co-Founder of The Art of Self Healing, a company that takes Indian wisdom with a holistic approach to help people maintain and improve their health & wellness joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Sleep Health Channels.
Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Pradeep Kumar discuss the following:
What are the five steps/rituals for better sleep?
What are the seven breathing techniques before going to sleep?
What are the 10 Sleep codes?
What are the external factors to avoid when preparing to sleep?
How do emotions play in our sleep?
Pradeep Kumar a wellness mentor, entrepreneur, coach, Reiki master, chromotherapy practitioner, and acupressure therapist. He is certified in Upanishadic studies and together with his wife Trupti Shah founded The Art of Self-Healing. They are also co-authors of Sleep Code: Renew Your Lifestyle, Recode Your Mind and Restore Your Sleep, an international best-seller.
Social Media Links: Instagram: Facebook: Linkedin:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Monday Dec 06, 2021
Health Leadership in Changing Times
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Stuart Polwarth, Founder and Director of Stuart Polwarth Wellness Advisory providing personal values-based holistic health coaching joins eHealth Radio and the Health & Wellness Coaching Channel.
Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Stuart Polwarth discuss the following:
Tell me about your background and what led you to Stuart Polwarth Wellness Advisory?
What motivates you in your work as a holistic wellness coach?
What was the catalyst for your transition from traditional approaches used in physical fitness and mental health support to a personal values-based holistic wellness coach?
How does your approach differ from other services currently available for holistic wellness coaching?
How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted on health and wellness coaching?
How important are mentors/coaches in your personal and professional growth and how have they influenced how your holistic wellness service has developed?
I am an award-winning mental health advisor who creates holistic wellness solutions for people and their organisations..
Before we commence I conduct an assessment of an individual’s current position across the domains of personality, social connectedness, physical health, and mental health.
I work with each person to identify how their current lifestyle is preventing them from achieving their goals and then an individualised program is developed in consultation with them to plot, review, and achieve individual wellbeing.
Website: (Coming)
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Stress Management with Kerrie Denton
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Kerrie Denton from Sydney Australia who is an International Speaker, Health Coach and Published Author again joins eHealth Radio and the Health & Wellness Coaching Channel. She has her own online health coaching business and has created her own personal development tool kits which are in global demand.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Kerrie Denton discuss the following:
We have all heard of stress, but how would you describe what stress actually is?
What are some of the signs that we may be suffering from too much stress?
Can you give us some practical coping strategies that we can implement into our daily lives?
How does healthy eating and physical exercise help when you are suffering from stress?
What are your best tips for stress management?
Kerrie Denton is an International Speaker, TV Personality and Published Author. She has over 25 years of experience working in Women's Health and specializes in personal development and preventative health care. Kerrie is also an International Certified Master NLP Practitioner and is most passionate about promoting the importance of mental health.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Tuesday May 18, 2021
Emotional Fitness & Wellbeing with Kerrie Denton
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Kerrie Denton from Sydney Australia who is an International Speaker, Health Coach and Published Author joins eHealth Radio and the Health & Wellness Coaching Channel. She has her own online health coaching business and has created her own personal development tool kits which are in global demand.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Kerrie Denton discuss the following:
You are a Women's Health Practitioner and Mindset Mentor. Can I ask how the two can work together successfully?
I see you are passionate about Health Literacy. Why is this important to you?
You work a lot mentoring women as to how to achieve and maintain positive energy. Your process is based on holistic health care. Could you please explain this?
How does Positive Psychology influence health outcomes?
Could you please give us 3 tips as to how to develop that unbreakable mindset?
Kerrie Denton is an International Speaker, TV Personality and Published Author. She has over 25 years of experience working in Women's Health and specializes in personal development and preventative health care. Kerrie is also an International Certified Master NLP Practitioner and is most passionate about promoting the importance of mental health.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Saturday Apr 17, 2021
Health for longevity and self-actualisation with Krissy Regan
Saturday Apr 17, 2021
Saturday Apr 17, 2021
Krissy Regan, The Wellness Poet and Founder of Mindful Mums Queensland, an author, speaker and Wellness Coach based in Townsville, Queensland, Australia again joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Health & Wellness Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Krissy Regan discuss the following:
Why is good health necessary to enable us to self-actualise?
What life-style factors can be changed most simply in order to foster good health?
What do you see is the future of health-care?
What benefits can people gain from enrolling in your online Wellness School?
If you could give one piece of advice to someone wanting to improve their health what would that be?
Summary: Decide that you want to be healthy – for YOU! It’s not a luxury to be healthy, it’s a necessity and your health should be non-negotiable. With good health, anything is possible in your life and learning tools that can help you gain and attain good health is the best investment you can make.
Krissy Regan is an Author, Speaker, Wellness Coach and Founder of Mindful Mums Queensland. In 2020 Krissy published her self-help, health and well-being book called; Broken to Unbreakable, 12 Steps to an Unbreakable Mind, Body & Spirit.
In 2021 Krissy launched her Online Wellness School with her signature program; 12 Steps to an Unbreakable Mind, Body and Spirit.
Krissy believes that health and well-being can be learned by each and everyone of us, and we can all develop the tools to get healthy and stay healthy.
Krissy studied Exercise Science and Sports Management and has lived and worked in more than 7 countries. She currently resides in a regional city of Australia called Townsville where she spends her time educating herself and others about the importance of health, well-being, self-care and embracing a wellness mindset.
Krissy admits that lifestyle choices and our own beliefs can often keep us trapped in a negative health cycle and when we choose to change that cycle it takes commitment, consistency and a willingness to challenge our own thinking and beliefs on health.
Krissy is mum to 2 young children and her desire is to empower parents to care for their own needs each day so they can be healthy role models to future generations.
Social Media Links:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Saturday Mar 27, 2021
Finding Sense of Self as a Self-Sacrificing Person with Krissy Regan
Saturday Mar 27, 2021
Saturday Mar 27, 2021
Krissy Regan, The Wellness Poet and Founder of Mindful Mums Queensland, an author, speaker and Wellness Coach based in Townsville, Queensland, Australia again joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Health & Wellness Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Krissy Regan discuss the following:
What is a Self-Sacrificing Person?
Why is that a Self-Sacrificing Person will generally compromise their well-being for others?
How does a person who has compromised their health through giving to others start to turn things around?
What 3 steps would you encourage someone to take to feel empowered for their own health and well-being?
How is it that very giving people who are self-sacrificing often feel like victims?
Summary: If you notice your health and well-being suffering because you are a very giving person ask yourself this question. What would happen if I was not here?
Krissy Regan is an Author, Speaker, Wellness Coach and Founder of Mindful Mums Queensland. In 2020 Krissy published her self-help, health and well-being book called; Broken to Unbreakable, 12 Steps to an Unbreakable Mind, Body & Spirit.
In 2021 Krissy launched her Online Wellness School with her signature program; 12 Steps to an Unbreakable Mind, Body and Spirit.
Krissy believes that health and well-being can be learned by each and everyone of us, and we can all develop the tools to get healthy and stay healthy.
Krissy studied Exercise Science and Sports Management and has lived and worked in more than 7 countries. She currently resides in a regional city of Australia called Townsville where she spends her time educating herself and others about the importance of health, well-being, self-care and embracing a wellness mindset.
Krissy admits that lifestyle choices and our own beliefs can often keep us trapped in a negative health cycle and when we choose to change that cycle it takes commitment, consistency and a willingness to challenge our own thinking and beliefs on health.
Krissy is mum to 2 young children and her desire is to empower parents to care for their own needs each day so they can be healthy role models to future generations.
Social Media Links:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Thinking our way to Good Health with Krissy Regan
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Krissy Regan, The Wellness Poet and Founder of Mindful Mums Queensland, an author, speaker and Wellness Coach based in Townsville, Queensland, Australia again joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Health & Wellness Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Krissy Regan discuss the following:
Why do you think people don’t prioritize their health and well-being as part of life?
Tell us about Maslow’s Heirarchy of Human Needs and why it’s important on a journey to well-being?
How does fear based thinking play a role in our health?
How do our conditioned beliefs stop us achieving optimal health and well-being?
Summary: When we are mindful of our thoughts, feelings and behaviors we can start to make healthier choices in our life as we understand why we think what we think, why we feel what we feel and why we do what we do. We need to unlearn patterns and behaviors that are unhelpful and unhealthy and learn new patterns and behaviors that support us. And it all starts with what we think about!
Krissy Regan is an Author, Speaker, Wellness Coach and Founder of Mindful Mums Queensland. In 2020 Krissy published her self-help, health and well-being book called; Broken to Unbreakable, 12 Steps to an Unbreakable Mind, Body & Spirit.
In 2021 Krissy launched her Online Wellness School with her signature program; 12 Steps to an Unbreakable Mind, Body and Spirit.
Krissy believes that health and well-being can be learned by each and everyone of us, and we can all develop the tools to get healthy and stay healthy.
Krissy studied Exercise Science and Sports Management and has lived and worked in more than 7 countries. She currently resides in a regional city of Australia called Townsville where she spends her time educating herself and others about the importance of health, well-being, self-care and embracing a wellness mindset.
Krissy admits that lifestyle choices and our own beliefs can often keep us trapped in a negative health cycle and when we choose to change that cycle it takes commitment, consistency and a willingness to challenge our own thinking and beliefs on health.
Krissy is mum to 2 young children and her desire is to empower parents to care for their own needs each day so they can be healthy role models to future generations.
Social Media Links:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.