ehealth radio network

Saturday Sep 26, 2020
Adult health and wellness for those age 50 and beyond?
Saturday Sep 26, 2020
Saturday Sep 26, 2020
Dr. Jim Collins, President and CEO of Sapphire Essentials that provides high-quality, organically-grown, THC-Free CBD products for adults, seniors and caregivers joins eHealth Radio and the CBD & Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Jim Collins discuss the following:
Why did I choose to spend my career focusing on adult health and wellness for those age 50 and beyond?
What are the main ingredients to healthy and independent living beyond 50?
What are the differences between marijuana or cannabis and CBD?
How does CBD work or make a difference in physical or emotional health?
How can adults better cope with the stressors and isolation related to COVID-19?
Dr. Jim Collins is a Gerontologist and nationally-recognized expert in wellness and health care for seniors and older Americans. Based in Ohio, his 30 year career has spanned everything from Geropsychiatry to home health regimens for active seniors. Dr. Collins has a strong focus on education – a prolific author of published articles, he has served as a college instructor and is the founder of Collins Learning, a highly regarded education service that provides training to tens of thousands of senior care health professionals around the country.
Dr Collin’s passion for healthy aging and gerontology started when he was in high school and his father handed him the keys to the car to take his mom back and forth to work at the Assumption Nursing Home. Before and after school, he would stop in and visit with residents and staff and would continue this for decades. He became fascinated by the physical, emotional and neurological challenges faced by older Americans, especially those in senior living. It was here that Dr. Collin’s formed a life-long belief that preventative care and maintaining an active lifestyle were key in senior’s physical and emotional well-being.
Dr. Collins graduated college with the first degree ever in Applied Gerontological Studies, an approved major that he created, and then earned a master’s in sociology and psychology of aging. He also holds a doctoral degree in Health Administration and has received a certificate from the Institute for Life Span Development and Gerontology. Dr. Collins then established a gerontology practice and also began education consulting to what would become hundreds of senior living communities.
Dr. Collins has written countless articles, newsletters, and the first book about person-centered care for seniors entitled “The Person-Centered Way: Revolutionizing Quality of Life in Long Term Care”.
After researching hundreds of medical articles, Dr. Collins became an early strong proponent of the benefits of CBD for aging-related health. Given his vast background in physical, emotional and neuro-degenerative age-related disorders, he has emerged as an expert voice in the CBD space and is currently writing a book about aging and CBD. This passion led Dr. Collins to create Sapphire Essentials, with the mission to provide the highest-quality, all-natural, organically grown medical hemp-based CBD products to older adults and seniors. Sapphire Essentials is proud to be the first and only science-based CBD brand that is specifically formulated for the needs of active seniors.
Educator, speaker, author and now founder of Sapphire Essentials, Dr Collins remains as passionate as ever in his life mission – to provide senior wellness education and help older adults find powerful preventative solutions and maximize their quality of life.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram:

Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Erin Khar, an author from New York City whose debut memoir, Strung Out: One Last Hit and Other Lies that Nearly Killed Me, tackles the issues that many people face as they travel the road of addiction recovery joins eHealth Radio and the Addiction Prevention and Health News Channels. She has dedicated her life to shining light on these issues and helping others find their way to sobriety, especially in the face of adversity.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Erin Khar discuss the following:
What challenges are people who have addiction issues encountering during the pandemic?
Where and how can they find help at this time when people are unable to gather for meetings or counseling?
How can loved ones help from a distance?
What's your personal advice for people facing addiction issues? What's helped you personally to remain clean?
There's a movement now called Dry July. How can people manage to carry sobriety beyond this one month?
Erin Khar recently released her debut memoir, Strung Out: One Last Hit and Other Lies that Nearly Killed Me (Park Row Books, 2/25/20), has appeared on most anticipated lists from The Rumpus, SELF, Apple Books, Goodreads, Bitch Media, Alma, and others. Of the book, The New York Times writes, Khar’s buoyant writing doesn’t get mired in her dark subject matter. There is an honesty here that can only come from, to put it in the language of 12-step programs, a “searching and fearless moral inventory.” This is a story she needed to tell; and the rest of the country needs to listen.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:

Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
The Secrets To Living a Fantastic Life with Harriet Tinka
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Harriet Tinka described as a “Super Woman” and “A Woman Who Wears Many Hats," is a perfect example of finding a need in the community and filling it. She joins eHealth Radio and the Personal Development and Health News Channels to discuss life changing events that led to the writing of her latest book (co-written with Dr. Allen Lycka), "The Secrets To Living a Fantastic Life," focuses on 13 Golden Pearls created as a necklace of self-empowerment that will enhance anyone’s life. She describes her life as moving from tragic to magic. She is the Founder and CEO of the award-winning Social Enterprise, Empowered Me Inc, a company whose mission is to inspire and empower girls and women.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Harriet Tinka discuss the following:
Tell us about EmpoweredMe, and why you started it.
What happened to create your near-death experience?
How did you meet Dr. Lycka, and why write a book together?
Are there business topics that you speak on, as well?
As a Turning Point expert, Harriet Tinka is a perfect example of someone finding a need in the community and filling it. Despite dealing with obstacles in her life, she has overcome those hurdles and has found success by inspiring thousands of audiences reach their full potential.
Though stabbed, kidnapped and left for dead, she turned that horrifying experience into motivation. She has inspired and given hope to women who are faced with domestic violence. She is known by her students as a “Powerhouse Role Model” who makes being genuine the most powerful thing of all.
Harriet is an invigorating transformational speaker, passionate life coach, blogger, Chartered Professional Accountant, Football Official, and an ultra-marathon runner. She is the founder and CEO of the award-winning Social Enterprise, Empowered Me Inc, a company whose mission is to inspire and empower girls and women.
Harriet has received numerous awards including YWCA Woman of Distinction, Global Woman of Vision, Afro- Canadian Community Woman of the Year, Action for Healthy Communities Youth Empowerment Award, Rotary Integrity Award and Daughter’s Day Award just to mention a few. She is a tireless philanthropist, and a Toastmaster Divisional Champion.
Harriet feels blessed to have her journey supported by her partner Steve and her three lovable children Tristan, Rhiannah and Aaliyah.
Websites: |

Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Cutting Back on Alcohol with a Science-based Program
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Katie Lain, the Director of Community Engagement at Ria Health that provides at-home, evidence-based alcohol treatment through telemedicine joins eHealth Radio and the Addiction Prevention and Telemedicine Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Katie Lain discuss the following:
Can you tell us more about Ria Health and how it helps people who want to drink less alcohol, or even stop for good?
So if a person is finding it hard to control how much they drink, but they also don’t want to go 100% abstinent, what other options do they have?
But if someone does want to go abstinent, these methods can help as well?
How did you get involved with Ria?
In your experience, how would someone know if they are drinking too much and need to seek support to cut back or stop?
TIP: If you’re someone who is experiencing regular hangovers, or find you NEED alcohol to unwind every night or weekend, consider looking into evidence-based treatments and medication therapy. Abstinence is not required, it can be done discreetly and evidence shows that it is effective for many people – resulting in more control over their alcohol consumption, or giving it up more easily without battling alcohol cravings.
Katie Lain is the Director of Community Engagement with Ria Health. Ria’s science-backed platform is for anybody who wants to drink less alcohol and live a better life. Their evidence-based program is delivered through telehealth which means it’s accessible from anywhere using a HIPAA-compliant app.
Ria’s program provides both harm-reduction and abstinence based methods that include physician guided care plans, one-on-one coaching, medication therapy, peer group support and digital tools to track progress. Since Ria began in 2016, they have served over 1500 people and counting who want to improve their relationship with alcohol.
Ria Health is also covered by many major health insurers across the US, and on average, Ria Members see a 75% reduction in their Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) levels after 12 months in the program.
Katie Lain joined Ria Health after she overcame alcohol addiction through this evidence-based treatment method. She now works both professionally and personally to raise awareness about these options for treating alcohol dependence.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: YouTube:

Monday Jul 06, 2020
How to Love Yourself with James Purpura
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Powerful-U Creator (the world’s first personal evolution company), Award-Winning Filmmaker + Co-Author of "PERCEPTION: Seeing Is Not Believing," James Purpura joins eHealth Radio and the Depression and Mental Health Channels to talk about "How to Love Yourself." He has created a documentary along with a book both with the same title, PERCEPTION: Seeing Is Not Believing.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest James Purpura discuss the following:
What is the premise behind Powerful-U and what is the first step in loving yourself?
Why do we sometimes not see ourselves as others see us?
How can we know how others truly perceive us?
Why do some of us seem to be inherently negative, and others eternally optimistic
How do we change? And does change always have to be painful?
PERCEPTION: Seeing Is Not Believing” Synopsis — James and Steph Purpura’s journey of transformation is nothing short of extraordinary. Before they met 15 years ago, their lives had hit rock bottom. Each was financially, emotionally, and spiritually bankrupt. At the lowest point in their lives, they met and shared a vision of creating a life beyond their wildest dreams. They helped each other to personally evolve, clearing away barriers to self-fulfillment, using the power of perception to change self-limiting beliefs, enabling them to better sense and take advantage of opportunities. Shortly after meeting, Steph wrote James' first resume and taught him how to send an email. This initiated an unlikely but highly successful career in the technology industry.
Fast forward more than a decade, and their personal philosophy around perception had further evolved, along with the rapid growth in their tech company, until its sale gave them the freedom to begin helping others full time. With their seminar company, Powerful U, they are now sharing their accumulated knowledge so that personal development can be made affordable and accessible for all seekers.
We highly recommend viewing the film prior to the interview, which will definitely help the conversation. While many of us are on lock down during this pandemic, James is gifting a free film download for all who hope to benefit from its messaging.
Movie Link: Click HERE Password: power4u

Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Dr. Rinku Shah of the Clear Wellness Group, one of the few clinics in Chicago conducting COVID-19 screenings and the COVID antibody testing joins eHealth Radio and the Health News & Mental Health Channels to talk about Mental Health Treatment and working during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Rinku Shah discuss the following:
You recently opened Clear Wellness Group with your husband. Tell me about your experience opening your clinic weeks before a global pandemic.
You offer many treatments, one being Ketamine treatment. Can you tell more about this method and how it works.
You were conducting COVID-19 screenings and now you are offering the COVID antibody testing. How does it feel to be one of the few clinics in Chicago offering this test and playing a large role in your city’s wellness?
Are you still seeing your routine mental health patients via tele-health screenings?
You are taking in new ADHD patients right now when many doctors and clinics are not seeing new patients, what made you open your doors to those in need?
Dr. Rinku Shah and Dr. Manan Trivedi formed Clear Wellness Group with the intention of providing the community with great medicine. Medicine that focuses on disease prevention, as well as providing patients with a multidisciplinary support system.
Dr. Shah specializes in ADHD management, generalized anxiety disorder and chronic depression. She truly enjoys engaging with her patients and forming lasting relationships, a rarity in today’s impersonal medical world.
Dr. Trivedi also shares these values and utilizes his double board certifications to provide novel therapies including IV Ketamine, bringing relief to those suffering with mental health issues as well as those with chronic pain.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram:

Monday Jun 22, 2020
When to Seek Therapy or Professional Psychiatric Help
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Dr. Casey Noreika of Clarity Clinic Chicago, a network of four outpatient facilities in the Greater Chicago area, that offer clinical psychiatry and therapy services joins eHealth Radio and the Mental Health & Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Casey Noreika discuss the following:
You treat people with a wide range of mental health conditions. What are the conditions you encounter most often?
Your clinic in the Greater Chicago area has four locations. It's obviously successful. What sets it apart?
What is your advice for how and when people should determine when they need to seek therapy or professional psychiatric help?
What is the most common misconception about mental health care that you hear or read? How does that misconception prevent people from getting ahead?
Nowadays, you hear many people describe themselves as anxious or struggling with anxiety. How have anxiety disorders become more prevalent than they were in the past?
There are several mental health holidays/observances such as mental health awareness week, stress awareness month, etc. How important is it for people to recognize these observances?
What are some tips to achieve/maintain optimal mental wellness?
Dr. Casey Noreika holds a Doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology. She specializes in working with middle aged and older adults, including geriatric individuals. She has experience working with a variety of anxiety based disorders, as well as stress management, adjustment difficulties, and depression.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: Linkedin:

Monday May 25, 2020
How to Reach Mental Health Clients During the Pandemic
Monday May 25, 2020
Monday May 25, 2020
Avivit Fisher, the principal of REdD Strategy, a marketing consultancy that helps therapists to launch and grow their private practices joins eHealth Radio and the Health Marketing and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Avivit Fisher discuss the following:
What do you see happening right now, during this pandemic, with mental health needs?
What challenges can you see right now for therapists in private practice in terms of attracting clients?
What mindset do you think that therapists need to adopt right now?
In your opinion, do therapists and counselors need to become tech-savvy now?
What would you recommend to start doing immediately to start reaching more people that need help?
Avivit Fisher is a Marketing Coach and a principal at REdD Strategy, an agency that helps therapists to launch and grow their private practices. Avivit shows therapists how to master marketing and reach more people who really need help. She helps her clients create and deliver a marketing message that connects them to people's needs and converts them to clients.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Linkedin: Twitter:

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Why walking is the best thing you can do for your mind, mood and body. Especially now.
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Joyce Shulman, the Founder and CEO of 99 Walks a company that delivers monthly walking challenges and daily walking classes for women joins eHealth Radio and the Fitness and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Joyce Shulman discuss the following:
We've heard you say that walking is good for your body, your mind and your mood. Could you elaborate: How long do you have to walk to reap those benefits?
For people who don't have a regular walking practice, how should they get started?
The theme for April at 99 Walks is "walk in the rain" -- do you mean that literally?
So there are actual benefits to walking in the rain?
Does it matter where you walk?
Summary: There is no better time than right now to begin to develop a personal walking practice. Lace up your sneakers and walk out the door. One caveat: if you wait until you "feel" like it, you won't do it. You need to commit to walking whether you feel like it or not.
Joyce Shulman, Founder and CEO of the walking app 99 Walks and Macaroni Kid reaches millions of moms each month with hyper-local and national e-newsletters and websites, social media content, video and her Weekly Walk podcast.
Having created a one-of-a-kind digital platform, she connects families to the wonders of their own communities and inspires women to chase their dreams and crush their goals. Her most recent endeavor, 99 Walks, is on a mission to combat loneliness and improve fitness through the simple act of encouraging moms to walk together. Her mission? Nothing short of getting a million moms moving.
Throughout her two decades as an entrepreneur, Joyce has guided SAHMs, teachers and even MBAs to success. Joyce shares how moms need to “take care of mama bear” and avoid the “martyr mom syndrome”. Her experience in business and leading mompreneurs makes her a coveted speaker where she shares tactics for beating burnout, fueling creativity, goal crushing, how walking can fuel productivity and performance, and more.
Joyce received her Bachelors in Business Management from the University of Maryland and her Juris Doctor, Cum Laude, from St. John's University School of Law. After law school, she spent more than a dozen years as a New York City lawyer where her practice focused on complex commercial litigation.
A self-confessed idea junkie, in 1998, Joyce abandoned law firm life to liberate her entrepreneurial spirit and focus on the things that are most important to her: family, community and empowering women to chase their dreams.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram:

Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Manage Your Stress: Improve Your Life
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Merryn Snare, Educator and Psychologist, whose mission is to educate as many people as possible on the importance of catching stress before it spirals into a debilitating mental health concern joins eHealth Radio and the Mental Health & Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Merryn Snare discuss the following:
Why did you decide to develop your range of resources?
Why is stress such an issue – isn’t it a fact of life?
How does stress affect us?
What are the biggest problems with stress?
How can we change this?
How does stress prevent us from leading that awesome life we seek?
What are the PEARLS of Resilience?
What can we do to find that balance in our world that can take us to the awesome life we are seeking?
Merryn Snare is an author, educator and psychologist practicing in Melbourne Australia. Her teacher training has provided great insight and awareness into how people learn, and she also has years of experience as a registered psychologist helping people to understand and manage their stress and anxiety.
Merryn currently works in private practice and consults with a number of organizations, along with developing her suite of resources. She has written the book Annihilate Stress and Anxiety and developed its Companion Workbook, written and recorded the PEARLS of Resilience audio program, devised The Daily Dose journal/diary, and most recently has developed the Resilience Brilliance Membership Site featuring her eLearning video series.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: @snare_merryn