ehealth radio network

Monday Jun 22, 2020
When to Seek Therapy or Professional Psychiatric Help
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Dr. Casey Noreika of Clarity Clinic Chicago, a network of four outpatient facilities in the Greater Chicago area, that offer clinical psychiatry and therapy services joins eHealth Radio and the Mental Health & Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Casey Noreika discuss the following:
You treat people with a wide range of mental health conditions. What are the conditions you encounter most often?
Your clinic in the Greater Chicago area has four locations. It's obviously successful. What sets it apart?
What is your advice for how and when people should determine when they need to seek therapy or professional psychiatric help?
What is the most common misconception about mental health care that you hear or read? How does that misconception prevent people from getting ahead?
Nowadays, you hear many people describe themselves as anxious or struggling with anxiety. How have anxiety disorders become more prevalent than they were in the past?
There are several mental health holidays/observances such as mental health awareness week, stress awareness month, etc. How important is it for people to recognize these observances?
What are some tips to achieve/maintain optimal mental wellness?
Dr. Casey Noreika holds a Doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology. She specializes in working with middle aged and older adults, including geriatric individuals. She has experience working with a variety of anxiety based disorders, as well as stress management, adjustment difficulties, and depression.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: Linkedin:

Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Practicing Presence to Release Fear, Anxiety and Stress
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Jim Heaney, who has been teaching the practice of presence for over twenty years and the author of a new book called "Choosing Presence: How to Access God’s Peace and Release Fear, Anxiety and Stress" joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Stress Management Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Jim Heaney discuss the following:
Why did you write Choosing Presence?
In this turbulent time where people are stressed and anxious, how does someone choose presence?
How does the Practice of Presence stop our anxiety and stress from taking us over with negative emotions and reactions?
What are the unique applications for the Practice of Presence in today’s polarized society?
What is the difference between meditation and mindfulness versus the Practice of Presence?
What do you say to the person that says they don’t have time to practice presence?
Tell us about the free companion app that you developed, Practicing Presence—A Christian Way.
Jim Heaney has been teaching the practice of presence from a Christian perspective for over twenty years, encouraging people of all ages to incorporate the practice into all areas of their lives – professional, relationships, sports, arts, health and more – for greater spiritual and physical well-being.
He is the founder of Electronic Waveform Labs, manufacturer of the H-Wave device, the premier modality in the drug-free treatment of chronic pain. Jim lives with his wife, Patricia, in Huntington Beach, CA.
Book: Click Here
Free App:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Daddy Do-Overs, what they are and who should do them
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Dr. Adam J. Rubinstein, an award winning plastic surgeon whose skills are sought out by patients from around the world joins eHealth Radio and the Plastic Surgery Information Channel to discuss Daddy Do-Overs.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Adam J. Rubinstein discuss the following:
What exactly is a Daddy Do-over?
What procedures are most popular with men and why?
Are there any particular age or health restrictions?
What should one look for when choosing a Plastic Surgeon?
What do you provide to help people know what they will look like after procedures?
Concluding Tip: It is very important when choosing a Plastic Surgeon to select one that is board certified by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Also be sure the doctor you choose is actually a plastic surgeon. May other doctors such as dermatologists, family doctors and others are doing plastic surgery procedures and have little training to do so.
Dr. Adam J. Rubinstein is an award winning plastic surgeon whose skills are sought out by patients from around the world. He is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. He has trained with the world’s eminent surgeons at the forefront of developing techniques for plastic surgery. He has served as the Chief of Plastic Surgery and the Chief of the Department of Surgery for Jackson North Medical Center, a 382-bed acute care hospital in the Jackson Healthcare System.
Dr. Rubinstein is a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Surgery at NOVA Southeastern University, clinical faculty for the Department of Plastic Surgery at Florida International University (FIU) School of Medicine, and clinical faculty for the Cleveland Clinic Plastic Surgery Residency Program in Florida.
Dr. Rubinstein currently serves on the editorial staff of the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal published by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
You can learn more on his social channels including his Instagram accounts, @drrubinstein and @plasticsurgerytruths, SnapChat @drrubinstein, and Facebook page @MiamiPlasticSurgeon.

Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Fitness Professional Ian Hart on bringing your body back to nature
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Ian Hart, a fitness expert who has dedicated his life and his career to helping others heal naturally joins eHealth Radio and the Fitness and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Ian Hart discuss the following:
What was the inspiration behind writing your new book, Healing Hacks?
What is your favorite actionable idea from the book?
What do you think is the biggest source of misinformation in the traditional medical community?
You talk about the four natural functions of the body in the book and how they can explain a lot about your health. Can you dig into that more?
What can the audience do right now to improve their health naturally?
Ian Hart is a fitness expert who has dedicated his life and his career to helping others heal naturally. He’s the owner of Back Pain Relief4Life—the simplest and most effective way to eliminate back pain naturally and fast—and the co-founder of My Back Pain Coach. He also owns and operates EarthFIT, a top-rated group training facility with three locations. Ian’s work has been featured in Men’s Health Magazine and he’s appeared as a health expert on New York 1 News. In addition to his work, Ian also hosts regular wellness retreats at his treehouse in the Costa Rican rainforest.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram:

Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
The Causes & Dangers of Leg Swelling with Dr. Catherine Navarro
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Dr. Catherine Z. Navarro, the owner of Vein Centre of the Palm Beaches, a vein and skin care clinic based in West Palm Beach, FL joins eHealth Radio and the Health News Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Catherine Z. Navarro discuss the following:
Explain what leg swelling is and what other symptoms someone may be experiencing?
What are the causes and conditions that lead to leg swelling?
When should someone be concerned & see a doctor?
What should be expect a doctor to do and to test for?
What can people do to prevent these types of issues?
Dr. Catherine Z. Navarro is the owner of Vein Centre of the Palm Beaches, a vein and skin care clinic based in West Palm Beach, FL. She was born and raised in New York City and received her education at M.I.T. and Boston University. She is Board Certified in Internal Medicine.

Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Born into Shamanism with Melissa Bryan
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Melissa R. Bryan who has more than 40 years in the psychic world & the author of the number one international best-selling book "Born into Shamanism" joins eHealth Radio. She is also owner of Umpqua Valley Psychic and Media LLC in Roseburg, Oregon, specializing in readings, psychometry, pendulum and in cold, criminal and missing person cases.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Melissa R. Bryan discuss the following:
Why did you write the book?
What is a Shaman?
How do you become a Shaman?
How do you know if you have the calling?
What is the difference between a psychic, a medium and a Shaman?
Melissa R. Bryan has more than 40 years in the psychic world. She is the author of the number one international best-selling book "Born into Shamanism." She is also owner of Umpqua Valley Psychic and Media LLC in Roseburg, Oregon, specializing in readings, psychometry, pendulum and in cold, criminal and missing person cases.
She is the one and only Original Outlaw Psychic and a descendant of the Outlaws of the Old West. Her psychic readings have been 90 percent accurate. In addition, Melissa is an actress, blogger, video blogger, podcaster, wife of 23 years and cat and dog mom.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Monday Jun 01, 2020
It’s All in the Delivery: Dr. Anthony Orsini of The Orsini Way
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Dr. Anthony Orsini, a practicing neontologist and President of The Orsini Way that provides communication training programs to hospitals and healthcare professionals for the purpose of enhancing patient experience and improving outcomes joins eHealth Radio and the Healthcare and Health News Channels. Dr. Orsini is here to discuss his new book, “It’s All in the Delivery: Improving Healthcare Starting with a Single Conversation.”
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Anthony Orsini discuss the following:
Tell us about your professional background. What lead you to create The Orsini Way?
What are some aspects of The Orsini Way training?
You recently released your first book, “It’s All in the Delivery.” Can you tell us about why you wrote it, and give a brief preview of the book?
Is this book just for medical professionals and patients, or can the same principals in the book be applied to business leaders?
Why is it so important to master compassionate communication, in both the medical field and in the business world?
Dr. Anthony Orsini is a board-certified neonatologist and the founder and president of The Orsini Way. Based on unique communication techniques developed through decades of research and experience, The Orsini Way is proven to enhance the overall patient experience, significantly increase HCAHPS scores and change the culture of hospitals.
Dr. Orsini has lectured extensively on the topics of compassionate communication in both the medical and the business fields. He earned his medical degree from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. He completed his pediatric residency and a fellowship in neonatology at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: Linkedin:

Wednesday May 27, 2020
Wednesday May 27, 2020
Susan Null, principal at Systemedic, Inc. a nationally recognized medical claims advocate based in New York joins eHealth Radio and the Healthcare and Health News Channels. Null and her company use their decades of experience detecting medical billing errors, inconsistencies, and unethical practices along with their hands-on coding and billing knowledge to ensure that consumers pay only for legitimate medical expenses.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Susan Null discuss the following:
What is a medical claims advocate?
Why do people seek out your services? Why are those services needed?
What services do you provide as a medical claims advocate?
When someone receives a medical bill, what steps should he/she take to ensure that the bill is correct?
Given the Covid-19 healthcare crisis, are there any specific billing issues that people should be concerned about?
Sue Null is a principal at Systemedic, Inc. and brings more than 30 years’ experience in marketing and client service to the table. She has spent the last 14 years providing front-line support to the company’s medical billing and advocacy clients, focusing on negotiating with insurers and medical facilities and spearheading communications with insurance companies on behalf of her clients.
As the daughter of and sister to a general surgeon, pathologist, and orthopedic surgeon, Sue brings a lifetime of inside exposure to medicine, an insight used every day as she advocates for her clients. Her BA from the University of Pennsylvania, along with her early-career experience in public relations and marketing, provide the framework for advocacy efforts.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Linkedin: Twitter:

Monday May 25, 2020
How to Reach Mental Health Clients During the Pandemic
Monday May 25, 2020
Monday May 25, 2020
Avivit Fisher, the principal of REdD Strategy, a marketing consultancy that helps therapists to launch and grow their private practices joins eHealth Radio and the Health Marketing and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Avivit Fisher discuss the following:
What do you see happening right now, during this pandemic, with mental health needs?
What challenges can you see right now for therapists in private practice in terms of attracting clients?
What mindset do you think that therapists need to adopt right now?
In your opinion, do therapists and counselors need to become tech-savvy now?
What would you recommend to start doing immediately to start reaching more people that need help?
Avivit Fisher is a Marketing Coach and a principal at REdD Strategy, an agency that helps therapists to launch and grow their private practices. Avivit shows therapists how to master marketing and reach more people who really need help. She helps her clients create and deliver a marketing message that connects them to people's needs and converts them to clients.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Linkedin: Twitter:

Thursday May 21, 2020
Seek Beyond the Summit with Andrew Hughes
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
Andrew Hughes, an adventurer, motivator and dreamer as the first American Man and fastest to complete the Antarctica Trifecta joins eHealth Radio and the Health News Channel. Andrew has reached 612,480 feet through ascents since 2014, and with every step embraces the journey of discomfort and redefining his perspective of achievement by sharing his story.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Andrew Hughes discuss the following:
What inspired you to become an explorer?
How do you motivate yourself in midst of failure?
What process does your body go through preparing for a summit and what do you do for recovery?
What are some trainings people can practice at home that you would typically use in training?
Your approach to health and fitness is very holistic by involving mind, body, and soul- how does you integrate this into your day to day life when you’re not on an expedition?
Andrew Hughes pursued the path that checked all the boxes that aligned with the socially acceptable narrative of success- from what he studied, his career, and his relationships.
When failure found Andrew and the world he had constructed began to the crumble, he discovered that the foundations of life were built upon other people's dreams and not his own. Faced with a choice to embrace the uncomfortable and unknown, the mountains answered Andrew's questions of his own dreams.
He embraced the journey of redefining his relationship with discomfort, which altered his perspective of achievement, and unified the fragmented aspects of himself. Now, he stands whole compelled to lead, inspire and motivate others to redefine success, embrace the uncomfortable and enjoy the journey with eyes wide open.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: