ehealth radio network

Thursday Nov 13, 2014
Creating Your Ultimate Life with Dean S. Lewis
Thursday Nov 13, 2014
Thursday Nov 13, 2014
Dean S. Lewis, Author and Life Coach at Your Full Life, LLC joins eHealth Radio and the Personal Development Channel. As a Life Coach, Dean guides and help people achieves goals they have set for themselves in their lives.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dean S. Lewis discuss the following: How did you develop neuropathy?What was it like for you at the beginning of your illness?What inspired you to write a book?What lessons have you learned from your experience?Have you ever felt like giving up?What advice or words of wisdom would you give someone going through what you have gone through?
Duration: 8:54
Dean S. Lewis is an author and life coach. Dean began his life coaching in 2012 and published his first ebook “Peripheral Neuropathy: 9 Simple Steps To Reduce The Pain” in February 2014. Dean initially studied Clinical Laboratory Sciences but in 1998, Dean underwent a critical illness caused by a reaction to a medication that changed the course of his life. Dean credits his survival of his hospitalization to his work ethic of being driven to be in the best shape of his life, the work of the clinicians and the grace of God. He was asked by a nurse if he was worried about being so ill and he quoted Philippians 4:13 “I can do everything through him who gives me strength”.
Dean documents the steps he used to overcome neuropathy in “Peripheral Neuropathy: 9 Simple Steps to Reduce the Pain” and offers helpful tips and affirmations in “Peripheral Neuropathy: Daily Tips and Affirmations”.
Dean had to learn once more how to walk and do the basic functions of everyday life normally taken for granted. Dean uses these experiences in overcoming his circumstances in his life coaching and guides individuals to see how they can achieve their dreams. Dean has a passion for life and it shows in his work. Dean enjoys going for walks, meditating, weight training, reading, looking at sport cars and spending time with family and friends.
His website was featured in the Dec/Jan 2014 issue of Neurology Now magazine as one of the top patient blogs for neuropathy. Dean has spoken at Peripheral Neuropathy Support Groups meetings and lives in New Jersey with his wife and son.
Twitter: @deanslewis