ehealth radio network

Thursday May 03, 2018
Must Have's for a Balanced Life with Dr. Nikki Martinez
Thursday May 03, 2018
Thursday May 03, 2018
Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psychologist and Clinical Director again joins eHealth Radio and the Psychology & Health News Channels to discuss must have's for a balanced life.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
What inspired the idea of coming up with the "must have's for a balanced life?"
What are some of the essentials that we might not think of?
What is something that we might feel guilty about, but is actually really important?
What is something we need to try and change our thinking about?
How hard is it to actually have a balanced life?
Dr. Nikki Martinez received her Masters and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology, and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois. Dr. MArtinez is the Head of Clinical Development for She is an Adjunct Professor in psychology graduate studies, is a telemental health psychologist, a disability consultant, and a blogger for the numerous media outlets, including Everyday Power Blog. She is published author, disability advocate, and public speaker.
Website: Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter: @DrNikkiMartinez Instagram: @nikkimaramartinez

Saturday Apr 21, 2018
Do You Want to Be a Better Partner and Better Couple in 2018?
Saturday Apr 21, 2018
Saturday Apr 21, 2018
Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psychologist and Clinical Director again joins eHealth Radio and the Relationship & Psychology Channels to discuss do you want to be a better partner and better couple in 2018?
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
Why do people have such a hard time taking accountability for their own part in what went wrong in a relationship?
How common is communication an issue in relationships?
Can a couple change a relationship at any point if they learn to communicate?
Does what each person wants in a relationship change over time?
What role does anger play in a relationships success or failure?
Dr. Nikki Martinez received her Masters and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology, and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois. Dr. MArtinez is the Head of Clinical Development for She is an Adjunct Professor in psychology graduate studies, is a telemental health psychologist, a disability consultant, and a blogger for the numerous media outlets, including Everyday Power Blog. She is published author, disability advocate, and public speaker.
Website: Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter: @DrNikkiMartinez Instagram: @nikkimaramartinez

Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Are You Using Common Sense When it Comes to Your Children's Needs After the Divorce?
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psychologist and Clinical Director again joins eHealth Radio and the Divorce, Relationship & Psychology Channels to using common sense when it comes to your children's needs after the divorce?
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
Why is this such an essential issue to talk about, and why do people get so angry to talk about it?
What are some of the most common mistakes people are making?
What is some essential advice every parent should remember?
What does every child need---when going through this?
You make a strong point that you know how hard this is, and that this is without judgement, but how can someone help an ex-partner who is resistant to hearing how they are hurting the children?
Dr. Nikki Martinez received her Masters and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology, and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois. Dr. MArtinez is the Head of Clinical Development for She is an Adjunct Professor in psychology graduate studies, is a telemental health psychologist, a disability consultant, and a blogger for the numerous media outlets, including Everyday Power Blog. She is published author, disability advocate, and public speaker.
Website: Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter: @DrNikkiMartinez Instagram: @nikkimaramartinez

Friday Mar 30, 2018
How to Start to Focus on the Life After the Wedding
Friday Mar 30, 2018
Friday Mar 30, 2018
Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psychologist and Clinical Director again joins eHealth Radio and the Marriage, Relationship & Psychology Channels to discuss how to start to focus on the life after the wedding.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
You have written a number of articles about the idea of focusing on the life more than the wedding. What do you mean by this?
What issues do you see come up early in marriages when people lose site of focusing on the relationship in these early days?
If individuals don't form these building blocks, what problems could arise?
What kind of issues do you see with "early couples" coming into therapy?
What is the most important thing for couples to keep sight of?
Dr. Nikki Martinez received her Masters and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology, and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois. Dr. MArtinez is the Head of Clinical Development for She is an Adjunct Professor in psychology graduate studies, is a telemental health psychologist, a disability consultant, and a blogger for the numerous media outlets, including Everyday Power Blog. She is published author, disability advocate, and public speaker.
Website: Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter: @DrNikkiMartinez Instagram: @nikkimaramartinez

Wednesday Mar 21, 2018
Why Collaboorative Divorce is a Route Worth Considering
Wednesday Mar 21, 2018
Wednesday Mar 21, 2018
Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psychologist and Clinical Director again joins eHealth Radio and the Relationship & Psychology Channels to discuss why collaboorative divorce is a route worth considering.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
What is collaborative divorce?
Why are you such a big advocate of it for couples?
Why can this be such a large benefit to couples with children?
What are some special considerations to collaborative divorce?
What happens if one member refuses to remain collaborative?
Dr. Nikki Martinez received her Masters and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology, and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois. Dr. MArtinez is the Head of Clinical Development for She is an Adjunct Professor in psychology graduate studies, is a telemental health psychologist, a disability consultant, and a blogger for the numerous media outlets, including Everyday Power Blog. She is published author, disability advocate, and public speaker.
Website: Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter: @DrNikkiMartinez Instagram: @nikkimaramartinez

Saturday Nov 18, 2017
Things I wish I Knew When I was a Kid
Saturday Nov 18, 2017
Saturday Nov 18, 2017
Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psychologist and Clinical Director again joins eHealth Radio and the Relationship & Psychology Channels to discuss things I wish I knew when I was a kid.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
Why is it so important to be content with every phase we are at in life?
Can you be both content, and have goals?
Why should we express appreciation each day?
Why should we decide who is and who is not important to us?
Why is it so important to let go of anger and grudges?
Dr. Nikki Martinez received her Masters and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology, and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois.
She is the Head of Clinical Development for, where she can be reached if you are interested in individual or couples work with her. She is an Adjunct Professor in psychology graduate studies, is a telemental health psychologist, a disability consultant, and a blogger for the Huffington Post and Everyday Power Blog.
Website: Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter: @DrNikkiMartinez Instagram: @nikkimaramartinez

Monday Nov 06, 2017
Understanding your process, from concept to inception
Monday Nov 06, 2017
Monday Nov 06, 2017
Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psychologist and Clinical Director again joins eHealth Radio and the Relationship & Psychology Channels to discuss understanding your process, from concept to inception.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
No matter what we do for a living, we all have a process. Why is it so essential to understand our own?
If we are struggling to understand our process, what can we do?
Why does having the best personal process in place make such a difference for us?
Why do some people struggle with taking something from an idea, to a finished product?
Are there actual issues and disorders that make this process more difficult?
Dr. Nikki Martinez received her Masters and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology, and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois.
She is the Head of Clinical Development for, where she can be reached if you are interested in individual or couples work with her. She is an Adjunct Professor in psychology graduate studies, is a telemental health psychologist, a disability consultant, and a blogger for the Huffington Post and Everyday Power Blog.
Website: Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter: @DrNikkiMartinez Instagram: @nikkimaramartinez

Friday Oct 27, 2017
What Does For Better or For Worse Really Mean Now?
Friday Oct 27, 2017
Friday Oct 27, 2017
Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psychologist and Clinical Director again joins eHealth Radio and the Relationship & Psychology Channels to discuss "what does for better or for worse really mean now?"
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
Why do you think the definition of For Better or For Worse has changed?
Why do people think it is acceptable to bail out of the relationship when times get tough?
As someone with a rare disease, you have experienced people who did and did not live up to this promise. What is the difference?
You have said that not being able to live up to these vows, does not make the person a bad person, why is that?
What should a couple do to avoid this issue prior to getting married?
Dr. Nikki Martinez received her Masters and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology, and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois.
She is the Head of Clinical Development for, where she can be reached if you are interested in individual or couples work with her. She is an Adjunct Professor in psychology graduate studies, is a telemental health psychologist, a disability consultant, and a blogger for the Huffington Post and Everyday Power Blog.
Website: Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter: @DrNikkiMartinez Instagram: @nikkimaramartinez

Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Therapy to Negotiate the End of Your Relationship
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psychologist and Clinical Director again joins eHealth Radio and the Relationship & Psychology Channels to discuss therapy to negotiate the end of your relationship.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
What are different types of motivation that people have?
Why are some more fulfilling than others?
What issues cannot understanding our own motivations cause?
What can help us understand our true motivations?
How can we work from a motivation based perspective?
Dr. Nikki Martinez received her Masters and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology, and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois.
She is the Head of Clinical Development for, where she can be reached if you are interested in individual or couples work with her. She is an Adjunct Professor in psychology graduate studies, is a telemental health psychologist, a disability consultant, and a blogger for the Huffington Post and Everyday Power Blog.
Website: Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter: @DrNikkiMartinez Instagram: @nikkimaramartinez

Friday Sep 22, 2017
Redefining Yourself After Divorce
Friday Sep 22, 2017
Friday Sep 22, 2017
Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psychologist and Clinical Director again joins eHealth Radio and the Divorce & Relationship Channels to discuss redefining yourself after divorce.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
Why is it important to take stock of ourselves after a divorce?
What might have changed since we were first married?
Why could these changes have made your relationship unsalvageable?
What should we spend our time defining?
How might understanding these changes, help our relationships going forward?
Dr. Nikki Martinez received her Masters and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology, and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois.
She is the Head of Clinical Development for, where she can be reached if you are interested in individual or couples work with her. She is an Adjunct Professor in psychology graduate studies, is a telemental health psychologist, a disability consultant, and a blogger for the Huffington Post and Everyday Power Blog.
Website: Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter: @DrNikkiMartinez Instagram: @nikkimaramartinez