ehealth radio network

Saturday Jan 04, 2025
It’s Time to Stop Coping and Start Winning
Saturday Jan 04, 2025
Saturday Jan 04, 2025
Ryan Christensen shares his expertise in unlocking human potential on this episode of eHealth Radio. Specializing in peak mental focus and performance, with a background in intelligence operations and certifications in advanced hypnosis, he has helped hundreds of high-achievers transform their limiting beliefs, eliminate self-sabotaging behaviors, and unlock their true potential. His new book, Winner Peace: How to End Inner Conflict and Make Success Inevitable.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels guest Ryan Christensen discuss the following:
Please tell us why you wrote this book.
What brought you to the idea that the feeling that something is wrong with us is actually a result of trying to measure up to some standard that sets us up to fail?
How can negative emotions, like the pain of guilt, shame, anxiety, doubt, etc., help us find inner peace?
Why do you believe that many current treatment modalities are actually counter-productive?
Is there a simple formula to help people stop asking if they deserve things and focus on getting them?
Why can feeling good about something can actually be a trap?
What advice can you offer to keep people from looking for a quick fix?
Ryan Christensen shares his expertise in unlocking human potential. Specializing in peak mental focus and performance, with a background in intelligence operations and certifications in advanced hypnosis, he has helped hundreds of high-achievers transform their limiting beliefs, eliminate self-sabotaging behaviors, and unlock their true potential. His new book, Winner Peace: How to End Inner Conflict and Make Success Inevitable, offers a revolutionary approach to ending inner conflict, releasing the power of the subconscious mind, and making success inevitable.
Social Media Links: Youtube: Instagram:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.
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Saturday Jun 03, 2023
The Real Pandemic: Mentally Thrive Through Psychological Warfare
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Tonya Rebhahan, the best selling author of The Real Pandemic: Mentally Thrive Through Psychological Warfare joins eHealth Radio & the Mental Health Channel. Tonya is life coach certified in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy, and Holistic Nutrition.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Tonya Rebhahan discuss the following:
What made you think the Covid pandemic had such an impact on mental health.?
You are certified in NeuroLinguistic Programming - what is neurolinguistic programming?
As far as Hypnotherapy goes - can everyone be hypnotized?
Will you tell us a little bit about the Sylva Method?
What services do you offer if people could use further help?
Tonya Rebhahan is a life coach certified in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy, and Holistic Nutrition.
Not only does she have expertise in the field as a teacher but also as a patient. She suffered from depression and had significant trauma that lead to PTSD.
In her own journey, she sought answers for herself and applied all the knowledge she learned. As the author of the book "The Real Pandemic: Mentally Thrive Through Psychological Warfare", she educates in an easy-to-understand way but also gives simple-to-use tools that can be immediately implemented into one's life. And even though these tools are simple, they are highly effective at helping with anxiety and depression.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.
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Friday Mar 25, 2022
How hypnosis can help you lose weight naturally and quickly
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Eli Bliliuos the Founder of the NYC Hypnosis Center that provides hypnosis sessions to clients who want to lose weight, quit smoking, overcome fears and limiting beliefs joins eHealth Radio and the Hypnosis and Weight Management Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Eli Bliliuos discuss the following:
I am sure that many people in our audience are probably curious about hypnosis. What is exactly is hypnosis and how does it work?
I know that you specialize in weight loss. How does hypnosis help your clients lose weight?
Can hypnosis help people exercise regularly?
How effective is hypnosis?
Is there a weight loss tip you can share with our audience?
Eli Bliliuos, Founder of the NYC Hypnosis Center is a well-established Hypnosis Specialist and Master Trainer transforming the lives of clients in the United States, Europe, the Caribbean and Australia. Eli is based in New York and is certified by the International Alliance of Certified Hypnotists and Therapists as well as the National Hypnotist Guild and the IACT. Eli’s expertise ranges from hypnosis to free clients from phobias, achieve their weight loss goals, stop smoking, build self-confidence, healing deep emotional wounds, managing chronic pain and overcoming a variety of other life challenges. Additional training that Eli has received includes Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Life Coach Training.
Aside from hypnosis sessions, Eli offers training in several United States cities and European countries, speaking at various hypnosis and spirituality related fairs and shows, as well as delivering presentations and talks. Eli also offers an assortment of Hypnosis downloads.
Social Media Links: Twitter: Facebook: Youtube:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Thrive in the new normal post Covid-19 with self hypnosis
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Christine Deschemin, a certified hypnotherapist and Founder of the Renewed Edge Hypnotherapy Centre in Hong Kong and released the self-hypnosis ap, UpNow and has joined eHealth Radio and the Hypnosis and Technology Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Christine Deschemin discuss the following:
What got you interested in Hypnotherapy?
What inspired you to create UpNow?
What can be accomplished with Self-Hypnosis?
How does Hypnotherapy work?
How can people access UpNow?
Christine Deschemin is a certified hypnotherapist and Founder of the Renewed Edge Hypnotherapy Centre in Hong Kong and she has recently released the self-hypnosis ap, UpNow.
After a career in aeronautical engineering and finance, she foresaw the increased need for solution-focused wellness, became a certified hypnotherapist and opened the first hypnotherapy center in Hong Kong. Her experience as a fencing athlete led her to fully grasp the importance and power of mindset not only for optimal health but also for performance very early on. In her quest for non-invasive and safe methods for self-improvement, she noticed the growing amount of research pointing to the efficacy of hypnosis for a variety of mental and physical ailments and the increased use of hypnosis by medical practitioners in Europe and the US. This led her to obtain diplomas and certifications in hypnosis and NLP. With a keen interest in resilience, she leverages her experience as an athlete and as a former engineer and banker in high-stress environments with her executives and sports clients.
In March of 2020, she released the UpNow hypnosis app to bring the benefits of self-hypnosis to the fingertips of anyone in need. The self-hypnosis downloads can be accessed online and offline and make the access to mental health aids affordable.
In addition to her many scholastic achievements, Christine Deschemin is fluent in four languages, has a Master of Science from the Ecole Polytechnique (France), and has an MBA from Harvard Business School.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Linkedin:

Thursday Jan 04, 2018
How Women Can Achieve Fabulous Orgasms
Thursday Jan 04, 2018
Thursday Jan 04, 2018
Dr. Janet Hall a Clinical Psychologist, hypnotherapist and author of 15 books and 17 recordings on sex joins eHealth Radio and the Female and Sexual Health Channels. Dr Jan consults from Richmond Hill Psychology in Melbourne, and online at
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Janet Hall discuss the following:
What is a fabulous orgasm and why would a woman want to learn how to have one?
What types of orgasms are there for women?
Why are women NOT having fabulous orgasms all the time?
What are the five essential ingredients for women having fabulous orgasms?
What are the seven keys to expand your orgasms for women?
Dr. Janet Hall, speaker, hypnotherapist, author of 15 books on sex and 17 audio recordings, is your guide in the art of sensational sexual success.
Dr. Jan is one of Australia’s leading experts in understanding the psychology of sexual behaviour. Her gift is to make psychological information user-friendly, easily understood, and easy to apply. Dr. Jan gives people clarity and direction from her Richmond Hill Psychology Centre in Melbourne, Australia and online at Dr. Jan believes that a healthy sex life is the right of everyone, and can help you with any sexual issue; from young couples and individuals learning about sex, intimacy, and relationships, through to helping older individuals and established couples to enjoy the sensational sex they deserve. Dr. Jan is a recommended media consultant for the Australian Psychological Society and is regularly asked to comment on current issues for newsprint, television and radio. She has appeared on many major television programs including “Good Morning Australia”, “Sex-Life”, “The Glasshouse”, "Mornings" and “A Current Affair”. Enlightening and entertaining, Dr. Jan affirms, encourages, and empowers you to make changes that will have long term positive effects for the rest of your life.
Websites: |
Free Sample: To receive your personal copy of a free sample from Dr. Janet Hall's Ebook called Fabulous Orgasms For Women click here.
Social Media Links: Twitter: Facebook: Youtube:

Thursday Dec 07, 2017
5 Ways Hypnosis Leads to Sustainable Weight Loss /Expert Tips
Thursday Dec 07, 2017
Thursday Dec 07, 2017
Erika Flint, an award-winning hypnotist, author, speaker and co-host of the popular podcast series Hypnosis, Etc. joins eHealth Radio and the Hypnosis & Weight Management Channels. She is the founder of Cascade Hypnosis Center in Bellingham, Washington, and creator of the Reprogram Your Weight system.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Erika Flint discuss the following:
What makes losing weight so difficult for most people?
How about the idea that in order to grow up big and strong you needed to eat as much as possible?
How does hypnosis differ from traditional weight loss methods?
How does hypnosis help to counteract bad eating habits?
How does hypnosis lead to more sustained weight reduction?
Erika Flint an award-winning hypnotist, author, speaker and co-host of the popular podcast series Hypnosis, Etc. She is the founder of Cascade Hypnosis Center in Bellingham, Washington, and creator of the Reprogram Your Weight system. Her book, Reprogram Your Weight: Stop Thinking About Food All the Time, Regain Control of Your Eating, and Lose the Weight Once and for All (Difference Press 2016), unveils how hypnosis taps into an individual’s inherent power for weight loss success.
Website: |
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

Wednesday Jun 07, 2017
YOU-TURN: Changing Direction in Midlife
Wednesday Jun 07, 2017
Wednesday Jun 07, 2017
Dr. Nancy Irwin, a Los Angeles-based therapist and clinical hypnotist, & the author of the nonfiction YOU-TURN: Changing Direction in Midlife, a collection of “over 40 stories of people over 40” chronicles of successful transitions in people’s personal and or professional lives again joins eHealth Radio and the Personal Development Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Nancy Irwin discuss the following:
What is a you-turn?
What made you want to change or take a detour in your life?
Was there any specific defining moment when it was blindingly clear what path you were to take?
Did you have any negative/limiting beliefs or obstacles to overcome?
How did you change your programming? How long did that take?
Did you have a support system?
What kept you going?
Would you do it over again if you had to?
What advice do you have for those considering making a transition in mid-life?
Any advice to others who are in that fearful stage?
Originally from Atlanta, where she trained as an opera singer, Dr. Nancy Irwin moved to New York City in 1985 to pursue a career as a stand-up comedian. She worked all over the country and abroad, and moved to L.A. in 1994 when she heard that Hollywood needed more blondes…Dr. Irwin experienced an epiphany when she began volunteer work for Children of the Night, a shelter for sexually abused children in Los Angeles. This work not only waked up the healer in her, but also allowed her to begin healing her own adolescent sexual abuse at the hand of a clergyman. It prompted her to pursue a doctorate in psychology, at the age of 44, and to specialize in the prevention and healing of child sexual abuse. She went on to write the non-fiction, YOU-TURN: CHANGING DIRECTION IN MIDLIFE, to inspire others that it is never too late to live a life you love. A pre-licensed psychologist and clinical therapeutic hypnotist, Dr. Irwin is in private practice in Los Angeles, is a primary therapist on staff at Seasons Recovery Center in Malibu and is also a busy public speaker. She’s a frequent media guest for a variety of psychological issues, including reinvention, having appeared on Anderson Cooper, The Doctors, and more. Dr. Irwin is a member of the Los Angeles County Psychological Association, the Southern California Society of Clinical Hypnosis, and the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers.You-Turn: Changing Direction in Midlife (Amazon, 2008) was her first book, and she is honored to be featured with Deepak Chopra and Kenneth Blanchard in ROADMAP TO SUCCESS (Amazon, 2011). As well, she co-authored BREAKING THROUGH! STORIES OF HOPE AND RECOVERY (Amazon, 2017). These books are all available on and Barnes and
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: @DrNancyIrwin

Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
How Hypnosis Can Help Treat Addiction
Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
Dr. Nancy Irwin, Primary Therapist at Seasons Recovery Centers, who specializes in hypnotherapy, as well as other holistic approaches for treating addictive behaviors, sexual abuse recovery, and other traumas joins eHealth Radio and the Addiction Prevention and Hypnosis Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Nancy Irwin discuss the following:How does hypnosis help addictions?Can hypnosis treat the traumas that are underpinnings for addictions?Can everyone be hypnotized? Is that a fact, truth or myth? Are some substances more treatable than others?Does it work if there is a dual diagnosis?Do psychotropic medications prevent hypnotic trance?
Duration: 8:19
Dr. Nancy Irwin is a highly sought after addiction therapist who specializes in hypnotherapy, as well as other holistic approaches for treating addictive behaviors, sexual abuse recovery, and other traumas.
Dr. Irwin is also the author of YOU-TURN: Changing Direction in Midlife (2008), a collection of “over 40 stories of people over 40” who made amazing transitions in midlife and has been featured in a wide variety of media outlets including CNN, CNBC, Fox, and MSNBC.
Dr. Irwin experienced an epiphany when she began volunteering for Children of the Night, a shelter for sexually abused children in Los Angeles. This experience awoke the healer in Dr. Irwin, prompting her to pursue a doctorate in psychology at California Southern University with a specialty focus on the prevention and healing of sexual abuse. Dr. Irwin graduated from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute in Tarzana, California, in 2003, with honors and the Director’s Award.
She is a member of the American Hypnosis Association, the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, the California Psychological Association, the Los Angeles County Psychological Association, and she is a Diplomate in the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress.
A certified practitioner of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy, and Emotion Free Therapy, Dr. Irwin tailors each client’s treatment to effect the most rapid transformation possible. Dr. Irwin’s academic accomplishments, life experience, and personal approach together enable her to provide clients with a unique treatment experience.
Dr. Irwin currently serves as a Primary Therapist & Certified Hypnotherapist at Seasons Recovery Centers in Los Angeles, California.
Social Media Links:
Twitter: @DrNancyIrwin
The views and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the
views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Monday Jun 15, 2015
Monday Jun 15, 2015
Nick Terrone, Hypnotherapist and Owner of both QuitWithNick and joins eHealth Radio and the Hypnosis and Smoking Cessation Channels. He not only certifies and coaches heath and wellness professionals to integrate it in within their existing business, but also helps people create a successful hypnotherapy practices from scratch.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Nick Terrone discuss the following:For those who may not know much about Hypnotherapy, can you briefly share with us what hypnosis is and how it works?Now, many of us have a sense that the subconscious mind is a powerful thing. But less of us know what it actually is. Can you explain to us the purpose and function of the unconscious mind?Why do you think people working in the health and wellness industry should incorporate the subconscious mind into their work with clients?I understand that you not only certify people to use hypnotherapy, but also coach people on how they can integrate it into their existing work. Is that right?Is there one simple tip you can share with us now to help us work with our own unconscious mind?
Duration: 13:21
Nick Terrone calls himself a ‘Perceptual Architect’. He is a Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist and Fulfillment Coach. He has personally worked with thousands of clients across a broad spectrum of personal challenges and has received intensive training from some of the world’s most influential thought leaders in the science of Human Potential, Behavior Modification, Unified Field Theory, Metaphysics and Entrepreneurship. As an inspired coach and speaker he teaches the transformative power of the unconscious mind through hypnosis and certifies others to either use hypnotherapy within their existing health and wellness business or to create a successful practice and business from scratch.
Websites: |

Sunday Dec 14, 2014
QuitWithNick, a clinic that assists people Stop Smoking
Sunday Dec 14, 2014
Sunday Dec 14, 2014
Nick Terrone, Owner of QuitWithNick, a clinic that mainly assists people Stop Smoking with a 94.7% Success Rate joins eHealth Radio and the Smoke Cessation and Hypnosis Information Channels. Nick also helps people with food addictions, weight loss, severe stress and anxiety. Although he is based in Sydney Australia, he is also available for consultations via Skype.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Nick Terrone discuss the following:With 2015 just around the corner and with so many people making New Year’s resolutions to Stop Smoking, what would be your advice for smokers wanting to stop?Why do smokers find it SO HARD to stop permanently?Anti-Smoking campaigns are often trying to ‘scare smokers’ into quitting as if the smoker doesn’t know cigarettes are bad for them. Hence it seems like there really isn’t much more a smoker could learn about cigarettes that could TRULY help them stop, NICK, could you share with us some fact about cigarettes here and now that perhaps your average smoker out there wouldn’t know, something that could help them stop?I understand that part of your Stop Smoking Program involves Hypnotherapy so for the benefit of our listeners can tell us EXACTLY what it is and what it isn’t?So can you tell us exactly how and why Hypnosis addresses the urge and craving for a cigarette?
Duration: 18:21
Want to eliminate stress, anxiety, a smoking or food addiction for yourself, your employees or your clients? Want to inject more heart and confidence into your life, your business and the world but don't know how?
Whether speaking to an audience of hundreds or working one-on-one, Nick helps create transformational change by co-creatively exploring the structures that maintain the most fundamental thing that determines your life experience: YOUR PERCEPTIONS!
Nick Terrone teaches the art and science of DEEEEEEEEP behavioural change as well as practical techniques to dissolve fear, doubt and resistance. This allows you to experience more of who you REALLY are and what you REALLY want with more easy and flow. The secret is helping clients connect with The Heart (Emotions), The Mind (Conscious & Subconscious) and The Unified Field (everything else).
Nick can help you dissolve the subconscious programming that is keeping you 'stuck' in your limiting beliefs and behaviours while helping you create new and superior ones. This helps you do what you need to do when you need to do it with ease, grace and flow.
Lasting change can only occur when you know how to leverage the 96-98% of your mind (the subconcious) which is TRULY responsible for who we are, what we do and our automatic behaviours.
Nick is an internationally published writer and speaker with a keen focus on the Heart-Mind connection and how it relates to confident self empowerment.
His gift is his ability to explain concepts of self and reality in a fun, light-hearted, easy-to-understand way while at the same time trying to keep alive his dream of becoming a stand up comedian.
Contact Nick now to find out how easy it can be to become a more confident and empowered YOU.