ehealth radio network

Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Making It Through Your First Holiday Season After a Divorce
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Dr. Nikki Martinez, an Independent Medical Expert at the Federal level and has been an Adjunct professor for the past 13 years again joins eHealth Radio and the Psychology & Divorce Channels. Dr. Martinez also works as an Independent Consultant for Various Individuals, Groups, and Organizations, as she continues to see a small caseload of Individual and Couple patients through Tele-Mental Health Services on a regular basis.
Topic: Making It Through Your First Holiday Season After a Divorce
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
What is a good way to deal with family and friends before getting together, to make sure that the holidays go as smoothly as possible for you as members of a couple?
What are some of the additional issues people should consider when children are involved?
How can the family be pre-warned and how can they help support children during this first holiday?
Why are the holidays especially hard for those who have broken up and the families that are dealing with their new normal?
If everyone does all these steps, can they expect everything to go smoothly?
Dr. Nicole Martinez received her master’s and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois. Prior to that she attended the University of St. Francis where she completed a double major in Psychology and Therapeutic Recreation. Dr. Martinez has experience working with adolescents and adults in individual, family, and group treatment.
Her therapeutic style can be described as integrative, assessing the needs and style that will best serve the individual client. She typically has a mix between Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy and various holistic approaches, with an emphasis in CBT, Solution Focused Therapy, Reality Therapy, and Positive Psychology. She believes in exploring the connection between the body and the mind to treat all the individuals’ needs. Her belief is that an individual must explore many areas of their functioning to ensure optimum health physically and emotionally.
She stresses the essential belief that the therapist and client relationship is collaborative in nature, and the two are 'partners,' who communicate from the first steps of designing the course and goals of treatment, as well as what the priorities will be. Dr. Martinez understands that it is just as important to identify any treatment styles, tools, techniques, or methods that 'did not' work, as did, so that the two of you can work together charting a new path and avoiding precious time and frustration on that which has already been proven to be a poor fit. Dr. Martinez also understands that each person is unique, there is no 'one size fits all,' and that the needs of an individual may not only change from the initial inception of a treatment plan, but from month to month or session to session, and that adapting and meeting the patient 'where they are at,' at any given moment is essential to both letting the patient know they are being heard and attended to, as well as positive treatment outcomes.
Areas of expertise: Medical and health psychology, trauma, PTSD, depression, anxiety, social anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADHD, autism spectrum disorders and neurodivergent considerations, LGBTQ populations, bereavement, forensics, substance abuse, addictive issues, couples work, MISA, co-occurring disorders, domestic violence, sex offenders, special needs populations, and chronic medical issues and rare diseases. Evaluation and assessment of the above-mentioned individuals.
Resource: [key word “Nikki Martinez”]
Social Media: Linkedin:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.
People also listened to: The Many Benefits of Making Peace with the End of a Relationship

Friday Oct 06, 2023
The Many Benefits of Making Peace with the End of a Relationship
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Dr. Nikki Martinez, an Independent Medical Expert at the Federal level and has been an Adjunct professor for the past 13 years joins eHealth Radio and the Psychology & Emotional Health Channels. Dr. Martinez also works as an Independent Consultant for Various Individuals, Groups, and Organizations, as she continues to see a small caseload of Individual and Couple patients through Tele-Mental Health Services on a regular basis.
Topic: The Many Benefits of Making Peace with the End of a Relationship
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
What are some of the areas of people’s lives that can be impacted when someone is struggling with the end of a long-term relationship?
What are some of the more serious consequences you have seen people suffer if they don’t realize that they way they are coping, or not coping has spiraled out of control?
You see this as an opportunity for growth, and something that can feel like a very positive period in the person’s life. Can you speak more about that?
If you have children, why is moving forward especially important?
What are some final take-a-ways you have for listeners on making peace with the end of a relationship?
Dr. Nicole Martinez received her master’s and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois. Prior to that she attended the University of St. Francis where she completed a double major in Psychology and Therapeutic Recreation. Dr. Martinez has experience working with adolescents and adults in individual, family, and group treatment.
Her therapeutic style can be described as integrative, assessing the needs and style that will best serve the individual client. She typically has a mix between Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy and various holistic approaches, with an emphasis in CBT, Solution Focused Therapy, Reality Therapy, and Positive Psychology. She believes in exploring the connection between the body and the mind to treat all the individuals’ needs. Her belief is that an individual must explore many areas of their functioning to ensure optimum health physically and emotionally.
She stresses the essential belief that the therapist and client relationship is collaborative in nature, and the two are 'partners,' who communicate from the first steps of designing the course and goals of treatment, as well as what the priorities will be. Dr. Martinez understands that it is just as important to identify any treatment styles, tools, techniques, or methods that 'did not' work, as did, so that the two of you can work together charting a new path and avoiding precious time and frustration on that which has already been proven to be a poor fit. Dr. Martinez also understands that each person is unique, there is no 'one size fits all,' and that the needs of an individual may not only change from the initial inception of a treatment plan, but from month to month or session to session, and that adapting and meeting the patient 'where they are at,' at any given moment is essential to both letting the patient know they are being heard and attended to, as well as positive treatment outcomes.
Areas of expertise: Medical and health psychology, trauma, PTSD, depression, anxiety, social anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADHD, autism spectrum disorders and neurodivergent considerations, LGBTQ populations, bereavement, forensics, substance abuse, addictive issues, couples work, MISA, co-occurring disorders, domestic violence, sex offenders, special needs populations, and chronic medical issues and rare diseases. Evaluation and assessment of the above-mentioned individuals.
Resource: [key word “Nikki Martinez”]
Social Media: Linkedin:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.
People also listened to: The Psychology of Asking for Forgiveness and Forgiving

Friday Sep 29, 2023
Is Mind Reading Ruining Your Relationship?
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Dr. Nikki Martinez, an Independent Medical Expert at the Federal level and has been an Adjunct professor for the past 13 years joins eHealth Radio and the Psychology & Relationship Channels. Dr. Martinez also works as an Independent Consultant for Various Individuals, Groups, and Organizations, as she continues to see a small caseload of Individual and Couple patients through Tele-Mental Health Services on a regular basis.
Topic: Is Mind Reading Ruining Your Relationship?
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
What is "Mind Reading?"
You had some statistics from the American Psychological Association on divorce rates, and some common themes you see come up that you thought were useful to know.
What are some of the commonly named factors among couples who come to couples therapy, or ultimately end up divorcing?
Are couples often surprised to find out what the other ‘actually meant’ in a certain situation?
Does being aware of these issues and “Mind Reading” guarantee that a couple will never disagree?
Dr. Nicole Martinez received her master’s and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois. Prior to that she attended the University of St. Francis where she completed a double major in Psychology and Therapeutic Recreation. Dr. Martinez has experience working with adolescents and adults in individual, family, and group treatment.
Her therapeutic style can be described as integrative, assessing the needs and style that will best serve the individual client. She typically has a mix between Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy and various holistic approaches, with an emphasis in CBT, Solution Focused Therapy, Reality Therapy, and Positive Psychology. She believes in exploring the connection between the body and the mind to treat all the individuals’ needs. Her belief is that an individual must explore many areas of their functioning to ensure optimum health physically and emotionally.
She stresses the essential belief that the therapist and client relationship is collaborative in nature, and the two are 'partners,' who communicate from the first steps of designing the course and goals of treatment, as well as what the priorities will be. Dr. Martinez understands that it is just as important to identify any treatment styles, tools, techniques, or methods that 'did not' work, as did, so that the two of you can work together charting a new path and avoiding precious time and frustration on that which has already been proven to be a poor fit. Dr. Martinez also understands that each person is unique, there is no 'one size fits all,' and that the needs of an individual may not only change from the initial inception of a treatment plan, but from month to month or session to session, and that adapting and meeting the patient 'where they are at,' at any given moment is essential to both letting the patient know they are being heard and attended to, as well as positive treatment outcomes.
Areas of expertise: Medical and health psychology, trauma, PTSD, depression, anxiety, social anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADHD, autism spectrum disorders and neurodivergent considerations, LGBTQ populations, bereavement, forensics, substance abuse, addictive issues, couples work, MISA, co-occurring disorders, domestic violence, sex offenders, special needs populations, and chronic medical issues and rare diseases. Evaluation and assessment of the above-mentioned individuals.
Resource: [key word “Nikki Martinez”]
Social Media: Linkedin:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
The Psychology of Asking for Forgiveness and Forgiving
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Dr. Nikki Martinez, an Independent Medical Expert at the Federal level and has been an Adjunct professor for the past 13 years joins eHealth Radio and the Psychology & Relationship Channels. Dr. Martinez also works as an Independent Consultant for Various Individuals, Groups, and Organizations, as she continues to see a small caseload of Individual and Couple patients through Tele-Mental Health Services on a regular basis.
Topic: The Psychology of Asking for Forgiveness and Forgiving
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
Let's start with what makes an apology meaningful? What makes the person giving one seem sincere?
Now what if a person is committing regrettable acts over and over again, and keeps asking for forgiveness? At what point does an apology become pointless?
So what about the person doing the forgiving? Is there a psychology behind forgiveness?
To put yet another spin on this subject, how does the public tend to feel about public apologies from investors, politicians, athletes, and celebrities?
Are there people who appear to be beyond saving, or beyond apologizing, and those who seem genuine? What is the difference?
Dr. Nicole Martinez received her master’s and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois. Prior to that she attended the University of St. Francis where she completed a double major in Psychology and Therapeutic Recreation. Dr. Martinez has experience working with adolescents and adults in individual, family, and group treatment.
Her therapeutic style can be described as integrative, assessing the needs and style that will best serve the individual client. She typically has a mix between Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy and various holistic approaches, with an emphasis in CBT, Solution Focused Therapy, Reality Therapy, and Positive Psychology. She believes in exploring the connection between the body and the mind to treat all the individuals’ needs. Her belief is that an individual must explore many areas of their functioning to ensure optimum health physically and emotionally.
She stresses the essential belief that the therapist and client relationship is collaborative in nature, and the two are 'partners,' who communicate from the first steps of designing the course and goals of treatment, as well as what the priorities will be. Dr. Martinez understands that it is just as important to identify any treatment styles, tools, techniques, or methods that 'did not' work, as did, so that the two of you can work together charting a new path and avoiding precious time and frustration on that which has already been proven to be a poor fit. Dr. Martinez also understands that each person is unique, there is no 'one size fits all,' and that the needs of an individual may not only change from the initial inception of a treatment plan, but from month to month or session to session, and that adapting and meeting the patient 'where they are at,' at any given moment is essential to both letting the patient know they are being heard and attended to, as well as positive treatment outcomes.
Areas of expertise: Medical and health psychology, trauma, PTSD, depression, anxiety, social anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADHD, autism spectrum disorders and neurodivergent considerations, LGBTQ populations, bereavement, forensics, substance abuse, addictive issues, couples work, MISA, co-occurring disorders, domestic violence, sex offenders, special needs populations, and chronic medical issues and rare diseases. Evaluation and assessment of the above-mentioned individuals.
Resource: [key word “Nikki Martinez”]
Social Media: Linkedin:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Saturday Sep 16, 2023
Accepting the Limitations of Others and Learning to Accept Ourselves
Saturday Sep 16, 2023
Saturday Sep 16, 2023
Dr. Nikki Martinez, an Independent Medical Expert at the Federal level and has been an Adjunct professor for the past 13 years joins eHealth Radio and the Psychology & Relationship Channels. Dr. Martinez also works as an Independent Consultant for Various Individuals, Groups, and Organizations, as she continues to see a small caseload of Individual and Couple patients through Tele-Mental Health Services on a regular basis.
Topic: Accepting the Limitations of Others and Learning to Accept Ourselves
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
You talk about the importance of individuals accepting the limitations of others when it comes to what they are capable of giving someone else in terms of ANY level of acceptance. Can you speak a little about that?
How can continuing to seek approval from someone who is not capable be harmful to an individual in the short and long term?
You note that an individual accepting that seeking the approval and various self-concept needs from another who is not capable can be healing and empowering. Can you expand on that?
What might it 'look like" for an individual to stop looking for acceptance in another, and start to accept themselves?
Are individuals likely to fall back into patterns of seeking approval from the original person vs themselves, and what should they do if they catch themselves doing this?
Dr. Nicole Martinez received her master’s and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois. Prior to that she attended the University of St. Francis where she completed a double major in Psychology and Therapeutic Recreation. Dr. Martinez has experience working with adolescents and adults in individual, family, and group treatment.
Her therapeutic style can be described as integrative, assessing the needs and style that will best serve the individual client. She typically has a mix between Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy and various holistic approaches, with an emphasis in CBT, Solution Focused Therapy, Reality Therapy, and Positive Psychology. She believes in exploring the connection between the body and the mind to treat all the individuals’ needs. Her belief is that an individual must explore many areas of their functioning to ensure optimum health physically and emotionally.
She stresses the essential belief that the therapist and client relationship is collaborative in nature, and the two are 'partners,' who communicate from the first steps of designing the course and goals of treatment, as well as what the priorities will be. Dr. Martinez understands that it is just as important to identify any treatment styles, tools, techniques, or methods that 'did not' work, as did, so that the two of you can work together charting a new path and avoiding precious time and frustration on that which has already been proven to be a poor fit. Dr. Martinez also understands that each person is unique, there is no 'one size fits all,' and that the needs of an individual may not only change from the initial inception of a treatment plan, but from month to month or session to session, and that adapting and meeting the patient 'where they are at,' at any given moment is essential to both letting the patient know they are being heard and attended to, as well as positive treatment outcomes.
Areas of expertise: Medical and health psychology, trauma, PTSD, depression, anxiety, social anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADHD, autism spectrum disorders and neurodivergent considerations, LGBTQ populations, bereavement, forensics, substance abuse, addictive issues, couples work, MISA, co-occurring disorders, domestic violence, sex offenders, special needs populations, and chronic medical issues and rare diseases. Evaluation and assessment of the above-mentioned individuals.
Resource: [key word “Nikki Martinez”]
Social Media: Linkedin:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Friday Sep 01, 2023
What You’re Saying When You Give Someone the Silent Treatment
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Dr. Nikki Martinez, an Independent Medical Expert at the Federal level and has been an Adjunct professor for the past 13 years joins eHealth Radio and the Psychology & Relationships Channels. Dr. Martinez also works as an Independent Consultant for Various Individuals, Groups, and Organizations, as she continues to see a small caseload of Individual and Couple patients through Tele-Mental Health Services on a regular basis.
Topic: What You're Saying When You Give Someone the Silent Treatment (Based on Daryl Austin's article from the Atlantic)
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
What are the different names and types of "Silent Treatment" that we have seen throughout history?
How common is it for people to 'use' the silent treatment as a tool, or to have the 'silent treatment' used against them?
What can be the more serious consequences of what we know as "Ostracism?"
What are the reasons that people become perpetrators of silent treatment?
What can be the real-world impact on the victims of the silent treatment?
Dr. Nicole Martinez received her master’s and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois. Prior to that she attended the University of St. Francis where she completed a double major in Psychology and Therapeutic Recreation. Dr. Martinez has experience working with adolescents and adults in individual, family, and group treatment.
Her therapeutic style can be described as integrative, assessing the needs and style that will best serve the individual client. She typically has a mix between Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy and various holistic approaches, with an emphasis in CBT, Solution Focused Therapy, Reality Therapy, and Positive Psychology. She believes in exploring the connection between the body and the mind to treat all the individuals’ needs. Her belief is that an individual must explore many areas of their functioning to ensure optimum health physically and emotionally.
She stresses the essential belief that the therapist and client relationship is collaborative in nature, and the two are 'partners,' who communicate from the first steps of designing the course and goals of treatment, as well as what the priorities will be. Dr. Martinez understands that it is just as important to identify any treatment styles, tools, techniques, or methods that 'did not' work, as did, so that the two of you can work together charting a new path and avoiding precious time and frustration on that which has already been proven to be a poor fit. Dr. Martinez also understands that each person is unique, there is no 'one size fits all,' and that the needs of an individual may not only change from the initial inception of a treatment plan, but from month to month or session to session, and that adapting and meeting the patient 'where they are at,' at any given moment is essential to both letting the patient know they are being heard and attended to, as well as positive treatment outcomes.
Areas of expertise: Medical and health psychology, trauma, PTSD, depression, anxiety, social anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADHD, autism spectrum disorders and neurodivergent considerations, LGBTQ populations, bereavement, forensics, substance abuse, addictive issues, couples work, MISA, co-occurring disorders, domestic violence, sex offenders, special needs populations, and chronic medical issues and rare diseases. Evaluation and assessment of the above-mentioned individuals.
Resource: [key word “Nikki Martinez”]
Social Media: Linkedin:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Saturday Aug 26, 2023
Giving Yourself Permission to Leave a Toxic Relationship, No Matter ‘WHO” It is With
Saturday Aug 26, 2023
Saturday Aug 26, 2023
Dr. Nikki Martinez, an Independent Medical Expert at the Federal level and has been an Adjunct professor for the past 13 years joins eHealth Radio and the Psychology & Relationships Channels. Dr. Martinez also works as an Independent Consultant for Various Individuals, Groups, and Organizations, as she continues to see a small caseload of Individual and Couple patients through Tele-Mental Health Services on a regular basis.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Nikki Martinez discuss the following:
What are some of the reasons that people struggle to leave TOXIC relationships?
You talk about both old ‘adages” as well as creating 'permission structures' to help people find their own way forward from these relationships, can you say more about that?
What are the two main ways that you suggest people attempt to remove themselves from toxic relationships, depending on the individual ‘s unique situation, as well as the person’s response and/or behavior?
If someone is ‘stuck’ in their thinking, and not allowing themselves to see a life without this person, what are some questions and/or thoughts you might have for this person?
What are some closing thoughts you have for individuals who are on the fence about taking this step, ad what life could look like for them if they decided to remove this toxic person from their life, or set a healthy boundary with them?
Dr. Nicole Martinez received her master’s and her Doctorate from Illinois School of Professional Psychology and completed her pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowship at Gateway Foundation in Lake Villa, Illinois. Prior to that she attended the University of St. Francis where she completed a double major in Psychology and Therapeutic Recreation. Dr. Martinez has experience working with adolescents and adults in individual, family, and group treatment.
Her therapeutic style can be described as integrative, assessing the needs and style that will best serve the individual client. She typically has a mix between Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy and various holistic approaches, with an emphasis in CBT, Solution Focused Therapy, Reality Therapy, and Positive Psychology. She believes in exploring the connection between the body and the mind to treat all the individuals’ needs. Her belief is that an individual must explore many areas of their functioning to ensure optimum health physically and emotionally.
She stresses the essential belief that the therapist and client relationship is collaborative in nature, and the two are 'partners,' who communicate from the first steps of designing the course and goals of treatment, as well as what the priorities will be. Dr. Martinez understands that it is just as important to identify any treatment styles, tools, techniques, or methods that 'did not' work, as did, so that the two of you can work together charting a new path and avoiding precious time and frustration on that which has already been proven to be a poor fit. Dr. Martinez also understands that each person is unique, there is no 'one size fits all,' and that the needs of an individual may not only change from the initial inception of a treatment plan, but from month to month or session to session, and that adapting and meeting the patient 'where they are at,' at any given moment is essential to both letting the patient know they are being heard and attended to, as well as positive treatment outcomes.
Areas of expertise: medical and health psychology, trauma, PTSD, depression, anxiety, social anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADHD,autism spectrum disorders and neurodivergent considerations, LGBTQ populations, bereavement, forensics, substance abuse, addictive issues, couples work, MISA, co-occurring disorders, domestic violence, sex offenders, special needs populations, and chronic medical issues and rare diseases. Evaluation and assessment of the above-mentioned individuals.
Resource: [key word “Nikki Martinez”]
Social Media: Linkedin:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Wednesday May 17, 2023
Denial Offers Only a Quick Fix and Will Eventually Have its Reckoning
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Dr. Jane Greer a Marriage and Family Therapist, Psychotherapist, author, radio host, and creator of “SHRINK WRAP,” the popular commentary on what we can learn from the trials and triumphs of not only celebrity, but all relationships joins eHealth Radio and the Relationship Channel. She’s the author of six books, including her latest, Am I Lying To Myself? How to Overcome Denial and See the Truth.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Jane Greer discuss the following:
What is Denial?
What do you look for to recognize denial in yourself? What are the red flags?
How do you know if you are dealing with someone who is in denial?
What’s the best way to handle someone who is in denial about a problem or bad behavior?
What is a Stay Stuck Complainer and how do you deal with them?
Dr. Jane Greer is a Marriage and Family Therapist, Psychotherapist, author, radio host, and creator of “SHRINK WRAP,” the popular commentary on what we can learn from the trials and triumphs of not only celebrity, but all relationships. Through her media collaborations and professional insights, Dr. Greer is recognized as a leading national expert in love and relationships.
She’s the author of six books, including her latest, Am I Lying To Myself? How to Overcome Denial and See the Truth (Rowman & Littlefield, March 4, 2023).
People also listened to this: Checkable Medical: Revolutionizing Home Healthcare and Telemedicine

Friday Apr 07, 2023
How divorce and separation can drive someone to harm and even death
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Charlotte Christian, the Founder and Owner of Charlotte Christian Law, one of the fastest-growing family law firms in the United States and the largest female-owned family law firm in the country joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Mental Health Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Charlotte Christian discuss the following:
How did you decide you wanted to get into family law?
How do you deal with the mental state of your clients when they walk in your offices needing to obviously talk things through with you?
How can divorce and separation drive someone to harm and even death? As you have noted before. How can you help save these people?
What are your hopes going forward with your law firm?
How do you separate business from your own personal life to stay happy and healthy?
Charlotte Christian, Esq. is a family and divorce lawyer and the founder of The Law Offices of Charlotte Christian and Associates. She has her JD from Faulkner University and an LLM in Trial Advocacy from Temple.
Charlotte is committed to helping those who have experienced loss overcome their hardships and build a new life, stronger and more resilient than they were before.
No stranger to trauma herself, including enduring the sudden losses of her father while a young child and husband after 10 years of marriage, Charlotte knows what it means practically and legally to put the pieces in place to create a future filled with security, hope, and opportunity, and find happiness once again. These experiences and the wisdom gained from them drive the compassion with which every attorney in the The Law Offices of Charlotte Christian and Associates Group approaches their clients’ cases. For more on Charlotte click here.
Social Media Links: Twitter: Linkedin:
People also listened to this: How To Peer Into The Future Using Technology For Seniors

Friday Dec 16, 2022
Friday Dec 16, 2022
Tracy Taris, the Owner & President of Southern California based Healing the Mind & Spirit, a full service mental health center joins eHealth Radio and the Mental Health & Relationship Channels. Her new book, “Many Voices ONE TRUTH” is currently available on Amazon.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Tracy Taris discuss the following:
Please tell us about your work as a marriage and relationship therapist in Southern California?
You are a woman of faith and your new book, Many Voices ONE TRUTH is a type of self-help book that combines your mental health sciences education with Biblical passages. Can you explain that for us?
n today’s noisy world, many people are facing depression and anxiety. Without giving away too much from the book, can you explain how your book addresses shutting out the negative noise?
As the eldest child in a large family, please tell us a little bit about the extreme responsibility that was placed on you and the fear and anxiety you felt at a young age and did this influence your becoming a therapist, speaker and author?
Although it is getting better, the negative stigma behind mental health issues and seeking help for personal problems still exists. How to you feel about this?
hat advice do you have for anyone suffering from depression, relationship conflicts, sleep deprivation and other personal issues where you might need a therapist?
Tracy Taris is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist. She is president and owner of Healing The Mind & Spirit, Inc. where she leads a team of counselors. Her group practice is located here in the Santa Clarita Valley where psychotherapy services are provided in the form of couples, family, individual, adolescent and child therapy as well as coaching services that cover a variety of topics from creative blocks, nutritional problems, and women’s issues.
Tracy’s service to the Santa Clarita Valley also includes work as a Contract Therapist for College of The Canyons’ (COC) Student Health and Wellness Center. She is part of a team of therapists who provide therapy to students at COC.
Tracy holds a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology with and emphasis in Marriage & Family Therapy from Azusa Pacific University. She also holds a bachelor’s degree in Journalism with an emphasis in Broadcasting from California Polytechnic State University.
Tracy completed her service as President for the Santa Clarita Valley California Association of Marriage & Family Therapists Chapter as well as her role in serving as Past President for the organization. Tracy is also a writer and has contributed to The Signal Newspaper as well as written workshops that she has taught for The City of Santa Clarita through the Seasons Catalog, her Private Practice, and for COC.