ehealth radio network

Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Aneela Idnani, Co-Founder & "Chief Trichster" at HabitAware joins eHealth Radio and the Health News & Technology Channels. She is the inspiration for HabitAware's Keen smart bracelet to help people overcome unwanted behaviors like compulsive hair pulling, skin picking and nail biting.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Aneela Idnani discuss the following:
Tell us a little bit about your experience with compulsive hair pulling disorder, also known as trichotillomania?
How did you come up with the idea to use technology to help you & how does the Keen bracelet work?
What resources are out there for someone who may just be realizing they have Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors?
What does recovery mean to you personally?
Can you please share one thing someone can do today to get started on their journey to BFRB awareness and recovery?
Aneela Idnani is Cofounder & President/CMO of HabitAware. HabitAware uses patented wearable technology to help people “Retrain The Brain” from detrimental behaviors to positive ones and on becoming the standard of care for debilitating mental health conditions.
Aneela is also an outspoken mental health advocate, having grown up with a common, yet relatively unknown condition called #trichotillomania (compulsive hair pulling). Aneela is a HAX hardware accelerator alumnus and her company recently received a research grant from the NIH to improve their device and validate Keen as a treatment for trichotillomania and sister disorders. Her life’s work (HabitAware) has been featured on TechCrunch, The Washington Post, Prevention Magazine and more.
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