ehealth radio network

Friday Jun 26, 2020
How to live an empowered life with Michaela Renee Johnson
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Michaela Renee Johnson, a licensed psychotherapist who encourages people to speak their truth with grace and live a courageous life of authenticity joins eHealth Radio and the Relationship and Psychotherapy Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Michaela Renee Johnson discuss the following:
How does one find happiness in relationships?
How do you raise happy kids when both parents work?
How can you find happiness in spite of fear?
How can one be happy when feeling a lack of confidence?
Any tips for teenagers who have big goals and limited resources?
Michaela Renee Johnson is an award-winning author, licensed psychotherapist and host of the top iTunes podcast, Be You Find Happy which encourages people to speak their truth with grace and live a courageous life of authenticity. Her initiative, Be You Find Happy, holds workshops and conversations on finding happiness in spite of life's setbacks and has landed her speaking opportunities across the nation.
She is an avid adventurer, having traveled to over 20 countries, and self-proclaimed "Boho Mom" who loves all things metaphysical as well poetic quotes.
She is a Sagittarius and an ocean-lover who lives in Northern California with her husband and young son, and a homestead full of animals. In her spare time she's often hiking, doing yoga, gardening, golfing or reading.
Michaela has a Bachelor's of Arts in Journalism Communications, Master's of Arts in Psychology. California State Licensed Psychotherapist #90280.
Social Media Links: Instagram: Facebook: Linkedin:

Wednesday May 13, 2020
Relationships and Coronavirus with Dr. Ann Schiebert
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Dr. Ann Schiebert, a psychologist in the Emergency Department (ED) at the medical center of one of America’s most respected major HMO's joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Relationship Channels. Dr. Schiebert also works in the hospital and emergency department evaluating psych crisis patients.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Ann Schiebert discuss the following:
You have said that what’s happening with the Coronavirus can have a very positive effect on relationships. What do you mean by that?
How have you advised your patients to get through this pandemic when they are stuck inside with people who have been problematic to them?
You do couples counseling. Do you see this time as an opportunity to heal romantic relationships that have somehow become distant?
Many of us are living with “stay at home” orders from our government officials. Any creative ideas for activities that could have help family members bond together?
Any thoughts about how to interact with kids who are accustomed to spending the day at school with their friends and who are now bored and irritated?
SUMMARY | HOT TIP: Use your “Coronavirus Lock-Down” time to mend relationships, to create fun activities, to solve problems and to find new ways to love each other.
Dr. Ann Schiebert is a psychologist in the Emergency Department (ED) at the medical center of one of the country’s most respected major HMO’s. There, she evaluates for safety, determines types of treatments, assesses capacity and cognitive impairment, and provides feedback and support for families of patients in the ED. In addition, Dr. Schiebert also works in the medical center’s Chemical Dependency Department where she treats patients challenged by trauma, chemical dependency, codependency and dual diagnosis.
Ann has an excellent success rate in helping families turn their situations around, and she is highly sought after for her work. She finds it rewarding to facilitate patients in discovering their wonderful, authentic selves, and getting them back to a healthy mindset.
Another of Dr. Schiebert’s area of expertise is helping people in unhappy romantic relationships investigate how they got in their current situation, how to reconsider the “path to romance,” and how to create happier long-term relationships. Ann is the host of Dr. Ann’s Relationship Radio Show on America’s Web Radio, which provides information and helps listeners create new ways of meeting relationship challenges.
Her teaching experience pertaining to Clinical Skills and Psychopathology during graduate school gave Ann an ability to interact with a variety of audiences and to be comfortable doing so. As a psychologist, she uses this “gift” to teach groups of between thirty and forty patients on the topics of communication, how to work a program of recovery and healthy relationships.
Ann has penned a series of books titled Let’s Make a Contract. She has four in the series thus far:
Getting Your Teen Through Substance Abuse
Getting Your Teen Through High School and Beyond
Getting Through Unhappy Romantic Relationships
Getting Your Teen Past the Opioid Epidemic
She’s been up close and personal to all of those matters in her own life. If she were a member of a tribe, her special role would be healer, and rightfully so.
In her spare time Ann enjoys traveling to Europe. She lives in the Bay Area with her husband and her two ragamuffin kittens, Biscuit and Teddy. She is the mother of three adult children.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: @DrSchiebert
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Ordinary Parents Raising Extraordinary Children with Lucie LeBlanc
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Lucie LeBlanc, Personal Development and Success Coach and the author of the #1 best-selling book "Ordinary Parents Raising Extraordinary Children: A Parental Guide to Unlocking Your Child's Inner Strength to Full Self-Expression" joins eHealth Radio and the Family and Personal Development Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Lucie LeBlanc discuss the following:
How can parents condition their children for success?
What are some common parental errors?
Talk about the child-mind vs. the adult mind? You talk in the book about six creative faculties -- what are they?
Affirmations are important, too. Can you share some affirmations to repeat to children?
How do we condition our minds for success? Where can listeners get the book and get more information about you?
Lucie LeBlanc is a mother, entrepreneur, personal development & success coach, author and partner of the Proctor Gallagher Institute. She studied and graduated from the Proctor Gallagher Institute in 2016. She is a certified Thinking Into Results Consultant and author of two international best-selling books, Who Am I?: Discover How Perfect You Are and Ordinary Parents Raising Extraordinary Children, a best-seller in seven categories in five countries. LeBlanc is a mother of three and resides in Alameda, California.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: @coachlucieleblanc
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Saturday Jan 11, 2020
Are You Ready to Make the Switch?
Saturday Jan 11, 2020
Saturday Jan 11, 2020
Alison Brown, a 20-year award-winning fitness and nutrition expert, founder of The Switch Project, Co-Owner of New U Personal Training Studio and best-selling of the book Making the Switch: How to Put Yourself First in a World That Tells You Not To, helping moms put themselves first, guilt-free and live their best life in their best body joins eHealth Radio and the Fitness and Nutrition Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Alison Brown discuss the following:
Why did you write this book?
What is the BIG lie discussed in the book that all moms need to stop believing?
How is healthy living more than fitness and food?
How can we work on switching from self-loathing to self-loving?
Tell us about a mom who was impacted by the Switch.
Alison Brown is a 20-year award-winning fitness and nutrition expert, founder of The Switch Project, Co-Owner of New U Personal Training Studio and best-selling author. Alison wrote Making the Switch, an international best-selling book in seven countries and in several categories including Parenting and Nutrition. Her passion to transform bodies from the inside out far exceeds fitness and food. She marries these with self-love and mindfulness to help her clients become healthy on the inside. Her mission and life's joy is to help everyone to live their best life in their best body.

Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
The Transformative Power of Language
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Mary Lyn Jenkins the owner of Big Fish Power Yoga studios in Jacksonville, Florida who has been named the best studios in Jacksonville & author of the book The Transformative Power of Language joins eHealth Radio and the Health/Wellness & Yoga Channels.
Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Mary Lyn Jenkins discuss the following:
Why did you start the practice of yoga?
There's a lot of talk about meditation these days. Why do you think it's so important?
What is it about language and speaking that you see making the biggest difference through your business & personal life?
How does a full-time business owner, mother, writing books, teaching, and anything else work in your marriage?
What do you do every morning to get ready for any day?
Mary Lyn Jenkins is the owner of Big Fish Power Yoga studios in Jacksonville, Florida – they’ve been named the best studios in Jacksonville. She, and her team, teach power yoga and trainings as a leadership skill. She teaches everyone from the NFL – Jacksonville Jaguars – to kids, and believes the practice of yoga and meditation is what will change the world.
Mary Lyn moved to Jacksonville, Florida from Seattle, Washington in 2007. After studying Art and Journalism at Auburn University, she worked for fifteen years in the world of interior design, art and set design creating for private homes, publications, and advertising. Her start was with Southern Living Magazine, and soon thereafter, she and her husband moved west where she was based in the Pacific Northwest and the Bay Area of San Francisco. While in Seattle, yoga became her practice and training was for fun. After almost ten years, she returned to the South with her husband and began teaching yoga while waiting for the economy crash to subside.
With the support of her family, the vision for Big Fish Power Yoga became clear and opened in 2010. It was the result of her passion for beauty, team building, creativity and expanding service and leadership with power yoga as the medium.
As an E- RYT 500, Mary Lyn has spent thousands of hours training and believes strongly in her ongoing studentship. She is passionate about empowering others. She teaches classes, leads teams, and facilitates trainings.
Mary Lyn has served on the Leadership Board for Africa Yoga Project, partners closely with local non-profits and businesses throughout the country, facilitates recovery yoga for the NFL, and was on the cover of nationally recognized Yoga Journal Magazine in 2016. Mary Lyn’s commitment is to elevate yoga education and more so, to disrupt status quo. Big Fish has consistently been voted Jacksonville’s best yoga studios and is the official studio of the Jacksonville Jaguars. She considers partnership to be the most powerful instrument for positive change.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: @marylynbigfish
The views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Natural Labor and Delivery with Dr. Michelle Aristizabal
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Dr. Michelle Aristizabal, an OBGYN and author of a book written for both the medical community and anyone looking to have a baby - "Natural Labor and Birth -an Evidence - Based Guide to the Natural Birth Plan" joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Pregnancy Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Michelle Aristizabal discuss the following:
This is the first and only book about labor and natural birth that is based on facts. Can you explain what the book is about?
What are the current rates for Cesarean sections in the U.S. today and why is this a big deal?
You have seen first hand and also believe the actual curriculums at medical schools must be changed so that more women can give birth naturally, if they desire, and also so that it is more accepted on all levels of the medical community to embrace a natural child birth when appropriate. Can you expand on this?
Your book is fascinating and I see you don't just lay out the facts of how women in labor are treated in the U.S. today, but you also offer options and solutions for doctors, nurses and women to consider. Can you name a few here?
"Natural Labor and Birth" is written for both women who are expecting or planning to get pregnant and the medical community. It's a great crossover book. Tell our listeners where to purchase this book?
Dr. Aristizabal, is there a tip you can offer our listeners if they are pregnant and wishing to have a natural labor and delivery?
Michelle Aristizabal, MD, FACOG is a board-certified General Obstetrician and Gynecologist in Montclair, NJ. She runs a busy, private practice with a special focus on supporting women who desire low-intervention, unmedicated births. Dr. Aristizabal earned her medical degree from the University of Arizona and completed her obstetrics training at Saint Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston, NJ.
As an attending physician, she has worked tirelessly to expand the acceptance of natural birth practices within her local medical community and educates medical students and resident physicians in alternative labor management techniques. Her new book "Natural Labor and Birth -an Evidence - Based Guide to the Natural Birth Plan" was published by McGraw Hill.

Saturday Mar 02, 2019
Fertility Secrets with Dr Aumatma Shah
Saturday Mar 02, 2019
Saturday Mar 02, 2019
Naturopathic Doctor Aumatma Shah, author of the #1 bestselling book "Fertility Secrets: What your doctor didn't tell you about baby-making" joins eHealth Radio and the Fertility and Health News Channels. She is also founder of Holistic Fertility Center that is based in the San Francisco Bay area.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Aumatma Shah discuss the following:
What are the reasons for infertility and how common is it?
How do you let go of the guilt of infertility?
What are some lifestyle challenges that can help you preserve your fertility?
What are some things you can do to boost your fertility naturally? What are the top five herbs for fertility?
What are the five things you should never consume if you want to have a baby?
Dr. Aumatma Shah is a Naturopathic Doctor, with a Master's in Nutrition, who has been practicing medicine for more than a decade. She is the founder of Holistic Fertility Center, located in the San Francisco Bay Area. Dr. Aumatma specializes her practice solely on fertility, pregnancy, and post-partum.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: @aumatma

Sunday Dec 23, 2018
Why Forgiveness is the Best Christmas Gift You Can Give Yourself
Sunday Dec 23, 2018
Sunday Dec 23, 2018
Barbara J. Hunt, the best-selling author of Forgiveness Made Easy: The revolutionary guide to moving on from your past and truly letting go joins eHealth Radio and the Emotional Health & General Health Channels.
Barbara is a forgiveness specialist, working internationally with clients 1-2-1 as well as a therapist at Vital Detox Retreats - the UK's leading physical and emotional detox retreat.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Barbara J. Hunt discuss the following:
Why is forgiveness so good for our over-all health?
Why do we find it so hard to forgive?
What are the five biggest obstacles to forgiveness?
How might forgiveness transform your listeners' experience of the holiday season?
Why do you call forgiveness a latent "superpower"? What's the potential that you see?
Tip: Make forgiveness part of your weekly mental health / spiritual health practices - start by writing down a list of everyone and everything you need to forgive and then do your work!
Barbara J. Hunt is an author, facilitator, coach, and forgiveness specialist. She has many years' experience in transformational change and leadership training. Her private practice serves individuals and groups nationally and internationally, both on-line and in person. She is also one of the core team of therapists at Vital Detox, a deliberately developmental organisation and the UK's leading health retreat specialising in emotional and physical well-being.
Barbara is also a co-founder of Leading Beyond Ego - an evolutionary leadership programme offered on-line and in person. She is passionate about discovering and delivering the most effective tools and practices for conscious living, working and relating and is an advocate for global peace.
Barbara is also a singer, songwriter and musician, who has released several CD albums and single tracks and has gigged throughout the UK. She currently lives in the south west of England, UK.
Social Media Links: Twitter: @barbaraisha Facebook:
The beliefs, views, thoughts & opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, views & opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Thursday Sep 20, 2018
The Marriage Map: Navigating the Challenges and End Up Happy
Thursday Sep 20, 2018
Thursday Sep 20, 2018
Drs. Barbara and Michael Grossman have been teaching classes in “Falling in Love Forever” with your current partner for over 25 years joins eHealth Radio and the Marriage and Relationship Channels. These classes are held both in their Southern California medical office as well as online.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Drs. Barbara and Michael Grossman discuss the following:
You've been teaching this marriage class for 20 years. What do you see are the difficulties in modern marriage?
Explain what you mean when you say you have had three marriages with each other.
What can we learn about a man / woman relationship from modern medical research?
Marriage often becomes a power struggle for couples. How do you help them?
What does it mean that we live in a masculinized society.
What do you mean when you say, "you're never upset for the reason you think".
You reference mythic stories in your book. How does the story of Perceval and the Holy Grail and Psyche and Eros relate to your perspective on marriage.
Talk about your falling in love classes you teach on line.
Dr. Barbara Grossman’s background is in psychology and theology. She majored in philosophy and psychology at New York University, completed her Masters in Religion at Columbia University in 1975 and holds a PhD in theology and counseling from The Claremont School of Theology. She is licensed as an individual, marriage, and family therapist. Her training included pastoral counseling with ministers who were cross-training in individual psychotherapy and marriage and family counseling. In addition, she worked with psychologists and psychiatrists in a hospital and a group practice setting. For the past 30 years, Dr. Barbara has maintained a busy private practice. Dr. Michael Grossman, has been a Board-certified family physician from 1976 to 2015, and now is a fellow of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine since 2003. He has practiced since 1978 in nutritional and preventive medicine, He and has treated thousands of patients with an integrated holistic approach. Dr. Michael has incorporated the latest technological advances into his practice of medicine, including bio-identicall hormone replacement since 2003 and autologous adipose stem cell therapy since 2014. Dr. Michael is the author of The Vitality Connection: Ten Practical Ways to Optimize Health and Reverse the Aging Process and The Magic of Stem Cells: Activating Your Own Healing Power. He teaches and lectures extensively on various topics of wellness, including meditation, nutrition, and reversing aging.

Monday Aug 06, 2018
The Shift: How Seeing People as People Changes Everything
Monday Aug 06, 2018
Monday Aug 06, 2018
Kimberly White, a freelance writer, a certified Arbinger Institute presenter, and former research assistant to its founder, Terry Warner and author of The Shift: How Seeing People as People Changes Everything joins eHealth Radio and the Health News & Senior Care Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Kimberly White discuss the following:
You’ve said this book came as a complete surprise to you. What’s different than you imagined?
What happens when you experience “the shift”?
Does this have limitations, or what doesn’t ‘the shift’ do?
How can seeing people as people help in the workplace, and at home?
Kimberly White is a freelance writer, certified Arbinger Institute presenter, and former research assistant to its founder, Terry Warner. Her nine months of research for The Shift included dozens of hours working alongside nursing home employees in offices, vans, patient rooms, and kitchens. She recently relocated from Harlem to a small farm town in Pawnee, Illinois to focus on writing.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: @kim_berly_white Linkedin: