ehealth radio network

Monday Nov 05, 2018
A Powerful Way to Defeat Smoking
Monday Nov 05, 2018
Monday Nov 05, 2018
Lewis Fein a marketing adviser for QUIT WTR joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Smoking Cessation Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Lewis Fein discuss the following:
For the benefit of our listeners, please tell us what QUIT WTR is?
How does QUIT WTR work?
What are some of the key advantages of QUIT WTR?
Tell us more about the natural ingredients of QUIT WTR.
What else should our listeners know about QUIT WTR?
Lewis Fein is a media relations consultant, specializing in design, branding, and product development. A graduate of The Emory University School of Law, Lewis is a frequent commentator on personal and professional messaging. A guest on various shows, including KABC Talk Radio and Fox News, Lewis resides in Southern California.

Friday Feb 19, 2016
Friday Feb 19, 2016
Holly Stokes, also known as “The Brain Trainer” Master NLP Practitioner, Certified Coach and Hypnotherapist & the author of A Lighter You! Train Your Brain to Slim Your Body and A Lighter You, a Health Coach’s Guide to Nutrition in Action joins eHealth Radio and the Addiction Prevention and Weight Management Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Holly Stokes discuss the following:You wrote a weight loss book, did you ever struggle with your weight?In your book you talk about brain habits and how to change them, how did you come to be ‘the brain trainer’?How is your program different from other diet programs?Can you give us an example of how ‘brain training’ works.Does the same process and principle apply to smoke cessation?
Duration: 12:02
Having a clear plan and knowing what to do is important, but it is not enough. What really gets in the way of whether we follow through on our goals are old habits, mental blocks, underlying fears, lack of motivation, self criticism and self sabotage. And these are all mental patterns wired into your brain!
Holly began working with at-risk teens as wilderness counselor where she worked closely with psychologists to help teens overcome addictions, learn positive communications and build self-esteem. This led her to finish her Bachelor of Science in Psychology at Portland State University. While doing her coursework, she was fascinated with research on the brain which inspired her to certify in Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. NLP looks at how the brain codes information and how we can use that code to effect personal change at a foundational level.
In her continued search for professional development she later added Master NLP Certification, NLP Health Certification and Thought Pattern Management. This spectrum of modalities gives Holly a unique perspective on human behavior, motivation and achievement. Through an interactive and participatory approach, Holly loves to engage the audience on the journey of personal discovery through her seminars and workshops.&
Ms. Stokes has authored two books and professionally recorded several CDs designed to change negative mental patterns. In June 2010, she released her first book, A Lighter You! Train your Brain to Slim your Body which offers mental strategies for changing the old habits, cravings and mental blocks around weight gain. She has created several “Train your Brain” audios designed to ‘rewire’ the brain for health, happiness and success. Her articles have appeared in Healthy Utah magazine, she has been quoted in Shape magazine, Active Times and has appeared locally on ABC’s ‘Good 4 Utah’ as well as several radio show appearances.
Education & Certifications
Psychology BS: Portland State University, Portland, ORM.NLP: Certified Master Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner, NLPCA San Francisco, CANLP Health Certified Coach, NLP Coaching Institute, San Francisco, CAC.TPM: Certified Thought Pattern Management Practitioner, ALI, Portland, ORCertified NLP Coach, Choices, Seattle, WACHt. Certified Hypnotherapist, Apositiva, Portland, OR
Website: www.TheBrainTrainerllc.comFacebook:

Monday Jun 15, 2015
Monday Jun 15, 2015
Nick Terrone, Hypnotherapist and Owner of both QuitWithNick and joins eHealth Radio and the Hypnosis and Smoking Cessation Channels. He not only certifies and coaches heath and wellness professionals to integrate it in within their existing business, but also helps people create a successful hypnotherapy practices from scratch.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Nick Terrone discuss the following:For those who may not know much about Hypnotherapy, can you briefly share with us what hypnosis is and how it works?Now, many of us have a sense that the subconscious mind is a powerful thing. But less of us know what it actually is. Can you explain to us the purpose and function of the unconscious mind?Why do you think people working in the health and wellness industry should incorporate the subconscious mind into their work with clients?I understand that you not only certify people to use hypnotherapy, but also coach people on how they can integrate it into their existing work. Is that right?Is there one simple tip you can share with us now to help us work with our own unconscious mind?
Duration: 13:21
Nick Terrone calls himself a ‘Perceptual Architect’. He is a Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist and Fulfillment Coach. He has personally worked with thousands of clients across a broad spectrum of personal challenges and has received intensive training from some of the world’s most influential thought leaders in the science of Human Potential, Behavior Modification, Unified Field Theory, Metaphysics and Entrepreneurship. As an inspired coach and speaker he teaches the transformative power of the unconscious mind through hypnosis and certifies others to either use hypnotherapy within their existing health and wellness business or to create a successful practice and business from scratch.
Websites: |

Sunday Dec 14, 2014
QuitWithNick, a clinic that assists people Stop Smoking
Sunday Dec 14, 2014
Sunday Dec 14, 2014
Nick Terrone, Owner of QuitWithNick, a clinic that mainly assists people Stop Smoking with a 94.7% Success Rate joins eHealth Radio and the Smoke Cessation and Hypnosis Information Channels. Nick also helps people with food addictions, weight loss, severe stress and anxiety. Although he is based in Sydney Australia, he is also available for consultations via Skype.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Nick Terrone discuss the following:With 2015 just around the corner and with so many people making New Year’s resolutions to Stop Smoking, what would be your advice for smokers wanting to stop?Why do smokers find it SO HARD to stop permanently?Anti-Smoking campaigns are often trying to ‘scare smokers’ into quitting as if the smoker doesn’t know cigarettes are bad for them. Hence it seems like there really isn’t much more a smoker could learn about cigarettes that could TRULY help them stop, NICK, could you share with us some fact about cigarettes here and now that perhaps your average smoker out there wouldn’t know, something that could help them stop?I understand that part of your Stop Smoking Program involves Hypnotherapy so for the benefit of our listeners can tell us EXACTLY what it is and what it isn’t?So can you tell us exactly how and why Hypnosis addresses the urge and craving for a cigarette?
Duration: 18:21
Want to eliminate stress, anxiety, a smoking or food addiction for yourself, your employees or your clients? Want to inject more heart and confidence into your life, your business and the world but don't know how?
Whether speaking to an audience of hundreds or working one-on-one, Nick helps create transformational change by co-creatively exploring the structures that maintain the most fundamental thing that determines your life experience: YOUR PERCEPTIONS!
Nick Terrone teaches the art and science of DEEEEEEEEP behavioural change as well as practical techniques to dissolve fear, doubt and resistance. This allows you to experience more of who you REALLY are and what you REALLY want with more easy and flow. The secret is helping clients connect with The Heart (Emotions), The Mind (Conscious & Subconscious) and The Unified Field (everything else).
Nick can help you dissolve the subconscious programming that is keeping you 'stuck' in your limiting beliefs and behaviours while helping you create new and superior ones. This helps you do what you need to do when you need to do it with ease, grace and flow.
Lasting change can only occur when you know how to leverage the 96-98% of your mind (the subconcious) which is TRULY responsible for who we are, what we do and our automatic behaviours.
Nick is an internationally published writer and speaker with a keen focus on the Heart-Mind connection and how it relates to confident self empowerment.
His gift is his ability to explain concepts of self and reality in a fun, light-hearted, easy-to-understand way while at the same time trying to keep alive his dream of becoming a stand up comedian.
Contact Nick now to find out how easy it can be to become a more confident and empowered YOU.

Sunday Jun 22, 2014
Have More Energy Anwhere with TeaZa Energy
Sunday Jun 22, 2014
Sunday Jun 22, 2014
Dr. Brent Agin, the Creator of TeaZa Energy, the herbal energy pouch joins eHealth Radio and the Health and Nutrition Channels. Dr. Agin, is recognized as the go-to medical advisor in the field of healthy aging and board certified in family medicine.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Brent Agin discuss the following:What is TeaZa Energy?After starting a career as a medical doctor what motivated you to create and develop a product like TeaZa Energy?What challenges do you face with marketing TeaZa?What is TeaZa Chill and how is this different from the other TeaZa?Is there another new product you are going to launch next?
Duration: 9:27
Brent Agin, MD is recognized as the go-to medical advisor in the field of healthy aging. He sees patients of all ages and maintains a diverse array of clientele, including professional athletes and celebrities at his Metabolix Wellness & Fitness facility. Dr Agin is the co-author of the books “Healthy Aging for Dummies” and “Superfoods for Dummies”. (Wiley Publishing 2008, 2009)
He is board certified in family medicine, receiving both his undergraduate degree and his medical degree at Michigan State University where he earned Academic All-Big Ten Honors while participating on the men’s varsity soccer team. He completed his internship and residency at the University of South Florida.
With his initial training in family medicine, Dr. Agin continues to practice in this field but has a focus on preventative medicine, hormone optimization, and nutrition. He is the founder of Trim Nutrition®, past official nutritional source for IZOD IndyCar Racing. Trim Nutrition® has evolved as an industry leader in the development and delivery of innovative nutritional supplements, vitamin injectables and all-natural, rapid weight loss programs.
Web Site: www.TeaZaEnergy.comFacebook:

Friday Dec 28, 2012
Take control of your life with hypnotherapist Dr. Nikki Goldman
Friday Dec 28, 2012
Friday Dec 28, 2012
Do you want to take control of your life? Do you want to be happier and less stressed out. Dr. Nikki Goldman, professional hypnotherapist, will show you how hypnosis can help you lose weight, sleep better and to conquer the worries and fears of everyday life.
Listen to our interview [audio player below] with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Nikki Goldman discuss the following:
What is hypnosis and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)?
Can hypnosis make you do something you don't want to do?
How is Therapeutic hypnosis different from a stage show?
How can Hypnosis helps you do the things you want to do?
How can hypnosis help you with daily life (control fear, stress, and other bad habits)?
How does hypnosis help with weight loss – check out her book at Amazon – “Success for the Diet Drop Out”?
Give a success story of one or two of your clients.
Dr. Nikki Goldman Ph.D. has 20 years’ experience as a hypnotherapist in private practice. She uses hypnosis to help people build self-esteem, overcome obstacles to achieving goals, reduce stress and excel at job/sports performance, change eating patterns, improve body image overcome phobias such as public speaking, heights, claustrophobia and more.
An award winning author, she has contributed to national magazines like Family Circle, BBW Magazine, San Diego Business Journal, and several professional journals. Her books, Emotional Disorders and Teenage Suicide are in schools and libraries across the country. She has been quoted in the Washington Post, San Diego Union, Family Circle Magazine, Parenting Magazine and more. She has lectured in such prominent institutions as the U.S. Navy, UCSD Medical School, Charter Hospital, and national health conventions, and has been a guest on radio talk and news shows.
Related Web Site:
Note: The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the opinions or beliefs of the show host or it's owners.

Tuesday Apr 24, 2012
Quit smoking using hypnosis with Elayne Fletcher
Tuesday Apr 24, 2012
Tuesday Apr 24, 2012
Quit smoking using hypnosis
with Elayne Fletcher
Elayne Fletcher, a Certified Hypnotherapist and owner of New Day Rising Hypnosis in Boulder, Colorado joins the show. She specializes in smoking cessation, weight loss and sports enhancement.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Elayne Fletcher discuss the following:
How easy is it to quit smoking with hypnosis?
How does hypnosis help with cravings after a person quits smoking?
What qualities does a person need in order to quit smoking with hypnosis?
Does a person lose control when under hypnosis?
What other benefits can a person get from a smoking cessation hypnosis session?
Elayne Fletcher is a Certified Hypnotherapist, a Certified Sports Hypnotist and a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists. She is the owner of New Day Rising Hypnosis, a hypnotherapy practice that specializes in smoking cessation, weight loss and sports enhancement in Boulder, Colorado.
Elayne has a M.S. degree in Structural Engineering. She left a successful 20 year career as a structural engineer to follow a different career path helping people. She now dedicates her time to showing people how to bring out the best within themselves and achieve their goals through the power of their own minds. The hypnotic state is not difficult for most people to attain and it enables them to bring about the positive changes they desire and to take back control of their lives.
Elayne also has a passion for sports and helps athletes use hypnosis to achieve their goals, overcome blocks and increase their motivation. She has an article published in Clean Run magazine entitled, ‘Harmony in My Head: Using Hypnosis for Mental Management in Sports’.
Note: The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the opinions or beliefs of the show host or it's owners.

Friday Feb 03, 2012
Hypnosis has a high success rate of helping smokers quit
Friday Feb 03, 2012
Friday Feb 03, 2012
Hypnosis has a high success rate of helping smokers quit
with Bryan Toder
Bryan Toder a certified clinical hypnotist located in the Philadelphia suburbs joins the show.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & Bryan Toder discuss the following:
Why does hypnosis have such a high success rate of helping smokers quit—even more so than gum and nicotine patches?
Why is hypnotherapy a better alternative to use to quit smoking?
How can hypnosis play an important role in helping people lose weight?
Who can be hypnotized?
What does it feel like to be hypnotized?
Conclusion: Rather than rushing out to your local pharmacy to buy a pack of Nicorette, why not consider trying hypnotherapy to help you quit smoking. To learn more about Bryan Toder’s work, visit his website at
» Note: Refer to audio player below to listen to this episode!
Bryan Toder is a Certified Clinical Hypnotist and owner of Plymouth Hypnosis Center in Lafayette Hill, PA. He’s been in business at the same location for over nine years, specializing in helping his clients lose weight, quit smoking, manage their stress and even improve their golf game!
Bryan was trained and certified in Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy by the National Guild of Hypnotists and the American Board of Hypnotherapists. And, he has written his latest book, Get Thin—Be Happy: The 6 Easy Steps to Weight Loss Success, available at