ehealth radio network

Saturday Sep 04, 2021
Saturday Sep 04, 2021
Laura Morris, the Associate Marketing Director of Kayco Beyond Division of the Kayco food company, which aims to distribute products that are healthful, convenient, or made for restricted diets and lifestyles joins eHealth Radio and the Nutrition and General Health Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Laura Morris discuss the following:
Tell me your name and title and about Kayco Beyond division which I understand is an extension of Kayco Kosher Products?
What are some of the products in that division?
Can you tell about each of the items – and the benefits to the consumer starting with Absolutely Gluten Free?
Why do you think these products are being so well received in today's world?
How can people find your products in stores, online and where to follow on social channels?
What is next for the Kayco Beyond Division?
Laura Morris is the Associate Marketing Director of Kayco Beyond Division of the Kayco food company, which aims to distribute products that are healthful, convenient, or made for restricted diets and lifestyles. With the increasing trend of food sensitivities and people trying to maintain healthier routines, these all-natural and delicious alternatives have been gaining tremendous popularity.
Kayco is one of the largest manufacturers and suppliers of kosher foods. It has expanded Kayco Beyond Division sources and distributes new products to the general market beyond kosher, to meet the demands of consumers looking for optional products that are healthful, convenient and/or for restricted diets and lifestyles. These brands include Dorot, Absolutely Gluten Free, Beetology, Mighty Sesame, Wonder Melon™ and Dorot Gardens, among others. They are headquartered in Bayonne, NJ. (
Laura is a graduate of Muhlenberg College with a business degree in management and entrepreneurial studies. After graduating, Laura spent over two years with the Manischewitz Company, working on Trade Marketing and Sales Management. From there, she left to take up a role as the Senior Trade Analyst for the Ahold team at Pinnacle foods. Laura entered Kayco as a Brand Manager for the Beyond Division and is now the Associate Marketing Director for the Beyond Division at Kayco.
Social Media Links:
AGF: Facebook: Instagram:
Dorot Gardens: Facebook: Instagram:
Mighty Sesame: Facebook: Instagram: Linkedin:
Wonder Melon: Facebook: Instagram:
Beetology: Facebook: Instagram:
Wonder Lemon: Facebook: Instagram:

Friday Mar 29, 2019
imaware™, a revolutionary new at-home testing platform for chronic illness
Friday Mar 29, 2019
Friday Mar 29, 2019
Jani Tuomi, Co-Founder of Microdrop imaware™, a revolutionary new at-home testing platform for chronic illness including celiac disease and rheumatoid arthritis joins eHealth Radio and the Health News Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Jani Tuomi discuss the following:
Tell us about Microdrop and imaware. How did the company first come to fruition and what is imaware?
How does the laboratory testing work?
You recently got validated by a very coveted scientific journal. Tell us why you decided to contact the journal and what this published paper means for the at-home testing community?
What did the data prove?
How does that compare to traditional laboratory testing someone would receive through their doctors?
How is imaware different from any other competitors on the market and doesn’t this technology already exist?
You currently test for rheumatoid arthritis and for celiac disease. Are you releasing any additional tests this year?
Whom are the faces behind Microdrop besides yourself and who is supporting the imaware initiative?
Where can one go for more information about the company or to get a home test kit and how much does the kit cost?
Jani Tuomi is the Co-Founder of Microdrop imaware™ at-home health testing. Jani Tuomi is part of founding team at imaware™, a revolutionary new at-home testing platform for chronic illness including celiac disease and rheumatoid arthritis.
The imaware™ mission is to help reduce the number of individuals with undiagnosed illness through at-home testing. We utilize home-based small-volume blood collection, and micro-array lab-testing equipment with high sensitivity and specificity, to give consumers actionable reports and insights. Once aware of their conditions, patients can engage their doctors who can diagnose symptoms.
Websites: |
Social Media Links: LinkedIn: Twitter: @MicrodropHealth

Friday May 13, 2016
3 Steps to Gluten-Free Living by Melinda Arcara
Friday May 13, 2016
Friday May 13, 2016
Melinda Arcara who is known as Gluten-Free Bebe joins eHealth Radio and the Health and Nutrition Channels. She is a Certified Health Coach and Healthy Gluten-Free Food Advocate. She’s discusses her new book titled "3 Steps to Gluten-Free Living that she self-published in September of last year.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Melinda Arcara discuss the following:When you search the Words “Gluten-Free Books” on you get 21,000 results. What makes this book different than all the other books on the market?The book is titled 3 Steps to Gluten-Free Living. Why 3 steps? Isn’t eating gluten-free all about what to eliminate? For example, couldn’t you just say “Eliminate anything that contain wheat, barley and rye” and the chapter would be over?The back cover of the book calls it a guidebook. People go on diets all the time, what makes eating gluten-free so different that it needs a manual?Why would someone want this book rather than searching on the internet?If someone was diagnosed with Celiac today what would you tell them to get them started?
Duration: 14:47
As the baby of ten children, Melinda or “the Bebe” as her dad nicknamed her, went through the first forty years of her life with lots of family love & support but she never felt healthy. Suffering from unexplained symptoms including migraines, stomach pains, anemia, anxiety, weight fluctuations, and joint pain, she was finally diagnosed with a gluten intolerance in 2010. For Melinda, this diagnosis was as a blessing, not a curse as she learned how to be gluten-free and to finally feel better. After much trial and error and significant expense, she has written a new book available on Amazon, 3 Steps to Gluten-Free Living that wants to save newly diagnosed gluten-intolerant and celiac sufferers time, money, and energy to getting on a path to better health and to 100 percent gluten-free living for life!
3 Steps to Gluten-Free Living is a practical, step-by-step guide for anyone who has recently been diagnosed with Celiac or supporting someone with a gluten-related disorder and is left with difficult question “where do I start?”
br/>Sorting through all the information about becoming gluten-free can be frustrating and time-consuming—and purchasing everything labeled “gluten-free” can be expensive. “My first 4 years of being gluten-free were stressful and expensive. I wrote the book to help others become compliant to the diet quicker and easier than I did” says Arcara.
This book is written to be a practical, step-by-step guide to the elimination of gluten from your diet, the transition of your heart and your home (including your pantry), and the substitution of products and ingredients for your recipes and meals. Over 100 products and brands are referenced in the book.
The book emphasizes a holistic approach including eating whole, clean, local, and healthy, which is important when starting your gluten free journey and for being truly compliant to a gluten-free diet.
In a friendly tone that incorporates humor and inspiring enthusiasm, 3 Steps to Gluten-Free Living teaches that gluten-free eating can be healthy—if you do it the right way.
Topics covered include:Alternative gluten-free grainsReading labelsSubstitutable ingredients & productsShopping & brandsEating-out & social situationsTravelingPositive attitude & family support
Helping you get organized with thought-provoking exercises, recipes, tips, facts, and plenty of space for notes, 3 Steps to Gluten-Free Living has everything you need to quickly feel the benefits of the gluten-free lifestyle.
Author Melinda Lawer Arcara, a.k.a. Gluten-Free Bebe, is a blogger ( and graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She is also a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition as a certified health coach with a focus on incorporating healthy gluten-free living into daily routines. She speaks to groups frequently about her 3 Step approach and lives in Philadelphia with her husband and children.
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