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Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
The Secrets To Living a Fantastic Life with Harriet Tinka
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Harriet Tinka described as a “Super Woman” and “A Woman Who Wears Many Hats," is a perfect example of finding a need in the community and filling it. She joins eHealth Radio and the Personal Development and Health News Channels to discuss life changing events that led to the writing of her latest book (co-written with Dr. Allen Lycka), "The Secrets To Living a Fantastic Life," focuses on 13 Golden Pearls created as a necklace of self-empowerment that will enhance anyone’s life. She describes her life as moving from tragic to magic. She is the Founder and CEO of the award-winning Social Enterprise, Empowered Me Inc, a company whose mission is to inspire and empower girls and women.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Harriet Tinka discuss the following:
Tell us about EmpoweredMe, and why you started it.
What happened to create your near-death experience?
How did you meet Dr. Lycka, and why write a book together?
Are there business topics that you speak on, as well?
As a Turning Point expert, Harriet Tinka is a perfect example of someone finding a need in the community and filling it. Despite dealing with obstacles in her life, she has overcome those hurdles and has found success by inspiring thousands of audiences reach their full potential.
Though stabbed, kidnapped and left for dead, she turned that horrifying experience into motivation. She has inspired and given hope to women who are faced with domestic violence. She is known by her students as a “Powerhouse Role Model” who makes being genuine the most powerful thing of all.
Harriet is an invigorating transformational speaker, passionate life coach, blogger, Chartered Professional Accountant, Football Official, and an ultra-marathon runner. She is the founder and CEO of the award-winning Social Enterprise, Empowered Me Inc, a company whose mission is to inspire and empower girls and women.
Harriet has received numerous awards including YWCA Woman of Distinction, Global Woman of Vision, Afro- Canadian Community Woman of the Year, Action for Healthy Communities Youth Empowerment Award, Rotary Integrity Award and Daughter’s Day Award just to mention a few. She is a tireless philanthropist, and a Toastmaster Divisional Champion.
Harriet feels blessed to have her journey supported by her partner Steve and her three lovable children Tristan, Rhiannah and Aaliyah.
Websites: |

Friday Aug 14, 2020
Nitric Oxide: The secret to combatting age and age related illness
Friday Aug 14, 2020
Friday Aug 14, 2020
Dr. Nathan S. Bryan, Founder and CEO of Pneuma Nitric Oxide, an international expert on nitric oxide and is an inventor on over two dozen issued US and international patents joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Skin Care Channels. Pneuma Nitric Oxide is the latest company started by Dr. Bryan to deliver nitric oxide topically for skin care and anti-aging.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Nathan S. Bryan, discuss the following:
What is nitric oxide and why should our listeners want to know about it?
What are some common causes of loss of nitric oxide production?
What happens when we can't produce enough nitric oxide?
How can we improve our body's ability to produce nitric oxide and prevent its loss?
Are there safe and effective nitric oxide products that have been studied in clinical trials?
As a pioneering figure in the field of nitric oxide research, Dr. Nathan Bryan Ph.D., has teamed up with Pneuma Nitric Oxide, LLC to create a category of revolutionary beauty products known as Nitriceuticals. Dr. Bryan’s research has led to the development of Nitric Oxide based skincare and wellness products that promote beauty and anti-aging on the molecular level. He holds more than a dozen issued U.S. and international patents for his breakthrough techniques in human physiology and disease management.
Dr. Nathan Bryan, Ph.D. earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry from the University of Texas at Austin. He went on to receive his doctoral degree from the Louisiana State University School of Medicine. Devoted to research, Dr. Bryan pursued his post-doctoral training as a Kirschstein Fellow at Boston University School of Medicine and held a faculty position at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. He was the first to describe nitrite and nitrate as indispensable nutrients required for optimal cardiovascular health and has since made many seminal discoveries. He is an international leader in molecular medicine and nitric oxide biochemistry.
According to Dr. Bryan, “Nitric oxide is considered one of the most important molecules produced in the human body. I feel I have an obligation and a responsibility to educate the masses on the importance of nitric oxide so they can reap the benefits of nitric oxide product technology. I’m passionate about bringing validated science of nitric oxide to the beauty world because it will truly transform the beauty industry and the people who use it.
As a highly sought-after doctor, researcher, and speaker, Dr. Nathan Bryan Ph.D. has written numerous research papers and books. He travels the globe to educate and create awareness regarding the essential nature of nitric oxide production in the body and what happens when one becomes deficient as we age. One of those books, Functional Nitric Oxide Nutrition, was designed to help the everyday person understand this “miracle molecule” and how it affects everything from cardiovascular health and the immune system to the aging process of the skin.
“We know that advanced aging is due to poor circulation to the skin and decreased oxygen and nutrient delivery. This causes loss of hydration, oxidative stress which leads to fine lines and wrinkles, poor complexion and inflammation. By using nitric oxide-based skin care products, we open up the circulation and allow oxygen and nutrients to be delivered to the cells of our skin. This improves cellular function, enhances cellular regeneration and improves the look and function of our skin. If you give the body what it needs, it heals itself. Nitric oxide is what’s been missing in the beauty world. I’m excited to bring this product technology to the masses,” says Dr. Bryan.
Dr. Nathan Bryan's research led him to this question: how can we harness the miraculous benefits of Nitric Oxide for use in skin care? Thus, the relationship between Dr. Nathan Bryan Ph.D. and Pneuma Nitric Ode, LLC was born. Utilizing Dr. Bryan's pioneering research, Pneuma Nitric Oxide, LLC has focused on connecting both beauty and wellness with nitric oxide-based technology that promotes beauty and anti-aging on the molecular level. With vigor and drive, Dr. Nathan Bryan Ph.D. continues to pioneer the way for the science and the beauty world to merge, delivering practical insight and power-packed beauty products that are sure to change lives for decades to come.
Websites: |
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:
SPECIAL OFFER: Dr. Nathan S. Bryan PhD. World Renown researcher, thought Leader and international speaker who lectures about the amazing health and aesthetic benefits of Nitric Oxide. From preventing disease and cardiovascular health to keeping you healthy and looking younger, Nitric Oxide is saving and changing lives everyday.
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Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Nourish Yourself from Within with All-Natural Ingredients
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Irene Rojas Stanbury, Founder and CEO of LEMONKIND, a company with a mission to make 100% natural beverages that are not only both delicious and better-for-you but also, accessible to anyone ready to build on beneficial, sustainable self-care joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Nutrition Channels. Irene has a passion for nutrition and discovering new ingredients that she can share with her customers!
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Irene Rojas Stanbury, discuss the following:
How did you stumble upon the world of natural beverages?
What do you love the most about working with super-foods?
Tell me more about how you are incorporating what you've learned about product manufacturing and food science to benefit consumers?
Which ingredients were the biggest breakthrough for you?
What have you learned through this whole experience, and what do you look forward to in the future?
Irene founded and created LEMONKIND in 2016, with a mission to make 100% natural beverages that are not only both delicious and better-for-you but also accessible to anyone ready to build on beneficial, sustainable self-care. Since then, LEMONKIND has been one of the top selling juice brands on Amazon, and has continued to grow year after year.
With LEMONKIND, Irene continues to support, inform and motivate others to better personal health and well-being - starting from within.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:

Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Final Diagnosis: No Second Chances
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
J.T. Madicus, author, executive producer and medical activist to talk about his new book, Final Diagnosis: No Second Chances, which is based on real life healthcare scenarios joins eHealth Radio and the Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest J.T. Madicus discuss the following:
What was in the inspiration in writing book?
Is the book based on real medical scenarios?
Briefly, describe the plot and what the book is about?
You mentioned in the press release that this book was the first in a series of five, how will those books be different then the first novel? Will they all be connected?
The premise of the book appears to be some of the problems in the US healthcare system, is that true?
J.T. Madicus, otherwise known as Future Doc House, of his first of five written works in "Final Diagnosis" series. Combining his real-life experience in medical science with his love of fiction, this medical drama/thriller teaches its audience medicine.
His debut novel "Final Diagnosis: No Second Chances" introduces Dr. Tseng to the world, its captivating plot embeds real-life medical scenarios allowing the reader to watch its heroes analyze, diagnose, and treat patients. Though both the characters and the plot are fiction, the medical cases are factual.
Additionally, the first film in the series is currently in post-production and will be released in September 2020.
To purchase the book, please visit
For more information, visit

Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Innovation in dentistry during COVID-19 with Dr. Gautam Herle
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Dr. Gautam Herle, Principal Dentist at The Myers Street Dental Clinic in Geelong, Australia; a clinic that combines years of quality experience with the latest dental technology to guarantee its supports its clients to live healthy, happy and confident lives joins eHealth Radio and the Dental Health and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Gautam Herle discuss the following:
A lot of people would like to visit the dentist less frequently, so what has the Myers Street Clinic been doing to help this happen?
What protocols has your practice brought about to enhanced infection control in the wake of COVID-19?
How has the use of ozone water disinfection of water lines and as pre procedure rinse helped guard against COVID-19 transmissions?
You have been studying to get your Masters in laser dentistry. Can laser technology be used to disinfect gums?
How many other ways are there for laser technology to be used for better disinfection of the teeth?
Tip: Though you may be apprehensive about seeing the dentist during this current health crisis, it’s important to remember that your teeth will still need attention and care, and that your dentist will have brought about more strict health and safety measures to ensure that your visit is safe and you are at ease about visiting.
Having been practicing dentistry in Geelong, Australia for more than a decade, Dr. Gautam Herle is highly invested in current technology to serve his patients in the best possible way. In addition to the use of fluorescence technology for regular oral cancer screening, Dr Herle introduced the new 3Shape TRIOS digital impression system into his practice. This new and improved digital workflow can provide more efficient, comfortable and predictable dentistry to patients. Dr Herle also uses a microscope which is a valuable piece of equipment used in successful management of dental treatment. He is married and a proud father of two, and proud owner of two dogs.
Social Media Links: Facebook: LinkedIn:

Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Cutting Back on Alcohol with a Science-based Program
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Katie Lain, the Director of Community Engagement at Ria Health that provides at-home, evidence-based alcohol treatment through telemedicine joins eHealth Radio and the Addiction Prevention and Telemedicine Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Katie Lain discuss the following:
Can you tell us more about Ria Health and how it helps people who want to drink less alcohol, or even stop for good?
So if a person is finding it hard to control how much they drink, but they also don’t want to go 100% abstinent, what other options do they have?
But if someone does want to go abstinent, these methods can help as well?
How did you get involved with Ria?
In your experience, how would someone know if they are drinking too much and need to seek support to cut back or stop?
TIP: If you’re someone who is experiencing regular hangovers, or find you NEED alcohol to unwind every night or weekend, consider looking into evidence-based treatments and medication therapy. Abstinence is not required, it can be done discreetly and evidence shows that it is effective for many people – resulting in more control over their alcohol consumption, or giving it up more easily without battling alcohol cravings.
Katie Lain is the Director of Community Engagement with Ria Health. Ria’s science-backed platform is for anybody who wants to drink less alcohol and live a better life. Their evidence-based program is delivered through telehealth which means it’s accessible from anywhere using a HIPAA-compliant app.
Ria’s program provides both harm-reduction and abstinence based methods that include physician guided care plans, one-on-one coaching, medication therapy, peer group support and digital tools to track progress. Since Ria began in 2016, they have served over 1500 people and counting who want to improve their relationship with alcohol.
Ria Health is also covered by many major health insurers across the US, and on average, Ria Members see a 75% reduction in their Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) levels after 12 months in the program.
Katie Lain joined Ria Health after she overcame alcohol addiction through this evidence-based treatment method. She now works both professionally and personally to raise awareness about these options for treating alcohol dependence.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: YouTube:

Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Thrive in the new normal post Covid-19 with self hypnosis
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Christine Deschemin, a certified hypnotherapist and Founder of the Renewed Edge Hypnotherapy Centre in Hong Kong and released the self-hypnosis ap, UpNow and has joined eHealth Radio and the Hypnosis and Technology Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Christine Deschemin discuss the following:
What got you interested in Hypnotherapy?
What inspired you to create UpNow?
What can be accomplished with Self-Hypnosis?
How does Hypnotherapy work?
How can people access UpNow?
Christine Deschemin is a certified hypnotherapist and Founder of the Renewed Edge Hypnotherapy Centre in Hong Kong and she has recently released the self-hypnosis ap, UpNow.
After a career in aeronautical engineering and finance, she foresaw the increased need for solution-focused wellness, became a certified hypnotherapist and opened the first hypnotherapy center in Hong Kong. Her experience as a fencing athlete led her to fully grasp the importance and power of mindset not only for optimal health but also for performance very early on. In her quest for non-invasive and safe methods for self-improvement, she noticed the growing amount of research pointing to the efficacy of hypnosis for a variety of mental and physical ailments and the increased use of hypnosis by medical practitioners in Europe and the US. This led her to obtain diplomas and certifications in hypnosis and NLP. With a keen interest in resilience, she leverages her experience as an athlete and as a former engineer and banker in high-stress environments with her executives and sports clients.
In March of 2020, she released the UpNow hypnosis app to bring the benefits of self-hypnosis to the fingertips of anyone in need. The self-hypnosis downloads can be accessed online and offline and make the access to mental health aids affordable.
In addition to her many scholastic achievements, Christine Deschemin is fluent in four languages, has a Master of Science from the Ecole Polytechnique (France), and has an MBA from Harvard Business School.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Linkedin:

Saturday Jul 25, 2020
Healthcare Hero Talks What it is Like Inside the ER During a Pandemic
Saturday Jul 25, 2020
Saturday Jul 25, 2020
Dr. Christopher Markus Colbert, the Assistant Program Director of the emergency medicine residency program at the University of Illinois at Chicago joins eHealth Radio and the Healthcare and Health News Channels. Additionally, Dr. Colbert is the chair of continuing medical education for the American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians (ACOEP), the co-chair of Illinois College of Emergency Physicians (ICEP) spring symposiums and a lieutenant colonel in the United States Army reserves.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Christopher Markus Colbert discuss the following:
Every day you walk into the ER, you face the unknown. But since the pandemic, you sort of know that no matter what that day you will be facing down the belly of the beast when you walk in those doors. How do you deal with that mentally?
What are you doing to keep your mental health intact? What is your advice to others in the medical field?
If you could give our listeners three pieces of advice and/or recommendations regarding the pandemic, what would they be?
How will the way we look at hospitals in the future change? Do you think this is good or bad?
What have you learned about yourself and/or your colleagues during this time?
Christopher Markus Colbert is the Assistant Program Director of the emergency medicine residency program at the University of Illinois at Chicago with specific interest in both academic and social emergency medicine. Additionally, he is the chair of continuing medical education for the American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians (ACOEP), the co-chair of Illinois College of Emergency Physicians (ICEP) spring symposiums and a lieutenant colonel in the United States Army reserves. Chris has provided and moderated lectures nationally and internationally receiving awards for both speaker engagement and contribution to medical education.
Dr. Colbert received his undergraduate degree from Hampton University, medical degree from Des Moines University College of Osteopathic Medicine and is a graduate of the Midwestern University Emergency Medicine Residency Program.
Social Media Links: Twitter: Instagram:

Saturday Jul 18, 2020
5 Ways Seniors Are Saving the World Right Now
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Thelma Reese, an aging expert and co author of "How Seniors Are Saving the World, Retirement Activism to the Rescue!" joins eHealth Radio and the Health News & Retirement Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Thelma Reese discuss the following:
What inspired you to write this book?
Who are the people you write about in your book, and how did you find them?
Is this a “how-to” book?
What do you hope readers will get from this book? What have you learned about retirement from writing this book?
What is so important about this book for today’s readers?
Thelma Reese is the author of The New Senior Woman, The New Senior Man and now her 3rd book "How Seniors Are Saving the World, Retirement Activism to the Rescue!" Thelma is the creator of the blog, She’s a retired professor of English and Education, the former spokesperson for Hooked on Phonics, and has long been active in national and Philadelphia-based educational and cultural initiatives. BJ Kittredge is a former health care professional and educator.
Website: Blog:
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter:

Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
How to stay healthy this summer and beyond with Dr. Vivek Cherian
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Dr. Vivek Cherian, an Internal Medicine Physician currently practicing in Baltimore, Maryland joins us on eHealth Radio and the Health News Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Vivek Cherian discuss the following:
Can you give us some thoughts regarding healthy eating when we are living in such stressful times?
Corona-virus is on everyone’s mind right now, and will be for a while until we get a vaccine. If we start getting symptoms, how can we tell if it’s simply allergies or something else?
When do we and we don’t we need to be wearing gloves ?
How do we best spend our time safely in a manner that will still protect us?
As the COVID-10 pandemic rages on, is it safe to go to the hospital?
Dr. Vivek Cherian is an internal medicine physician currently practicing in Baltimore, MD. Aside from taking care of his patients in the hospital, he is passionate about empowering people with knowledge to optimize their health and wellness, so that they can thrive. He is viewed as a trusted resource that cuts through the uncertainty around people’s health concerns and empowers individuals with factual and relevant information.
Contact and or Follow Dr. Vivek Cherian: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: