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Friday Feb 26, 2021
Walking Your Way to Better Health with Joyce Shulman
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Joyce Shulman, the Founder and CEO of 99 Walks, a community that encourages health, fitness, and connection through walking joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Fitness Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Joyce Shulman discuss the following:
What are some of the earliest memories you associate with walking?
How has walking changed your life?
How can walking improve happiness?
Why is walking good for connection and relationships?
99 Walks is more than a step tracker. Can you tell us more about it?
Tip: Exercise in general, and walking in particular, has incredible benefits for our mind, our mood and our bodies. Research shows that a regular walking practice can reduce our risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and several types of cancer. In fact, walking is so good for you that one study showed that a regular walking practice can add up to seven years to your life. (study by European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress as reported in the Independent)
Joyce Shulman is Co-Founder and CEO of 99 Walks: a wellness and walking lifestyle brand, community and app on a mission to create community and get a million women walking. A self-confessed idea junkie, Joyce traded her law career as a commercial litigator for an entrepreneurial journey focused on what mattered to her most: family, community, and empowering women to get healthy, happy, and chase their dreams.
Throughout her personal and professional life, Joyce’s regular walking practice has been her key for managing stress, fueling creativity, and maintaining her health. After discovering that the research bears out all that she learned instinctively, Joyce and her husband and partner Eric Cohen founded 99 Walks to help women experience what recent studies have shown: that walking can improve decision-making and executive function, combat depression, increase creativity and literally add years to one’s life.
In addition to being the “Pack Leader” at 99 Walks, Joyce is an author, speaker, TEDx veteran, podcaster, and consultant for companies and women’s group, where she shares her expertise about the life-changing impact of a consistent, intentional walking practice.
Joyce received her Bachelors in Business Management from the University of Maryland and her JD, Cum Laude, from St. John’s University School of Law. After law school, she spent more than a dozen years as a New York City lawyer where her practice focused on complex commercial litigation. She calls Sag Harbor, New York home where she lives with one husband, two teenagers, and a slightly unruly dog named Moose.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram:

Saturday Oct 24, 2020
5 Lessons in Resiliency: Rebuilding Life After the NFL
Saturday Oct 24, 2020
Saturday Oct 24, 2020
Ex-NFL kicker Sean Conley (Detroit Lions, Indianapolis Colts, New York Jets) suffered career-ending injuries from over-training. He began practicing yoga as part of his rehabilitation, and soon embraced yoga’s mindfulness, meditation, and philosophy as a new life direction. His new book is: The Point After: How One Resilient Kicker Learned There Was More to Life Than the NFL (Lyons Press, 2020). Sean joins eHealth Radio and the Health News Channel to talk about it.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Sean Conley discuss the following:
What inspired you to write this book?
Can you tell me about the book?
How does one go from an NFL player to a yoga & meditation teacher?
What does the title mean "The Point After"?
Who else should love this book beyond sports fans? Describe the reader who ought to know about this title.
Where can readers find out more about you and your books?
Ex-NFL kicker Sean Conley (Detroit Lions, Indianapolis Colts, New York Jets) suffered career-ending injuries from over-training. He began practicing yoga as part of his rehabilitation, and soon embraced yoga’s mindfulness, meditation, and philosophy as a new life direction. Now a yoga teacher himself, he owns Amazing Yoga in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with his wife. His new book is The Point After: How One Resilient Kicker Learned There Was More to Life Than the NFL (Lyons Press, 2020).
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: @seanconley2

Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Fitness Professional Ian Hart on bringing your body back to nature
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Ian Hart, a fitness expert who has dedicated his life and his career to helping others heal naturally joins eHealth Radio and the Fitness and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Ian Hart discuss the following:
What was the inspiration behind writing your new book, Healing Hacks?
What is your favorite actionable idea from the book?
What do you think is the biggest source of misinformation in the traditional medical community?
You talk about the four natural functions of the body in the book and how they can explain a lot about your health. Can you dig into that more?
What can the audience do right now to improve their health naturally?
Ian Hart is a fitness expert who has dedicated his life and his career to helping others heal naturally. He’s the owner of Back Pain Relief4Life—the simplest and most effective way to eliminate back pain naturally and fast—and the co-founder of My Back Pain Coach. He also owns and operates EarthFIT, a top-rated group training facility with three locations. Ian’s work has been featured in Men’s Health Magazine and he’s appeared as a health expert on New York 1 News. In addition to his work, Ian also hosts regular wellness retreats at his treehouse in the Costa Rican rainforest.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram:

Thursday May 21, 2020
Seek Beyond the Summit with Andrew Hughes
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
Andrew Hughes, an adventurer, motivator and dreamer as the first American Man and fastest to complete the Antarctica Trifecta joins eHealth Radio and the Health News Channel. Andrew has reached 612,480 feet through ascents since 2014, and with every step embraces the journey of discomfort and redefining his perspective of achievement by sharing his story.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Andrew Hughes discuss the following:
What inspired you to become an explorer?
How do you motivate yourself in midst of failure?
What process does your body go through preparing for a summit and what do you do for recovery?
What are some trainings people can practice at home that you would typically use in training?
Your approach to health and fitness is very holistic by involving mind, body, and soul- how does you integrate this into your day to day life when you’re not on an expedition?
Andrew Hughes pursued the path that checked all the boxes that aligned with the socially acceptable narrative of success- from what he studied, his career, and his relationships.
When failure found Andrew and the world he had constructed began to the crumble, he discovered that the foundations of life were built upon other people's dreams and not his own. Faced with a choice to embrace the uncomfortable and unknown, the mountains answered Andrew's questions of his own dreams.
He embraced the journey of redefining his relationship with discomfort, which altered his perspective of achievement, and unified the fragmented aspects of himself. Now, he stands whole compelled to lead, inspire and motivate others to redefine success, embrace the uncomfortable and enjoy the journey with eyes wide open.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:

Monday Apr 27, 2020
At-Home Fitness for the Serious Athlete with John LaVoie
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
John LaVoie, Fitness expert for global wellness and fitness app, VERV joins eHealth Radio and the Fitness & Health News Channels. In his role as fitness ambassador for Verv, John uses his multiple exercise and weightlifting certifications plus his background as a triathlete, Olympic weightlifter and competitive dancer to help people get into optimum shape.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest John LaVoie discuss the following:
What is your background and what has inspired you to a career in physical fitness?
How can competitive weight lifters keep in shape when they typically rely on heavy and specialized workout equipment?
For ultra-athletes such as runners and others, what are their best tips for maintaining endurance and fitness?
Is there any way for a top-performing athlete to improve any aspect of their workout, or is a stay-at-home regimen primarily about maintenance?
Are there any surprising workout tips you’d have for a bodybuilder or elite athlete that they may not have considered?
What free or affordable resources are out there for home-bound folks wanting to get in a workout?
John LaVoie is fitness expert with multiple training certifications and a commitment to helping individuals obtain safe, optimal results in fitness and weight loss. His personal experience includes training and competing as an international tri-athlete, Olympic weightlifter and dancer. John’s credentials include Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the National Strength and Conditioning Association, Level 1 Sports Performance Coach in USA Weightlifting, Group Fitness through the American Council on Exercise (ACE) and CPR/AED Training through American Red Cross. John a degree in exercise and movement from University of Vermont. In addition to serving as Verv’s Fitness Expert, John operates a Massachusetts-based training facility, John LaVoie Training.
Verv is a comprehensive personal mobile health assistant that brings together physical fitness, mindfulness, healthy eating, and good sleep to make a true and significant difference in your well-being. The app is available for iOS, with the Android version in development for release later this year. The Verv app is available globally with nine language options and offers a free stay-at-home fitness kit as a community service during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Verv currently offers its subscribers:
200 interval trainings
100 fitness workouts
340 running workouts
40 meditations
1,000 hot music mixes
400 vegan, keto and other recipes
100 ASMR, sleep stories and sounds.
For more information visit here.

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Why walking is the best thing you can do for your mind, mood and body. Especially now.
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Joyce Shulman, the Founder and CEO of 99 Walks a company that delivers monthly walking challenges and daily walking classes for women joins eHealth Radio and the Fitness and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Joyce Shulman discuss the following:
We've heard you say that walking is good for your body, your mind and your mood. Could you elaborate: How long do you have to walk to reap those benefits?
For people who don't have a regular walking practice, how should they get started?
The theme for April at 99 Walks is "walk in the rain" -- do you mean that literally?
So there are actual benefits to walking in the rain?
Does it matter where you walk?
Summary: There is no better time than right now to begin to develop a personal walking practice. Lace up your sneakers and walk out the door. One caveat: if you wait until you "feel" like it, you won't do it. You need to commit to walking whether you feel like it or not.
Joyce Shulman, Founder and CEO of the walking app 99 Walks and Macaroni Kid reaches millions of moms each month with hyper-local and national e-newsletters and websites, social media content, video and her Weekly Walk podcast.
Having created a one-of-a-kind digital platform, she connects families to the wonders of their own communities and inspires women to chase their dreams and crush their goals. Her most recent endeavor, 99 Walks, is on a mission to combat loneliness and improve fitness through the simple act of encouraging moms to walk together. Her mission? Nothing short of getting a million moms moving.
Throughout her two decades as an entrepreneur, Joyce has guided SAHMs, teachers and even MBAs to success. Joyce shares how moms need to “take care of mama bear” and avoid the “martyr mom syndrome”. Her experience in business and leading mompreneurs makes her a coveted speaker where she shares tactics for beating burnout, fueling creativity, goal crushing, how walking can fuel productivity and performance, and more.
Joyce received her Bachelors in Business Management from the University of Maryland and her Juris Doctor, Cum Laude, from St. John's University School of Law. After law school, she spent more than a dozen years as a New York City lawyer where her practice focused on complex commercial litigation.
A self-confessed idea junkie, in 1998, Joyce abandoned law firm life to liberate her entrepreneurial spirit and focus on the things that are most important to her: family, community and empowering women to chase their dreams.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram:

Thursday Apr 02, 2020
My Trip to a Healthy, Active 96: 22 Tips to Change Your Life
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Author, Dancer, Musician & Senior Influencer, Phyllis Sues joins eHealth Radio and the Fitness and Health News Channels. Phyllis is an inspiration to many and she is here to discuss her new book, "My Trip to a Healthy, Active 96: 22 Tips To Change Your Life.”
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Phyllis Sues discuss the following:
What inspired you to write, "My Trip to a Healthy, Active 96: 22 Tips To Change Your Life.”
You feature some of your original exercises in your book, as well as Yoga. Can you tell our listeners about the exercises?
Is there a secret to living a long life? What advice can you give our listeners on how to live a healthy lifestyle?
You’ve had a wonderful inspirational life; from being a dancer on Broadway, to becoming a fashion designer at 50, learning the Tango and becoming a musician in your 70’s, walking into your 1st yoga class and jumping on a trapeze in your 80’s, becoming a writer, a model and skydiving in your 90’s. What would you say is your motivation for trying something new, taking a challenge, no matter what age?
Phyllis Sues just published her new book, "My Trip to a Healthy, Active 96: 22 Tips to Change Your Life.” In the book, Phyllis shares how she maintains a healthy, active lifestyle at 96, her physical fitness routines and stories of her life. Phyllis wrote this book to inspire readers to build a better life. A life that’s there for all of us! Phyllis shares her tips on how to build strength, stamina, longevity and joy. And how important it is to have the desire to want to do it, take action and face each challenge with no fear!
Phyllis danced in five hit Broadway shows, appeared on TV with her late husband Alan Sues, became a successful fashion designer at 50, produced and composed two CD’s in her 70’s, flew on a trapeze in her 80’s, and skydived twice and became an Official Blogger for Huffington Post in her 90’s. To celebrate her 92nd Birthday, Phyllis went viral dancing a Tango to Adele. Phyllis still dances Tango, practices yoga and jump ropes daily. Phyllis is an inspiration to many, inspiring her followers and fans to keep moving, love life and challenge yourself daily, with the message that, "age is just a number!” Phyllis was never one to retire and she always had a dream of writing her own book, and she did it at 96!
“My Trip To A Healthy, Active 96: 22 Tips To Change Your Life" is available on Amazon and Kindle.
Social Media Links: Facebook: @phyllis_sues_

Saturday Jan 11, 2020
Are You Ready to Make the Switch?
Saturday Jan 11, 2020
Saturday Jan 11, 2020
Alison Brown, a 20-year award-winning fitness and nutrition expert, founder of The Switch Project, Co-Owner of New U Personal Training Studio and best-selling of the book Making the Switch: How to Put Yourself First in a World That Tells You Not To, helping moms put themselves first, guilt-free and live their best life in their best body joins eHealth Radio and the Fitness and Nutrition Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Alison Brown discuss the following:
Why did you write this book?
What is the BIG lie discussed in the book that all moms need to stop believing?
How is healthy living more than fitness and food?
How can we work on switching from self-loathing to self-loving?
Tell us about a mom who was impacted by the Switch.
Alison Brown is a 20-year award-winning fitness and nutrition expert, founder of The Switch Project, Co-Owner of New U Personal Training Studio and best-selling author. Alison wrote Making the Switch, an international best-selling book in seven countries and in several categories including Parenting and Nutrition. Her passion to transform bodies from the inside out far exceeds fitness and food. She marries these with self-love and mindfulness to help her clients become healthy on the inside. Her mission and life's joy is to help everyone to live their best life in their best body.

Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Helping busy women gain control of their health
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Dr. Kelly Morgan, Ph.D., a health and fitness professional, motivation expert, and professor who owns Tsirona where she helps overachieving women gain control of their health and use it as a tool for living well joins eHealth Radio and the Fitness & Weight Management Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Kelly Morgan discuss the following:
Why do women tend to make their health more complicated than it needs to be?
What are your pillars of a healthy lifestyle?
What is the best diet?
How much should one exercise?
What is your book about? Who is your book for?
What are some of the challenges busy women tend to face with their health?
How can we overcome a lack of motivation toward our health goals?
Where does someone start with making their lifestyle healthier?
Kelly Vandersluis Morgan, Ph.D. owns Tsirona, where she is a health coach for busy, high-achieving women who have put their health on the backburner while kicking butt in the rest of their lives. She helps women gain control of their health and use it as a tool for continuing to lead their crazy lives and achieve their big dreams. She has recovered from anorexia, gained too much weight in a time of stress, and finally discovered how to make her health much easier.
Dr. Morgan’s online coaching, courses, workbooks, and guides help her clients set their goals and reach success. She has been featured in media outlets such as Self, Yoga Journal, Elite Daily, and HealthyWay.
Dr. Morgan has a unique mix of formal education in writing, health communication, and business that is supplemented by her experience as a certified personal trainer, health coach, fitness nutrition specialist, and RYT 200 yoga teacher. She is also an adjunct professor in the Health and Sport Management departments at the largest university in Virginia, where she has had a near-100% success rate with guiding her hundreds of students through health behavior change projects to reach their goals.
Websites: |

Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Women and Weight Loss with Pam Sherman
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Pam Sherman, an author, speaker and coach with over 20+ years of experience working with a variety of clients that has helped 1000's of women achieve their health and fitness goals joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Weight Management Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Pam Sherman discuss the following:
Why do you think women have such a hard time losing weight?
Have you ever struggled with your own weight?
Why should women listen to you?
What's your experience in the wellness/fitness industry?
What's your best success story?
Pam Sherman is a wellness specialist. She is the CEO and founder of The Perfect Balance Academy, international motivational speaker, coach and author.
She got certified from AFAA in Group Exercise and Personal Training. She was a teacher/trainer for 21 years. Pam has run 15 marathons including the Boston Marathon and has a PR of 3:28.
Her mission is to empower women to lose the emotional and physical weight that keeps them blind to their own beauty. She wants every woman to feel great naked. Pam’s coaching program SEXY in 60 days helps women lose weight for the LAST time. She takes her knowledge and expertise from the 20 years she was in the classroom and has put that together in a course. SEXY= Self Confident, Enough, Xtraordinary, You!
Check out Pam Sherman's words of wisdom on Amazon! She's got the Perfect Balance Workbook, Perfect Balance Guide to Healthy Living, Perfect Balance Rules of Weight Loss, Perfect Balance Guide - How to Avoid the Freshman 15, Perfect Balance Rules of Fat Loss & Perfect Balance Guide - Nutrition for Athletes.
After getting hit by a car and only having minor injuries, Pam is passionate about spreading the word of self-care. Her tagline is your health is your greatest wealth.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: @perfectbalanceguru