ehealth radio network

Sunday Mar 17, 2019
It is time to be Ear Responsible! Enjoy your water passions without the pain
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Brian Connors, Director at SwimSeal Australasia that markets a unique product that protects the ear from pain and infections caused by water being trapped in the ear joins eHealth Radio and the Ear Health and Health News Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Brian Connors discuss the following:
What is SwimSeal Protective Ear Drops?
Does it treat or prevent Swimmers Ear?
What is the unmet need that SwimSeal Protective Ear Drops is addressing? How big of an issue is this?
How are people dealing with this before the availability of SwimSeal?
How adequate are these current practices?
How do you use SwimSeal?
What is in it? (what are the components of SwimSeal)?
Who will most benefit from SwimSeal? A
re there any precautions or contraindication?
Does it build up in the ear? How does it get out?
After working in the medical device sector for over 25 years Brian saw the opportunity to introduce a new product into the Australian and Asian markets to protect ears against ear pain and infections caused by repeated exposure to water or by water being trapped in the ear after being in the water or even after showering.
After researching the market, Brian realised that the aural (ear) sector was underserved, especially in the area of prevention of water related pain and infection. Conservative estimates are that 2% of the population suffer from and infection each years and thousands more suffer pain and irritation form exposure to water.
The product, SWIMSEAL PROTECTIVE EAR DROPS was developed in conjunction with Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) medical specialists and uses a unique formulation of medical grade silicone and Australian Tea Tree Oil. It works as an upfront preventative against ear pain and infections and is safe to use for all ages from 6 months. With this background and with regulatory approval in the markets where the product is sold you can have peace of mind that it is safe to use.
It is the perfect companion for anyone who enjoys water sports - swimming, surfing, scuba diving and snorkelling, water polo synchronised swimming fact any water based activity has a need for SWIMSEAL.
In addition it is ideal for mum’s and their little ones to ensure that bath time and water play times do not turn into interrupted nights and unnecessary visits to the doctor to treat painful ear infections.
Until now people have used products to try to treat retained water with little success. In fact most of these products are alcohol based and cause more harm than good!
Now with SwimSeal people can be ”ear responsible” not irresponsible and stop water causing damage to their ears.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram:

Saturday Feb 16, 2019
Don't neglect your hearing this 2019
Saturday Feb 16, 2019
Saturday Feb 16, 2019
Sydney-based audiologist, Emma Beedell joins eHealth Radio and the Hearing Health and Health News Channels to share what people misunderstand about their hearing and what it’s like to be an audiologist.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Emma Beedell discuss the following:
Please tell the audience a bit about your background and how you ended up a leading audiologist?
Much of our audience may not realise what acute hearing audiologists are experts in, could you tell us a little about the main reasons patients come to your clinic?
What have you found is the biggest myth when it comes to ear wax removal for the average patient?
Why are regular hearing tests important, and how often should we have our hearing tested?
What advice would you give out audience to ensure that they don’t neglect their hearing in 2019?
Emma Beedell is an Audiologist, BSpHSc, MClinAud, MAudA(CCP).
Graduated from Macquarie University with a Bachelor of Speech and Hearing sciences and a Master of Clinical Audiology.
Emma has recently moved back home after working in Canberra for a few years. She enjoys working with clients of all ages but loves working with children.
Emma is passionate about providing information to clients to help them make informed decisions. She can support you through the hearing journey from testing to the fitting of a hearing aid, should it be necessary. Emma was a wide variety of knowledge across different products.
In her spare time, Emma enjoys a good book and taking her dog to the dog park.
Emma is an Audiology Australia accredited audiologist.
About Collective Care:
Located in Sydney’s rapidly growing north west (Bella Vista), our patients come to us from across the wider Sydney and New South Wales area. That’s because our clinics are led by trained and experienced medical staff. Our doctors and nurses are provided with ongoing mentoring, training, and development to ensure we are able to offer our patients the very best in care.
We also believe in the principle that quality healthcare should be accessible to all, so patients are offered access to Medicare rebatable service and reasonably priced consultations and procedures with one of our advanced trained General Practitioners.
For conditions that require the views of specialists or surgeons or other inter-speciality health professionals, our unique collective care case conferences give patients the reassurance of seeing their healthcare team connected to co-manage their condition with their collective expertise.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram:

Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
ENT and Allergy Associates LLP Celebrates 20 Years of Continued Growth
Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
Robert Glazer, CEO of ENT and Allergy Associates, the largest ear, nose and throat, allergy, audiology practice in the country, which consists of more than 200 physicians practicing in 42 office locations in the Tri-State area joins eHealth Radio and the Allergy & Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Robert Glazer discuss the following:
ENT and Allergy Associates is celebrating its 20th anniversary since its inception. Congratulations! What are a few major successes the practice has had in this time frame in terms of growth?
What are the services that ENT and Allergy offers?
What are the benefits of ENT and Allergy, and how does your organization differ from other competing practices in the country in terms of physician care, technology, and so forth?
With October being "National Audiology Awareness Month" and "National Protect Your Hearing Month," what is one of the most important pieces of information that consumers should know regarding this topic?
ENT and Allergy sees more than 80,000 patients per month and is expanding its geographic footprint in the Tri-State area. Can you tell us a little bit about these expansion plans/goals?
Mr. Glazer is responsible for the overall operation for ENT and Allergy Assoc., LLP and focuses his attention on physician recruitment, mergers and acquisitions and strategic planning of the organization. Mr. Glazer is an ad-hoc member of all Board Committees and reports directly to the President of the group. ENTA consists of 200 MDs with 43 locations in the NY/NJ metro region. Mr. Glazer joined ENT and Allergy Associates (ENTA) in December, 1997 and has over Forty (40) years of healthcare administrative experience in finance and operations, information technology, managed care contracting, mergers and acquisitions, physician recruitment and healthcare marketing. OASIS – Otolaryngology/Allergy Specialty Insurance Services , a self funded self insured Medical Malpractice Captive was formed by the partners at ENTA in 2008, Mr. Glazer serves as the Vice President/ Secretary of this Vermont domiciled insurance company. He has served on the Leadership Council as President - Association of Otolaryngology Administrators (AOA) and has participated on ad-hoc committees of the American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS). He is a Board Member of the Westchester County Association – a fortune 500 business think tank. Mr. Glazer is an Adjunct Professor at Pace University Graduate Program for Public Administration - Health Policy. In 2015, Fordham University appointed Mr. Glazer as Program Coordinator of their Healthcare Career Workshop Program. He is also on the visiting faculty for Iona College. In 2016, he was re- appointed to the NYS Ninth Judicial District BAR Grievance Committee for a four year term.
Prior to joining ENTA, Mr. Glazer worked as a hospital administrator at New York University Medical Center (1976-1985) where he was a Departmental Controller, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center (1985-1993) where he served as the Treasurer, New York United Medical Center (1993-1996) where he was the Senior Director of Finance and Business Development. Mr. Glazer transitioned to physician practice management in 1996 where he was the Vice President of Administration for ProHealth Associates, a multi-specialty sports medicine practice in Long Island. Mr. Glazer has a BS in Business Administration from the State University of New York and a Masters in Public Administration – Health Care-New York University.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter Link: @ENT_and_Allergy

Thursday Jul 19, 2018
The new way to get hearing aids with Dr. Elaine Saunders
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Dr. Elaine Saunders, audiologist, biomedical engineer, and Executive Chairman of award-winning Australian telehealth and hearing aid company, Blamey Saunders hears joins eHealth Radio and the Hearing Health Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Elaine Saunders discuss the following:
How does an online hearing solution work?
How can you test hearing online?
What can we expect in regards to the appearance of hearing aids today?
Hearing aids are always quoted as very expensive - with premium devices upwards of $10k. Are they really worth that investment?
If someone is starting to have trouble hearing in restaurants and some situations where it is noisy - what advantages would they get from having a hearing aid, most would rather just put up with it?
Tip: I suggest listeners get hearing aids as soon as they find difficulty hearing, in order to make sure the brain gets enough brain stimulation for hearing speech sounds
Dr. Elaine Saunders B.Sc., M.Sc. (Clinical Audiology), PhD, GAICD, Grad Dip Mgt. (Technology)Dr. Elaine Saunders is co-founder and Executive Chairman of Blamey Saunders hears, a hearing aid and telehealth company. Elaine is an advocate for people with hearing loss and aims to reduce the barriers to quality hearing care and hearing aids. Elaine was co-founder and former CEO of Dynamic Hearing Pty Ltd (now part of Cirrus Logic), a company which supplies award winning digital signal processing for ultra-low power chips for the hearing aid and Bluetooth headset industry.
In May 2018 the Blamey Saunders’ Australian designed and manufactured Facett™ modular hearing aid won the Australian Good Design of the Year Award, CSIRO Innovation Award and was Best in Class for the Social Impact and Medical/Scientific design categories. It also won a Gold Medal at the Melbourne Design Awards and three Australian Information Industry Association iAwards. In 2015 the Blamey Saunders IHearYou® self-fit hearing aid system received the Australian Good Design Award for Social Innovation. Elaine’s recent personal awards include the BioMelbourne Network’s Women in Leadership Award (2015), AFR/Westpac’s 100 Women of Influence (2015) and the ATSE Clunies Ross Medal for Entrepreneur of the Year (2016). She also led the Cooperative Research Centre team that developed a new electrode for Cochlear Ltd, leading to the company gaining the Australian Design Award in 2000.
Elaine is Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology, Swinburne University and Chair of its Innovation Precinct Advisory Board. She is a Non-Executive Director of the Australian National Fabrication Facility (ANFF) and of the Australian Innovation Research Group (AIRG), and a former Non-Executive Director of Alfred Health.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter:

Monday Apr 09, 2018
The art of producing low cost hearing aids
Monday Apr 09, 2018
Monday Apr 09, 2018
Aaron Wesel the CEO of Century Hearing Aids, that has mastered the art of producing low cost hearing aids to better assist people, in that order joins eHealth Radio and the Hearing Health and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Aaron Wesel discuss the following:
Can you tell the listeners a little about your background and how you got to Century Hearing Aids.
What makes Century Hearing Aids different from other hearing aid manufacturers?
How has the Over-The-Counter Hearing Aid Act passed last?
Do you serve the pediatric market? If so, what makes this market different than adults with hearing loss?
When can our listeners find out more information about your products?
Aaron Wesel is the CEO of Century Hearing Aids and mastered the art of producing low cost hearing aids to better assist people, in that order. Once he realized that many of his family close to him needed hearing aids but were not getting them due to the difficulties involved, he pursued many different paths to try to help them. His pet company,, was born from this passion.
For seven years, he has been providing the same hearing aids that cost thousands at the audiologist to his online customers for a fraction of the cost, possible to the extremely low overhead. Thankfully, he has helped hundreds of people over the years get themselves hearing aids that work just right for them, and knows many of his customers on a first name basis. That said, when it comes to dealing with some people in his daily life, he just removes his hearing aids.

Friday Jun 23, 2017
What is the risk in doing nothing about hearing loss?
Friday Jun 23, 2017
Friday Jun 23, 2017
Andrew Lekashman, business expansion manager at ASI Audiology (ASI) that provides hearing healthcare to those with hearing loss in Iowa and now some locations in Kansas & Missouri joins eHealth Radio and the Hearing Health, Health Care and News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Andrew Lekashman discuss the following:
How do I get hearing loss?
What treatment options are available for hearing loss?
What is tinnitus and how is it treated?
How are dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease connected to hearing loss?
What is the risk in doing nothing about hearing loss?
Andrew Lekashman is a Hearing Instrument Specialist based out of Red Oak, Iowa. He works with ClearValue Hearing, ASI Audiology, and Libel Hearing Aid Centers to educate people about hearing loss around the United States.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter:

Thursday Nov 12, 2015
Don't Just "Let it Go" - What Can Happen if You Don't Treat Your Hearing Loss
Thursday Nov 12, 2015
Thursday Nov 12, 2015
Susanne Jones, Hearing Instrument Specialist and Customer Support Specialist at, a website that provides information to consumers about hearing loss and hearing aids joins eHealth Radio and the Hearing & Mental Health Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Susanne Jones discuss the following:Too many people who have trouble hearing don't do anything about it. How does untreated hearing loss impact people emotionally?How does it affect mental acuity?What are the implications for mental health?Are there physical health consequences, too?What does untreated hearing loss do to people's social lives?
Duration: 10:53
Susanne Jones is the Hearing Instrument Specialist and Customer Support Specialist for Healthy Hearing. She provides education and support to people with hearing loss and the professionals who serve them.
She holds a BA in Communication from Bradley University and has years of clinical experience testing hearing and programming hearing aids as a licensed Hearing Instrument Specialist. She also has hearing loss herself and is a long-time hearing aid wearer.
Susanne resides near Roscoe, IL with her husband and two children. Outside of the office, she enjoys sports, mid-century modern architecture and design, cooking and visiting wineries.
Social Media Links:
Twitter: @hearingaids

Tuesday Jan 20, 2015
Audicus, saving people millions of dollars on hearing aids
Tuesday Jan 20, 2015
Tuesday Jan 20, 2015
Patrick Freuler, CEO of Audicus started Audicus two years ago and has since saved people over $10 million on hearing aids. Patrick joins eHealth Radio and the Hearing Health and Health News Channels to tell us more about the hearing aid industry and why hearing aids are really so expensive.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Patrick Freuler discuss the following:
Is hearing loss very common?
Hearing loss affects 48 million Americans. You most likely know someone close to you with hearing loss. With increased exposure to noise in the everyday environment, including the widespread use of ear buds to listen to music, people are developing hearing loss at younger ages. The big deal is that out of these 48 million people, only 25 percent actually have hearing aids. This is due to price and stigma. In our society, it’s acceptable to get glasses for poor eyesight, but much less acceptable to get hearing aids for hearing loss. When people finally admit they need hearing aids, they find out a pair at the audiology clinic costs $7,000, which most people simply cannot afford.
Why are hearing aids so expensive?
This is one of the most common questions amongst our customers. Hearing aids are traditionally sold at an audiology clinic for $7,000 per pair and aren't covered by insurance. However, the cost to produce a pair of hearing aids is closer to $150! The reason for this price discrepancy is markups, which help audiologists cover their high overhead costs.
The hearing aid industry has not been disrupted until now, so hearing aid prices have continued to rise for decades, while prices of other electronic devices have lowered.
Tell me about Audicus. Can people really buy hearing aids online?
100% yes, and we have many existing customers all over the United States and the world to vouch for it. It’s the same as purchasing prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses online, which has become widely accepted in recent years, since it’s more affordable. People email, upload or fax us their hearing test and we are able to recommend to them the best device. Our in-house audiologists customize the hearing aids, and we ship them to customers for a 45-day trial period. If they’re not happy they can return for a full refund.
But few people return. We have award-winning products that are among the best in the industry and an incredible support team. As a result our return rates are half of what a typical audiologist would see in the clinic.
In order to buy hearing aids online, my best recommendation is to visit and/or give us a call. Our customer support team is there to help explain to people the different features of hearing aids and what they can do to improve their hearing. I also recommend visiting an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor or audiology clinic to get a test done, so you can submit the test to us for a recommendation.
People don't realize that they are losing their hearing. What are the signs/symptoms of hearing loss?
Most people will come up with every excuse possible to avoid the fact that they have hearing loss. Often times they will blame it on someone else mumbling or having “selective hearing” but there are some common signs of hearing loss such as: Constantly asking your friends and family to repeat things said in a casual conversational setting.Having to turn up the television set to a volume that creates discomfort for others.Missing entire portions of conversation at the dinner table without realizing it.Not being able to understand women’s or children’s voices (higher frequencies).Not being able to distinguish conversation from background noise at restaurants or in loud spaces.
Most hearing loss is age-related. What can be done to remedy the loss?
Yes and no. Most often, hearing loss is a result of aging, but younger people can also have hearing loss, whether it’s genetic or due to prolonged exposure to loud sound.
Prevention is the best medicine. Being aware of the sounds around you will help prevent hearing loss in your future. The truth is, today’s world is getting louder and louder. Any sound that is above 85 decibels can cause damage to your hearing over time. To put this in perspective, a standard pair of headphones can produce up to 110 decibels of sound! One easy way to prevent hearing loss in your future is to monitor the volume at which you listen to your music when using headphones.
Tip: If you know that you have hearing loss, or even if you think you might, do not let it go untreated. Not only does this make conversations more difficult to have, it isolates you from your family and friends. Get your hearing tested by an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor or at an audiology clinic and then contact Audicus. Our goal at Audicus is to help everyone hear and enjoy their lives.
Duration: 9:47
Patrick Freuler is the founder/CEO of Audicus, a tech startup that offers hi-tech, affordable hearing aids online to the 48 million Americans with hearing loss.
Prior to Audicus, Patrick spent several years as a strategy consultant at McKinsey and as a healthcare investor at Bain Capital. He has two aerospace engineering degrees from MIT.
Audicus is addressing the rising issue of hearing loss (the third most common chronic health condition among the aging population) by offering hearing aids at prices 70 percent lower than the traditional clinic. Because Audicus is a website, it is able to eliminate overhead costs associated with the clinic and the intermediaries typically involved in the sale of hearing aids. Since June 2012, Audicus has saved people more than $10 million.

Thursday May 23, 2013
Learn about hearing loss with
Thursday May 23, 2013
Thursday May 23, 2013
Dr. Paul Dybala, who has been a licensed audiologist for over 15 years and is currently President of joins eHealth Radio and the Hearing Health Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Paul Dybala discuss the following:
What is a healthy hearing lifestyle and why is it important?
Do we really need to have persons tested for hearing loss? Can’t I easily tell if I have a hearing loss and therefore know when to seek help?
If I am ready to get my hearing checked then how do I go about that?
If I have a hearing loss, doesn’t that mean hearing aids? Who wants to wear those?
You mentioned there are two parts to a Healthy Hearing Lifestyle. What is the second part?
Paul Dybala, PhD, was one of the internet pioneers for the profession of audiology, setting up and running some of the seminal websites for audiologists and persons with hearing loss.
He earned his PhD in audiology from the University of Texas at Dallas - Callier Center, and worked there as a clinical audiologist fitting children and adults with hearing aids. Dr. Dybala then went on to work for AudiologyOnline and served as President and Editor-In-Chief, providing continuing education and a host of other online solutions for hearing care professionals.
His current position with has him focused on educating consumers about hearing loss and hearing aids and encouraging them to take action and seek help from a hearing professional.
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