ehealth radio network

Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
A New Model for Physical Therapy Private Practices
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Dr. Dimitrios Kostopoulos, a pioneer in the field of physical therapy who has been a physical therapist and PT private practice owner for over 30 years joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Physical Therapy Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Dimitrios Kostopoulos discuss the following:
You have been a doctor in your own physical therapy practice for over 30 years. Now, you have a very successful new model for PT (Physical Therapy) private practice owners called “Hands-On Diagnostics”. Can you tell me about how you came up with this idea?
Can you explain what Diagnostics are and how they benefit private practice owners in physical therapy?
Can the Diagnostic tools offer patients any benefits?
How does this new model for practices improve their profits and grow their insurance reimbursements? Q:
Tell us how physical therapy private practice owners can find you to learn more about Hands-On Diagnostics.
Can you tell us about some of your success stories about partners who are seeing dramatic results after joining Hands-On Diagnostics?
Dr. Dimitrios Kostopoulos, DPT, MD, PhD, DSc, ECS is board certified in Clinical Electrophysiology with over 30 years of clinical experience. He has also MD, DPT, PhD and DSc degrees. There are fewer than 200 electrophysiology specialists worldwide who have achieved a Doctorate of Science Degree (DSc) in Clinical Electrophysiology Testing. Dr. Kostopoulos is one of them.
Dr. Kostopoulos is a Clinical Affiliate Assistant Professor for Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine at Florida Atlantic University. He is a past member of SACE (Specialization Academy of Content Experts) for the ABPTS examination board on electrophysiology, an elected member of the Nominating Committee of the Academy of Clinical Electrophysiology of APTA, and an adjunct faculty member of Springfield College.
He is also the editor of the Diagnostic Section of the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, and the author or co-author of numerous books, articles and research papers related to his fields of expertise.
Websites: |

Saturday Jul 13, 2019
How to have a better recovery post-birth with Anna Scammell
Saturday Jul 13, 2019
Saturday Jul 13, 2019
Anna Scammell, Masters-trained Women’s Health & Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist in Sydney, and founder of an online resource for all pregnant & postpartum women joins the eHealth Radio and the Health News and Female Health Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Anna Scammell discuss the following:
How do you help pregnant & postpartum women?
What can women do during their pregnancy to help their recovery post-birth?
What can women do straight after birth to optimise their recovery?
Tell us more about your Postpartum E-book, and how it helps women.
Why are pelvic floor & core exercises so important?
Anna Scammell is a Masters-trained Women’s Health & Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist in Sydney, and Founder of Anna combines her 10+ years of clinical experience and evidence based knowledge to bring women online consults, E-books and Free Guides. Anna’s mission is to educate, empower & inspire as many women as possible to be the best version of yourself during their childbearing years and beyond.
Social Media Links: Instagram: @the.whole.mother Facebook:

Friday Jul 12, 2019
Clean Skin with Dr. Trevor Cates
Friday Jul 12, 2019
Friday Jul 12, 2019
Dr. Trevor Cates a best selling author of "Clean Skin From Within" and Founder of The Spa Dr. Natural Skin Care line joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Skin Care Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr.Trevor Cates discuss the following:
Why do you call skin our “Magic Mirror?”
In your book “Clean Skin from Within,” you talk about five skin types - what are they?
What are top foods that trigger skin problems and are there any that are good for skin?
Besides diet, what are other ways we can address the underlying causes you mentioned?
What are some ingredients in skincare products that people should avoid or look out for?
Dr. Trevor Cates is author of the USA Today and Amazon bestselling book Clean Skin From Within and Founder of The Spa Dr. natural skin care line. She was the first woman licensed as a naturopathic doctor in California and currently lives in Park City, Utah where she helps patients from around the world achieve naturally glowing skin.
She has been featured on various TV shows, including The Doctors and Extra TV. Dr. Cates is host of The Spa Dr. weekly podcast and her PBS special, Younger Skin From Within. She believes the key to healthy skin is inner and outer nourishment with natural and non-toxic ingredients.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: @thespadr

Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Health & Hormones with Dr. Vanessa Dean
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Dr. Vanessa Dean, a naturopathic physician who currently works for Tutera Medical & SottoPelle joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Hormonal Therapy Channels to talk about hormones and health.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Vanessa Dean discuss the following:
You have been in successful practice for a while, how long have you been treating hormonal imbalance?
What is the most common complaint you hear from patients?
What's a common myth about hormone therapy and can you debunk it?
What do you think is the most important thing our listeners need to know about their health and hormones?
If a patient is suffering from Menopause or Andropause, what is the first suggestion you make to them?
Do you think hormonal imbalance is easier or harder to diagnose for men or women?
Dr. Vanessa Dean is a Licensed Naturopathic Physician in the State of Arizona. She completed her medical training at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and Health Sciences in Tempe, Arizona.
Dr. Dean’s professional endeavors as a Naturopathic Doctor lie closely with her personal passions for lifelong health and vitality. Her passion for bio-identical hormone replacement therapy led her to SottoPelle®, where she will continue to help patients reach optimum health and prevent disease.
Prior to working with SottoPelle®, Dr. Dean spent the majority of her medical career focused on General Family Medicine, Minor Surgery and Endocrinology. She has helped countless patients regain their health through an integrative approach, aiming to build strategies for lifelong health.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: @TuteraMedical

Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Laser Treatments for Snoring: A Multifaceted Approach
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Dr. Garry Cussell, Clinical Director at Specialist Clinics of Australia, a clinic that has pioneered laser snoring treatments in Australia with their SleepTight program for snoring joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Sleep Health Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Garry Cussell discuss the following:
What is SleepTight?
How does it work?
Why is it so important to treat snoring?
How much research is there behind the technology?
Who is this treatment suitable for?
Clinical Director, Dr Garry Cussell, founder of Specialist Clinics of Australia and medical practitioner with 34 years’ of experience, is considered a leader in the field of cosmetic medicine and the treatment of snoring and sleep apnoea. His dedication to practicing quality and reliable procedures with only the most state of the art technology has resulted in a skill set that is highly sought after across the state of New South Wales.
In 2012, Dr Cussell and his wife Robyn Cussell RN, established Specialist Clinics of Australia in Sydney’s Central Business District with a results-driven approach to new treatments and a Research and Development team who assisted in the development of their unique SleepTight program for snoring and sleep apnoea.
Specialist Clinics of Australia has since delivered over 4,400 treatments for snoring and sleep apnoea with a 96% success rate for patients who comply with the full program.

Saturday Jul 06, 2019
Is your business suffering because of your (or your employees’) health?
Saturday Jul 06, 2019
Saturday Jul 06, 2019
Elena Blanco, Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness and Joy of Business, who is an expert in guiding businesses and entrepreneurs to create high performance teams and successful solutions in today’s competitive environment joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Personal Development Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Elena Blanco discuss the following:
How are health, and businesses related?
What is people’s health saying about your business?
What are the priorities when looking at health and wellness with your employees?
How to promote health and wellness without the budget?
How to create your businesses with people’s bodies instead of regardless?
You facilitate classes with Access Consciousness and in Joy of business, tell us about Joy of Business and how can people find out more about you?
With more than 20 years of experience in executive roles within world class corporations, Elena Blanco is a skilled communicator and negotiator. She has created and lead high-performing teams and successful business strategies both in the public and private sectors. She is also an entrepreneur, with an international practice where she coaches and facilitates people and businesses, giving them tools to change their lives.
Elena is a Certified Access Consciousness and Joy of Business Facilitator, a Certified Change Manager, a Certified Business Coach, and she holds a MSc. in Economics. This unique combination of corporate experience, coaching and entrepreneurship, along with her passion for creating a greater world for everyone gives her the capabilities to empower people to create with ease great lives and businesses.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: Youtube:

Friday Jul 05, 2019
Home Care Support, bridging the healthcare system with our daily lives
Friday Jul 05, 2019
Friday Jul 05, 2019
Sam Cross the Owner and Administrator of Broad Street that provides comprehensive support services that allow seniors to remain healthy and independent in their homes joins eHealth Radio and the Health News & Senior Care Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Sam Cross discuss the following:
What are the key things to consider when thinking of getting support, and what are the options?
What is the difference between Assisted Living and Home Care?
What are some of the benefits of having support at home?
When is the right time to start discussing the need for support at home?
What are some of the key differences between different home care support agencies?
Broad Street Home Care (“Broad Street” or “the Company”) based in Wilmette, Illinois and serving the Greater Chicago area, provides premium, customized in-home care services for seniors who want to remain healthy and independent in their homes.
There is currently a gap in our healthcare system between the services provided in Hospitals and other healthcare facilities and ultimately what occurs in the home. By employing an innovative and collaborative team approach, modeled after the organizational structure employed by Hospitals, Broad Street is able to offer a much more engaged and structured level of support than traditional Home Care. Through highly trained Personal Assistants and Nurse Oversight, the Company not only provide support with all the activities of daily living, but also develops customized service plans that help manage specific underlying health conditions. Our long-term goal is to transform the landscape of Home Care into a more integrated and effective part of our overall healthcare system. Broad Street essentially bridge the gap between an individual’s healthcare needs and the way they want to live their daily lives.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: @broadstreetcare

Thursday Jul 04, 2019
The Tech Neck Trek: Walk Down the Path to Better Posture
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Dr. Sherry McAllister, the Executive Vice President of the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to increasing public awareness regarding the many benefits of drug-free chiropractic care joins eHealth Radio and the Chiropractor & Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Sherry McAllister discuss the following:
Is Posture is a family affair?
What is tech neck?
How does a family work on postural care and why should you pay attention to this?
What are the benefits of seeing a doctor of chiropractic?
Are there any exercises to make improvements to your posture?
Dr. Sherry McAllister, DC, M.S. (Ed) CCSP, serves as the Executive Vice President for the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress, the national not-for-profit organization dedicated to building consumer awareness regarding the benefits of chiropractic care.
Dr. McAllister earned her Masters in Education from the University of California East Bay and is a graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic West, where she served as an Associate Professor. Recently appointed to Forbes Non-Profit Council.
She is a frequent guest speaker for National conventions, Corporate Wellness Programs, as well as Business and Healthcare Alliances.
Dr. McAllister has served as a Qualified Medical Examiner, Expert Chiropractic Witness for the State of California, and has been in private practice in San Jose since 1996.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: @F4CP

Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Dr. Raoul Scherwitzl, a physicist turned entrepreneur with focus on the digitalization of healthcare joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Female Health Channels. He co-founded Natural Cycles around the mission to empower women with the knowledge they need to be in charge of their reproductive health.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Raoul Scherwitzl discuss the following:
What is Natural Cycles?
How does it work/how can people use it?
I understand your wife Dr.Elina Berglund is the other co-founder of the brand, how did you come about the idea of a digital birth control together?
Why is personalization so important when it comes to Birth Control?
Who is this form of birth control meant for?
Dr. Raoul Scherwitzl is a physicist turned entrepreneur with focus on the digitalization of healthcare. He co-founded Natural Cycles around the mission to empower women with the knowledge they need to be in charge of their reproductive health.
Natural Cycles is an effective, non-hormonal, contraceptive method delivered in the form of an app and it is the first and only app to be cleared by FDA in the US as a method of birth control. It is backed by several clinical studies published in peer-reviewed journals and to date, Natural Cycles has more than 1 million registered users and has raised $40mm in capital.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter:

Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Dr. Deborah Ross-Swain is a speech-language pathologists. Her new book, Confidence & Joy: Success Strategies for Kids with Learning Differences, provides parents and educators with tools to help children with learning differences realize lifelong success joins eHealth Radio and the Education & Health News Channel to discuss.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Deborah Ross-Swain discuss the following:
Why are confidence and joy so important for children with a learning difference?
What’s the difference between a learning difference and a learning disability?
What signs should parents and teachers look for that reveal a learning difference?
How can parents and professionals best provide opportunities for instilling confidence and joy in a child?
What can be “confidence and joy robbers?”
What strategies can parents use to successfully advocate for their child with a learning difference?
Dr. Deborah Ross-Swain is a licensed speech-language pathologist and CEO of the Swain Center for Listening, Communicating and Learning. Dr. Elaine Fogel Schneider is CEO of TouchTime® International and author of the best-selling 7 Strategies for Raising Calm, Inspired, & Successful Children.
Drs. Swain and Schneider’s new book, Confidence & Joy: Success Strategies for Kids with Learning Differences (Crescendo Publishing, Nov. 1, 2018), provides parents and educators with tools to help children with learning differences realize lifelong success.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Facebook: Twitter: @AskDrElaine Instagram: instagram/Dr.ElaineFogelSchneider Pinterest: