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Thursday Mar 21, 2013
Biggest mistakes in the weight room with Jeff Archibald
Thursday Mar 21, 2013
Thursday Mar 21, 2013
Jeff Archibald, Fitness Trainer in West Los Angeles, with 25 years of experience, comprehensive indoor and outdoor fitness training, weightlifting, corrective conditioning, general fitness, indoor rock climbing, hiking, trail running, as well as instructing and guiding groups for mtn biking and road cycling in Los Angeles and Vail, CO joins eHealth Radio & the Health and Fitness Channels.
Listen to interview [audio player below] with host Eric Michaels & guest Jeff Archibald discuss the following:
In regards to cardiovascular exercise, what easy to follow advice do you have for people to do to improve fat loss?
In regards to diet what advice for people to do to improve fat loss and fitness levels?
What is the biggest mistake you see men doing in the weight room? Women?
What is the number 1 factor that keeps people motivated year after year?
Any specific recommendations to help people improve fitness?
Do you recommend yoga, cross fit, bootcamps or any other group fitness classes?
What personally keeps you motivated?
In the winter of 1991, while a full-time student at CU Boulder and skiing every weekend in Vail, I started working part-time as a fitness instructor at The PULSE Fitness Center. By 1992 I was a full-time personal trainer with a diverse range of clientele. In October of 1993 I moved to Vail, CO to ski, hike, and bike the magnificent Rocky Mountains. By 1994 I was again working full-time as a trainer in two health clubs. I also trained clients in-home and designed home gyms throughout the Vail Valley.
The Pulse Fitness Center in Boulder was a wonderful experience. Our 5,000 cumulative members included several professional bodybuilders, cyclists, tri-athletes, rock climbers, alpinists, and skiers. Many of the trainers also coached me (a few were ex-professional athletes of a wide variety). As trainers we were all required to attend seminars and pass exams on physical therapy and injury prevention.
However, there is no substitute for learning the hard way. I am, unfortunately, referring to my own physical therapy/recovery from a variety of mogul skiing and mountain biking injuries. I specialize in post-physical therapy exercise.
My personal education of recovery includes a compression fractures of the thoracic spine in '88, dozens of lower lumbar sprains from '88 to '99, fractured/dislocated shoulder in '95 which lead to surgery in 2000, a full ACL reconstruction of the right knee in '96, and an assortment of broken ribs, pulled muscles, bruises, and joint sprains all together with a hundred plus stitches from head to toe. I have had hundreds of hours of physical therapy over the years. In addition, I have also worked as a physical therapy aide; which may explain why I do not want to be a physical therapist... recovering therapy patients complain even more than healthy training clients (I know I did!). I am happy to report that I am 95% recovered.
Exercise is 'rehabilitation' if performed properly.
Proper training has to include joint & spine stabilization, postural correction, core conditioning, and most importantly…. MOTIVATION!
With the help of numerous professionals and thousands of hours of cross-training, I am now durable enough to compete at the expert level of mountain biking. Other recreational activities (for self and those who volunteer) include trail running, rock climbing, weight lifting, stairs, and occasional yoga & swimming.
A majority of my past and present clientele have been in the ages of 40 to 70. Most have had sports injuries, bursitis, and/or arthritis to work through. There is nothing better than proving MD's don't know much about exercise. I do train serious athletes as well. I have been one most of my life and I know what it takes to excel.
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Saturday Jan 19, 2013
Commit To Get Fit with Laura Dion-Jones
Saturday Jan 19, 2013
Saturday Jan 19, 2013
Laura Dion-Jones, creator of the Commit To Get Fit Program joins eHealth Radio and it's Fitness, Weight Management and Nutrition Channels. Laura is a pro-health activist, Certified Corporate Wellness Coach (CCWC), radio show host, and motivational weight loss and lifestyle speaker/writer.
Listen to interview [audio player below] with host Eric Michaels & guest Laura Dion-Jones discuss the following:
Tell us a bit about yourself and how you got started in the motivational weight loss and corporate wellness coaching fields.
What was the final straw that led you to turn your life around the way you have -- losing 150 pounds and keeping it off 10 years later?
Why did you create Commit To Get Fit with Laura Dion-Jones motivational weight loss programs?
What kind of success have you had with your Commit To Get Fit program thus far?
Did you really help 180 people lose 1,800 lbs from your radio show?
Tell us about your 90-minute introduction to Commit To Get Fit and your follow-up 6 and 12-week support seminar series?
Laura Dion-Jones is a Chicago-based pro-health activist, Certified Corporate Wellness Coach (CCWC), Certified Wellness Coach (CWC), radio show host, and motivational weight loss and lifestyle speaker/writer. She teaches, inspires and motivates from the heart -- based on real-life experience. After living a lifetime of chronic obesity, she lost 150 pounds in 2-1/2 years by smart healthy eating and a commitment to daily cardio. Almost ten years later -- she’s kept all the weight off.
Today Laura is waging her own private war on our nation’s escalating obesity epidemic. She speaks to community groups, church groups, associations, health and wellness organizations and businesses. She also coaches individuals struggling with weight issues who want to achieve and maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle.
Commit To Get Fit
Commit To Get Fit is Laura’s series of accountability-based weight loss management and fitness programs, motivational seminars and custom-tailored wellness programs -- a no-nonsense, comprehensive means to a fit and healthy lifestyle for individuals, organizations or corporate workplaces.
The current Commit To Get Fit roster includes a 90-minute Introduction seminar to help participants commit to get fit and follow-up 6- and 12-week support seminars. All programs focus on healthy weight loss and maintenance with a goal of health education and changing behavior. No gimmicks. No quick fixes. Smart healthy eating, daily exercise and a good dose of willpower. The curriculum is sensible, doable and it works.
Based on her personal weight loss success and hundreds of people she’s helped and motivated along the way, Laura engages audiences with her straightforward, no-holds-barred, “if I can do it, YOU can do it” approach.
Related Web Site:

Tuesday Jan 01, 2013
Founder of Yogasync TV, Al Hall
Tuesday Jan 01, 2013
Tuesday Jan 01, 2013
Al Hall the Founder of Yogasync TV who is a long time yogi for nearly 15 years joins eHealth Radio and the Health, Fitness and Yoga Channels.
Listen to interview [audio player below] with host Eric Michaels & guest Al Hall discuss the following:
What's special about yoga and how does it help improve ones health?
Who's yoga for?
Where should a beginner get started with yoga?
How does yogasync compare a standard yoga DVD / video podcast etc.?
What about those with some experience in yoga, is Yogasync TV suitable for them?
Al Hall is long time yogi, futurist, technology geek, crossed with a warrior of the possible and is the guy that in in early 2009 had the idea "lets build Yogasync". Three years later, after assembling the team to do it and 1000's of collective hours of work, now we have the platform that you are using today. Al's passions are beach volleyball, surfing, health, well-being, philosophy, teaching, creating new possibilities and of course technology. His work combines everything from directing, to camera operator, to video editor, quality control. He is an avid user of Yogasync and is excited about it's future, the teaching contained in it and its ability to empower people globally to a live a healthier, brighter & more peaceful life.
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Monday Dec 31, 2012
Monday Dec 31, 2012
One of the most respected Fitness Experts in the country today, Dr. Edward Jackowski from Exude Fitness, headquartered in Manhattan, NY. joins eHealth Radio and the Health & Fitness Channel to talk about why your company needs a corporate wellness program.
Listen to our brief interview [audio player below] with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Edward Jackowski discuss the following:
Your first book that you wrote back in 1992, you predicted that companies today would need a corporate wellness program in order to be more profitable, a: how did you know this back then and, b) please explain this in more detail…
With all the benefits known about a fitter employee costs you less than an unfit worker, why are companies today still reluctant to embrace a wellness program for their employees?
Dr. Edward Jackowski had a vision while taking a business entrepreneur class at college while finishing his undergraduate degree and after borrowing $400.00 from a fellow student, he parlayed his dream of creating an innovative fitness company into reality, and established EXUDE Fitness . Today, the manifestation of that dream is has made Exude the most successful motivational and one-on-one fitness company in the country, headquartered in Manhattan, NY servicing the Tri-State and Florida.
For more on Dr. Edward Jackowski click here.
Related Web Site:

Thursday Dec 27, 2012
Why People Typically Fail at Weight Loss with Dr. Edward Jackowski of Exude Fitness
Thursday Dec 27, 2012
Thursday Dec 27, 2012
One of the most respected Fitness Experts in the country today, Dr. Edward Jackowski from Exude Fitness, headquartered in Manhattan, NY. joins eHealth Radio and the Health & Fitness Channel to talk about why people typically fail at weight loss.
Listen to our brief interview [audio player below] with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Edward Jackowski discuss the following:
What is the main reason why people cannot maintain their initial weight loss success?
What are the key elements to losing and keeping weight off?
Dr. Edward Jackowski had a vision while taking a business entrepreneur class at college while finishing his undergraduate degree and after borrowing $400.00 from a fellow student, he parlayed his dream of creating an innovative fitness company into reality, and established EXUDE Fitness . Today, the manifestation of that dream is has made Exude the most successful motivational and one-on-one fitness company in the country, headquartered in Manhattan, NY servicing the Tri-State and Florida.
For more on Dr. Edward Jackowski click here.
Related Web Site:

Wednesday Dec 26, 2012
Why It’s Important to Exercise for Your Body Type with Dr. Edward Jackowski
Wednesday Dec 26, 2012
Wednesday Dec 26, 2012
One of the most respected Fitness Experts in the country today, Dr. Edward Jackowski from Exude Fitness, headquartered in Manhattan, NY. joins eHealth Radio and the Health & Fitness Channel to talk about why it's important to exercise.
Listen to our brief interview [audio player below] with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Edward Jackowski discuss the following:
What is the main reason why people cannot maintain their initial weight loss success?
What are the key elements to losing and keeping weight off?
Dr. Edward Jackowski had a vision while taking a business entrepreneur class at college while finishing his undergraduate degree and after borrowing $400.00 from a fellow student, he parlayed his dream of creating an innovative fitness company into reality, and established EXUDE Fitness . Today, the manifestation of that dream is has made Exude the most successful motivational and one-on-one fitness company in the country, headquartered in Manhattan, NY servicing the Tri-State and Florida.
For more on Dr. Edward Jackowski click here.
Related Web Site:

Monday Dec 17, 2012
Monday Dec 17, 2012
One of the most respected Fitness Experts in the country today, Dr. Edward Jackowski from Exude Fitness, headquartered in Manhattan, NY. joins eHealth Radio and the Health & Fitness Channel to talk about the factors to consider when starting and or maintaining fitness program.
Listen to our brief interview [audio player below] with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Edward Jackowski discuss the following:
What should people take into account if he/she wants to exercise?
What motivates people to begin and sustain a workout regimen?
Dr. Edward Jackowski had a vision while taking a business entrepreneur class at college while finishing his undergraduate degree and after borrowing $400.00 from a fellow student, he parlayed his dream of creating an innovative fitness company into reality, and established EXUDE Fitness . Today, the manifestation of that dream is has made Exude the most successful motivational and one-on-one fitness company in the country, headquartered in Manhattan, NY servicing the Tri-State and Florida.
For more on Dr. Edward Jackowski click here.
Related Web Site:

Tuesday Dec 11, 2012
What is Exude Fitness?
Tuesday Dec 11, 2012
Tuesday Dec 11, 2012
One of the most respected Fitness Experts in the country today, Dr. Edward Jackowski from Exude Fitness, headquartered in Manhattan, NY. joins eHealth Radio and the Health & Fitness Channel.
Listen to our brief interview [audio player below] with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Edward Jackowski discuss the following:
Can you please tell us what is unique about Exude Fitness?
Who would benefit from Exude’s services & what does Exude specialize in?
Dr. Edward Jackowski had a vision while taking a business entrepreneur class at college while finishing his undergraduate degree and after borrowing $400.00 from a fellow student, he parlayed his dream of creating an innovative fitness company into reality, and established EXUDE Fitness . Today, the manifestation of that dream is has made Exude the most successful motivational and one-on-one fitness company in the country, headquartered in Manhattan, NY servicing the Tri-State and Florida.
For more on Dr. Edward Jackowski click here.
Related Web Site:

Sunday Nov 04, 2012
Recovered by using Feldenkrais Method with Sharon Starika
Sunday Nov 04, 2012
Sunday Nov 04, 2012
Sharon Starika is a runner and triathlete with over 20 years of competitive racing experience. Her involvement with the Certified Feldenkrais Method® of somatic education began in 1984 when she had a debilitating cycling accident resulting in nine surgeries. Her doctors said she would never compete again and probably would not be able to run. Using the Feldenkrais Method®, she not only recovered and returned to competition, she improved her marathon time by an astonishing 20 minutes. As a result of this incredible experience, Sharon became a Guild Feldenkrais Practitioner™ and began to develop her own theory and ideas about optimizing fitness using the Feldenkrais Method®.
Listen to interview [audio player below] with host Eric Michaels & guest Sharon Starika discuss the following:
What is Feldenkrais?
How did you get started in this line of work? and how has it helped you?
Who can benefit from Feldenkrais?
Tell us about one of your clients success stories that might be surprising to our listeners.
How can people find out more about your practice and classes, and how to get started with Feldenkrais?
Sharon has a private practice in Park City, Utah and teaches classes and clinics around the country. She also offers instructional online workshops so people interested can practice her methods anywhere.
Originally from La Jolla California, Sharon had her own successful private practice for 22 years and also ran competitively throughout Southern California area competing in 10ks, and half marathons yearly.
Since moving to Park City, Sharon has run the Triple Challenge and the Park City half marathon events for the past two consecutive years. Prior to moving to Park City, Sharon had never run a trail event, or even on a trail and now she is leading workshops on trail running as well as competing.
Some of Sharon’s recent running results are 1st place in her age group and the master’s division at last year’s Logan Marathon, 2nd place in the Steeple Chase and 1st place in the Park City Marathon in 2010. She also won the Park City 1/2 Marathon in 2009 and was 3rd in the Steeple Chase. Sharon’s combined time for all three events at the Triple Challenge- a combination of the Steeplechase, Park City ½ Marathon and Mid-Mountain Marathon- awarded her the honor of 2nd place woman finisher. She also placed 2nd in the 4th of July 1/2 Marathon Lander, Wyoming, 2010.
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Sunday Oct 28, 2012
The Face Yoga Method with Fumiko Takatsu
Sunday Oct 28, 2012
Sunday Oct 28, 2012
Fumiko Takatsu the creator of the Face Yoga Method and best selling author of five books on Face Yoga joins eHealth Radio and the Health and Fitness Channel. Fumiko has just released her first English version ebook on Face Yoga called “The Ultimate Guide To The Face Yoga Method”.
Listen to interview [audio player below] with host Eric Michaels & guest Fumiko Takatsu discuss the following:
What is face yoga?
How did you get started doing face yoga?
What sort of results have your face yoga students seen?
If one has had a facelift or botox can they still practice the face yoga method and get results?
How does one pick the best face yoga routine for them?
Fumiko has been practicing yoga for over 30 years. At the age of 44 she has
a timeless, glowing beauty. Since 2006 Fumiko has pioneered the
unique techniques that make up facial yoga, and is one of the best known
face exercise instructors in Japan. The results she found in her own face
and those of her students speak for themselves.
Frequently traveling between Japan and the United States, Fumiko hosts
events and workshops in both countries. She has spent the past 4 years
teaching, creating Face Yoga Method DVDs, writing books, developing the Face Yoga Method products and making frequent appearances on TV and in magazine articles in Japan. Her Japanese books have been translated in Chinese, Korean and Thai and sold in China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Taiwan, Korea and Japan. She also has appeared on Korean TV shows. But it is the one on one interactions of a facial yoga class that are the most rewarding to Fumiko, helping students discover their most beautiful face and inner self.
Currently Fumiko provides written and video contents for a subscription based Facial Yoga cellular phone application in Japan and blogs regularly on her site She splits her time between Tokyo and California and lives in Sacramento, California with her husband Henry and a daughter Nina.
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