ehealth radio network

Saturday Aug 31, 2019
Teens and the Opioid Epidemic
Saturday Aug 31, 2019
Saturday Aug 31, 2019
Dr. Ann Schiebert, a psychologist and a specialist in the treatment of trauma, chemical dependency, dual diagnosis, and codependency at one of America’s largest HMO's joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Mental Health Channels. Dr. Schiebert also works in the hospital and emergency department evaluating psych crisis patients.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Ann Schiebert discuss the following:
Today we are going to talk about the opioid epidemic and teens. How did you become interested in this topic?
What are opioids or opiates?
How do opioids effect brain development in a teen?
How do we keep our teens safe from opioids?
What should we do for pain instead of taking prescription pain killers?
Dr. Ann Schiebert is a psychologist in the Emergency Department (ED) at the medical center of one of the country’s most respected major HMO’s. There, she evaluates for safety, determines types of treatments, assesses capacity and cognitive impairment, and provides feedback and support for families of patients in the ED. In addition, Dr. Schiebert also works in the medical center’s Chemical Dependency Department where she treats patients challenged by trauma, chemical dependency, codependency and dual diagnosis.
Ann has an excellent success rate in helping families turn their situations around, and she is highly sought after for her work. She finds it rewarding to facilitate patients in discovering their wonderful, authentic selves, and getting them back to a healthy mindset. Another of Dr. Schiebert’s area of expertise is helping people in unhappy romantic relationships investigate how they got in their current situation, how to reconsider the “path to romance,” and how to create happier long-term relationships.
Her teaching experience pertaining to Clinical Skills and Psychopathology during graduate school gave Ann an ability to interact with a variety of audiences and to be comfortable doing so. As a psychologist, she uses this “gift” to teach groups of between thirty and forty patients on the topics of communication, how to work a program of recovery and healthy relationships.
Ann has penned a series of books titled Let’s Make a Contract. She has four in the series thus far, having to do with getting teens through substance abuse, getting them through high school and beyond, getting adults through unhappy romantic relationships, and her most recent, getting your teen past the opioid epidemic. She’s been up close and personal to all of those matters in her own life. If she were a member of a tribe, her special role would be healer, and rightfully so.
In her spare time Ann enjoys traveling to Europe. She lives in the Bay Area with her husband and her two ragamuffin kittens, Biscuit and Teddy. She is the mother of three adult children.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: @DrSchiebert
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
PT over Pills
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Chris Tutt, a physical therapists and Co-CEO of ProActive Physical Therapy Specialists serving Oregon and Washington with 14 clinics specializing in musculoskeletal injuries, chronic pain and rehabilitation of athletic injures joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Physical Therapy Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Chris Tutt discuss the following:
What’s the difference between Physical Therapy and other practices like chiropractic care?
This is a very versatile field – you treat people recovering from surgeries, athletes, people get back to work, MS patients and even sometimes to lose enough weight to have a life-saving surgery. How does a patient choose a physical therapist?
“PT over Pills” is a new initiative the your practice is advocating – what does that mean?
PT as prevention – do you’re saying people don’t need to be in pain to see at PT?
Your clinics are trialing a new virtual reality program to combat chronic pain – tell me more about that.
TIP: Chris will recommend the best practice stretch for back pain Lower back pain effects millions of Americans each year. I enjoy this exercise because the highest number of people can be helped by it. Think about the last time when you hurt your back. You probably moved around all stiff, kept your back straight, and it felt better. Using these same techniques in preventive manner you can protect your back when engaging in strenuous activities as well as when your back is hurting. Imagine that someone is going to slug you in the stomach. Now, I don't get into fights but this really works! If someone is going to slug you in the stomach what are you going to do? You're going to tighten up your stomach. By tightening you stomach, with tightens your oblique muscles on the sides of your trunk, which in turn tightens an area of thick tissue in your back called your thoracolumbar fascia. This helps to create a natural back brace enabling you to use your muscles to provide support for your back giving you more core strength for dynamic activities as well as to stabilize your back after an injury.
Chris Tutt, PT, MBA, is a physical therapist and co-CEO of ProActive Physical Therapy Specialists.
Chris completed his undergraduate degree at Oregon State University and his Master of Physical Therapy degree from at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles/Chapman University and his Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Troy University in Troy, Alabama.
His areas of specialization include TMJ/TMD dysfunction, work conditioning, physical/functional capacity evaluations, and industrial rehabilitation. He is often referred to as "The Body Mechanic" for his love of helping people recover from their injures. Outside of the clinic he enjoys cycling, weight lifting, flying, hiking, camping, taking his 6 ft telescope into the countryside to explore galaxies and planets, and spending time with his wife and teenage daughters.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: @proactive_PTS

Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
BetterPT: Transforming Patient Access To Physical Therapy
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Greg Peters, Co-Founder and CEO of BetterPT, a healthcare technology platform company providing end-to-end digital connectivity between physical therapists (PT), patients, and physicians joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Physical Therapy Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Greg Peters discuss the following:
What is BetterPT and how does it work?
Tell us a little bit about your background and how it lead into creating BetterPT?
Why is physical therapy important?
What has enabled BetterPT’s success thus far and allows the company to continue its rapid growth?
I believe congratulations are in order as you have recently raised $5M in series A financing. What are you planning to use the money for? Give us some details.
Greg Peters is the Co-Founder and CEO of BetterPT. Greg is a leading health and fitness professional and digital entrepreneur. With more than 15 years of experience in the health and fitness industry, Greg has applied his expertise to building disruptive mobile technology in healthcare, fitness and hospitality industries.
Since 2004, Greg has been an active Managing Partner for LA PALESTRA Center for Preventative Medicine, which combines both standard and alternative medical practices with state-of-the-art and time tested fitness modalities and programs.
In 2014, Greg founded TRN Technologies, a company focused on building disruptive platforms in fitness & hospitality. The company’s first mobile app, TRN On-demand health and fitness, provided a convenient way for members to locate, book and pay for individual training sessions in multiple fitness disciplines.
Greg serves as the Chairman of the Board of TRN Technologies. Greg has proven time and time again that building a great business is dependent on great vision and leadership, incredible team dynamics and perseverance.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: @betterptapp

Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Ask a Pro: Top 5 Questions About CBD/Hemp Oil
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Jesse Daly, owner of SoCalHempCo, who makes and distributes SoCalHempCo CBD Products that REALLY WORK joins eHealth Radio and the Health & Pain Management Channels. Jesse blends his talents to help others love themselves and feel better – naturally.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Jesse Daly discuss the following:
Who is SoCalHempCo?
What is is CBD/ CBD vs. Full Spectrum Hemp Oil?
What are the benefits? Why would I take it?
Will it make me high? Is it Legal?
What Products or Product Categories do you offer?
Jesse Daly is an entrepreneur, marketer and creative artist. As owner of SoCalHempCo he blends his talents to help others love themselves and feel better – naturally.

Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
How to Eliminate Back Pain with The Back Pedal
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Dr. Chris Beddoe, Founder of The Back Pedal and a Doctor of Physical Therapy and Founder of Care Direct, LLC and Co-founder and C.E.O of Care To You Health, Inc. joins eHealth Radio and the Physical Therapy and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Chris Beddoe discuss the following:
Tell me about your background Dr. Chris Beddoe?
What have you learned most from your Physical Therapy practice and what do people need to know about what causes back pain and how to avoid and or treat it?
Why did you Create The Back Pedal and how did the idea come about?
What does it do for lower back pain and how does it work and differ from other products for back pain?
Where can listeners purchase The Back Pedal?
Dr. Chris Beddoe is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and founder of Care Direct, LLC And co-founder and C.E.O of Care To You Health, Inc. Prior to his Doctoral education Chris graduated with two undergraduate degree’s: B.S health science and B.S. Sports Studies. Dr. Beddoe currently sits on the advisory board for Parentis Health and Ativia Health.
Dr. Beddoe has always had a passion for helping others as well as living an adventurous lifestyle. Growing up in a small town in Northern California with his older brother, Nic, and twin sister, Laura they all loved snowboarding, wake boarding, motocross, cycling, and mountain biking which often found Dr. Beddoe taking frequent trips to the ER and going to Physical Therapy to rehab from his injuries. These early injuries gave Dr. Beddoe a unique perspective when going through school ultimately leading him to invent his first physical therapy device, the back pedal, to address low back pain through pelvic alignment and strengthening.
Dr. Beddoe continues to strive to help people in his community and in his care through his free channel on YouTube; Dr Beddoe, Physical Therapist. Through fundraising efforts where he has ridden his bicycle across the Unites States for Smile train. And many others. Dr. Beddoe Continues to innovate through development of new products and technologies as well as serve his community.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: @thebackpedal

Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
A New Model for Physical Therapy Private Practices
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Dr. Dimitrios Kostopoulos, a pioneer in the field of physical therapy who has been a physical therapist and PT private practice owner for over 30 years joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Physical Therapy Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Dimitrios Kostopoulos discuss the following:
You have been a doctor in your own physical therapy practice for over 30 years. Now, you have a very successful new model for PT (Physical Therapy) private practice owners called “Hands-On Diagnostics”. Can you tell me about how you came up with this idea?
Can you explain what Diagnostics are and how they benefit private practice owners in physical therapy?
Can the Diagnostic tools offer patients any benefits?
How does this new model for practices improve their profits and grow their insurance reimbursements? Q:
Tell us how physical therapy private practice owners can find you to learn more about Hands-On Diagnostics.
Can you tell us about some of your success stories about partners who are seeing dramatic results after joining Hands-On Diagnostics?
Dr. Dimitrios Kostopoulos, DPT, MD, PhD, DSc, ECS is board certified in Clinical Electrophysiology with over 30 years of clinical experience. He has also MD, DPT, PhD and DSc degrees. There are fewer than 200 electrophysiology specialists worldwide who have achieved a Doctorate of Science Degree (DSc) in Clinical Electrophysiology Testing. Dr. Kostopoulos is one of them.
Dr. Kostopoulos is a Clinical Affiliate Assistant Professor for Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine at Florida Atlantic University. He is a past member of SACE (Specialization Academy of Content Experts) for the ABPTS examination board on electrophysiology, an elected member of the Nominating Committee of the Academy of Clinical Electrophysiology of APTA, and an adjunct faculty member of Springfield College.
He is also the editor of the Diagnostic Section of the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, and the author or co-author of numerous books, articles and research papers related to his fields of expertise.
Websites: |

Thursday Jul 04, 2019
The Tech Neck Trek: Walk Down the Path to Better Posture
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Dr. Sherry McAllister, the Executive Vice President of the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to increasing public awareness regarding the many benefits of drug-free chiropractic care joins eHealth Radio and the Chiropractor & Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Sherry McAllister discuss the following:
Is Posture is a family affair?
What is tech neck?
How does a family work on postural care and why should you pay attention to this?
What are the benefits of seeing a doctor of chiropractic?
Are there any exercises to make improvements to your posture?
Dr. Sherry McAllister, DC, M.S. (Ed) CCSP, serves as the Executive Vice President for the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress, the national not-for-profit organization dedicated to building consumer awareness regarding the benefits of chiropractic care.
Dr. McAllister earned her Masters in Education from the University of California East Bay and is a graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic West, where she served as an Associate Professor. Recently appointed to Forbes Non-Profit Council.
She is a frequent guest speaker for National conventions, Corporate Wellness Programs, as well as Business and Healthcare Alliances.
Dr. McAllister has served as a Qualified Medical Examiner, Expert Chiropractic Witness for the State of California, and has been in private practice in San Jose since 1996.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: @F4CP

Saturday Jun 22, 2019
Physical Therapy can heal the world!
Saturday Jun 22, 2019
Saturday Jun 22, 2019
Alice Holland, Doctor of Physical Therapy and Director of Stride Strong Physical Therapy in Portland, Oregon. Her clinics, one in Hillsboro and another in Beaverton, provides outpatient physical therapy to adults who have muscle, joint and skeletal injuries as well as helping patients with post-operative rehab joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Physical Therapy Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Alice Holland discuss the following:
"Physical Therapy can heal the world." That's a strong statement. Why do you believe this?
What do you think threatens the physical therapy profession today?
What sets your company, Stride Strong Physical Therapy, apart from all other physical therapy clinics?
Tell me about the your top accomplishments as a physical therapist?
When should patients seek the help of a physical therapist like you and your team?
Dr. Alice Holland, PT, DPT is a graduate of University of Southern California and has been treating adults of all ages and all backgrounds with muscle and joint injuries since 2007. Since then, she has been a huge advocate for the physical therapy profession, regularly hosting community outreach events and educating the public on the power of physical therapy to regain their health.
Her experience in treating patients of all walks of life has been extensive. Having guided countless patients in their recovery from back, neck, hip and knee surgeries to treating injured workers and helping them on their continuum of returning to full duty; to treating injured athletes and runners back to their sport, Alice acquired a deep understanding of the body and how it moves.
In 2012, Alice created Stride Stride Physical Therapy of Portland, Oregon. In 2017 after the success of her first clinic, she expanded her practice into a further satellite clinic, Stride Strong Physical Therapy of Hillsboro. Her company's mission statement is simple: Give patients the healthcare that they deserve. Therefore, patient appointments are held at 45 minutes to 1 hour long, one-on-one with a Doctor of Physical Therapy.
Alice and her team at Stride Strong PT believe in a multi-modality approach in taking care of their patients. Firstly, physical therapists identify patients' disorders from watching their postures and movement, then treat affected joints with manual therapy and massage therapy, and finally guide and cue them with exercise therapy and movement corrections so patients can learn to use their bodies effectively with stability and less pain. From patients who have trouble picking up their laundry, to patients who are struggling with kicking soccer balls, Alice and Stride Strong physical therapists strive to get to the bottom of each patient's movement disorder - and therefore, relieve pain at its source.
Social Media Links: Facebook Hillsboro: Facebook Beaverton: Twitter: @stridestrong

Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Freeing yourself from foot pain is no quick fix
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Dr. Stephen Bui, Founder and CEO at Active Life Solutions which is an e-commerce company that markets health and fitness products aimed at helping people maintain an active life joins eHealth Radio and the Foot Health and Health News Channels.
Several months ago, Bui, a podiatric surgeon with more than 16 years of experience, launched his own invention, the HighHealer, which is a 5-in-1 portable foot care solution.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Stephen Bui discuss the following:
What is the biggest issue you see related to foot care?
What role have you played in address foot pain?
So besides evaluating products and bringing them to life through your e-commerce company, you have obviously invented your own foot care product. Can you tell us a little more about what into the invention of the HighHealer?
This is wonderful that you have invented this device, but do you think this product will cure foot pain?
People have different conditions and different tools they are using for their foot pain, the question then becomes what is the HighHealer going to do for them?
Dr. Stephen Bui graduated from Rutgers University, College of Pharmacy in NJ. He now has over 22 years of experience in the healthcare arena, including being a pharmacist, surgeon and physician. He is a Board Certified surgeon who has performed thousands of foot and ankle surgeries, including surgeries on international humanitarian missions.
In January 2017, Dr. Bui started ActiveLifeUSA with goals to promote health and wellness through active lifestyles. His current clinical research includes effects of good posture and non-surgical treatments for plantar fasciitis (heel pain) with his new invention "The HighHealer.
In his spare time, he is an avid snowboarder, triathlete and marathon runner.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: @activelifeus

Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
Conquering back and joint pain with Hinge Health
Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
Gabriel Mecklenburg, COO and Co-Founder of Hinge Health, the #1 digital health company that delivers mobile-first, at home best-practice care that improves the lives of everyday people with chronic conditions joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Pain Management Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Gabriel Mecklenburg discuss the following:
How big is the musculoskeletal pain problem in the US? What does it entail?
How does the opioid epidemic play a role in chronic musculoskeletal pain? What is the Hinge Health program?
How is the approach treating musculoskeletal pain? Are there any side effects to this approach?
What can people do to prevent future musculoskeletal injuries?
How did you get into the world of musculoskeletal pain and treatment?
There’s been a lot of momentum in the digital healthcare space as of late, what factors are driving this trend?
Ever since a ligament tear ended his days on the Judo mat, Gabriel has been passionate about joint health.
Originally from Germany, Gabriel graduated top of his class at the University of Cambridge and went on to research musculoskeletal regenerative medicine at Imperial College London.
As Co-founder and Head of Care Pathways, Gabriel brings clinical research and experience to the deployment of Hinge Health’s care pathways.