ehealth radio network

Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Hollywood actress Eva La Rue talks Max Mallow healthy treats from Know Brainer Foods
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Emmy winning actress and mother, Eva La Rue, best known for her work on CSI: Miami and All My Children joins eHealth Radio and the Children's Health and Nutrition Channels to tell us about her latest venture, working as a Brand Ambassador for Max Mallow by Know Brainer Foods. Eva wants to tell other mothers about the benefits of finding alternate sweet treats like Max Mallow to keep your children healthy and happy.
Eva can currently be seen in the Pureflix Network romantic comedy series Finding Love In Quarantine and on BET+ The Family Business.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Eva La Rue discuss the following:
We understand that you were looking for alternate sugary snacks and treats for you and your daughter and Know Brainer Foods actually found you?
Tell us a little bit about the various flavors that this brand has to offer?
What are the health benefits of this particular brand?
You have spoken in the past about various wheat allergies in your family. At one time you were totally Paleo and you are someone in the public eye that always seems to participate in the newest diet and health trends. Have you always been health and diet conscious?
Do you think that more and more brands that focus on natural nutrition and health benefits will eventually start to cancel out the traditional unhealthy brands that are currently over-saturating the market?
Can you tell us where our listeners can buy Max Mallow?
Emmy winning actress, Eva La Rue is a Brand Ambassador for MAX MALLOW by Know Brainer Foods. Finally! A sweet treat that you can eat and feel like you are being bad but they are so good for you and your family!
MAX MALLOW is one of the newest tasty treats on the market that will satisfy your sweet tooth without putting anything unhealthy into your bodies. Your family will love these yummy and healthy goodies that replace traditional marshmallows with a flavorful snack that features: 0 net carbs, 0g sugar, 6g protein, 12g fiber, is diabetic friendly, gluten free, vegan and 90 calories per bag! It’s hard to choose between MAX MALLOWs flavors of Classic Vanilla, Lightning Vanilla, Burnt Caramel, Cinnamon Toast & Mint Chip!
MAX MALLOW makes for a great stocking stuffer! Try them in your coffee, hot chocolate, on your holiday s’mores or just eat them right out of the bag. Your family will think they are getting a sweet fill and NEVER know that these treats are actually good for them! Use code MAXUP10 to get 10% off your total order at
Eva La Rue is currently starring on the Pureflix Network series Finding Love In Quarantine and recurring on the BET+ series The Family Business. She recently hosted two seasons of the CW’s Chicken Soup for the Soul’s Animal Tales. She is perhaps best known for her longtime roles on CBS’ CSI: Miami and ABC’s All My Children.
Instagram: @evalarue

Thursday Dec 03, 2020
CEO of Ready, Set, Food! Talks About Allergy Prevention For Babies!
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Daniel Zakowski, the CEO and co-founder at Ready, Set, Food! - an innovative company that is working to help prevent babies from developing severe food allergies joins eHealth Radio and the Allergy Information & Health News Channels. Daniel even was on the hit show Shark Tank, where he got investor Mark Cuban to join the RSF team!
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Daniel Zakowski discuss the following:
How did you come up with the Ready, Set, Food! product and concept?
What are the health benefits to kids taking it daily?
What is the recommended daily dosage?
For parents that may be worried about adding this to their infants bottles, what have the results been like?
Your product is partnering with hospitals and organizations around the US. Tell us more about what's to come!
Ready, Set, Food! is the first to introduce a system that is safe and easy for parents to gently introduce products to babies via powder packets that get added to a baby's bottle or food. The company has already helped reduce the risk of food allergies in kids by 80% and helped prevent over 200,000 babies across the US from developing those severe food allergies.
Social Media Links: Instagram: Facebook:

Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Jeanie Cisco-Meth, a two-time best-selling author, professional speaker, educator, and parent, shares her scientifically proven system for improving communication and decreasing conflict as she joins eHealth Radio and the Bullying Information and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Jeanie Cisco-Meth discuss the following:
What makes you an expert on this topic?
Why did you write Bully Proofing You?
Who benefits from it?
How does it work?
What is the first step our listeners need to take?
Two-time best-selling author, professional speaker, educator, and parent, Jeanie Cisco-Meth shares her scientifically proven system for improving communication and decreasing conflict. She has written many magazine articles, been quoted in Forbes, and was a contributor for TheBlaze. She has been a guest on radio stations across the country. She has appeared on television for ABC4, Free Speech TV, and others.
As a former member of the military, Jeanie had the honor of being sent to OCS. This leadership training helped her in many ways; from starting three very successful businesses, to training staff, and mentoring others with their startups and staffing issues.
Jeanie was told in elementary school she would never make because she was too stupid. Thank goodness she didn't believe them because she never would have done the things she has.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter:

Monday Jun 01, 2020
It’s All in the Delivery: Dr. Anthony Orsini of The Orsini Way
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Dr. Anthony Orsini, a practicing neontologist and President of The Orsini Way that provides communication training programs to hospitals and healthcare professionals for the purpose of enhancing patient experience and improving outcomes joins eHealth Radio and the Healthcare and Health News Channels. Dr. Orsini is here to discuss his new book, “It’s All in the Delivery: Improving Healthcare Starting with a Single Conversation.”
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Anthony Orsini discuss the following:
Tell us about your professional background. What lead you to create The Orsini Way?
What are some aspects of The Orsini Way training?
You recently released your first book, “It’s All in the Delivery.” Can you tell us about why you wrote it, and give a brief preview of the book?
Is this book just for medical professionals and patients, or can the same principals in the book be applied to business leaders?
Why is it so important to master compassionate communication, in both the medical field and in the business world?
Dr. Anthony Orsini is a board-certified neonatologist and the founder and president of The Orsini Way. Based on unique communication techniques developed through decades of research and experience, The Orsini Way is proven to enhance the overall patient experience, significantly increase HCAHPS scores and change the culture of hospitals.
Dr. Orsini has lectured extensively on the topics of compassionate communication in both the medical and the business fields. He earned his medical degree from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. He completed his pediatric residency and a fellowship in neonatology at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: Linkedin:

Tuesday May 12, 2020
Incorporating the Use of Propolis into our Daily Lives
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Dr. Asli Tanugur Samanci the CEO and Founder of BEE & YOU, an innovative provider of natural BEE products again joins eHealth Radio and the Health News & Supplement Channels.
Dr. Samanci is a food scientist committed to creating natural and healthy products for the educated consumer & a pioneer to combine science and nature for safer, more effective natural bee products.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Asli Tanugur Samanci discuss the following:
You mentioned in our previous interview the benefits of Propolis. Can you repeat and remind us what is Propolis and what are the properties of it?
How does Propolis effect our immune system?
How can we incorporate the use of Propolis into our daily life?
Can you tell me your own personal story about propolis and your son's disease? 5.
Where can we find Propolis, and it what form? Is it available on Amazon or CVS as well?
Dr. Asli Tanugur Samanci is the CEO and Founder of BEE & YOU, an innovative provider of natural BEE products.
A food scientist committed to creating natural and healthy products for the educated consumer, Dr. Samanci is a pioneer to combine science and nature for safer, more effective natural bee products. She created a business modal to contract the beekeepers to prevent bees from becoming extinct. This also allowed her to create and patent the Propolis in its healthiest, most natural and safe form. Her ultimate goal is to make Propolis a consistent product harvested from all the beehives available in the world and introduce the natural healing power of Anatolian Propolis to the world.
BEE & YOU products (Royal Jelly, Propolis, Pure Raw Honey) are antiviral, antibacterial and they are natural energy boosters. They are effective in fighting allergy symptoms naturally and they support the immune system. They are 100% natural; Gluten Free; Non-GMO; Pesticide Free; Free from additives & colorants & preservatives. Bee and you products have innovative taste options for kids and adults. And they are on sale at 3000 CVS stores nationally and at Amazon.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: @beeandyounatural Twitter: @beeandyou

Wednesday May 06, 2020
Combined Music and Play Therapy: A new way to changing toddler sleep habits!
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Deb Herdman, Director & Developer of Nigh’ Nigh’ Sleepy Head, a company that helps parents guide their children into better sleep using music and play therapy joins eHealth Radio and the Children's Health and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Deb Herdman discuss the following:
Why does my toddler wake up so much?
Are routines important?
Do you think controlled crying is useful?
Can you briefly how the 3 R’s to Sleep Success was developed?
Why is the combination of music and play therapy so effective in helping children develop better sleep skills.
Deb Herdman is a multi-generational mum with over 25 years of experience as a registered nurse.Founding Nigh’ Nigh’ Sleepy Head in 2011, when her third child had infant and toddler sleep and settling issues, Debs music and play therapy system have produced outstanding results toward helping families improve sleep issues and enhance bonding for better physical and emotional health.
As the composer of the unique Nigh’ Nigh’ music, Debs approach supports attentive parenting so children can develop sleep independence and self-regulation without stress. She is the author of two e/Books that describe her 3 R’s to Sleep Success system based on Routine, Re-connection, and Relaxation.
Deb has been published in Australia and internationally including recently in ‘Life research’ Journal. She consults privately, to parent groups and community health institutions and recently opened the worlds first music and play therapy ‘Nigh’ Nigh’ Baby Sleep School’ that supports parents face to face or video link, in their home or the clinic. She presents interactive workshops and webinars to parents with children aged 0 to 5+ years including children with special needs where they can learn the ‘3 R’s to Sleep Success’ technique.
Deb is passionate about educating parents about the outstanding benefits music has to emotional, the developing brain and helping parents understand the importance of good sleep practice for life. The Nigh’ Nigh’ Sleepy Head® resources and system aligns with best mental health practice, and music and lullaby research.
Deb is a registered nurse (DipHealthScience) and Certificates in Safe Sleep Space Education. Professional associations include AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority) and APRA/AMCOS (Australasian Performing Right Association), WWC (Working with Children Certificate).
In addition to helping families thrive, Deb homeschools her youngest son and continues to develop her passion for song writing music and composition. She enjoys her rural lifestyle in Central Victoria, Australia.
Websites: |
Social Media Links: Facebook: | Twitter: @NighNighSleepy

Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Stem Cell Replacement Therapy Helps Autism
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Dr Eric Weiss, the Founder of Northeast Florida Plastic Surgery Center and the Co-author of the upcoming book Educating Marston joins eHealth Radio and the Autistic Syndrome and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guests Drs. Eric & Christine Weiss discuss the following:
Tell us about your background, what do you do for a living and your inspiration for co-authoring Educating Marston?
You have a son named Marston that is autistic. When did you first realize he was autistic and what did you feel at that moment?
They say kids on the spectrum feel differently and have move issues with confidence and trouble in social situations. Is that true and tell us a bit more about that?
Autism wasn’t widely talked about when you first got the diagnosis of Marston. How did you go about finding a way to help him?
You indicate that stem cell replacement therapy helps autism. How has it helped Marston and do you feel it will ultimately be the wave of the future in helping autistic children?
With Covid-19 you have no choice but to home-school right now. Are there any suggestions or tips you can provide for those struggling to help their children at home?
How do you manage having a full time business, writing a book and having the time to do things with your family?
Dr. Eric Weiss is the founder of Northeast Florida Plastic Surgery Center and the co-author of the upcoming book Educating Marston. Dr. Weiss practices all aspects of plastic surgery including: breast reconstruction, cleft lip/palate, congenital malformations, trauma; as well as breast augmentation, tummy tucks, liposuction, fat grafting, etc. He has recently incorporated Umbilical Cord Blood/Stem Cells into his practice after seeing the incredible healing properties in his son Marston.
Dr. Weiss was born in Brunswick, Maine, but early on moved with his family to New York where he was raised. The family moved to St Petersburg, Florida; where he graduated from Boca Ciega High School. He graduated Magna Cum Laude from Davidson College with special attainments in chemistry and graduated from Duke University Medical School. He graduated from his general surgery residency from University California, Davis-East Bay. He graduated from his Plastic and reconstructive residency at University of Miami. After his formal education in medicine/surgery, Dr. Weiss entered the United States Navy as a Lt commander. His duty station was at the Naval Hospital in Jacksonville, Florida, where he was the staff plastic surgeon. He left the Navy in 1998 and has been in private practice(plastic surgery ) to the present.
Educating Marston comes out in the fall of 2020 and will be available for purchase.
Websites: | (Coming)

Friday Jan 17, 2020
Preparing Ourselves for Cold and Flu Season
Friday Jan 17, 2020
Friday Jan 17, 2020
Dr. Asli Tanugur Samanci the CEO and Founder of BEE & YOU, an innovative provider of natural BEE products joins eHealth Radio and the Health News & Children's Health Channels.
Dr. Samanci is a food scientist committed to creating natural and healthy products for the educated consumer & a pioneer to combine science and nature for safer, more effective natural bee products.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Asli Tanugur Samanci discuss the following:
I saw your press release in October about the new tablet that came into the market. Can you describe that new product with your own words?
It is the cold and flu season now which lasts till the end of May in the US. What do you suggest we should do to prepare ourselves as adults and kids?
There is a belief in the US that raw honey is not good for you? Can you comment on this?
What is next for BEE&YOU in 2020?
Where can the US consumers buy these products?
Dr. Asli Tanugur Samanci is the CEO and Founder of BEE & YOU, an innovative provider of natural BEE products.
A food scientist committed to creating natural and healthy products for the educated consumer, Dr. Samanci is a pioneer to combine science and nature for safer, more effective natural bee products. She created a business modal to contract the beekeepers to prevent bees from becoming extinct. This also allowed her to create and patent the Propolis in its healthiest, most natural and safe form. Her ultimate goal is to make Propolis a consistent product harvested from all the beehives available in the world and introduce the natural healing power of Anatolian Propolis to the world.
BEE & YOU products (Royal Jelly, Propolis, Pure Raw Honey) are antiviral, antibacterial and they are natural energy boosters. They are effective in fighting allergy symptoms naturally and they support the immune system. They are 100% natural; Gluten Free; Non-GMO; Pesticide Free; Free from additives & colorants & preservatives. Bee and you products have innovative taste options for kids and adults. And they are on sale at 3000 CVS stores nationally and at Amazon.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: @beeandyounatural Twitter: @beeandyou

Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Ordinary Parents Raising Extraordinary Children with Lucie LeBlanc
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Lucie LeBlanc, Personal Development and Success Coach and the author of the #1 best-selling book "Ordinary Parents Raising Extraordinary Children: A Parental Guide to Unlocking Your Child's Inner Strength to Full Self-Expression" joins eHealth Radio and the Family and Personal Development Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Lucie LeBlanc discuss the following:
How can parents condition their children for success?
What are some common parental errors?
Talk about the child-mind vs. the adult mind? You talk in the book about six creative faculties -- what are they?
Affirmations are important, too. Can you share some affirmations to repeat to children?
How do we condition our minds for success? Where can listeners get the book and get more information about you?
Lucie LeBlanc is a mother, entrepreneur, personal development & success coach, author and partner of the Proctor Gallagher Institute. She studied and graduated from the Proctor Gallagher Institute in 2016. She is a certified Thinking Into Results Consultant and author of two international best-selling books, Who Am I?: Discover How Perfect You Are and Ordinary Parents Raising Extraordinary Children, a best-seller in seven categories in five countries. LeBlanc is a mother of three and resides in Alameda, California.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: @coachlucieleblanc
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Saturday Sep 28, 2019
Propolis for Back to School to Prevent from the Flu and Cold!
Saturday Sep 28, 2019
Saturday Sep 28, 2019
Dr. Asli Tanugur Samanci the CEO and Founder of BEE & YOU, an innovative provider of natural BEE products joins eHealth Radio and the Health News & Children's Health Channels.
Dr. Samanci is a food scientist committed to creating natural and healthy products for the educated consumer & a pioneer to combine science and nature for safer, more effective natural bee products.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Asli Tanugur Samanci discuss the following:
What is propolis, royal jelly, and raw honey. What is the difference between these products?
What are their effects on human health and body, cancer, fertility?
It is back to school now. How should it be used to prevent from flu and cold season? What is the effect/benefit on the kids?
What is the difference of BEE & YOU products from the other products in the market?
What is next for BEE & YOU products and the Brand? Where can one buy it in the US?
Dr. Asli Tanugur Samanci is the CEO and Founder of BEE & YOU, an innovative provider of natural BEE products.
A food scientist committed to creating natural and healthy products for the educated consumer, Dr. Samanci is a pioneer to combine science and nature for safer, more effective natural bee products. She created a business modal to contract the beekeepers to prevent bees from becoming extinct. This also allowed her to create and patent the Propolis in its healthiest, most natural and safe form. Her ultimate goal is to make Propolis a consistent product harvested from all the beehives available in the world and introduce the natural healing power of Anatolian Propolis to the world.
BEE & YOU products (Royal Jelly, Propolis, Pure Raw Honey) are antiviral, antibacterial and they are natural energy boosters. They are effective in fighting allergy symptoms naturally and they support the immune system. They are 100% natural; Gluten Free; Non-GMO; Pesticide Free; Free from additives & colorants & preservatives. Bee and you products have innovative taste options for kids and adults. And they are on sale at 3000 CVS stores nationally and at Amazon.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: @beeandyounatural Twitter: @beeandyou