ehealth radio network

Monday Nov 28, 2022
How Grief and Trauma Can be a Catalyst for a Renewed Life
Monday Nov 28, 2022
Monday Nov 28, 2022
Dr. Cara Lee Barker, a popular public speaker, who has a private international practice that helps individuals transform their secret suffering into greater strength joins eHealth Radio and Emotional Health Channel. Dr. Barker is the author of three books including her latest release Nightlight: My Soul Calling, Body Listening, Heart Speaking.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Cara Lee Barker discuss the following:
How are loss, grief, and trauma seedbeds for renewed life?
What are the four major conflicts people face in their lives?
What is the relationship between children’s distress and their parents?
How do you convert self-doubt to self-compassion?
Dr. Cara Lee Barker is an international keynote speaker, Analytical Psychologist, Nurse Practitioner, and still practicing Zurich-trained Jungian Analyst. Dr. Barker has helped thousands of individuals transform their suffering into greater strength through the process of Post Traumatic Growth. Dr. Barker is the author of three books including her latest release Nightlight: My Soul Calling, Body Listening, Heart Speaking.

Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Orit Krug, founder of Orit Krug, Inc. and an award-winning, board-certified Dance/Movement Therapist who helps individuals and couples who have experienced trauma repair their damaged relationships joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Relationship Channels.
Listen to the interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Orit Krug as they discuss the following:
You deal specifically with people and couples who have trauma. What percentage of people have gone through some type of trauma? And while we know that obvious things like sexual abuse and domestic violence constitute trauma, what are some more subtle types of trauma?
Why does trauma often lead to people sabotaging their relationships? Take me through the process of how trauma translates to the potential destruction of what might have previously been a loving relationship?
Why can Dance/Movement Therapy succeed where traditional talk therapy may not? Can it be effective to do both?
You base your Dance/Movement Therapy practice on neuroscience. What does that mean, and what advantage does that bring to your clients?
I’m assuming that if people don’t want to actually dance, they can engage in movement. What types of movement can typically be used in a session? How simple or complex can these movements be?
How long should a person or couple expect to be in Dance/Movement Therapy before they see results?
TIP: Dance/Movement Therapy can be a very effective adjunct to traditional talk therapy. Instead of just sitting and talking (which can still be very helpful for many), Dance/Movement Therapy uses your body and movement as the primary medium of connecting with yourself, understanding your emotions and patterns, and working together in the therapeutic relationship. When therapy is approached this way, it allows us to bypass the mind’s defenses while promoting mind-body integration that creates change much more quickly and deeply than traditional therapies. However, it’s much more effective to get involved with a Dance/Movement Therapist who understands the neuroscience behind the movements and why they work. A therapist with this depth of knowledge understands the type of treatment and movements that will affect the parts of the brain and nervous system that can truly catalyze the changes that each client is looking for.
Orit Krug is an award-winning Board-Certified Dance/Movement Therapist and Licensed Creative Arts Therapist (NY) who holds a Master of Science in Dance/Movement Therapy. Ms. Krug specializes in helping high-achieving individuals and couples excel in their love lives without self-sabotage.
For over 12 years, Orit has transformed the lives of more than 5,000 clients from 11 different countries. Her online programs have helped thousands break free from their unhealthy, trauma-driven relationship cycles and experience positive transformations in their love lives.
Before starting her online business, Orit led thousands of therapy sessions with psychiatric patients who went from feeling suicidal to joyfully dancing and reigniting their desire to live again within less than an hour. Orit has been featured in Elephant Journal, ThriveGlobal, Authority Magazine, as well as being quoted in SELF & INSIDER.
She currently lives in the suburbs of NYC with her husband and their 2-year-old son.
Social Media Links: Instagram: Facebook: Linkedin:

Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Shmaya David on Creating the Ultimate Loving Relationship
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Shmaya David, a Master Life coach, Executive Coach and an author of eight books in the self-help, coaching and business categories with his most recent "Love, Simplified: Practical Habits to Creating The Ultimate Loving Relationship", a #1 international bestseller in eight countries joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Relationship Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Shmaya David discuss the following:
Why did you write the book?
Why do you say love is a habit?
What does it mean to take total responsibility in your relationship?
Can you share some tips on practical romance?
Why is a sincere apology important to the relationship?
Tell us about what you call, the fine art of foreplay.
Shmaya David is a Master Life and Executive Coach (MCI/EMCI) and a business consultant with more than 19 years of experience. His mission is to contribute to human success and happiness in the most practical manner. Shmaya is an author of eight books in the self-help, coaching and business categories. His most recent is Love, Simplified: Practical Habits to Creating The Ultimate Loving Relationship, a #1 international bestseller in eight countries across multiple categories. Shmaya started his professional life as an engineer and held management positions in various industries.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:

Friday Jun 26, 2020
How to live an empowered life with Michaela Renee Johnson
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Michaela Renee Johnson, a licensed psychotherapist who encourages people to speak their truth with grace and live a courageous life of authenticity joins eHealth Radio and the Relationship and Psychotherapy Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Michaela Renee Johnson discuss the following:
How does one find happiness in relationships?
How do you raise happy kids when both parents work?
How can you find happiness in spite of fear?
How can one be happy when feeling a lack of confidence?
Any tips for teenagers who have big goals and limited resources?
Michaela Renee Johnson is an award-winning author, licensed psychotherapist and host of the top iTunes podcast, Be You Find Happy which encourages people to speak their truth with grace and live a courageous life of authenticity. Her initiative, Be You Find Happy, holds workshops and conversations on finding happiness in spite of life's setbacks and has landed her speaking opportunities across the nation.
She is an avid adventurer, having traveled to over 20 countries, and self-proclaimed "Boho Mom" who loves all things metaphysical as well poetic quotes.
She is a Sagittarius and an ocean-lover who lives in Northern California with her husband and young son, and a homestead full of animals. In her spare time she's often hiking, doing yoga, gardening, golfing or reading.
Michaela has a Bachelor's of Arts in Journalism Communications, Master's of Arts in Psychology. California State Licensed Psychotherapist #90280.
Social Media Links: Instagram: Facebook: Linkedin:

Wednesday May 13, 2020
Relationships and Coronavirus with Dr. Ann Schiebert
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Dr. Ann Schiebert, a psychologist in the Emergency Department (ED) at the medical center of one of America’s most respected major HMO's joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Relationship Channels. Dr. Schiebert also works in the hospital and emergency department evaluating psych crisis patients.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Ann Schiebert discuss the following:
You have said that what’s happening with the Coronavirus can have a very positive effect on relationships. What do you mean by that?
How have you advised your patients to get through this pandemic when they are stuck inside with people who have been problematic to them?
You do couples counseling. Do you see this time as an opportunity to heal romantic relationships that have somehow become distant?
Many of us are living with “stay at home” orders from our government officials. Any creative ideas for activities that could have help family members bond together?
Any thoughts about how to interact with kids who are accustomed to spending the day at school with their friends and who are now bored and irritated?
SUMMARY | HOT TIP: Use your “Coronavirus Lock-Down” time to mend relationships, to create fun activities, to solve problems and to find new ways to love each other.
Dr. Ann Schiebert is a psychologist in the Emergency Department (ED) at the medical center of one of the country’s most respected major HMO’s. There, she evaluates for safety, determines types of treatments, assesses capacity and cognitive impairment, and provides feedback and support for families of patients in the ED. In addition, Dr. Schiebert also works in the medical center’s Chemical Dependency Department where she treats patients challenged by trauma, chemical dependency, codependency and dual diagnosis.
Ann has an excellent success rate in helping families turn their situations around, and she is highly sought after for her work. She finds it rewarding to facilitate patients in discovering their wonderful, authentic selves, and getting them back to a healthy mindset.
Another of Dr. Schiebert’s area of expertise is helping people in unhappy romantic relationships investigate how they got in their current situation, how to reconsider the “path to romance,” and how to create happier long-term relationships. Ann is the host of Dr. Ann’s Relationship Radio Show on America’s Web Radio, which provides information and helps listeners create new ways of meeting relationship challenges.
Her teaching experience pertaining to Clinical Skills and Psychopathology during graduate school gave Ann an ability to interact with a variety of audiences and to be comfortable doing so. As a psychologist, she uses this “gift” to teach groups of between thirty and forty patients on the topics of communication, how to work a program of recovery and healthy relationships.
Ann has penned a series of books titled Let’s Make a Contract. She has four in the series thus far:
Getting Your Teen Through Substance Abuse
Getting Your Teen Through High School and Beyond
Getting Through Unhappy Romantic Relationships
Getting Your Teen Past the Opioid Epidemic
She’s been up close and personal to all of those matters in her own life. If she were a member of a tribe, her special role would be healer, and rightfully so.
In her spare time Ann enjoys traveling to Europe. She lives in the Bay Area with her husband and her two ragamuffin kittens, Biscuit and Teddy. She is the mother of three adult children.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: @DrSchiebert
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Thursday Sep 12, 2019
How to Turn your Pain into Passion and a Purpose
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Simone Allison, a Life Coach, specializing in Female Empowerment, and the author of the #1 International Bestselling book "Disempowered No More: A Spiritual Journey to Discovering Purpose, Power, & Passion After Divorce" joins eHealth Radio and the Relationship Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Simone Allison discuss the following:
How did you overcome the fear of starting over after a long relationship/marriage?
How did you find the courage to forgive yourself for walking out on the father of your two children?
How did you overcome PTSD, anxiety, and depression?
What do many women fear when they consider leaving an unhealthy relationship?
How can your story help others who are fearful of leaving a relationship that is harmful to them?
Simone Allison is a Life Coach, specializing in Female Empowerment - and is the author of the #1 International Bestselling book "Disempowered No More: A Spiritual Journey to Discovering Purpose, Power, & Passion After Divorce".
Simone has a background in the field of mental health and has a Master’s degree with a Dual Specialization in Marriage & Family therapy and Mental Health Counseling from Barry University. She also has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Miami. She is a certified Life Coach from The Addictions Academy. Simone is the mother of two children and resides in Miami, Florida.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: @SimoneAllison02
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Monday Nov 26, 2018
Mastering Affluence: 6 Lessons to Create a Life You Love
Monday Nov 26, 2018
Monday Nov 26, 2018
Carol Tuttle who is a teacher, speaker, healer, online influencer and pioneer in the field of personal development joins eHealth Radio and the Personal Development Channel. She’s the best-selling author of 5 books with her newest, Mastering Affluence: 6 Lessons to Create a Life You Love.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Carol Tuttle discuss the following:
Share with us if you would key advice to implement positive thinking and emotional healing, and the details about themselves people often overlook when addressing their own problems.
What is one thing people forget when starting to make a positive change in their life?
Touch on energy profiling and healing, and how you can determine your profile and use it to gain clarity and insight.
What are 6 different kinds of affluence (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, financial, relationship) and the steps to incorporate all into your life?
How can anyone finally break free from that toxic relationship?
Carol Tuttle is a teacher, speaker, energy healer, online influencer and pioneer in the field of personal development. She’s the best-selling author of 5 books: Remembering Wholeness, It’s Just My Nature, Discover Your Type of Beauty, The Child Whisperer and her newest, Mastering Affluence.
Carol started teaching others as a secondary education teacher. She then went online to build a 4-million-dollar company, Live Your Truth LLC, with customers and fans in 120+ countries. She is sought after to teach about healing, fashion and body image through her life-changing online programs, including The Carol Tuttle Healing Center, a comprehensive online library of healing sessions with life-altering results for over 1,000 clients. In the last few years, she went on a personal speaking tour and was met with sold-out audiences across the United States. Carol supports millions worldwide in creating more intentional lives and fulfilling relationships and is a regular contributor to top business, health and wellness sites including Entrepreneur,, Elite Daily, Bustle, Woman’s Day, Thrive Global, Healthy Living, My Domaine, She Knows, Working Mother and Psychology Today.
For more information, please visit and connect with her on Facebook @caroltuttle, Instagram @caroltuttle and on Pinterest @dressyourtruth.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram:
The views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Thursday Sep 20, 2018
The Marriage Map: Navigating the Challenges and End Up Happy
Thursday Sep 20, 2018
Thursday Sep 20, 2018
Drs. Barbara and Michael Grossman have been teaching classes in “Falling in Love Forever” with your current partner for over 25 years joins eHealth Radio and the Marriage and Relationship Channels. These classes are held both in their Southern California medical office as well as online.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Drs. Barbara and Michael Grossman discuss the following:
You've been teaching this marriage class for 20 years. What do you see are the difficulties in modern marriage?
Explain what you mean when you say you have had three marriages with each other.
What can we learn about a man / woman relationship from modern medical research?
Marriage often becomes a power struggle for couples. How do you help them?
What does it mean that we live in a masculinized society.
What do you mean when you say, "you're never upset for the reason you think".
You reference mythic stories in your book. How does the story of Perceval and the Holy Grail and Psyche and Eros relate to your perspective on marriage.
Talk about your falling in love classes you teach on line.
Dr. Barbara Grossman’s background is in psychology and theology. She majored in philosophy and psychology at New York University, completed her Masters in Religion at Columbia University in 1975 and holds a PhD in theology and counseling from The Claremont School of Theology. She is licensed as an individual, marriage, and family therapist. Her training included pastoral counseling with ministers who were cross-training in individual psychotherapy and marriage and family counseling. In addition, she worked with psychologists and psychiatrists in a hospital and a group practice setting. For the past 30 years, Dr. Barbara has maintained a busy private practice. Dr. Michael Grossman, has been a Board-certified family physician from 1976 to 2015, and now is a fellow of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine since 2003. He has practiced since 1978 in nutritional and preventive medicine, He and has treated thousands of patients with an integrated holistic approach. Dr. Michael has incorporated the latest technological advances into his practice of medicine, including bio-identicall hormone replacement since 2003 and autologous adipose stem cell therapy since 2014. Dr. Michael is the author of The Vitality Connection: Ten Practical Ways to Optimize Health and Reverse the Aging Process and The Magic of Stem Cells: Activating Your Own Healing Power. He teaches and lectures extensively on various topics of wellness, including meditation, nutrition, and reversing aging.

Monday Sep 03, 2018
Opening Up on Couples Therapy
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Lee Kraemer, Registered Psychotherapist with PRS Toronto that matches individuals and couples with therapists suited to their needs joins eHealth Radio and the Relationship & Psychotherapy Channels to discuss opening up on couples therapy.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Lee Kraemer discuss the following:
What are some signs a couple should give couple's therapy a try?
Is there a point in a relationship when therapy is not the answer, or that therapy is too late to initiate?
What happens in a couples' therapy session? What should people expect?
What are some techniques preferred for couples' therapy
How long does couples therapy take?
When do you know whether you should stay together or separate?
Lee Kraemer is a registered psychotherapist with the College of Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO) in Toronto and a member of the Canadian Association for Psychodynamic Therapy (CAPT). Her specialty is working with relationships; a few sessions can improve communication and deepen your understanding of each other.
Websites: |

Tuesday May 15, 2018
Tuesday May 15, 2018
Dr. Nikki Martinez, Psychologist and Clinical Director again joins eHealth Radio and the Psychology & Personal Development Channels to discuss the posed question: "If You Spent This Year Planning Your Marriage, Like Your Wedding, Where Could It Be a Year from Now?"
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
What made you think of this idea, and why do you think it is so important to emphasize?
You have an interesting way of outlining tasks for the year, tell me a little about that.
How Why is it important to check progress?
Why is important to work in something that you are working towards at the end?
Why is recapping everything that you have covered over the year important?
Dr. Nikki Martinez received her Masters and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology, and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois. Dr. MArtinez is the Head of Clinical Development for She is an Adjunct Professor in psychology graduate studies, is a telemental health psychologist, a disability consultant, and a blogger for the numerous media outlets, including Everyday Power Blog. She is published author, disability advocate, and public speaker.
Website: Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter: @DrNikkiMartinez Instagram: @nikkimaramartinez