ehealth radio network

Thursday Aug 04, 2022
Reproductive and Prostate health with Dr. Justin Houman
Thursday Aug 04, 2022
Thursday Aug 04, 2022
Urologist Dr. Justin Houman, a fellowship-trained male reproductive medicine and surgery specialist and Medical Director for Bastion Health, the first-ever comprehensive app-based telehealth platform for men’s health joins eHealth Radio and the Men's Health and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Justin Houman discuss the following:
June was men’s health month, why is Mens Health important?
Explain a bit about your role with Bastion Health and how Bastion Health is disrupting the men’s health industry?
What are the key things men need to know about reproductive health and prostate health?
How does Bastion Health help men with their reproductive health and prostate health?
How can anyone learn more or get a consult with Bastion Health?
Dr. Justin Houman is a urologist and fellowship-trained male reproductive medicine and surgery specialist, whose practice is focused on men’s health. He is the Medical Director for Bastion Health and a practicing urologist at Tower Urology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, CA.
Social Media Links: Facebook: @BastionHealthInstagram: @bastionhealth Linkedin: @getbastion

Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
The universal need for adequate resources and services in suicide prevention
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Bianca D. McCall, an expert in suicide prevention and creator of the Reach In Now mobile application, created to impact communities in need joins eHealth Radio and the Mobile App & Suicide Prevention Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Bianca D. McCall discuss the following:
Suicide prevention is an ongoing need in all demographics, but particularly with African Americans we have seen an uptick in suicides lately. Is this true and if so is there a root cause?
How has the current COVID-19 pandemic impacted suicide rates? Has it impacted people's ability to get help and services?
Why are services and resources so important in suicide prevention?
You have created a platform to help people who are experiencing mental health concerns and to combat the rise in suicides we are seeing in our communities. Can you tell us more about it?
What makes the Reach In Now app different than other mental health apps that we see in this space?
Bianca D. McCall is a renowned Subject Matter Expert in the Epidemiology of Human Behavior; with a specialization in suicide prevention. She is The Founder & CEO of Desert Rose Counseling Group, which recently celebrated its 10th year anniversary and is the first integrated behavioral health agency to offer suicide prevention programming, in Nevada State who ranks 7th in the nation for suicide rates. Bianca is a masters-level licensed marriage and family therapist, community advocate, leader, creator, moderator, keynote, host, and executive producer of Reach In - the docuseries which features the incredible stories of people who are surviving various tragedy and adverse experiences.
She is also an author of the world's first multi-step trauma-recovery program called, The 11 Triumphs. Additionally, in response to the pandemic, Bianca has also launched the Reach In Now University (RINU) © - an online platform for connecting with a socially-emotionally supportive community and learning mental fitness. The Reach In Now mobile application was launched in conjunction with RINU to provide a platform for healing for its users and to level the proverbial mental health playing field that has seen many people go without services and resources due to economic and societal disparities. And finally Desert Rose Gives, the nonprofit organization founded by Bianca was created to provide scholarships for members to access the Reach In Now mobile application and partner applications; as well as the ability to access services from a holistic provider network.
A retired women’s basketball player, Bianca has battled with a plethora of mental health conditions throughout most of her life to include anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress from childhood trauma, and even imposter syndrome that has manifested itself in many ways. But as a driven competitor, Bianca has utilized her experiences for the greater good of helping and motivating others.
Websites: |
Social Media Links: Facebook:

Friday Sep 10, 2021
How Digital Technology is Changing the Landscape of Elder Health Care
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Avanlee Christine, the CEO and Founder of Avanlee Care, a new app that improves how families communicate and manage their care receiver’s health in real time joins eHealth Radio and the Senior Care and Technology Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Avanlee Christine discuss the following:
Tell me about the Avanlee Elderly Care APP and how it is different than what is currently on the market?
What is the most important feature of the Avanlee Care APP?
What are the challenges of caring for an aging parent or relative?
How has digital technology improved elder care and what does the future hold in your opinion?
What does the future hold for senior care in America?
Avanlee Christine is a founder, technologist and businesswoman. Throughout her career Avanlee has worked to provide better health and social care solutions for the elderly. Her experience caring for others and working with her own family to care for her ailing grandfather for 8 years, led her to realize that there was no technology solution available on the market that helped families and care-givers effectively support the health and social needs of an aging relative remotely. With the pandemic that need became all the more acute. She founded Avanlee Care to address that gap and provide families with a solution to transform the quality of remote health and social care for their elderly relatives.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram:

Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Michael Gamble, CEO and Creator of Pristine Potty App that helps consumers rate the restrooms of their favorite dining spots joins eHealth Radio and the Hygiene & Mobile App Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Michael Gamble discuss the following:
Where did the idea for Pristine Potty come from? What is the mission for the app?
How does Pristine Potty offer customer and restaurant satisfaction?
What are the three simple criteria for the proprietary rating system?
How do you plan on growing Pristine Potty?
Where can you find Pristine Potty?
Pristine Potty was created as a phone application to help consumers rate the restrooms of their favorite dining spots. With CEO and Creator, Michael A. Gamble’s goal of creating better service for dining experiences. Pristine Potty’s mission is to help restaurants elevate their service and raise dining standards all over the world. In an age of pandemic unrest and hygiene consciousness, the Pristine Potty app is dedicated to being the authority on pristine standards for an enjoyable experience. Pristine Potty is available for free download at the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:

Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
New Charitable App Promotes “Active Aging”
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Joe Liu, Founder of the Joe & Emmy Liu Charitable Foundation and developer of Lively Health, the first charitable self-directed lifestyle conditioning App for prevention of chronic conditions and active aging joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Technology Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Joe Liu discuss the following:
What was the impetus behind the creation of the Lively Health app?
What separates Lively Health from all the other “wellness” apps on the market?
You say your app promotes the concept of “active aging.” Can you explain exactly what that is and why it’s important?
It’s been proven that people in lower socioeconomic groups have less access to quality health care and are more susceptible to chronic medical conditions? Is that why you made the app free for download?
Your app takes a very holistic approach, asking the user to not only answer questions about their physical health but also their social, financial and psychological status. Do you feel that the medical establishment doesn’t place enough emphasis on these so-called “peripheral” areas when evaluating a person’s overall health?
Joe Liu is a Silicon Valley serial entrepreneur, who started the Joe & Emmy Liu Foundation with a vision to benefit humanity with his entrepreneurial and technical expertise. Liu started his first company Techlink Co. in 1984. He then co-founded Oplink Communications in 1995, led the IPO in 2000, and acquisition by Molex/Koch Industries in 2014. Liu angel invested in numerous high-tech companies, guided them to successful exits, and contributed tremendously to the growth of IT industry. Joe and his wife Emmy started The Joe and Emmy Liu Family Foundation in 2019, as a 501(c)3 private operating foundation using technology innovation to benefit human well-being.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Linkedin: Instagram: Twitter:

Thursday May 20, 2021
Hero: The Digital Caregiver
Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
Michal Levin, VP of Product at Hero, the IoT-connected device that automatically dispenses medication when you need it joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Technology Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Michal Levin discuss the following:
Can you introduce yourself, past companies you’ve worked at and describe your role at Hero?
Can you tell our listeners more about how Hero was created?
How does Hero address the pain points of medication mismanagement?
What are some steps that the healthcare industry can improve and reduce medication mismanagement?
Each year, medication mismanagement costs the American health care system nearly $300 billion, is there anything that the government can do to make this more of a pressing issue?
What’s in store for Hero in the next 60 days, 6-months, year?
Michal Levin is the VP of Product at Hero, aiming to help people manage their health better, and live their lives to the fullest. She is passionate about solving hard problems that make a difference in people’s lives, and over her career of more than 15 years has led UX and product across Google, Verily Life Sciences, Zoox, modu and more. She authored the book "Designing Multi-Device Experiences'' (O'Reilly Media) and several other publications, mentored dozens of startups, and spoke at local and global conferences. Michal is also the mom of two toddlers, an avid audible listener and a big fan of live music shows.

Wednesday May 05, 2021
Bastille Delivers Zone Detection for Healthcare Sector
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Bob Baxley, CTO at Bastille Networks a company that delivers enterprise threat detection through software-defined radio joins eHealth Radio and the Technology Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Bob Baxley discuss the following:
Can you provide our listeners a background on Bastille and why the company was created?
What are some of the pain points in radio frequency that Bastille is addressing?
How will radio frequency’s complexity in the workplace change as workers return based on the devices they bring and the devices that they may be asked to wear?
What are the benefits of using Bastille's technology for zone detection to mitigate the unforeseen new threats from other contact tracing technologies?
What are some steps that the healthcare industry can improve to protect facilities and patient data from adversaries?
For more than a decade, Dr. Bob Baxley has been a technology leader in implementing machine learning algorithms for software defined and cognitive radios. At Bastille, Bob serves as Chief Technology Officer where he leads the development of systems to sift through massive amounts of radio frequency data to protect enterprises from radio threats.
Prior to joining Bastille, Bob was the Director of the Software Defined Radio Lab at Georgia Tech, where he led basic and applied research projects for organizations including NSF, ONR, Army, DoD, Air Force and DARPA. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers and patents, is the receipt of various research awards, and is a Senior Member of the IEEE. He also led the GTRI team that competed in the DARPA Spectrum Challenge and placed second out of 90 teams.
Social Media Links: Twitter: Linkedin:

Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Cutting Back on Alcohol with a Science-based Program
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Katie Lain, the Director of Community Engagement at Ria Health that provides at-home, evidence-based alcohol treatment through telemedicine joins eHealth Radio and the Addiction Prevention and Telemedicine Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Katie Lain discuss the following:
Can you tell us more about Ria Health and how it helps people who want to drink less alcohol, or even stop for good?
So if a person is finding it hard to control how much they drink, but they also don’t want to go 100% abstinent, what other options do they have?
But if someone does want to go abstinent, these methods can help as well?
How did you get involved with Ria?
In your experience, how would someone know if they are drinking too much and need to seek support to cut back or stop?
TIP: If you’re someone who is experiencing regular hangovers, or find you NEED alcohol to unwind every night or weekend, consider looking into evidence-based treatments and medication therapy. Abstinence is not required, it can be done discreetly and evidence shows that it is effective for many people – resulting in more control over their alcohol consumption, or giving it up more easily without battling alcohol cravings.
Katie Lain is the Director of Community Engagement with Ria Health. Ria’s science-backed platform is for anybody who wants to drink less alcohol and live a better life. Their evidence-based program is delivered through telehealth which means it’s accessible from anywhere using a HIPAA-compliant app.
Ria’s program provides both harm-reduction and abstinence based methods that include physician guided care plans, one-on-one coaching, medication therapy, peer group support and digital tools to track progress. Since Ria began in 2016, they have served over 1500 people and counting who want to improve their relationship with alcohol.
Ria Health is also covered by many major health insurers across the US, and on average, Ria Members see a 75% reduction in their Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) levels after 12 months in the program.
Katie Lain joined Ria Health after she overcame alcohol addiction through this evidence-based treatment method. She now works both professionally and personally to raise awareness about these options for treating alcohol dependence.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: YouTube:

Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Thrive in the new normal post Covid-19 with self hypnosis
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Christine Deschemin, a certified hypnotherapist and Founder of the Renewed Edge Hypnotherapy Centre in Hong Kong and released the self-hypnosis ap, UpNow and has joined eHealth Radio and the Hypnosis and Technology Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Christine Deschemin discuss the following:
What got you interested in Hypnotherapy?
What inspired you to create UpNow?
What can be accomplished with Self-Hypnosis?
How does Hypnotherapy work?
How can people access UpNow?
Christine Deschemin is a certified hypnotherapist and Founder of the Renewed Edge Hypnotherapy Centre in Hong Kong and she has recently released the self-hypnosis ap, UpNow.
After a career in aeronautical engineering and finance, she foresaw the increased need for solution-focused wellness, became a certified hypnotherapist and opened the first hypnotherapy center in Hong Kong. Her experience as a fencing athlete led her to fully grasp the importance and power of mindset not only for optimal health but also for performance very early on. In her quest for non-invasive and safe methods for self-improvement, she noticed the growing amount of research pointing to the efficacy of hypnosis for a variety of mental and physical ailments and the increased use of hypnosis by medical practitioners in Europe and the US. This led her to obtain diplomas and certifications in hypnosis and NLP. With a keen interest in resilience, she leverages her experience as an athlete and as a former engineer and banker in high-stress environments with her executives and sports clients.
In March of 2020, she released the UpNow hypnosis app to bring the benefits of self-hypnosis to the fingertips of anyone in need. The self-hypnosis downloads can be accessed online and offline and make the access to mental health aids affordable.
In addition to her many scholastic achievements, Christine Deschemin is fluent in four languages, has a Master of Science from the Ecole Polytechnique (France), and has an MBA from Harvard Business School.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Linkedin:

Monday Apr 27, 2020
At-Home Fitness for the Serious Athlete with John LaVoie
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
John LaVoie, Fitness expert for global wellness and fitness app, VERV joins eHealth Radio and the Fitness & Health News Channels. In his role as fitness ambassador for Verv, John uses his multiple exercise and weightlifting certifications plus his background as a triathlete, Olympic weightlifter and competitive dancer to help people get into optimum shape.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest John LaVoie discuss the following:
What is your background and what has inspired you to a career in physical fitness?
How can competitive weight lifters keep in shape when they typically rely on heavy and specialized workout equipment?
For ultra-athletes such as runners and others, what are their best tips for maintaining endurance and fitness?
Is there any way for a top-performing athlete to improve any aspect of their workout, or is a stay-at-home regimen primarily about maintenance?
Are there any surprising workout tips you’d have for a bodybuilder or elite athlete that they may not have considered?
What free or affordable resources are out there for home-bound folks wanting to get in a workout?
John LaVoie is fitness expert with multiple training certifications and a commitment to helping individuals obtain safe, optimal results in fitness and weight loss. His personal experience includes training and competing as an international tri-athlete, Olympic weightlifter and dancer. John’s credentials include Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the National Strength and Conditioning Association, Level 1 Sports Performance Coach in USA Weightlifting, Group Fitness through the American Council on Exercise (ACE) and CPR/AED Training through American Red Cross. John a degree in exercise and movement from University of Vermont. In addition to serving as Verv’s Fitness Expert, John operates a Massachusetts-based training facility, John LaVoie Training.
Verv is a comprehensive personal mobile health assistant that brings together physical fitness, mindfulness, healthy eating, and good sleep to make a true and significant difference in your well-being. The app is available for iOS, with the Android version in development for release later this year. The Verv app is available globally with nine language options and offers a free stay-at-home fitness kit as a community service during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Verv currently offers its subscribers:
200 interval trainings
100 fitness workouts
340 running workouts
40 meditations
1,000 hot music mixes
400 vegan, keto and other recipes
100 ASMR, sleep stories and sounds.
For more information visit here.