ehealth radio network

Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Peace of Mind in a Technological Age
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Yochanan Stoppi, an engineer and the author of Emotional Mechanics: Stopping Pi(e) joins eHealth Radio and the Mental Health and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Yochanan Stoppi discuss the following:
For the benefit of our listeners, give us an overview about your new book, Emotional Mechanics: Stopping Pi(e).
What inspired you to write this book?
Tell us about the stigma or fear that makes it hard for people with a background in STEM to talk about their personal experiences with depression or bipolar?
How has writing this book helped you?
Finally, what's a point or theme you would like people to know about your book?
Yochanan Stoppi is an engineer by education and training. He has used this scientific and engineering training in developing the approach, reasoning, and relationships presented herein. He is also self-taught in many subjects, including, but not limited to: philosophy, medicine, alternative medicine, health, nutrition, cosmology, physics, Taoism, meditation, counseling, and leading support groups. His favorite philosopher is Alan Watts, and he enjoys an eclectic array of music genres.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:

Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Erin Khar, an author from New York City whose debut memoir, Strung Out: One Last Hit and Other Lies that Nearly Killed Me, tackles the issues that many people face as they travel the road of addiction recovery joins eHealth Radio and the Addiction Prevention and Health News Channels. She has dedicated her life to shining light on these issues and helping others find their way to sobriety, especially in the face of adversity.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Erin Khar discuss the following:
What challenges are people who have addiction issues encountering during the pandemic?
Where and how can they find help at this time when people are unable to gather for meetings or counseling?
How can loved ones help from a distance?
What's your personal advice for people facing addiction issues? What's helped you personally to remain clean?
There's a movement now called Dry July. How can people manage to carry sobriety beyond this one month?
Erin Khar recently released her debut memoir, Strung Out: One Last Hit and Other Lies that Nearly Killed Me (Park Row Books, 2/25/20), has appeared on most anticipated lists from The Rumpus, SELF, Apple Books, Goodreads, Bitch Media, Alma, and others. Of the book, The New York Times writes, Khar’s buoyant writing doesn’t get mired in her dark subject matter. There is an honesty here that can only come from, to put it in the language of 12-step programs, a “searching and fearless moral inventory.” This is a story she needed to tell; and the rest of the country needs to listen.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:

Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
The Secrets To Living a Fantastic Life with Harriet Tinka
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Harriet Tinka described as a “Super Woman” and “A Woman Who Wears Many Hats," is a perfect example of finding a need in the community and filling it. She joins eHealth Radio and the Personal Development and Health News Channels to discuss life changing events that led to the writing of her latest book (co-written with Dr. Allen Lycka), "The Secrets To Living a Fantastic Life," focuses on 13 Golden Pearls created as a necklace of self-empowerment that will enhance anyone’s life. She describes her life as moving from tragic to magic. She is the Founder and CEO of the award-winning Social Enterprise, Empowered Me Inc, a company whose mission is to inspire and empower girls and women.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Harriet Tinka discuss the following:
Tell us about EmpoweredMe, and why you started it.
What happened to create your near-death experience?
How did you meet Dr. Lycka, and why write a book together?
Are there business topics that you speak on, as well?
As a Turning Point expert, Harriet Tinka is a perfect example of someone finding a need in the community and filling it. Despite dealing with obstacles in her life, she has overcome those hurdles and has found success by inspiring thousands of audiences reach their full potential.
Though stabbed, kidnapped and left for dead, she turned that horrifying experience into motivation. She has inspired and given hope to women who are faced with domestic violence. She is known by her students as a “Powerhouse Role Model” who makes being genuine the most powerful thing of all.
Harriet is an invigorating transformational speaker, passionate life coach, blogger, Chartered Professional Accountant, Football Official, and an ultra-marathon runner. She is the founder and CEO of the award-winning Social Enterprise, Empowered Me Inc, a company whose mission is to inspire and empower girls and women.
Harriet has received numerous awards including YWCA Woman of Distinction, Global Woman of Vision, Afro- Canadian Community Woman of the Year, Action for Healthy Communities Youth Empowerment Award, Rotary Integrity Award and Daughter’s Day Award just to mention a few. She is a tireless philanthropist, and a Toastmaster Divisional Champion.
Harriet feels blessed to have her journey supported by her partner Steve and her three lovable children Tristan, Rhiannah and Aaliyah.
Websites: |

Monday Jul 06, 2020
How to Love Yourself with James Purpura
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Powerful-U Creator (the world’s first personal evolution company), Award-Winning Filmmaker + Co-Author of "PERCEPTION: Seeing Is Not Believing," James Purpura joins eHealth Radio and the Depression and Mental Health Channels to talk about "How to Love Yourself." He has created a documentary along with a book both with the same title, PERCEPTION: Seeing Is Not Believing.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest James Purpura discuss the following:
What is the premise behind Powerful-U and what is the first step in loving yourself?
Why do we sometimes not see ourselves as others see us?
How can we know how others truly perceive us?
Why do some of us seem to be inherently negative, and others eternally optimistic
How do we change? And does change always have to be painful?
PERCEPTION: Seeing Is Not Believing” Synopsis — James and Steph Purpura’s journey of transformation is nothing short of extraordinary. Before they met 15 years ago, their lives had hit rock bottom. Each was financially, emotionally, and spiritually bankrupt. At the lowest point in their lives, they met and shared a vision of creating a life beyond their wildest dreams. They helped each other to personally evolve, clearing away barriers to self-fulfillment, using the power of perception to change self-limiting beliefs, enabling them to better sense and take advantage of opportunities. Shortly after meeting, Steph wrote James' first resume and taught him how to send an email. This initiated an unlikely but highly successful career in the technology industry.
Fast forward more than a decade, and their personal philosophy around perception had further evolved, along with the rapid growth in their tech company, until its sale gave them the freedom to begin helping others full time. With their seminar company, Powerful U, they are now sharing their accumulated knowledge so that personal development can be made affordable and accessible for all seekers.
We highly recommend viewing the film prior to the interview, which will definitely help the conversation. While many of us are on lock down during this pandemic, James is gifting a free film download for all who hope to benefit from its messaging.
Movie Link: Click HERE Password: power4u

Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Dr. Rinku Shah of the Clear Wellness Group, one of the few clinics in Chicago conducting COVID-19 screenings and the COVID antibody testing joins eHealth Radio and the Health News & Mental Health Channels to talk about Mental Health Treatment and working during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Rinku Shah discuss the following:
You recently opened Clear Wellness Group with your husband. Tell me about your experience opening your clinic weeks before a global pandemic.
You offer many treatments, one being Ketamine treatment. Can you tell more about this method and how it works.
You were conducting COVID-19 screenings and now you are offering the COVID antibody testing. How does it feel to be one of the few clinics in Chicago offering this test and playing a large role in your city’s wellness?
Are you still seeing your routine mental health patients via tele-health screenings?
You are taking in new ADHD patients right now when many doctors and clinics are not seeing new patients, what made you open your doors to those in need?
Dr. Rinku Shah and Dr. Manan Trivedi formed Clear Wellness Group with the intention of providing the community with great medicine. Medicine that focuses on disease prevention, as well as providing patients with a multidisciplinary support system.
Dr. Shah specializes in ADHD management, generalized anxiety disorder and chronic depression. She truly enjoys engaging with her patients and forming lasting relationships, a rarity in today’s impersonal medical world.
Dr. Trivedi also shares these values and utilizes his double board certifications to provide novel therapies including IV Ketamine, bringing relief to those suffering with mental health issues as well as those with chronic pain.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram:

Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Practicing Presence to Release Fear, Anxiety and Stress
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Jim Heaney, who has been teaching the practice of presence for over twenty years and the author of a new book called "Choosing Presence: How to Access God’s Peace and Release Fear, Anxiety and Stress" joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Stress Management Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Jim Heaney discuss the following:
Why did you write Choosing Presence?
In this turbulent time where people are stressed and anxious, how does someone choose presence?
How does the Practice of Presence stop our anxiety and stress from taking us over with negative emotions and reactions?
What are the unique applications for the Practice of Presence in today’s polarized society?
What is the difference between meditation and mindfulness versus the Practice of Presence?
What do you say to the person that says they don’t have time to practice presence?
Tell us about the free companion app that you developed, Practicing Presence—A Christian Way.
Jim Heaney has been teaching the practice of presence from a Christian perspective for over twenty years, encouraging people of all ages to incorporate the practice into all areas of their lives – professional, relationships, sports, arts, health and more – for greater spiritual and physical well-being.
He is the founder of Electronic Waveform Labs, manufacturer of the H-Wave device, the premier modality in the drug-free treatment of chronic pain. Jim lives with his wife, Patricia, in Huntington Beach, CA.
Book: Click Here
Free App:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Saturday Dec 21, 2019
Between Sickness and Health: A book with some new ideas about wellness and illness
Saturday Dec 21, 2019
Saturday Dec 21, 2019
Dr. Chris Ward, an Emeritus Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Nottingham England that specializes in long-term neurological conditions led him to train in systemic psychotherapy joins eHealth Radio and the Mental Health & Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Chris Ward discuss the following:
What has illness got to do with well-being?
So what’s the difference between a disease and an illness then?
What (other) experiences led you to think of illness as something different from disease?
Are you saying that illness is just a state of mind, something people can cure themselves of by will-power?
So what are the ingredients for recovery?
Dr. Chris Ward qualified as a doctor in 1973, trained as a neurologist, and then practised as a hospital-based consultant in rehabilitation medicine. This role involved supporting adults of all ages with complex neurological disabilities. Dr. Ward relinquished when he retired in 2013 but continued practising as a UKCP accredited couple and family therapist.
His consultant role was combined with that of Professor in Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Nottingham. Dr. Ward still retains an Emeritus position at the University to facilitate his ongoing academic interests in systemic practice and social aspects of medical symptoms.
Publisher Website: Faceook:

Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Tips for Coping with Depression and PTSD
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Alicemarie O'Neill, owner of her self-named company, Alicemarie O'Neill that offers examination and empowerment through individualized counseling and helps individuals build a stronger, more evolved version of themselves joins eHealth Radio and the Depression and PTSD Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Alicemarie O'Neill discuss the following:
Your book "The Formula" discusses depression, what causes it and how to regain control of your life. What happens to the body and mind when depression sets in?
What are the seven steps for healing from depression and manic depression/bipolar disorder?
How does one survive the turbulence of a breakdown that keeps recurring?
PTSD - how can someone be treated?
The holidays are just around the corner. Why do holidays tend to be a difficult time for people who suffer from depression and what do you recommend they can do?
Alicemarie O'Neill is a survivor of four manic depressive episodes (breakdowns) over 20 years and was diagnosed with bipolar depression. As a mental health and spiritual counselor, she worked through her depression and mood swings and chronicles her real-life experiences in her international best-selling book "The Formula: Seven Steps for Healing from Depression and Manic Depression."
O'Neill has a Bachelor of Science in Applied Science in criminology and sociology with a minor in psychology from Youngstown State University. She did her graduate work at the University of California San Diego. She has studied and practiced Hermetic Studies and astrology for the past 30 years.

Saturday Nov 16, 2019
Don’t Let Diabetes Stop You from Enjoying Your Favorite Foods!
Saturday Nov 16, 2019
Saturday Nov 16, 2019
Dr. Lisa Sumlin, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, Founder and CEO of EPaD Inc. (Empowering People Against Diabetes), a health education and consulting firm that provides workshops, training, and resources for combating chronic illnesses such as diabetes and related complications joins eHealth Radio and the Diabetes and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Lisa Sumlin discuss the following:
What inspired you to write the book, “The Struggle IS REAL? Diabetes Management For Woman Who Love Their Cultural Dishes, Enjoy Food-Focused Social Lives, And Appreciate A Good Piece Of Fried Chicken Every Now And Then"?
Who is your audience? What’s the age-group? Who can actually benefit from your book or your message?
Tell us a little bit about your background and how this passion to help women with diabetes came about?
Why do you think the struggle is so real with people with diabetes (especially for women)?
How is depression related to diabetes management?
How many servings of fruit should people with diabetes consume daily?
What are some of the stories that you hear about food struggles from women who are diabetic?
In this book, you share some food tips. Can you share a few of them with our audience?
What do you tell a woman who feels like she can’t enjoy her life after receiving a diagnosis that she’s now diabetic?
Dr. Lisa Sumlin, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, is the CEO and founder of EPaD, Inc. (Empowering People Against Diabetes) which is a health education and consulting firm. In addition, she is a Chronic Disease Coalition Ambassador - advocating for people living with lifelong health conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease, MS, cancer, and other chronic illnesses. She is also the Chief Health Officer of Community Coalition of Health (C2H).
When Dr. Lisa is not researching Diabetes and teaching future nurses as an Assistant Professor at the College of Nursing (University of Texas at Austin), she volunteers as an ACNS-BC at Samaritan Health Ministries, where she treats the most complex diabetes cases.
Dr. Lisa is in the education business. She passionately educates people to live better, healthier lives. She explains and clarifies chronic diseases, their symptoms, treatments, and provides preventative measures in a manner that is actionable. As an Adult Clinical Nurse Specialist, diabetes researcher, author and professor, she cuts through fear and myths, while providing education, treatment, and guidance to enable women to live a life without fear of complications from chronic diseases.
She has also published in scientific journals such as The Diabetes Educator, Patient Education and Counseling, Journal of Transcultural Nursing, and CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing. Her latest project is her new book entitled “The Struggle IS REAL: Diabetes Management for Women Who Love Their Cultural Dishes, Enjoy Food-Focused Social Lives, & Appreciate A Good Piece of Fried Chicken Every Now and Then.” In her book, she teaches women that even with diabetes, they can enjoy life and eat their favorite cultural foods, too!
Dr. Lisa is originally from Detroit, Michigan (a Michigan State University Spartan), but is currently living in Austin, Texas, where she received her PhD and MSN in Nursing from the University of Texas.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram:

Thursday Feb 28, 2019
Are relational avatars the future of mental health treatment?
Thursday Feb 28, 2019
Thursday Feb 28, 2019
Tim Hawke, a mental health clinician from Australian company Clevertar, that has a range of app based health coaching programs which are delivered interactively by a relational avatar joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Mental Health Channels. Today's discussion is about their anxiety and depression coach which may well be the future of mental health treatment at scale.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Tim Hawke discuss the following:
How is the prevalence of anxiety and depression growing, and yet the understanding and education of these conditions not matching this rise?
What is cognitive behaviour therapy and how does it work to treat high prevalence mental illness such as depression and anxiety?
Where can self-help material work people? And what can someone do to see changes in their mood or mental health right now?
How do virtual agents like Claire and the Clevertar team bridge a gap in supporting users see change in their mental health?
Tim Hawke is a mental health clinician and cognitive behavioural therapist – he has worked in the health and mental health sector for the past 10 years, with experience in acute and emergency mental health care and is now focused and passionate in providing evidence-based therapies to support those suffering high prevalence mental illness such as anxiety and depression.
Tim believes through improved education and awareness, people can experience breakthrough through struggles of mental illness and find mastery over their mood, experience recovery and improved well being. Tim worked closely with Clevertar and Flinders University's School of Medicine to write the app based mental health coaching program.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: @clevertar