ehealth radio network

Friday Dec 19, 2014
The best way for men to implement an everyday grooming routine
Friday Dec 19, 2014
Friday Dec 19, 2014
Dr. Allan Peterkin, a beard scholar, author and Dove Men+Care Face Range expert again joins eHealth Radio and the Skin Care Channel to share tips for men on best ways to implement an everyday routine.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Allan Peterkin discuss the following:With the weather cooling off, what do guys need to keep in mind for their skin?For guys who are just stepping up their grooming game, what’s the best way to implement an everyday routine?What are some of the best ways men can keep winter facial hair looking polished and well-groomed?Shaving is tough on skin already – but especially for people with sensitive skin. What can guys do to minimize irritation such as razor burn and ingrown hairs?Where can guys get more information on products and grooming tips?
Duration: 6:41
Facial hair expert and pognologist (beard scholar), Allan Peterkin, is known for his three bestselling books on facial hair, One Thousand Beards: A Cultural History of Facial Hair, The Bearded Gentleman: The Style Guide To Shaving Face, and One Thousand Mustaches: A Cultural History of The Mo. Dr. Peterkin is an academic and cultural historian who has tracked the history of facial hair on men over time (from pre historic, to Victorian to modern times) and so his books have become the authoritative references for factual information on the history of men's grooming, shaving and facial hair styles and trends.
Peterkin’s thoughts on the meanings of facial hair and men's contemporary styling choices have appeared in The New York Times, The New Yorker, Sports Illustrated, The Wall Street Journal, Men's Health, GQ and Esquire, as well as in documentaries from National Geographic and Morgan Spurlock ("Mansome" 2012). He also appeared as a judge at the 2014 World Beard and Mustache Championships held in Portland.
Facebook: @dovemencare

Thursday Dec 11, 2014
Misconceptions, myths and benefits of Hair Restoration with Dr. Ken Anderson
Thursday Dec 11, 2014
Thursday Dec 11, 2014
Dr. Ken Anderson, a board certified facial plastic surgeon and the founder of the Anderson Hair Sciences Center located in Atlanta, GA joins eHEalth Radio and the Hair Health and Plastic Surgery Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Ken Anderson discuss the following:What is Hair Restoration and what causes hair loss?What are some misconceptions/myths and benefits of hair restoration?What is the difference between ARTAS Robotic Hair System and NeoGraft?How has Hair Restoration changed since "the pluggy/doll's head days" and what has led this procedure to become as popular as it is?Why is it important for a patient to see a Hair Restoration Specialist like at Anderson Hair Sciences Center for their hair restoration treatment vs. a physician who doesn't have a surgical background and performs multiple services?
Duration: 15:24
Our new, state-of-the-art facility is dedicated to providing the most natural, permanent hair restoration results to both men and women, with an emphasis on artistic concepts, patient comfort, and natural, permanent results. Dr. Ken Anderson, the Center’s Founder and Director, is unique in the field of hair restoration surgery. He is a double board certified facial plastic surgeon who has dedicated his practice solely to the treatment of hair loss since 2003. He has specialized in the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method of hair restoration for over 10 years, and has delivered lectures and courses for physician audiences around the world about the FUE method of hair restoration.
Dr. Anderson began his private practice in Beverly Hills, California in 2003. In 2008, Dr. Anderson was recruited from California to join the Emory Facial Center, a satellite office of the main Emory Hospital dedicated to facial cosmetic surgery, to offer hair restoration to Emory Healthcare patients. His educational contributions include several Grand Rounds Lectures presented to the Emory Department of Dermatology, and the Emory Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.

Monday Dec 01, 2014
Overall health affects the look and feel of your hair with Mary Tripi
Monday Dec 01, 2014
Monday Dec 01, 2014
Mary Tripi the Founder and Director of The Private World of Mary Tripi, a full service salon in Toronto where each stylist and service provider is dedicated to each clients unique story where personalized styles and treatments are created joins eHealth Radio and the Beauty and Hair Health Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Mary Tripi discuss the following:How does your overall health affect the look and feel of your hair?What are the best vitamins and nutrients for your hair and how do you prevent hair loss?What is the definition of healthy hair and how do you get your hair back to health?It is a myth or fact that gold is good for your skin?You are vibrant and have lots of energy. Give us your best health advice in conclusion.
Duration: 19:30
Born and raised in Greece, Mary Tripi began her study of hair design at the age of fourteen. Three years later, she arrived in Canada, bringing with her a unique vision forged from her European training and her personal creative energy. She launched her career in Toronto’s posh Forest Hill neighbourhood before opening her first midtown salon in 1962, and quickly made a name for herself as an innovator in hair design.
Always challenging herself as an industry leader, she is inspired by her clients to constantly develop new creative approaches. Mary has been named to several prestigious associations, including the Guild of Hair Design and Style Directors Committee, and she was honoured to represent Canada at the Intercoiffure in Paris.

Wednesday Mar 21, 2012
What's so unique about Uni-Strand® techniques?
Wednesday Mar 21, 2012
Wednesday Mar 21, 2012
What's so unique about Uni-Strand® techniques?
with Paul-Joseph Smith
Hair Transplant advisor Paul-Joseph Smith of Sure Hair International joins the show on this Hair Loss Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Paul-Joseph Smith discuss the following:
What makes a good hair transplant candidate?
Sure Hair has performed over 5000 surgeries and transplanted over 6.5 million grafts! Tell us about the Uni-Strand method and what this is?
What is so unique about Uni-Strand® techniques?
What does this mean for a person considering getting a hair transplant?
In Sum - what would your tip be for our listeners?
Sure Hair International is a Canadian company originating in 1994. They specialize in treating various forms of hair loss with approved methods such as Uni-Strand hair transplants, NT non- surgical hair additions, laser light hair treatments and Surethik products to enhance fullness and maintain hair growth.
Sure Hair International has 4 locations in Ontario, Canada and are considered a leader in the hair loss industry in Canada and the only ones offering all proven Hair Loss Solutions.

Friday Feb 17, 2012
Laser treatments work to stop the thinning process and to regrow hair
Friday Feb 17, 2012
Friday Feb 17, 2012
Laser treatments work to stop the thinning process and to regrow hair
with William Blatter
William Blatter, President and the CEO of the Hair Loss Control Clinic, a pioneer in the hair loss industry for 25 years, now with over 140 locations in 30 countries around the world joins the show.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest William Blatter discuss the following:
Explain how the process of balding actually occurs? What should women and men do to prepare and protect themselves from thinning hair and balding?
How do laser treatments work to stop the thinning process and to regrow hair? Are laser treatments clinically proven and FDA approved?
Why do doctors and clients in Australia, England, Hong Kong, Sweden and around the world come to HLCC?
How do your professional product systems work together with laser treatments to effectively regrow hair?
Talk a little about women’s hair loss and will women typically have the same level of successful hair regrowth as men?
TIP: By the time your hair loss becomes visible to the naked eye, as much as 50% of the hair in the thinning area is already gone. You will have a much better chance of successful hair regrowth with early treatments. So, begin NOW to address your hair loss challenges for the best possible hair regrowth results!
William Blatter cites his father as the primary role model for his personal business ethic. “He was a very honest, straight-forward man who taught me that you have to look at yourself in the mirror every day and like what you see,” Blatter shares. This commitment to superior quality, hard work and value forms the business philosophy that has led to Blatter’s success in gaining acceptance and respect in the mainstream medical, beauty and wellness industries.
Blatter was born in New Hartford, NY. He attended Siena College, graduating with a marketing degree in 1985. He was in the student senate, President of the Society for Advancement of Management and started his technology career with an internship at Radio Shack Computer Center. He gained valuable experience in sales with his first job at Vision Data, selling Subscription, Circulation and Accounting software to daily newspapers. He went on to work as a regional manager in construction software sales for Contel Business Systems, Shaker Computer and Sound Ideas. In 1992 he opened his own company, Intelligent Solutions, helping companies with a “new thing” called the Internet and their software needs. Shortly after he found an unfilled niche in helping real estate firms automate, offering programs and computers to track real estate for comparative market analysis. This became so successful it was sold nationwide with 14 locations. Blatter then sold this company and worked with SAS, the world’s largest private software company, providing professional statistical analysis software for critical data integration,software for human resource management as well as software for analytics and enterprise mining to large corporations.
Then in the late 1990s, a friend of Blatter gave him some hair loss products to personally try from his Hair Loss Control Clinic Company -- HLCC. Blatter shares, “They really had great products and people but no concrete marketing strategy. Their business card had a picture of the world, simply saying ‘Invest in Yourself!’ The Latham, NY clinic successfully performed hair transplants, while it offered low level laser therapy and professional hair growth products. After loyally using their treatment program I was able to effectively regrow five years worth of hair loss. I became a believer!” Blatter then bought this company in 2000. He has now successfully grown the Hair Loss Control Clinic to over 140 affiliated locations in 28 countries across the world. The original Hair Loss Control Clinic near Albany is still thriving with four medical directors, a full-time registered nurse, hair loss specialists and five laser treatment systems. Blatter credits the growth of HLCC to his effective Internet marketing, combined with the dedication to using only the highest quality hair loss products and technologies.
Blatter quickly earned the reputation as a successful leader in the hair loss industry, networking and traveling internationally to speak on the topics of effective hair loss treatments and low level laser systems. With his key insights for both users and sellers of the HLCC products, he was asked to become an active member of the American Hair Loss Council, while sharing his expertise at national conventions. Blatter has been interviewed on many TV shows as well as quoted for his expertise in numerous national trade journals. He has recently been featured on Good Morning Texas and CBS TV in New Orleans, as well as featured in Aesthetic Trends & Technologies magazine, along with a special profile in the National Hair Journal. Blatter has trained countless doctors and hair loss specialists in the latest laser therapy methodologies. He always tries to set up a win-win situation for their affiliated HLCC locations, including medical spas and doctors across the globe. “We arm our professionals with the very best information, products, equipment, technologies and training. Our challenge is to initially attract our clients and business associates. Once they see the quality of our products and our commitment to their success, they are reassured of our dedication.”
Conducting business in an honest and ethical manner is paramount to Blatter, who relays that many hair loss clients have been treated by unreliable methods or untrustworthy providers with disastrous results. He notes, “We want to always be realistic by telling people the truth about their hair loss so that we may honestly help manage their expectations for hair regrowth. We want to under promise and over deliver, while treating our clients in a very respectful and caring manner.” Being dedicated to the personal and business principles of integrity, social conscience and old fashioned hard work is what Blatter credits much of his personal accomplishment to, as well as the success of the Hair Loss Control Clinic and their affiliated partners.
Blatter’s commitment to helping others is reaffirmed in his charitable work, which began with his father’s involvement serving on the Board of the United Way charities. Taught that he had an obligation to help others from an early age, Blatter has always participated in local charities and national fundraisers. Blatter has consistently given back to his community, from trick or treating for UNICEF as a child to working with the JCs, local food drives, the Bethany hospitality center for the homeless and helping to run ‘Camp Good Days and Special Times,’ a camp for children with cancer. He recently founded ‘We Care, We Share,’ an organization that arranges bartering to provide services for those in need, allowing 100% of the proceeds to be returned into the charity.
Thoroughly enjoying the outdoors in his upstate New York home with son Billy, and fiancé’ Lori, Blatter regularly goes boating on the Hudson River, along with fishing, skiing, ATVing and camping. He looks forward to taking the Hair Loss Control Clinic into the future as well as to see a very positive evolution of the professional hair loss industry. “As science unwraps a better understanding of genetics and charts the systems in the body, we will have a better understanding of hair loss and how to effectively treat it. At HLCC, we always seek the most innovative doctors, researchers and business partners globally. We strive to produce the safest and most cutting-edge products that deliver the most effective results available today.”