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Friday Aug 12, 2022
Find Creative Solutions by Emptying Your Mind
Friday Aug 12, 2022
Friday Aug 12, 2022
Dr. Ronald A. Alexander, PhD, the executive director of the OpenMind® Training Program that offers personal and professional training programs in mindfulness-based mind-body therapies, transformational leadership and meditation joins eHealth Radio and the Personal Development Channel. His newest book is: Core Creativity: The Mindful Way to Unlock Your Creative Self.
Listen to host Eric Dye & guests Dr. Ronald A. Alexander discuss the following:
In today's era of COVID, political unrest and inflation why is creativity more important than ever to navigate all these upheavals?
What is Core Creativity and how does one tap into it?
How can someone who wants to make changes in their life use core creativity to help them experience a reinvention?
What can block us from accessing our Core Creativity?
Tell us about Mindfulness and Creativity Psychology. What does the research have to say about it and why are so many psychotherapists integrating meditation and mindfulness into their practices?
In your book you discuss the Core Creative terms: Absorbing Mind, Open Mind, and Generating Mind. What role do they play in accessing one’s core creativity?
How can someone tell if their intuition is genuine or false?
How have some of your clients incorporated core creativity into their lives and business?
Dr. Ronald A. Alexander, PhD, is a psychotherapist, a mindfulness trainer and a creativity, business and leadership coach. He has a private psychotherapy and executive coaching practice in Santa Monica, California. He’s the executive director of the OpenMind® Training Program that offers personal and professional training programs in mindfulness-based mind-body therapies, transformational leadership and meditation. He’s the author of the highly acclaimed book, Wise Mind, Open Mind: Finding Purpose and Meaning in Times of Crisis, Loss, and Change (2008), and the new book, Core Creativity: The Mindful Way to Unlock Your Creative Self (Rowman & Littlefield, June 21, 2022).
Social Media Links: Instagram:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Saturday Oct 24, 2020
5 Lessons in Resiliency: Rebuilding Life After the NFL
Saturday Oct 24, 2020
Saturday Oct 24, 2020
Ex-NFL kicker Sean Conley (Detroit Lions, Indianapolis Colts, New York Jets) suffered career-ending injuries from over-training. He began practicing yoga as part of his rehabilitation, and soon embraced yoga’s mindfulness, meditation, and philosophy as a new life direction. His new book is: The Point After: How One Resilient Kicker Learned There Was More to Life Than the NFL (Lyons Press, 2020). Sean joins eHealth Radio and the Health News Channel to talk about it.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Sean Conley discuss the following:
What inspired you to write this book?
Can you tell me about the book?
How does one go from an NFL player to a yoga & meditation teacher?
What does the title mean "The Point After"?
Who else should love this book beyond sports fans? Describe the reader who ought to know about this title.
Where can readers find out more about you and your books?
Ex-NFL kicker Sean Conley (Detroit Lions, Indianapolis Colts, New York Jets) suffered career-ending injuries from over-training. He began practicing yoga as part of his rehabilitation, and soon embraced yoga’s mindfulness, meditation, and philosophy as a new life direction. Now a yoga teacher himself, he owns Amazing Yoga in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with his wife. His new book is The Point After: How One Resilient Kicker Learned There Was More to Life Than the NFL (Lyons Press, 2020).
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: @seanconley2

Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Amy Weintraub breaks into fiction, but her yogi roots ground the experience
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Amy Weintraub, founder of Life Force Yoga and author of Temple Dancer joins eHealth Radio and the Yoga Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Amy Weintraub discuss the following:
How can a regular yoga practice inspire creativity in your work and life?
I know you are a proponent of evidence-based yoga protocols - what does that mean?
How can some of these evidence-based yoga protocols help manage mood?
You've published about yoga before, but your next book is fiction, why did you make the switch?
How did a deeper relationship with the Indian history you researched for Temple Dancer enrich your yoga practice?
Amy Weintraub, MFA, E-RYT 500, C-IAYT, YACEP, founder of the LifeForce Yoga® Healing Institute, is a pioneer in the field of yoga and mental health. She is the author of two non-fiction books, Yoga for Depression (Broadway Books, 2004) and Yoga Skills for Therapists (W.W. Norton, 2012), as well as numerous articles and book chapters. Her evidence-based yoga protocol for managing mood is used in healthcare settings globally, offered in professional trainings, and is featured on eight audio-visual products, including the LifeForce Yoga® series, an award-winning library of evidence-based yoga and meditation CDs and DVDs for mood management.
Amy holds a Master of Fine Arts degree in literary fiction from Bennington College and graduated summa cum laude from Boston University with a degree in English Literature. Her short fiction and poetry have appeared in numerous literary journals. She is the recipient of the Allen Tate Memorial Award for the Short Story and a finalist for the William Faulkner Award for the Novel and for the Heekin Group Foundation Fellowship for the novel-in-progress, and received second place in the Writer’s Digest Writing Competition for Literary Fiction.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Friday Sep 06, 2019
How Yoga & Meditation Can Improve an Athlete's Game
Friday Sep 06, 2019
Friday Sep 06, 2019
Victor Stringer, international best-selling author of "Yogi on the Green" joins eHealth Radio and the General Health and Yoga Channels.
Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Victor Stringer discuss the following:
When did you incorporate yoga into your golf game and how did that come about?
How has yoga improved your golf game mentally, physically and spiritually?
What do you mean when you say be “mindful” where you are when you are there when playing golf?
How do you use meditation when playing golf, and what techniques do you use?
How does the combination of golf and yoga reduce stress on and off the golf course?
Tell us more about the Asana position and how it helps a golfer over time gain strength, endurance and flexibility?
Victor Stringer started playing golf 30 years ago and at one point had a 3 handicap. An avid athlete Stringer has enjoyed playing basketball, tennis and was a road bicyclist competing in several 100-mile cycling events in the U.S. and Mexico. He incorporated yoga into his life which helped him emotionally, mentally and physically on and off the golf course.
Today he is a certified yoga instructor in Kundalini Yoga, member of Kundalini 3Ho Foundation International, National Council on Strength Fitness (NCSF), as well as a member of the Southern California Golf Association. As a U.S. Customs Broker and Freight Forwarder, Stringer is owner and President of the global company, VR Camelot Inc. Stringer is also the author of Yogi on the Green, a #1 international bestseller in three categories in nine countries.
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
The Transformative Power of Language
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Mary Lyn Jenkins the owner of Big Fish Power Yoga studios in Jacksonville, Florida who has been named the best studios in Jacksonville & author of the book The Transformative Power of Language joins eHealth Radio and the Health/Wellness & Yoga Channels.
Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Mary Lyn Jenkins discuss the following:
Why did you start the practice of yoga?
There's a lot of talk about meditation these days. Why do you think it's so important?
What is it about language and speaking that you see making the biggest difference through your business & personal life?
How does a full-time business owner, mother, writing books, teaching, and anything else work in your marriage?
What do you do every morning to get ready for any day?
Mary Lyn Jenkins is the owner of Big Fish Power Yoga studios in Jacksonville, Florida – they’ve been named the best studios in Jacksonville. She, and her team, teach power yoga and trainings as a leadership skill. She teaches everyone from the NFL – Jacksonville Jaguars – to kids, and believes the practice of yoga and meditation is what will change the world.
Mary Lyn moved to Jacksonville, Florida from Seattle, Washington in 2007. After studying Art and Journalism at Auburn University, she worked for fifteen years in the world of interior design, art and set design creating for private homes, publications, and advertising. Her start was with Southern Living Magazine, and soon thereafter, she and her husband moved west where she was based in the Pacific Northwest and the Bay Area of San Francisco. While in Seattle, yoga became her practice and training was for fun. After almost ten years, she returned to the South with her husband and began teaching yoga while waiting for the economy crash to subside.
With the support of her family, the vision for Big Fish Power Yoga became clear and opened in 2010. It was the result of her passion for beauty, team building, creativity and expanding service and leadership with power yoga as the medium.
As an E- RYT 500, Mary Lyn has spent thousands of hours training and believes strongly in her ongoing studentship. She is passionate about empowering others. She teaches classes, leads teams, and facilitates trainings.
Mary Lyn has served on the Leadership Board for Africa Yoga Project, partners closely with local non-profits and businesses throughout the country, facilitates recovery yoga for the NFL, and was on the cover of nationally recognized Yoga Journal Magazine in 2016. Mary Lyn’s commitment is to elevate yoga education and more so, to disrupt status quo. Big Fish has consistently been voted Jacksonville’s best yoga studios and is the official studio of the Jacksonville Jaguars. She considers partnership to be the most powerful instrument for positive change.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: @marylynbigfish
The views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Thursday Jan 17, 2019
Thursday Jan 17, 2019
Tiffany Ryan, PhD, MSW, LMT, RYT200, Co-Founder, Yomassage, a resource for wellness professionals and individuals offering a fusion of relaxing, supported yoga poses with hands-on massage therapy joins eHealth Radio and the Health News Channel. Dr. Ryan is a director of trauma therapies for Our Lady of the Lake University, a massage therapist and certified yoga instructor.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Tiffany Ryan discuss the following:
Why is touch an important part of health and wellness?
How does integrating massage, restorative yoga (stretch) and mindfulness techniques help the client?
What are the pain points for massage therapists and bodywork practitioners in managing and growing their business?
What are the bigger trends for the massage/bodywork industry right now, and what will 2019 look like?
Do you have any advice for current or would-be massage practitioners to be successful in this industry?
Yomassage is changing the massage industry with a combination of massage therapy and restorative yoga, offering training and certification for massage therapist professionals. Yomassage is an innovation that helps therapists extend their careers and increase revenue, by serving multiple clients, offering a unique experience and creating an entrepreneurial opportunity to establish or expand their practice. For clients, Yomassage provides an affordable option for regular self-care through body work, delivering a restorative yoga experience with therapeutic massage at a price that makes it easy to include as part of a self-care routine.
Social Media Links: Instagram: Facebook: Pinterest:
The views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
Liz Arch, International Yoga Instructor, the Creator of Primal Yoga and Author of The Courage to Rise: Using Movement, Mindfulness, and Healing Foods to Triumph over Trauma joins eHealth Radio and the Health News Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Liz Arch discuss the following:
Domestic Violence is a silent epidemic: Did you know...
What is Trauma-Informed Yoga?
How does Trauma-Informed Yoga differ from mainstream yoga?
Share with our listeners, research-backed tools to help people heal and release trauma in the body and mind.
You are releasing your first book this December, The Courage to Rise, tell us about the book and what you hope readers will take away?
Where can listeners pre-order a copy?
Liz Arch is an international yoga teacher, martial artist, author, mom, and the creator of Primal Yoga®, a dynamic fusion of yoga and martial arts focused on empowerment and self-healing. She is also a certified Domestic Violence Counselor Advocate and currently serves as the West Coast director of the nonprofit organization Purple Dot Yoga Project, which uses yoga as a healing tool to help individuals overcome the trauma of domestic violence. She leads transformative teacher trainings, workshops, and retreats around the world.
Liz has a diverse background in several different martial arts styles including traditional Northern-style Kung Fu, Yang-style Tai Chi, Self-Healing Qigong, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. She holds a Tai Chi Quan Certification from the Beijing Tai Chi and Kung Fu Academy located in Santa Monica, CA and has competed and medaled in local and national Kung Fu and Tai Chi competitions. She holds multiple yoga certifications, including a SmartFlow Yoga certification from Annie Carpenter, a Yoga Tune Up® certification from Jill Miller, and a Trauma-Informed Yoga certification from Hala Khouri and Kyra Haglund. She is also trained in Yoga Nidra and breathwork for trauma release. In addition to her movement background, she holds a plant-based nutrition certificate from Cornell’s T. Collin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies.
Liz has appeared on the covers of international magazines including Yoga Journal, Om Yoga Magazine, and Yoga Life Magazine. She has also been featured in national ad campaigns for Under Armour and contributes as a health and wellness expert for MyFitnessPal, the world’s most popular health and fitness app.
She is a firm believer in the capacity of yoga to heal on a physical and emotional level and is passionate about helping people step into their greatest strength, personal empowerment, and resiliency.
For more information, please click here.
For more information on her book, “The Courage to Rise: Using Movement, Mindfulness, and Healing Foods to Triumph over Trauma” click here.
Websites: |
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
The views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Sunday Aug 24, 2014
If considering starting a yoga practice with Doreen Hing of Plank
Sunday Aug 24, 2014
Sunday Aug 24, 2014
Doreen Hing, the Founder & Creator of Plank, the only company that creates yoga mats with a grip that is activated by the body heat joins eHealth Radio and the Yoga Information Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Doreen Hing discuss the following:For those that missed your last interview, remind the audience what’s different about Plank & its heat activated connect yoga mats?What advice can you give to those who are considering starting a yoga practice?How do long time yoga practioners prevent themselves from being injured or bored with their practice?What has been your biggest discovery as part of your yoga practice?What new projects or products is Plank working on?
Duration: 12:05
When Plank’s Founder, former shoe designer and full time fashionista, Doreen Hing, discovered the incredible benefits of yoga and how it positively affected other aspects of her life, she knew she had to share this fantastic sense of awareness and well-being with others the only way she knew how – through design.
Doreen set out to design a yoga mat in a style that reflected her attitude toward life and her unique sense of humor. She created four provocative, intriguing and conversation-starting designs including Plank’s Cobra Yoga Mat, Signature Plank Yoga Mat, Pills Yoga Mat, and Shag Yoga Mat.
While exploring the technology to imprint high-quality photo imagery onto the yoga mats, Doreen and the lab discovered the surface coating developed to protect the artwork had increased grip potential when body heat and pressure were applied.
Now, Plank develops and designs the only body heat activated grip yoga mat, a line of mat carriers, bags & purses for any yoga lifestyle, all the while promoting yoga as a vehicle for extraordinary well-being. We’re committed to creating yoga inspired products to enhance a person’s yoga experience visually, physically, physiologically and perhaps, thoughtfully too.
Inhale. Exhale. Enjoy. Plank.
Web Site:

Monday Jun 23, 2014
Booty Barre at Yoga Reflections in Mattawan, Michigan
Monday Jun 23, 2014
Monday Jun 23, 2014
Joy Kakabeeke, certified yoga instructor, holistic wellness coach and owner of Yoga Reflections in Mattawan, Michigan joins eHealth Radio and the Yoga and Fitness Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Joy Kakabeeke discuss the following:I understand you recently received a business award. Can you tell me about that?How did you get into the yoga and wellness business?Who can do yoga? Do you have to be really flexible?I know that there are a lot of different styles of yoga our there. Can you describe a bit more about the styles offered at Yoga Reflections?Word is spreading that you're offering a new fitness trend at your studio. Can you tell me about that?
Duration: 10:40
Joy Kakabeeke has worn many hats before opening her studio in 2010. She graduated from Arizona State University in 1996 with a degree in Mathematics Secondary Education. She began teaching high school and college level mathematics in 1996 and while continuing her education at the University of Phoenix. She graduated with a Masters in Educational Leadership in 1999 and continued to teach in Phoenix, Arizona through 2001.
Joy moved back to Michigan in the summer of 2001 and began teaching mathematics at Loy Norrix High School in Kalamazoo. After giving birth to her daughter in 2006, Joy taught for just a while longer and then retired from teaching. Since then, she continues to work hard as a mother and she also works part time as a Caribbean and European Specialist for Paradise Getaways, LLC.
Joy has been practicing yoga since 2005. She found that, after a serious car accident and then being diagnosed with fibromyalgia, yoga far exceeded her expectations for better health. Joy Kakabeeke completed her teacher training and became a certified yoga teacher in the summer of 2010. Shortly thereafter, she opened up Yoga Reflections so that she can share the wonderful benefits of yoga with others.
All of the certified, experienced and trained instructors at Yoga Reflections truly understand that each person's abilities are different and have a varying degree of limitation. By focusing on proper techniques and alignment, the yoga and Pilates postures can benefit anyone. And, you don't have to be able to put your foot behind your head to achieve those benefits!
Whether you are an athlete, new to fitness and health, have arthritis or chronic pain, a consistent yoga and Pilates practice will benefit you.
Web Site: www.yogareflections.comFacebook: @MattawanYoga

Sunday Dec 01, 2013
Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy with Dr. Marc Halpern
Sunday Dec 01, 2013
Sunday Dec 01, 2013
Dr. Marc Halpern, one of the leaders in the field of Yoga Therapy in the United States and the Founder and Director of the California College of Ayurveda joins eHealth Radio and the Health and Yoga Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Marc Halpern discuss the following:Yoga has become a household word. Ayurveda is still new but its popularity is growing rapidly. What is the relationship between these two practices?I seem to be hearing the term "Yoga Therapy" more and more often. Can you tell me what Yoga Therapy is?You specialize in a type of Yoga Therapy called Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy. Can you tell our audience about this?Can you give some simple examples of how yoga can be approached on an individual basis?How does someone become an Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist?
Duration: 18:43
Dr. Marc Halpern is the founder and President of the California College of Ayurveda and the author of the popular book, Healing Your Life; Lessons on the Path of Ayurveda. A leader in the fields of Ayurveda and Yoga, he is the co-founder of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association (USA) and the California Association of Ayurvedic Medicine. He also sits on the advisory boards of Light on Ayurveda Journal in the United States and the Journal of Research and Education in Indian Medicine in India.
Dr. Halpern’s contributions to the field have earned him the highest level of awards in both countries. He has published hundreds of articles in popular journals and magazines of Ayurveda and Yoga and is a regular speaker at Ayurvedic and Yoga conferences. A Doctor of Chiropractic, a Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist, a certified Yoga Teacher in the Sivananda tradition, a Specialist in Holistic Medicine, an author and teacher, Dr. Marc Halpern gives 100% to his passion for healing and removing the causes of suffering.