ehealth radio network

Saturday Mar 16, 2024
Postpartum specialist says its important to support new moms after childbirth
Saturday Mar 16, 2024
Saturday Mar 16, 2024
Carly Fleming an RN, BSN, Certified Breastfeeding Specialist and Postpartum Care Specialist joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Female Health Channels. She is also the co-founder of Fourth Trimester Foundations that helps women through all that is needed after childbirth.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Carly Fleming discuss the following:
Spring is here and many say this is the Beloved Birth Season – so first Carly tell us about your background as a Postpartum Specialist?
What are some of the most surprising things moms face Postpartum and what are some of your suggestions?
Where can new moms or those supporting new moms go to find these items?
Why it is so important to support new moms after childbirth?
How important is it for moms having a spray like Dermoplast create one that specifically calls out Postpartum use?
Carly Fleming is a postpartum newborn nurse, breastfeeding specialist, mom of littles and co-founder of Fourth Trimester Foundations, LLP. This means she is all about all things postpartum and knows how to support moms because it’s not just her job, but her passion.
Through providing education and support during the pregnancy and fourth trimester, or those 12 weeks after baby is born, it can build a family foundation that lasts a lifetime. Carly works within her own business she co-founded, but also in a NJ hospital and birthing center.
Carly is working towards her IBCLC (international board certified lactation consultant certification). When Carly isn’t caring for moms and babies, she is caring for her own babies, her 4 and 6 year old boys.
Websites: |
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Monday Aug 08, 2022
The Benefits of Genetic Counseling during Pregnancy
Monday Aug 08, 2022
Monday Aug 08, 2022
Katie Sagaser, Director of Genetic Counseling at Juno Diagnostics, a women’s health company focused on improving equitable access to prenatal care joins eHealth Radio and the Female Health and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Katie Sagaser discuss the following:
The company you work for, Juno Diagnostics, develops innovative solutions to improve access to health information, especially surrounding pregnancy. Can you tell us a little more about what the company does?
You’re the Director of Genetic Counseling at Juno Diagnostics. Tell us more about your role and what a genetic counselor does?
Why is genetic screening so important for pregnant women or parents trying to conceive?
We hear Juno Diagnostics will be launching the Juno Birch™ Fetal Gender Test soon. What does this test do?
Does Juno Diagnostics have any other products available?
Katie Sagaser, MS, LCGC, is the director of genetic counseling at Juno Diagnostics where she specializes in genetic testing and is devoted to advocating for equitable access to reproductive health services for all women.
Prior to joining JunoDx, she was an assistant professor of Gynecology & Obstetrics in the Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, where she worked as a reproductive genetic counselor for 6.5 years.
As a clinician, Katie provided comprehensive counseling to patients with a wide variety of prenatal and preconception genetics indications within the Johns Hopkins Prenatal Diagnosis and Treatment Center as well as within the Johns Hopkins Center for Fetal Therapy. She is also a member of the National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC), the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM), the International Society of Prenatal Diagnosis (ISPD), and the Inter-Society Coordinating Committee for Practitioner Education in Genomics (ISCC-PEG).
Social Media Links: Facebook: Linkedin: Instagram:

Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
OB/GYNs Look to New Reproductive Technology to Meet Demand for Achieving Pregnancy
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Barbara Levy, Senior VP of Global Clinical Integration at INVO Bioscience, a medical technology company dedicated to making fertility care accessible and inclusive to people around the world joins eHealth Radio and the Fertility Information and Female Health Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Barbara Levy discuss the following:
What is INVOcell?
Could you share a step by step overview of the device?
How does it compare to other fertility approaches? What is the success rate with IVC?
How often can INVOcell be used?
What age groups typically utilize INVOcell?
Can you provide insight on the price comparison to IVF?
What is the overall consensus on INVOcell in the OB/GYN community?
Where is INVOcell being used?
How many pregnancies have been conceived with INVOcell?
Barbara Levy is a key opinion leader within women’s healthcare and the OB/GYN community and serves as INVO Bioscience’s Senior VP Global Clinical Integration.
Prior to INVO, Barbara held the position of VP of Health Policy within the American College Of Gynecology (ACOG), worked in private practice in comprehensive holistic women’s health for over 30 years, and served as Medical Director for Women’s and Children’s Services for the Franciscan Health System in Washington State.
Barbara also has served as a reviewer and editor for several medical journals, including Obstetrics & Gynecology, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, JAMA, JMIG, and Fertility and Sterility. Her research interests span from outcomes research in minimally invasive gynecologic surgery to optimizing care for women with chronic pelvic pain. Her clinical work focused on evidence-based, equitable, comprehensive care for women throughout their life course. She has published and co-authored over 85 studies.
Website: |
Social Media Links: Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter:

Thursday May 28, 2020
60th Anniversary of the Birth Control Pill and You
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
Dr. Lakeisha Richardson, a leading Ob/Gyn based in Mississippi and a paid spokesperson for the maker of Lo Loestrin® Fe joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Pregnancy Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Lakeisha Richardson discuss the following:
Why is it important to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the birth control pill this year?
How do women decide what oral contraceptive is right for them?
When will one be able to get pregnant if they stay on birth control for a long time?
How does somone get birth control if their annual appointment has been postponed?
What should one do if they miss a dose of their birth control pill?
Dr. Lakeisha Richardson, MD, FACOG is a leading obstetrician/gynecologist and women’s health expert based in Mississippi and a paid spokesperson for the maker of Lo Loestrin® Fe.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram:

Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Triple your chances of getting pregnant – even if you’re over 40
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Saskia Roell, a world-renowned Fertility Coach, International Speaker and Best-selling author joins eHealth Radio and the Pregnancy & Female Health Channels. For more than 20 years she has helped women from all over the world get pregnant. She is a fertility authority.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Saskia Roell discuss the following:
So many women struggle with infertility. Why is that?
You have said there are fertility secrets your doctor won’t tell you. What are the secrets? Why won't the doctors tell you?
I understand you have to remain positive. So how do you turn any negative thinking into positive thinking?
You have said that there is a #1 worst habit that all women struggling with fertility have. What is it and how do you reverse it?
Are you too old, if you’re over 40? How can women increase their success rate?
In 2001 Saskia Roell moved from Holland to America with five kids who didn’t speak a word of English. With very little money and no jobs, it was the leap of a lifetime. As an ecstatic mother of five young children, Saskia realized that her mission on the planet is to help every woman who longs to be a mother be able to hold a baby in her arms.
Today, she is a world-renowned Fertility Coach, International Speaker, and Bestselling Author. For over 20 years she has helped women from all over the world, solve unexplained infertility and get pregnant.
Saskia was a member of the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences in the Department of Experimental Psychology in The Netherlands. She has extensively studied the mind and how unhealed emotional trauma affects a woman’s ability to conceive and birth her baby. She holds certificates in Naturopathy, Transformational Healing, Advanced Hypnotherapy, Somatic Healing, Birthing and Fertility Therapy.
Due to her work, extraordinary life and great results, Saskia has been interviewed by NBC, hers Magazine, Healthy Living, U.S. News and Fox News Channel.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: @officialsaskiaroell

Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Dr. Raoul Scherwitzl, a physicist turned entrepreneur with focus on the digitalization of healthcare joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Female Health Channels. He co-founded Natural Cycles around the mission to empower women with the knowledge they need to be in charge of their reproductive health.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Raoul Scherwitzl discuss the following:
What is Natural Cycles?
How does it work/how can people use it?
I understand your wife Dr.Elina Berglund is the other co-founder of the brand, how did you come about the idea of a digital birth control together?
Why is personalization so important when it comes to Birth Control?
Who is this form of birth control meant for?
Dr. Raoul Scherwitzl is a physicist turned entrepreneur with focus on the digitalization of healthcare. He co-founded Natural Cycles around the mission to empower women with the knowledge they need to be in charge of their reproductive health.
Natural Cycles is an effective, non-hormonal, contraceptive method delivered in the form of an app and it is the first and only app to be cleared by FDA in the US as a method of birth control. It is backed by several clinical studies published in peer-reviewed journals and to date, Natural Cycles has more than 1 million registered users and has raised $40mm in capital.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter:

Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Natural Labor and Delivery with Dr. Michelle Aristizabal
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Dr. Michelle Aristizabal, an OBGYN and author of a book written for both the medical community and anyone looking to have a baby - "Natural Labor and Birth -an Evidence - Based Guide to the Natural Birth Plan" joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Pregnancy Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Michelle Aristizabal discuss the following:
This is the first and only book about labor and natural birth that is based on facts. Can you explain what the book is about?
What are the current rates for Cesarean sections in the U.S. today and why is this a big deal?
You have seen first hand and also believe the actual curriculums at medical schools must be changed so that more women can give birth naturally, if they desire, and also so that it is more accepted on all levels of the medical community to embrace a natural child birth when appropriate. Can you expand on this?
Your book is fascinating and I see you don't just lay out the facts of how women in labor are treated in the U.S. today, but you also offer options and solutions for doctors, nurses and women to consider. Can you name a few here?
"Natural Labor and Birth" is written for both women who are expecting or planning to get pregnant and the medical community. It's a great crossover book. Tell our listeners where to purchase this book?
Dr. Aristizabal, is there a tip you can offer our listeners if they are pregnant and wishing to have a natural labor and delivery?
Michelle Aristizabal, MD, FACOG is a board-certified General Obstetrician and Gynecologist in Montclair, NJ. She runs a busy, private practice with a special focus on supporting women who desire low-intervention, unmedicated births. Dr. Aristizabal earned her medical degree from the University of Arizona and completed her obstetrics training at Saint Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston, NJ.
As an attending physician, she has worked tirelessly to expand the acceptance of natural birth practices within her local medical community and educates medical students and resident physicians in alternative labor management techniques. Her new book "Natural Labor and Birth -an Evidence - Based Guide to the Natural Birth Plan" was published by McGraw Hill.

Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Building Healthy Humans With Dr. Pia Martin
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Dr. Pia Martin, author of the international best-selling book Building Healthy Humans: Your guide to a balanced and beautiful pregnancy for a happy healthy baby joins eHealth Radio and the Health News Channel to talk about Prenatal Planning for Parents, how to give your future child the best start in life.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Pia Martin discuss the following:
What are some of the steps a couple should take if they are thinking about having a child?
What if I have been off Birth Control for a while and I followed some of the above steps and I still struggling to conceive?
What are the best Prenatal Supplements?
You have mentioned the P21 program can you tell us more about that and how it works?
Congratulations on your best selling book “ Building Healthy Humans. Why did you decide to write the book?
Dr. Pia Martin is a practicing Personal Lifestyle Doctor, Speaker and Author of the International Bestseller Building Healthy Humans -- Your guide to a balanced and beautiful pregnancy for a happy healthy baby. Her passion is helping new moms have a beautiful and balanced pregnancy.
Dr. Pia graduated from Parker University in Dallas with a Doctorate in Chiropractic and two BA’s one in anatomy and one in health and wellness. She is also a certified clinical nutritionist & wellness coach. Dr. Pia uses her knowledge to combine the biomechanical, nutritional, environmental and emotional needs of the body to provide a balanced whole person approach to her patients.
Her book Building Healthy Humans was an immediate International bestseller and was written to support new moms through a confident and happy pregnancy. Her goal is to help future generations have the best start in life. She envisions a world where expectant parents understand the value of self-care, so they can build healthy humans for generations to come.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter:

Thursday Sep 28, 2017
Breast milk probiotics for pregnancy, breastfeeding and infant health
Thursday Sep 28, 2017
Thursday Sep 28, 2017
Jim Arsenis, a Registered Pharmacist based in Sydney and is the pharmacist and medical liaison to health care professionals for the probiotic range Qiara joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Supplement Channels to speak with us about probiotics in breast milk and how they affect both mother and infant health.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Jim Arsenis discuss the following:
Do probiotics exist naturally in breastmilk?
How do they get there?
What are the benefits for mother and baby?
How can they be low or absent in breastmilk and what are the consequences?
Can supplementation with a specific probiotic strain isolated from breastmilk help?
Jim Arsenis is a registered pharmacist based in Sydney. After graduating from the University of Sydney Jim has been a practising community pharmacist for over 25 years. Over this time Jim has developed a passion for natural and complementary medicine, particularly in how it can assist in restoring the bodys’ natural processes that promote health and prevent disease.
Jim has developed his passion by continuing education in complementary medicine which has led him to his speciality in the human microbiome, the trillions of bacterial cells that live within us and how they shape our health.
Today Jim is the pharmacist and medical liaison to health care professionals, representing Puremedic, for the breast milk isolated probiotic range Qiara.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

Friday Mar 24, 2017
Friday Mar 24, 2017
Michele Chevalley Hedge and Simone Kopkas from A Healthy View based in Sydney joins eHealth Radio and the Female Health, Health News & Nutrition Channels. A Healthy View is a nutrition & wellbeing business with a clinical practice, 1000s of patients, with a radio talk show, appearances on tv, brand ambassadors, and professional wellness speakers.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guests Michele Chevalley Hedge and Simone Kopkas discuss the following:
What makes your program different to others out there?
What should someone expect from the program?
Why is food so important to fertility and pregnancy?
What is your favourite thing about the program?
Who would you say should be doing this program?
Michele Chevalley Hedge is a Nutritionist, Health Writer and Presenter. There may be many wellness practitioners stepping into the space of health and food but there are not many Nutritionists that come from the corporate, busy background, have three kids and really understands the modern requirements for health, happy hormones, a firing libido and vitality.
Due to Michele’s former role as a Marketing Manager she truly understands the needs of a busy, time poor corporate executive who wants health but not hassle. She is often introduced by the editors of health magazines as “the modern day nutritionist – the one who likes a bit of wine and coffee.” She is not Paleo Pete or I Quit Sugar but perfectly placed somewhere in the healthy middle.
Michele’s clinical practice experience allow her to share stories of patients and their nutritional transformation that gives the audience goose bumps – the kinds of stories that can only be heard if you are at the ‘coal face’ with clients. Women who say their addiction to food caused their divorce, executives who say they don’t like going to the boardroom without her five top tips, and politicians and their families who come to her wellness retreats. Wiley Publishing commissioned Michele to write Beating Sugar Addictions for Dummies two years ago. When she asked why they chose her, Wiley replied because of her evidence based research skills, ability to take a medical issue and turn it into simple concepts, use of humour around delicate matters, tv presenting on the World Health Organisation new recommendation of sugar, and Sarah Wilson, I Quit Sugar, recommend her!
When Michele is not out speaking, writing or seeing patients, she can often be found at her cafe, The Balmoral Boatshed. It is the perfect spot for filming, interviewing, or just enjoying a glass of wine (which she can tell you ways it will reduce your cortisol and lead to a calmer, happier and perhaps leaner person)! Michele is the Nature Care College Ambassador and Accor Group Nutritionist and recently sat alongside the Dalai Lama at a conference where she presented on ‘Vitality, Energy and Serotonin – It’s all in Your Food’. Mental health and nutrition research is her passion and she often declares “It makes the New Yorker come out in her.”
Michele loves to write, so along with her blog and social media, she writes often for Body & Soul, Huffington Post, Mama Mia, The Glow, Prevention, Wellbeing, Clean, Cosmo, MindFood and many more. Her second book, ‘Hormone Help- reset your weight, mood, libido & energy in 4 weeks’ will be out at the end of this year. Michele often appears on The Sunrise Show to discuss the WHO’s (World Health Organisation’s) nutrition recommendation on cancer and sugar.
Michele’s business, A Healthy View, expanded to New York and the US last year with the addition of her online programs.
For more information, or to contact Michele please email
Simone Kopkas is a Nutrition/Health Counsellor & Reiki Healer. Food changes everything! As a Certified Nutrition / Health Counsellor, Energy Healer and loving mother of two, Simone specialises in digestive issues, fertility and cancer. She is passionate about working with adults and children to improve their health, vitality, balance and family life, in a way that suits their unique body, lifestyle and goals. Simone looks at the interconnectedness of the body, mind, emotions and spirit to help facilitate wellness by equipping people with the tools and knowledge to continue their journey of growth. She is certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and the Australian Reiki Association. She loves speaking at schools, corporate events and running cooking classes and workshops.
As a Nutrition and Health Counsellor, I am your personal advocate for living an energised and passionate life. I work with my clients to help them create happy, healthy lives in a way that is flexible, fun, and free of denial and discipline. By working together, we can discover the food and lifestyle choices that best support you. Making gradual, lifelong changes enables you to reach your current and future health goals. Imagine what your life would be like if you had clear thinking, energy, and excitement every day!”
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