ehealth radio network

Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
70 Years of Innovation with Foot Levelers’ Kent S. Greenawalt, chairman and CEO
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Kent S. Greenawalt, the Chairman and CEO of Foot Levelers, the world’s leading provider of custom-made flexible orthotics joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Orthopedic Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Kent S. Greenawalt, discuss the following:
What can you tell our listeners about your background and role with Foot Levelers?
What is the relationship between the feet and back pain?
In your opinion, what should be the first step in treating lower back pain?
Why is it so important to treat lower back pain conservatively?
Why do you think that everyone can benefit from using Foot Levelers custom flexible orthotics and how do people go about obtaining them?
Looking back on the 70 years of Foot Levelers’ success, what would you say has been the company’s most impactful accomplishment to date?
Kent S. Greenawalt is the Chairman and CEO of Foot Levelers, the world’s leading provider of custom-made flexible orthotics. Kent’s passion for wellness, innovation and operational excellence continue to position the company as a market leader in an increasingly competitive market driven by consumers who seek additional options for conservative care.
As an innovator, philanthropist and businessman, Kent has developed and patented many healthcare products to achieve better patient outcomes and offers ongoing support to numerous colleges for healthcare research and organizations both personally and through Foot Levelers.
Kent is a committed supporter of healthcare education and advancement, as evidenced by the numerous grants, research studies, donations, education chairs and scholarships awarded. Serving as a board member on and advisor to numerous national and state healthcare organizations, Kent continues to seek opportunities for mutually beneficial partnerships that move the needle for optimal care outcomes, resulting in advancements that elevate the patient experience.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Linkedin: Twitter:

Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
How Technology is helping Seniors Age at Home
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Chia-Lin Simmons, the CEO of LogicMark, a NASDAQ company which provides medical alerts, remote monitoring hardware and SaaS services joins eHealth Radio and the Senior Care and Technology Channels. LogicMark offers two-way communication devices for emergencies, helping to give caregivers peace of mind and their loved ones the independence they deserve.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Chia-Lin Simmons discuss the following:
We will be soon experiencing the largest group of aging seniors, are we prepared for these large numbers? How will this impact caregivers?
Chia-Lin, tell us a bit about your company’s product that helps people live more independently.
Are we overlooking our veterans? How can your technology help them? Tell us how you work with veterans.
Your company Logicmark is leveraging some new and emerging technologies in your business. Is there something you might be able to share with us today?
Where can listeners get more information on Logicmark and its offerings?
Chia-Lin Simmons joined LogicMark as CEO on June 14, 2021. Before LogicMark, Ms. Simmons was the CEO and Co-Founder of LookyLoo, a patent-pending AI social commerce company. She is active in the AI, automotive, mobility, digital media / music and e-commerce technology space as an executive, advisor and board member. Prior to LogicMark and LookyLoo, Ms. Simmons was an executive at a number of high visibility technology companies. She was the former Head of Global Partner Marketing for Google’s Google Play Music and the Google Play Store; former VP of Marketing & Content for Harman International / Samsung; former VP of Marketing and General Manager of Playphone North America; a senior business development executive at Time Warner/ AOL, as well as the former VP of Strategic Alliances at Audible / Amazon.
Ms. Simmons serves on the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee for Servco Pacific, a global automotive and consumer goods company with businesses in mobility and automotive distribution and sales as well as entertainment through Fender Guitar. Ms. Simmons is also a board member New Energy Nexus, an international organization that support clean energy entrepreneurs with funds, accelerators and networks. She is an active angel investor in technology and founded the #bindersproject, which helps connected women tech founders with global funders looking to accelerate them.
Ms. Simmons graduated Magna cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa from U.C. San Diego. She received her MBA from Cornell University, where she received a full-ride scholarship and stipend as a Park Leadership Fellow and built the Big Red Incubator as a Managing Partner. Ms. Simmons earned her JD from George Mason University School of Law and is a licensed New York State attorney.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter:

Saturday Oct 15, 2022
Annual Enrollment – Choosing the Right Health Coverage Option
Saturday Oct 15, 2022
Saturday Oct 15, 2022
Christine Cooper, the CEO of aequum LLC and the Co-Managing Member of Koehler Fitzgerald LLC, a law firm with a national practice along with Jack Towarnicky an ERISA/Employee Benefits compliance and planning attorney, having over forty years of experience in human resources and plan sponsor leadership roles again joins eHealth Radio and the Healthcare and Legal Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guests Christine Cooper & Jack Towarnicky discuss the following:
Painful mistakes you and/or your employer should avoid at annual enrollment.
Eric: Number 10 – Christine, what’s number 10?
Christine: Number 10 is an employer mistake. It is the employer who fails to offer workers a choice of coverage. Regardless of the size of the employer, the employer should anticipate a diversity of medical coverage needs, today, AND tomorrow! At a minimum, the employer should offer at least two choices, typical would be a PPO and Health Savings Account capable options.
Eric: Who has number 9? Jack?
Jack: Number 9 is also an employer mistake. It is the decision to use a passive process. Passive means that the worker’s existing coverage will continue unless they take action to review the options and make choices. The annual enrollment process should prompt individuals to make affirmative elections – even if it is the same choices, year after year.
Eric: Interesting, so what is Number 8?
Jack: Number 8 is another employer mistake. It is the failure to adjust the coverage comparison so the differences, especially the differences in provider networks and costs are apparent, obvious. For example, where a HSA-capable coverage option is offered, the employer often fails to adjust the deductible for the other choice, typically the PPO, so that the deductible for the PPO applies in the same way. Bottom line, once you have a good idea about your expected utilization, if you must spend more than 5 minutes looking at a side-by-side comparison, that means that the differences aren’t obvious, or that the comparison has too much detail.
Eric: OK, three strikes and the employer are out. So, our audience now knows that the employer should offer a choice of coverage, and at least one of the options should allow the worker to save in a Health Savings Account. The employer should have an active enrollment process, not a passive process, where workers must make affirmative elections of coverage. And the side-by-side comparison should be clean and clear enough so that a worker who knows what they expect to spend on medical can make a decision in less than 5 minutes. OK. So now we have some ideas about what you might ask your employer.
Eric: What’s next? What’s Lucky Number 7?
Christine: More like unlucky #7. Number seven is bias. We let bias affect our decisions. We tend to make decisions by relying on heuristics, or rules of thumb. One example is where people might think Expensive is Better … that the coverage with the smallest deductible or the highest contribution must be the better choice – even though I don’t anticipate any significant medical expenses.
Eric: With six you get egg roll! You could look it up. What is number six?
Jack: Over insurance, you paid too much! Or, as one insurance company motto says, only pay for what you need. Over insurance can result by focusing too much on monthly or per payday costs (what is affordable) versus an estimate of all costs for an entire year. Bias also causes workers to overestimate the likelihood of easy to imagine outcomes, or recent events, what some call the availability heuristic – for example, a coworker who suffered an illness or injury. People sometimes fixate on “what if?” As in what if I need surgery?
Eric: What is five?
Christine: Uncertainty. Uncertainty tends to result in opportunity losses. There is a lot of uncertainty in predicting medical utilization. But, for almost everyone, medical spend increases with age. So, the time to save is now, because our out-of-pocket expenses are likely to increase in the future. And, when it comes to saving for future medical expense, the best option is the Health Savings Account. Why the HSA? Well, it saves on taxes. Often, there is an employer contribution. And consider this. Most of us are likely to make it to retirement age, when, if we are lucky enough to have avoided medical costs, we can spend HSA dollars the same way we spend money from a 401k or an Individual Retirement Account. Actually, saving in a HSA is often better than saving in a 401k.
Eric: Saving in a HSA is better than saving in a 401k? Where can you find more info?
Christine: Contact us at, or specifically, contact Jack with your questions about Health Savings Accounts. Or, if your employer doesn’t offer a Health Savings Account capable plan, have your employer reach out to Jack. Jack is one of America’s foremost experts when it comes to the Health Savings Account, its features and value. He’s been participating in a HSA over 17 years, since 2005. You can find his email address by visiting us at
Eric: OK, we’re down to the last four. Number 4?
Jack: It’s another employer mistake – choice blindness, or choice overload. Studies show that three choices are often one too many – especially for something as complex as medical coverage.
Eric: Number 3?
Christine: It is another employer mistake, this time in marketing or communications. Too many times, employers focus communications on the deductible. Some even name the options that way – for example, the $500 plan. That results in something economists call an “anchoring bias”. It draws an inordinate amount of attention to the size of the deductible. During annual enrollment, in your decision-making, you should compare the difference in deductibles between options, the difference in contributions between options and the difference in total costs based on your expected utilization.
Eric: We are down to the Number 2 mistake.
Jack: Myopia. One big mistake we all make is limiting our focus to today, next week, next month, next year. But we all expect to live beyond 2023. So, our coverage decisions should include today and tomorrow, specifically saving, improving our household’s financial resilience. Accumulating savings in 2023 ensures you are better prepared for future annual enrollment decision-making.
Eric: And the Number 1 mistake people make when it comes to annual enrollment?
Christine: Inertia. People are inert. Most don’t spend more than 30 minutes on benefits decision-making each year. Some skip annual enrollments altogether. I mean, nothing has changed in your life, or your household, or in the coverage marketplace, or in your employment over the past 3 years, right? Remember to ask other adults in your household for their input. If you are enrolled in the same health coverage today that you were before the pandemic, you should at least reconsider any available alternatives … just in case they changed. Also, if you are enrolled in a Health Savings Account, it is a good time to update your rate of contributions … but remember, unlike other accounts, you can prospectively change your HSA contribution rate, any month during the year. Keeping the same choice, year after year after year is a form of status quo bias. How would you know if it is still the right choice…unless you give it a new, fresh look. Don’t know where to start, ask for help.
We’ll put a summary of this discussion on our website – so you can refer to it for this year’s annual enrollment (and future years as well). Start today. Ask your employer for the dates of the annual enrolment, and what coverage option will be offered in 2023. Have them contact Jack and encourage them to offer a Health Savings Account capable option. Start putting together your estimate what you and your household members will spend on medical in 2023.
And, when annual enrollment comes, don’t forget to take time to review your choices and make an affirmative decision, election for 2023.
Christine M. Cooper, CEO and Member, aequum LLC
Christine M. Cooper is the CEO and Member, of aequum LLC. A patent lawyer recruited to Koehler Fitzgerald LLC in 2016 because of her large law firm experience and IT skills, Christine was quickly elevated to a member of Koehler Fitzgerald LLC and leads the health care practice. Christine is the CEO of aequum and is dedicated to assisting and defending plans and patients.
Jack Towarnicky Member, aequum LLC
As an ERISA/Employee Benefits compliance and planning attorney, Jack has over forty years of experience in human resources and plan sponsor leadership roles. This includes twenty-five years as the leader of a Fortune 100 corporation’s benefits function. While serving in those roles, Jack and his team won a multitude of individual, team and corporate recognitions. In 2020 Jack joined aequum and provides plan drafting and compliance services to employers and plan sponsors.
About aequum
Founded in 2020, aequum LLC serves third-party administrators, medical cost management companies, stop-loss carriers, employer-sponsored health plans and brokers nationwide to protect plan participants, improve employee satisfaction with their health care plans, and generate plan and participant cost savings. aequum helps patients defend medical balance bills and brings savings to employer-sponsored health plans by providing administrative and other services to its partners. In addition, its sister organization, Koehler Fitzgerald LLC, provides legal advocacy to plan participants.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Linkedin: Twitter:

Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Undoing the Damage from Adverse Childhood Experiences
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Ronni Tichenor who has a PhD in sociology, specializing in family studies, from the University of Michigan, and Jennie Weaver, who received her degree from the Vanderbilt School of Nursing and is a board-certified family nurse practitioner with over 25 years of experience in family practice and mental health joins eHealth Radio and the Mental Health & Health News Channels. Their new book, Healing Begins with Us: Breaking the Cycle of Trauma and Abuse and Rebuilding the Sibling Bond.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guests Ronni Tichenor & Jennie Weaver discuss the following:
Why did you feel called to write this book?
What do you mean when you use the term "childhood trauma?"
How can siblings help each other heal from childhood trauma?
What advice do you have for people trying to support someone who is healing from childhood trauma?
What do you want people to take away from your story?
Ronni Tichenor has a PhD in sociology, specializing in family studies, from the University of Michigan. Jennie Weaver received her degree from the Vanderbilt School of Nursing and is a board-certified family nurse practitioner with over 25 years of experience in family practice and mental health. Their new book, Healing Begins with Us: Breaking the Cycle of Trauma and Abuse and Rebuilding the Sibling Bond (HeartWisdom LLC, April 5, 2022), shares their inspiring and hopeful story of healing from their painful upbringing.
Social Media Links: Facebook:

Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Christine Cooper, the CEO of aequum LLC and the Co-Managing Member of Koehler Fitzgerald LLC, a law firm with a national practice. Christine leads the firm’s health care practice and is dedicated to assisting and defending plans and patients again joins ehealth Radio and the Healthcare and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Christine Cooper discuss the following:
What is the Explanation of Benefits or “EOB”? What role does it plan in your employer-sponsored health plan?
What is an “Advanced” Explanation of Benefits (EOB), and how does it work for healthcare consumers and employer-sponsored health plan members?
How can health plan members ask for an Advanced EOB?
How does a member evaluate an Advanced EOB when received? How can they request another quote for the same procedure from a different provider?
How can members work with its plan administrator for guidance and to identify a reasonable price for procedure?
Christine M. Cooper is the CEO and Member, of aequum LLC. A patent lawyer recruited to Koehler Fitzgerald LLC in 2016 because of her large law firm experience and IT skills, Christine was quickly elevated to a member of Koehler Fitzgerald LLC and leads the health care practice. Christine is the CEO of aequum and is dedicated to assisting and defending plans and patients.
About aequum
Founded in 2020, aequum LLC serves third-party administrators, medical cost management companies, stop-loss carriers, employer-sponsored health plans and brokers nationwide to protect plan participants, improve employee satisfaction with their health care plans, and generate plan and participant cost savings. aequum helps patients defend medical balance bills and brings savings to employer-sponsored health plans by providing administrative and other services to its partners. In addition, its sister organization, Koehler Fitzgerald LLC, provides legal advocacy to plan participants.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Linkedin: Twitter:

Saturday Oct 01, 2022
The MindZen Method™, a mindset wellbeing program for challenging times
Saturday Oct 01, 2022
Saturday Oct 01, 2022
Dr. Steve Woodbury, Founder and Director of the MindZen Method™, providing personal and group-based Mind and High -Performance Well-Being programs joins eHealth Radio and the Mental Health and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Steve Woodbury discuss the following:
Tell me about your passion(s).
What motivates you in your work as a MindZen Practitioner?
I know you are also a best-selling artist. How do you integrate your MindZen practice with your creative pursuits as an artist?
How does your approach differ from other countless services currently available for mind and mental heath challenges?
How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted on health and the wellbeing of your clients and the people engaging your professional help?
How important are mentors/coaches in your personal and professional growth?
Dr. Woodbury is an award-winning MindZen practioner who creates well-being solutions for people and their organisations.
Before we commence our program he conducts an assessment of an individual’s current position across the domains of personality, social connectedness, physical health, and mental health.
Dr. Woodbury works with each person to uniquely identify how their current lifestyle is preventing them from achieving their goals and then an individualized program is developed in consultation with them to plot, review, and achieve individual well-being.
Contact on Linkedin:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Facing the Heartbreaking, Soul Numbing, and Searingly Painful Blow of Loss
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Ashley Davis Bush who has been a psychotherapist for over 30 years joins eHealth Radio and the Emotional Health Channel. She's the author of 10 self-help books, including her latest book "Light After Loss: A Spiritual Guide for Comfort, Hope, and Healing".
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Ashley Davis Bush discuss the following:
How is "Light After Loss" different from other grief books?
It seems we don't take time to grieve but loss is everywhere. Why is the grieving process important?
Would the loss of a dear pet be approached in the same way?
You have worked with grievers for over 30 years. How has that impacted your understanding of the grieving process?
You describe Light-shift practices in the book. Can you tell me about Light-shifts?
How do people make meaning out of loss?
Ashley Davis Bush, LICSW, is a psychotherapist with over 30 years of experience working with grieving individuals. She is also a Reiki master and a trained spiritual director. Light After Loss: A Spiritual Guide for Comfort, Hope, and Healing (Viva Editions, July 2022) is her 10th book.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Linkedin: Twitter: @AshleyDavisBush Instagram:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Saturday Sep 24, 2022
Cutting-edge ways to age gracefully
Saturday Sep 24, 2022
Saturday Sep 24, 2022
Globally Recognized Dr. TJ Tsay, the Founder/Medical Director of AGELESS MD Orange County, California’s premier state of the art aesthetic medicine destination helping thousands of patients from all over the globe look and feel their best at every age joins eHealth Radio and the Anti-Aging & Aesthetic Medicine Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. TJ Tsay discuss the following:
Getting older is a gift, but it's something most people do not want to wear on their face. Dr. Tsay you are keeping America Ageless without having to go under the knife….as a cosmetic doctor, clients come to you because with your services they don't have to go under the knife. What makes you unique?
What are some cutting-edge ways to age gracefully?
What type of reaction do you get from patients after they receive one of these procedures?
You are well-known for the PDO Thread Lift, most recently featured on the Netflix Series, Bling Empire. Walk us through what that entails and who would be a good candidate for the nonsurgical procedure?
If someone is looking for advice about their appearance or something that has been bothering them for years, what would be the best tip you could give them? Where could they find more information?
Ti Jo “TJ” Tsay, M.D. is a globally renowned cosmetic doctor and the Medical Director/Owner of Ageless M.D., Orange County, California’s premier state-of-the-art aesthetic medicine destination helping thousands of patients look and feel their best at every age. Committed to offering the most advanced innovations in anti-aging, Dr. Tsay is widely recognized for delivering unparalleled results with the distinctive skill of a former E.R. physician. He is featured among California’s top medical professionals and a sought-after international speaker/trainer for many of the latest dermal laser technology methods. He is also known as a trailblazer for elevating the field of PDO Thread Lifting in the United States. In fact, his recent appearance on the popular reality TV show “Bling Empire” showcased the thread lift procedure for the first time on national television.
Raised in Atlanta, Georgia, Dr. Tsay received a full academic Dean’s Scholarship from Emory University. There, he earned both his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Quantum Chemistry within four years, graduating Summa Cum Laude. He then attended the Medical College of Georgia on a full academic scholarship, completing his residency training in Compton, South Central Los Angeles. For 20 years, Dr. Tsay spent his time saving and changing lives as a board-certified Emergency Medicine physician before choosing to practice aesthetics/anti-aging medicine full time.
Dr. Tsay’s unique energetic personality and passion for aesthetic medicine began during his early years as a child actor. Cast in two feature films, he became an official member of the Screen Actors Guild before working as a model for print and television. The experience led him to discover the link between self-image and self-confidence/overall well being. Now, Dr. Tsay is a member of IFAAS (International Fellowship in Advanced Aesthetic Science) and the ASLMS (American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery). He is also a recognized thought leader and speaker/trainer for several thread companies, including Hans BioMed and Miracu threads.
Dr. Tsay’s team at Ageless M.D. provides cutting-edge, non-surgical solutions to help people look and feel their absolute best. His own youthful appearance is a glowing testament to his expertise. Ageless M.D. specializes in non-invasive facial transformation procedures, including Fillers, Botox/ Dysport, PDO Thread Lifts, Lasers/Energy based devices, and Skin Rejuvenation; Acne Scar Treatments; Nonsurgical Butt Augmentation; and Male Enhancement. Dr. Tsay and his trained staff can also address wrinkles, acne/scarring, melasma/abnormal pigmentation, as well as female stress urinary incontinence. More complex treatments are also available at Ageless M.D., including non-surgical facelift, non-surgical nose job, and skin tightening.
Dr. Tsay’s 5-star Yelp, Google, and Realself profiles reveal countless reasons why patients keep coming back for more once they step into this office. Learn more about Dr. Tsay and the complete menu of Ageless M.D. services available at Follow @ageless_md on Instagram to see real patient results and seasonal specials/treatment updates.
Social Media Links: Facebook: @ageless_md

Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Ava Otto Helps Other Kids Keep a Healthy Mindset
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Ava Otto, the 12 year old daughter of Limp Bizkit's John Otto and recently also appeared on the CBS dance show, Come Dance With Me who is a big advocate for anti-bullying and is using her voice to help other young kids' mindsets joins eHealth Radio and the Bully Information Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Ava Otto discuss the following:
Growing up with a famous father, how did that play on your mental state as a child and being around kids or even parents who may have been jealous of your lifestyle?
You were bullied by other parents. How did you overcome this? What is your advice to other kids today?
You also give back through your own foundation, Passion Project X, tell us more.
Why do you love to inspire and bring joy to others via social media? Why does that keep you in a healthy mindset overall?
Ava Otto is a Los Angeles-based professional actress, dancer and model. When she was 5 years old, Ava performed a song and dance for her elementary school talent show. That was the moment she fell in love with performing. That same year, 2015, Ava booked her first job singing with Grammy award winner Darlene Koldenhoven. The following year she began her acting career and joined her first competition team at the local dance studio. Ava has earned numerous national titles, top placements, and top scholarships.
Ava excels in many forms of dance, including contemporary, ballet/pointe, jazz, hip hop, and lyrical, as well as in musical theater. She also studies ballroom and aerial arts. She is a natural contortionist and intermediate/advanced tumbler. Ava has choreographed with and danced in various concept videos with industry leaders. She has appeared in commercials, an independent film, various print campaigns, TV interviews, podcasts, and more.
Currently, she is dancing alongside her famous dad, John Otto, drummer of Limp Bizkit on a new CBS television show Come Dance With Me. The show is produced by LL Cool J and Chris O’Donnell.
Ava is a highly sought-after dance photography model. In 2020, she was chosen to be an AS Dancewear Mentee by brand owner and renowned ballerina Alison Stroming. She enjoys modeling for the brand and supporting other young artists. Ava is passionate about empowering others through her nonprofit Passion Project X. The organization focuses on providing various forms of support to others who are pursuing their dreams.
Ava is equally ambitious about her academic career. She is in her final year of middle school and is currently enrolled in college courses. In her free time, Ava enjoys gaming, shopping, and spending time with friends, family, and beloved pups. She also enjoys vlogging, cooking, long road trips, and even longer naps!

Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
The Growth of the Natural Supplement Industry within the African American Market
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Kareem Cooke, the CMO of Naturade who has revolutionized the natural supplement with the expansion of their Naturade brand joins eHealth Radio and the Supplement Channel.
Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Kareem Cooke discuss the following:
How did you begin your foray into the health industry and subsequently, Naturade?
What makes Naturade different from its competitors?
How has the obesity and diabetes epidemic impacted your company mission?
Naturade is one of the only black owned products in Costco, what was the process to making that relationship happen?
What can other minority entrepreneurs learn from the Naturade story?
Creating a company with the intention of positively impacting the health of Black America may seem like a lofty goal, but it is one that owners Kareem Cook (CMO) and Claude Tellis (CEO) embarked on with their company, Naturade. Naturade is one of the largest Black-owned natural supplement companies in the United States with a line of products that includes plant-based protein shakes and nutritional shakes in a variety of flavors. Currently the only black owned company in Costco and demanding shelf space in major retailers like Target, Naturade is proof that a Black owned company can thrive in the nutrition and health and wellness space.
After witnessing many of their family members succumb to diet-related illnesses, Kareem and Claude decided to acquire Naturade (which was founded in 1926) in 2012 after successfully launching Healthy Body Products, a healthy vending machine company in 2002 that was pivotal in changing vending laws in California. Today Naturade is a multi-million dollar company backed by power players Magic Johnson and Grant Hill, that is still committed to redefining the core target audience for the natural supplement market, to include African Americans and people of color - those in dire need of healthy alternatives. With the eradication of pre-diabetes as a mission for the brand, Naturade is working steadfastly to provide natural plant-based foods and products to urban communities across the nation.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: