ehealth radio network

Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Why Collaborative Divorce is a Route Worth Considering
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Dr. Nikki Martinez, an Independent Medical Expert at the Federal level and has been an Adjunct professor for the past 13 years again joins eHealth Radio and the Psychology & Divorce Channels. Dr. Martinez also works as an Independent Consultant for Various Individuals, Groups, and Organizations, as she continues to see a small caseload of Individual and Couple patients through Tele-Mental Health Services on a regular basis.
Topic: Why Collaborative Divorce is a Route Worth Considering
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
To start things off, and so listeners understand, what is “collaborative divorce?”
How is it almost immediately apparent that collaborative divorce lawyers are different, or have a different agenda than what someone might think of in a ‘traditional divorce scenario?”
Are there limits to the settings and ways in which a collaborative lawyer can work?
Why is the contract the couple signs when they enter the collaborative divorce process so important?
Finally, what do you think are the benefits of this process, and why it is a type of divorce process couples should consider?
Dr. Nicole Martinez received her master’s and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois. Prior to that she attended the University of St. Francis where she completed a double major in Psychology and Therapeutic Recreation. Dr. Martinez has experience working with adolescents and adults in individual, family, and group treatment.
Her therapeutic style can be described as integrative, assessing the needs and style that will best serve the individual client. She typically has a mix between Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy and various holistic approaches, with an emphasis in CBT, Solution Focused Therapy, Reality Therapy, and Positive Psychology. She believes in exploring the connection between the body and the mind to treat all the individuals’ needs. Her belief is that an individual must explore many areas of their functioning to ensure optimum health physically and emotionally.
She stresses the essential belief that the therapist and client relationship is collaborative in nature, and the two are 'partners,' who communicate from the first steps of designing the course and goals of treatment, as well as what the priorities will be. Dr. Martinez understands that it is just as important to identify any treatment styles, tools, techniques, or methods that 'did not' work, as did, so that the two of you can work together charting a new path and avoiding precious time and frustration on that which has already been proven to be a poor fit. Dr. Martinez also understands that each person is unique, there is no 'one size fits all,' and that the needs of an individual may not only change from the initial inception of a treatment plan, but from month to month or session to session, and that adapting and meeting the patient 'where they are at,' at any given moment is essential to both letting the patient know they are being heard and attended to, as well as positive treatment outcomes.
Areas of expertise: Medical and health psychology, trauma, PTSD, depression, anxiety, social anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADHD, autism spectrum disorders and neurodivergent considerations, LGBTQ populations, bereavement, forensics, substance abuse, addictive issues, couples work, MISA, co-occurring disorders, domestic violence, sex offenders, special needs populations, and chronic medical issues and rare diseases. Evaluation and assessment of the above-mentioned individuals.
Resource: [key word “Nikki Martinez”]
Social Media: Linkedin:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.
People also listened to: Making It Through Your First Holiday Season After a Divorce

Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Making It Through Your First Holiday Season After a Divorce
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Dr. Nikki Martinez, an Independent Medical Expert at the Federal level and has been an Adjunct professor for the past 13 years again joins eHealth Radio and the Psychology & Divorce Channels. Dr. Martinez also works as an Independent Consultant for Various Individuals, Groups, and Organizations, as she continues to see a small caseload of Individual and Couple patients through Tele-Mental Health Services on a regular basis.
Topic: Making It Through Your First Holiday Season After a Divorce
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
What is a good way to deal with family and friends before getting together, to make sure that the holidays go as smoothly as possible for you as members of a couple?
What are some of the additional issues people should consider when children are involved?
How can the family be pre-warned and how can they help support children during this first holiday?
Why are the holidays especially hard for those who have broken up and the families that are dealing with their new normal?
If everyone does all these steps, can they expect everything to go smoothly?
Dr. Nicole Martinez received her master’s and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois. Prior to that she attended the University of St. Francis where she completed a double major in Psychology and Therapeutic Recreation. Dr. Martinez has experience working with adolescents and adults in individual, family, and group treatment.
Her therapeutic style can be described as integrative, assessing the needs and style that will best serve the individual client. She typically has a mix between Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy and various holistic approaches, with an emphasis in CBT, Solution Focused Therapy, Reality Therapy, and Positive Psychology. She believes in exploring the connection between the body and the mind to treat all the individuals’ needs. Her belief is that an individual must explore many areas of their functioning to ensure optimum health physically and emotionally.
She stresses the essential belief that the therapist and client relationship is collaborative in nature, and the two are 'partners,' who communicate from the first steps of designing the course and goals of treatment, as well as what the priorities will be. Dr. Martinez understands that it is just as important to identify any treatment styles, tools, techniques, or methods that 'did not' work, as did, so that the two of you can work together charting a new path and avoiding precious time and frustration on that which has already been proven to be a poor fit. Dr. Martinez also understands that each person is unique, there is no 'one size fits all,' and that the needs of an individual may not only change from the initial inception of a treatment plan, but from month to month or session to session, and that adapting and meeting the patient 'where they are at,' at any given moment is essential to both letting the patient know they are being heard and attended to, as well as positive treatment outcomes.
Areas of expertise: Medical and health psychology, trauma, PTSD, depression, anxiety, social anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADHD, autism spectrum disorders and neurodivergent considerations, LGBTQ populations, bereavement, forensics, substance abuse, addictive issues, couples work, MISA, co-occurring disorders, domestic violence, sex offenders, special needs populations, and chronic medical issues and rare diseases. Evaluation and assessment of the above-mentioned individuals.
Resource: [key word “Nikki Martinez”]
Social Media: Linkedin:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.
People also listened to: The Many Benefits of Making Peace with the End of a Relationship

Friday Oct 06, 2023
The Many Benefits of Making Peace with the End of a Relationship
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Dr. Nikki Martinez, an Independent Medical Expert at the Federal level and has been an Adjunct professor for the past 13 years joins eHealth Radio and the Psychology & Emotional Health Channels. Dr. Martinez also works as an Independent Consultant for Various Individuals, Groups, and Organizations, as she continues to see a small caseload of Individual and Couple patients through Tele-Mental Health Services on a regular basis.
Topic: The Many Benefits of Making Peace with the End of a Relationship
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
What are some of the areas of people’s lives that can be impacted when someone is struggling with the end of a long-term relationship?
What are some of the more serious consequences you have seen people suffer if they don’t realize that they way they are coping, or not coping has spiraled out of control?
You see this as an opportunity for growth, and something that can feel like a very positive period in the person’s life. Can you speak more about that?
If you have children, why is moving forward especially important?
What are some final take-a-ways you have for listeners on making peace with the end of a relationship?
Dr. Nicole Martinez received her master’s and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois. Prior to that she attended the University of St. Francis where she completed a double major in Psychology and Therapeutic Recreation. Dr. Martinez has experience working with adolescents and adults in individual, family, and group treatment.
Her therapeutic style can be described as integrative, assessing the needs and style that will best serve the individual client. She typically has a mix between Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy and various holistic approaches, with an emphasis in CBT, Solution Focused Therapy, Reality Therapy, and Positive Psychology. She believes in exploring the connection between the body and the mind to treat all the individuals’ needs. Her belief is that an individual must explore many areas of their functioning to ensure optimum health physically and emotionally.
She stresses the essential belief that the therapist and client relationship is collaborative in nature, and the two are 'partners,' who communicate from the first steps of designing the course and goals of treatment, as well as what the priorities will be. Dr. Martinez understands that it is just as important to identify any treatment styles, tools, techniques, or methods that 'did not' work, as did, so that the two of you can work together charting a new path and avoiding precious time and frustration on that which has already been proven to be a poor fit. Dr. Martinez also understands that each person is unique, there is no 'one size fits all,' and that the needs of an individual may not only change from the initial inception of a treatment plan, but from month to month or session to session, and that adapting and meeting the patient 'where they are at,' at any given moment is essential to both letting the patient know they are being heard and attended to, as well as positive treatment outcomes.
Areas of expertise: Medical and health psychology, trauma, PTSD, depression, anxiety, social anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADHD, autism spectrum disorders and neurodivergent considerations, LGBTQ populations, bereavement, forensics, substance abuse, addictive issues, couples work, MISA, co-occurring disorders, domestic violence, sex offenders, special needs populations, and chronic medical issues and rare diseases. Evaluation and assessment of the above-mentioned individuals.
Resource: [key word “Nikki Martinez”]
Social Media: Linkedin:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.
People also listened to: The Psychology of Asking for Forgiveness and Forgiving

Wednesday May 17, 2023
Denial Offers Only a Quick Fix and Will Eventually Have its Reckoning
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Dr. Jane Greer a Marriage and Family Therapist, Psychotherapist, author, radio host, and creator of “SHRINK WRAP,” the popular commentary on what we can learn from the trials and triumphs of not only celebrity, but all relationships joins eHealth Radio and the Relationship Channel. She’s the author of six books, including her latest, Am I Lying To Myself? How to Overcome Denial and See the Truth.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Jane Greer discuss the following:
What is Denial?
What do you look for to recognize denial in yourself? What are the red flags?
How do you know if you are dealing with someone who is in denial?
What’s the best way to handle someone who is in denial about a problem or bad behavior?
What is a Stay Stuck Complainer and how do you deal with them?
Dr. Jane Greer is a Marriage and Family Therapist, Psychotherapist, author, radio host, and creator of “SHRINK WRAP,” the popular commentary on what we can learn from the trials and triumphs of not only celebrity, but all relationships. Through her media collaborations and professional insights, Dr. Greer is recognized as a leading national expert in love and relationships.
She’s the author of six books, including her latest, Am I Lying To Myself? How to Overcome Denial and See the Truth (Rowman & Littlefield, March 4, 2023).
People also listened to this: Checkable Medical: Revolutionizing Home Healthcare and Telemedicine

Thursday Sep 12, 2019
How to Turn your Pain into Passion and a Purpose
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Simone Allison, a Life Coach, specializing in Female Empowerment, and the author of the #1 International Bestselling book "Disempowered No More: A Spiritual Journey to Discovering Purpose, Power, & Passion After Divorce" joins eHealth Radio and the Relationship Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Simone Allison discuss the following:
How did you overcome the fear of starting over after a long relationship/marriage?
How did you find the courage to forgive yourself for walking out on the father of your two children?
How did you overcome PTSD, anxiety, and depression?
What do many women fear when they consider leaving an unhealthy relationship?
How can your story help others who are fearful of leaving a relationship that is harmful to them?
Simone Allison is a Life Coach, specializing in Female Empowerment - and is the author of the #1 International Bestselling book "Disempowered No More: A Spiritual Journey to Discovering Purpose, Power, & Passion After Divorce".
Simone has a background in the field of mental health and has a Master’s degree with a Dual Specialization in Marriage & Family therapy and Mental Health Counseling from Barry University. She also has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Miami. She is a certified Life Coach from The Addictions Academy. Simone is the mother of two children and resides in Miami, Florida.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: @SimoneAllison02
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Are You Using Common Sense When it Comes to Your Children's Needs After the Divorce?
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psychologist and Clinical Director again joins eHealth Radio and the Divorce, Relationship & Psychology Channels to using common sense when it comes to your children's needs after the divorce?
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
Why is this such an essential issue to talk about, and why do people get so angry to talk about it?
What are some of the most common mistakes people are making?
What is some essential advice every parent should remember?
What does every child need---when going through this?
You make a strong point that you know how hard this is, and that this is without judgement, but how can someone help an ex-partner who is resistant to hearing how they are hurting the children?
Dr. Nikki Martinez received her Masters and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology, and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois. Dr. MArtinez is the Head of Clinical Development for She is an Adjunct Professor in psychology graduate studies, is a telemental health psychologist, a disability consultant, and a blogger for the numerous media outlets, including Everyday Power Blog. She is published author, disability advocate, and public speaker.
Website: Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter: @DrNikkiMartinez Instagram: @nikkimaramartinez

Wednesday Mar 21, 2018
Why Collaboorative Divorce is a Route Worth Considering
Wednesday Mar 21, 2018
Wednesday Mar 21, 2018
Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psychologist and Clinical Director again joins eHealth Radio and the Relationship & Psychology Channels to discuss why collaboorative divorce is a route worth considering.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
What is collaborative divorce?
Why are you such a big advocate of it for couples?
Why can this be such a large benefit to couples with children?
What are some special considerations to collaborative divorce?
What happens if one member refuses to remain collaborative?
Dr. Nikki Martinez received her Masters and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology, and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois. Dr. MArtinez is the Head of Clinical Development for She is an Adjunct Professor in psychology graduate studies, is a telemental health psychologist, a disability consultant, and a blogger for the numerous media outlets, including Everyday Power Blog. She is published author, disability advocate, and public speaker.
Website: Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter: @DrNikkiMartinez Instagram: @nikkimaramartinez

Friday Sep 22, 2017
Redefining Yourself After Divorce
Friday Sep 22, 2017
Friday Sep 22, 2017
Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psychologist and Clinical Director again joins eHealth Radio and the Divorce & Relationship Channels to discuss redefining yourself after divorce.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
Why is it important to take stock of ourselves after a divorce?
What might have changed since we were first married?
Why could these changes have made your relationship unsalvageable?
What should we spend our time defining?
How might understanding these changes, help our relationships going forward?
Dr. Nikki Martinez received her Masters and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology, and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois.
She is the Head of Clinical Development for, where she can be reached if you are interested in individual or couples work with her. She is an Adjunct Professor in psychology graduate studies, is a telemental health psychologist, a disability consultant, and a blogger for the Huffington Post and Everyday Power Blog.
Website: Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter: @DrNikkiMartinez Instagram: @nikkimaramartinez

Monday Jun 05, 2017
Taking the best care of your children when divorce can't be avoided
Monday Jun 05, 2017
Monday Jun 05, 2017
Mrs. Stacy Beaulieu-Fawcett, founder of Beaulieu-Fawcett Law Group, that focuses only on marital and family law and serves clients in SE Florida’s Palm Beach, Broward, Martin and St. Lucie counties joins eHealth Radio and the Divorce & Legal Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Stacy Beaulieu-Fawcett discuss the following:
When a couple with children decides to divorce, what criteria should they look for when hiring a lawyer?
How can parents who are divorcing take the best care of their children? What are the steps?
How can using the mediation process avoid the often acrimonious appearances in a courtroom?
What can divorcing couples expect when they decide to mediate their divorce?
As a faithful Christian highly involved with the legal community, what are some obstacles facing some faithful persons who choose divorce? What obstacles do they need to overcome?
Mrs. Stacy Beaulieu-Fawcett, founder of Beaulieu-Fawcett Law Group, focuses only on marital and family law and serves clients in SE Florida’s Palm Beach, Broward, Martin and St. Lucie counties. Mrs. Beaulieu-Fawcett has built her thriving practice in large part by helping Christians navigate the often-difficult decision to divorce. Mrs. Beaulieu-Fawcett is a member of the Christian Legal Society and is a deeply committed to her faith. The team of lawyers at Beaulieu-Fawcett Law Group has unparalleled experience in navigating clients though this difficult process, and handling whatever challenges may arise, be it custody or financially related.
They empathize with the intense emotions clients often experience, yet are committed to practicing reasonable and sensible law and providing objective advice as to how to achieve the best possible outcome. If that requires litigation, their attorneys are highly skilled and effective in the courtroom. And when a divorce is settled without a trial, the lawyers’ drafting of settlement documents is clear, comprehensive, and straightforward to avoid unnecessary disputes later.Beaulieu-Fawcett is an esteemed and highly involved member of the local legal community. In her marital and family law practice, she is committed to protecting her client’s rights and serving their children’s best interests.
Mrs. Beaulieu-Fawcett has extensive experience handling difficult and complex family law cases in a professional and compassionate manner negotiating when possible and aggressively litigating when necessary. Prior to entering private practice, she spent several years in the courtroom assisting a Chief Family Law Judiciary. Mrs. Beaulieu lectures frequently on various family law issues throughout the state of Florida.
Mrs. Beaulieu-Fawcett was featured as one of the top young attorneys in Florida on She was named “Florida’s Legal Elite” by Florida Trend Magazine which recognized her as top 2% of attorneys in Florida. The Beaulieu-Fawcett Law Group focuses on family law areas including:
Child Abuse Child Negligence
Complex Matrimonial Matters
Divorce Dissolution of Marriage
Domestic Violence
Interstate and International Child Abduction
Parenting and Child Support
Parenting Plans
Post Judgement Enforcement & Modification
Prenuptial Agreements
Property and Marital Settlement Agreements
Stepparent Adoption
Substance Abuse
Website: Facebook:

Saturday Apr 29, 2017
Divorce After Decades, and Moving Forward with Your Life
Saturday Apr 29, 2017
Saturday Apr 29, 2017
Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psychologist and Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor again joins eHealth Radio and the Family & Relationship Channels to discuss divorce after decades, and moving forward with your life.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
People are often uncomfortable when it comes to people divorcing after many, many years together, why is that?
What is unique about people that divorce after decades together?
What advice might you give someone who is just starting over and feels lost and perhaps scared?
What are some small steps these individuals can take to start moving forward with their life?
Couples work is one of your specialities. What particular advice might you leave these individuals with, and how might they get a hold of you for help?
Dr. Nikki Martinez received her Masters and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology, and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois.
She is the Head of Clinical Development for, where she can be reached if you are interested in individual or couples work with her. She is an Adjunct Professor for 2 graduate programs, a Blogger for the Huffington Post, Everydaypowerblog, Older Dating, Success Stories, Sivana Spirit, Proud Stories, and a Contributor for the Chicago Tribune. She just published her first 8th book through
Website: Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter: @DrNikkiMartinez