ehealth radio network
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
How to Live a Deliberate Life
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Chris Jankulovski, author of "Near Death Lessons: A Dream. A Terminal Illness. An Extraordinary Life Gained From 8 Near Death Experiences joins eHealth Radio and the Personal Development and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Chris Jankulovski discuss the following:
How does staying in a victim mentality stop you from living a deliberate life?
What are the three main steps needed to live a deliberate life?
How can you stretch your own personal boundaries? How can you overcome the conditioning of your early life that keeps you stuck in your comfort zone and why it is so important?
You discuss the importance of finding your purpose and the method that you can implement. The first part of the method is to start with the end in mind. Can you explain why that is so important?
You talk about having an “Unstoppable Attitude“ in the face of adversity. How did you maintain that and turn it around on the days when you thought you might want to give up?
Chris Jankulovski is the Founder and CEO of Remote Staff, a recruiting company specializing in remote working placements. Remarkably, he was able to build and grow this thriving business while battling cancer, failing kidneys and several brain operations. Throughout these challenges and more, Chris was able to find a way to transform his life from one of fear, struggle and self-doubt, to one of empowerment, success, health and happiness. Chris is the author of the soon to be released “Near Death Lessons.”
People also listened to this: Health Carousel: Keeping up with the digital trends while providing a personalized career experience
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Undoing the Damage from Adverse Childhood Experiences
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Ronni Tichenor who has a PhD in sociology, specializing in family studies, from the University of Michigan, and Jennie Weaver, who received her degree from the Vanderbilt School of Nursing and is a board-certified family nurse practitioner with over 25 years of experience in family practice and mental health joins eHealth Radio and the Mental Health & Health News Channels. Their new book, Healing Begins with Us: Breaking the Cycle of Trauma and Abuse and Rebuilding the Sibling Bond.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guests Ronni Tichenor & Jennie Weaver discuss the following:
Why did you feel called to write this book?
What do you mean when you use the term "childhood trauma?"
How can siblings help each other heal from childhood trauma?
What advice do you have for people trying to support someone who is healing from childhood trauma?
What do you want people to take away from your story?
Ronni Tichenor has a PhD in sociology, specializing in family studies, from the University of Michigan. Jennie Weaver received her degree from the Vanderbilt School of Nursing and is a board-certified family nurse practitioner with over 25 years of experience in family practice and mental health. Their new book, Healing Begins with Us: Breaking the Cycle of Trauma and Abuse and Rebuilding the Sibling Bond (HeartWisdom LLC, April 5, 2022), shares their inspiring and hopeful story of healing from their painful upbringing.
Social Media Links: Facebook:
Saturday Oct 01, 2022
The MindZen Method™, a mindset wellbeing program for challenging times
Saturday Oct 01, 2022
Saturday Oct 01, 2022
Dr. Steve Woodbury, Founder and Director of the MindZen Method™, providing personal and group-based Mind and High -Performance Well-Being programs joins eHealth Radio and the Mental Health and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Steve Woodbury discuss the following:
Tell me about your passion(s).
What motivates you in your work as a MindZen Practitioner?
I know you are also a best-selling artist. How do you integrate your MindZen practice with your creative pursuits as an artist?
How does your approach differ from other countless services currently available for mind and mental heath challenges?
How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted on health and the wellbeing of your clients and the people engaging your professional help?
How important are mentors/coaches in your personal and professional growth?
Dr. Woodbury is an award-winning MindZen practioner who creates well-being solutions for people and their organisations.
Before we commence our program he conducts an assessment of an individual’s current position across the domains of personality, social connectedness, physical health, and mental health.
Dr. Woodbury works with each person to uniquely identify how their current lifestyle is preventing them from achieving their goals and then an individualized program is developed in consultation with them to plot, review, and achieve individual well-being.
Contact on Linkedin:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.
Friday Aug 12, 2022
Find Creative Solutions by Emptying Your Mind
Friday Aug 12, 2022
Friday Aug 12, 2022
Dr. Ronald A. Alexander, PhD, the executive director of the OpenMind® Training Program that offers personal and professional training programs in mindfulness-based mind-body therapies, transformational leadership and meditation joins eHealth Radio and the Personal Development Channel. His newest book is: Core Creativity: The Mindful Way to Unlock Your Creative Self.
Listen to host Eric Dye & guests Dr. Ronald A. Alexander discuss the following:
In today's era of COVID, political unrest and inflation why is creativity more important than ever to navigate all these upheavals?
What is Core Creativity and how does one tap into it?
How can someone who wants to make changes in their life use core creativity to help them experience a reinvention?
What can block us from accessing our Core Creativity?
Tell us about Mindfulness and Creativity Psychology. What does the research have to say about it and why are so many psychotherapists integrating meditation and mindfulness into their practices?
In your book you discuss the Core Creative terms: Absorbing Mind, Open Mind, and Generating Mind. What role do they play in accessing one’s core creativity?
How can someone tell if their intuition is genuine or false?
How have some of your clients incorporated core creativity into their lives and business?
Dr. Ronald A. Alexander, PhD, is a psychotherapist, a mindfulness trainer and a creativity, business and leadership coach. He has a private psychotherapy and executive coaching practice in Santa Monica, California. He’s the executive director of the OpenMind® Training Program that offers personal and professional training programs in mindfulness-based mind-body therapies, transformational leadership and meditation. He’s the author of the highly acclaimed book, Wise Mind, Open Mind: Finding Purpose and Meaning in Times of Crisis, Loss, and Change (2008), and the new book, Core Creativity: The Mindful Way to Unlock Your Creative Self (Rowman & Littlefield, June 21, 2022).
Social Media Links: Instagram:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Rein in Your Busy Mind to Live More Consciously
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Ora Nadrich a pioneering Mindfulness expert, international keynote speaker and coach, and the founder and president of the Institute for Transformational Thinking joins eHealth Radio & the Personal Development Channel. Ora is a sought-after expert in the fields of Mindfulness, transformational thinking and self-discovery. Her newest book is: Mindfulness and Mysticism: Connecting Present Moment Awareness with Higher States of Consciousness.
Listen to host Eric Dye & guests Ora Nadrich discuss the following:
What are some of the things that inspire you?
What ignites your creativity?
What does the book mean to you, and why do you think it’s needed in today's world?
Please give us 3 Mindfulness tips inspired from the book?
What is "The WHY" behind the book? What is it about this book that you feel will make a difference in people’s lives?
How do you recommend that people not lose sight of consciousness?
Can you explain the dance between light and the dark?
Ora Nadrich is a pioneering Mindfulness expert, international keynote speaker and coach, and the founder and president of the Institute for Transformational Thinking. A sought-after expert in the fields of Mindfulness, transformational thinking and self-discovery, she is the author of Says Who? How One Simple Question Can Change the Way You Think Forever, and Live True: A Mindfulness Guide to Authenticity, named “one of the 100 Best Mindfulness Books of All Time” by BookAuthority. Her new book is Mindfulness and Mysticism: Connecting Present Moment Awareness with Higher States of Consciousness (IFTT, Nov. 11, 2021).
Social Media Links: Instagram: @oranadrich_ifttFacebook:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.
Saturday Feb 12, 2022
Increase Your Productivity, Improve Your Health
Saturday Feb 12, 2022
Saturday Feb 12, 2022
Sophie Chiche, CEO of becurrent joins eHealth Radio and the Health and Personal Development Channels. Her company has developed a system that not only allows people to be more productive, but helps them decide the most important areas to which they should devote their time. She calls it “productivity with a purpose.”
Listen to host Eric Dye & guests Sophie Chiche discuss the following:
Being overwhelmed with tasks, whether work-related or personal, can take a toll on your health. What are some of the issues that can arise from an overloaded schedule?
Your becurrent system helps people achieve “productivity with a purpose.” How can that improve a person’s physical and mental well-being?
It isn’t just health per se that’s affected. Workplace stress also has been shown to lead to an increased risk of engaging in unhealthy behaviors, such as cigarette smoking, alcohol and drug abuse, and poor dietary patterns, is that correct?
One of the concepts of your becurrent system is learning how to say “no.” Although it’s a little word – and may take a little courage to use - tell us how it can improve people’s mental health and overall outlook in the long run.
While we used to admire people who could multitask, it’s a concept that is losing momentum. Focusing on too many things means you’re really focusing on nothing. How does feed into the cycle of damaging people’s mental and physical health?
An August 2017 study carried out by the University of California Riverside found that companies offering employee wellness programs saw a significant gain in productivity among workers. In fact, it was found that all employees who participated improved productivity an average of one full workday per month. You work with corporations quite a bit – if you look at your program as a form of “productivity wellness,” do you feel that becurrent can have similar results in terms of overall productivity and wellness?
TIP: It’s no mystery that people, in both the professional or personal settings, who aren’t as productive as they can be – or are overwhelmed by the volume of tasks on their plate – can suffer a range of maladies, both physical and mental. It can also lead to a number of destructive behaviors, as well as lowering a company’s overall productivity – and the bottom line. In the becurrent system, people are taught to prioritize tasks, to separate what needs to be done from what can wait, and to ditch projects or tasks that simply don’t need to be done at all. In doing so, people can focus more time on the things that matter, which – in both a professional and personal setting – creates happier and more productive people and employees.
Sophie Chiche is a life strategist, creative visionary, entrepreneur, author, TEDx speaker, and psychologist. She founded several highly successful companies, including becurrent, a system that helps people achieve “productivity with purpose”;, an inspiring online community dedicated to what and who holds meaning in our lives; and Shape House, an urban sweat lodge and second home to celebrities and health enthusiasts, that has achieved over $9 million in revenue. Sophie has also written and produced a TV show about issues around weight and her universal and personal struggles with food and eating, entitled War and Piece of Cake, with guests who speak of their issues and challenges; and has written several books, the most recent of which, Closer to My Bones, is due out soon.
Social Media Links: Facebook:
Monday Dec 27, 2021
The Power of Success: How to Cheerlead Instead of Compete and Win More
Monday Dec 27, 2021
Monday Dec 27, 2021
Jeffrey A. Martinovich, a First Gulf War Veteran, MBA, and CEO of JAM Accelerator, LLC, a business consulting and incubation firm joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Personal Development Channels. His book is called: Just One More: The Wisdom of Bob Vukovich.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Jeffrey A. Martinovich discuss the following:
What inspired you to write this book?
Tell me about what inspired the choice to use a parable and how that unfolded for you?
Why was this title chosen for the book? What is the significance of the title?
What is the most important thing that people DON'T know about your subject, that they need to know?
What would you love to see happen as a result of this book and audiobook getting out to your audience - how would you like it to impact the world?
Jeffrey A. Martinovich is a First Gulf War Veteran, MBA, and CEO of JAM Accelerator, LLC, a business consulting and incubation firm. Previously, Jeff was Founder and CEO of MICG Investment Management, a billion-dollar wealth management firm. After the 2008 Financial Crisis, Jeff rejected three government plea offers, resulting in a 14-year prison sentence. Yet the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed twice, two U.S. District Court Judges were removed, and after nearly 7 years, he was released to home confinement in May 2020 to begin rebuilding his life. His book is Just One More: The Wisdom of Bob Vukovich.
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
What you Organically Need For Your Mind with Dr. Shara Ally
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Dr. Shara Ally, Founder and CEO of NEUROorganics Inc., a revolutionary therapeutic counseling mental health service that fuses western and eastern approaches to care which has been recognized by Forbes, Yahoo Finance, Market Watch, and other major platforms again joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Mental Health Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Shara Ally discuss the following:
Can you tell us what NEUROorganics is and how this company came to be?
Who does NEUROorganics serve?
You have a service in NEUROorganics called NEUROmind. What does NEUROmind help a person solve?
What about NEUROsex? What does this service solve for someone?
Can you also describe how NEUROphysique and NEUROfinance services within NEUROorganics will help someone solve their problem?
What are some of the trends you are seeing right now given the post-traumatic stress people are experiencing from the pandemic, political shift, and the ongoing fight for equality?
Why should someone choose NEUROorganics over other mental health services?
Dr. Shara Ally is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of the mental health company NEUROorganics Inc. Dr. Ally is the Head of the Student Wellness Department at Wilfred Laurier University, which focuses on the mental health and wellness of post-secondary students. She also sits on several boards including the Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Global Research Federation Publishers, and the Mental health and Addictions Program Advisory Committee.
Through NEUROorganics, Dr. Ally provides mental health digital therapeutic counseling services for youth and adults managing stress in their personal and professional lives as it pertains to perceived challenges, intellectual and emotional development, and growth mindset. Since launching in September 2020, NEUROorganics has been recognized by Forbes, Yahoo Finance, Business Insider, Digital Health Buzz, and Market Watch. The company was born out of Dr. Ally's lived experiences, academic and professional opportunities.
Dr. Ally was awarded with a Fellowship in Chandigarh, India in 2019, where she met the Dalai Lama. After meeting and speaking with the Dalai Lama, she learned the eastern medicine benefits of approaching mental health and wellness through personal strengths and igniting personal resiliency and self-compassion for long-term mental health wellness. This working knowledge has been coupled with her expertise in psychiatry with a rich academic background in completing her Bachelor's of Science degree at McMaster University, Masters of Nursing and Business Administration, and her Doctorate degrees.
Shara has over a decade of professional experience of working in executive leadership roles in the mental health sector across hospital, community, and academic settings. She was also the President and Executive Officer of the Doctorate Nursing Practice Association at Western University in California, Adjunct Lecturer at the University of Toronto, and Research Assistant at Ryerson University in Toronto. Shara has had the opportunity to publish her research in the Family Physician Journal, Developmental Disabilities of Ontario textbook, and present across the USA, Canada, and Europe.
Overall, Dr. Ally's passion is concentrated in the mental health and wellness of people, and is an advocate for understanding the tools you already have to build resilience, inner strength, self-esteem and confidence.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Linkedin: Instagram:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.
Saturday Mar 27, 2021
Finding Sense of Self as a Self-Sacrificing Person with Krissy Regan
Saturday Mar 27, 2021
Saturday Mar 27, 2021
Krissy Regan, The Wellness Poet and Founder of Mindful Mums Queensland, an author, speaker and Wellness Coach based in Townsville, Queensland, Australia again joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Health & Wellness Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Krissy Regan discuss the following:
What is a Self-Sacrificing Person?
Why is that a Self-Sacrificing Person will generally compromise their well-being for others?
How does a person who has compromised their health through giving to others start to turn things around?
What 3 steps would you encourage someone to take to feel empowered for their own health and well-being?
How is it that very giving people who are self-sacrificing often feel like victims?
Summary: If you notice your health and well-being suffering because you are a very giving person ask yourself this question. What would happen if I was not here?
Krissy Regan is an Author, Speaker, Wellness Coach and Founder of Mindful Mums Queensland. In 2020 Krissy published her self-help, health and well-being book called; Broken to Unbreakable, 12 Steps to an Unbreakable Mind, Body & Spirit.
In 2021 Krissy launched her Online Wellness School with her signature program; 12 Steps to an Unbreakable Mind, Body and Spirit.
Krissy believes that health and well-being can be learned by each and everyone of us, and we can all develop the tools to get healthy and stay healthy.
Krissy studied Exercise Science and Sports Management and has lived and worked in more than 7 countries. She currently resides in a regional city of Australia called Townsville where she spends her time educating herself and others about the importance of health, well-being, self-care and embracing a wellness mindset.
Krissy admits that lifestyle choices and our own beliefs can often keep us trapped in a negative health cycle and when we choose to change that cycle it takes commitment, consistency and a willingness to challenge our own thinking and beliefs on health.
Krissy is mum to 2 young children and her desire is to empower parents to care for their own needs each day so they can be healthy role models to future generations.
Social Media Links:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Jeanie Cisco-Meth, a two-time best-selling author, professional speaker, educator, and parent, shares her scientifically proven system for improving communication and decreasing conflict as she joins eHealth Radio and the Bullying Information and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Jeanie Cisco-Meth discuss the following:
What makes you an expert on this topic?
Why did you write Bully Proofing You?
Who benefits from it?
How does it work?
What is the first step our listeners need to take?
Two-time best-selling author, professional speaker, educator, and parent, Jeanie Cisco-Meth shares her scientifically proven system for improving communication and decreasing conflict. She has written many magazine articles, been quoted in Forbes, and was a contributor for TheBlaze. She has been a guest on radio stations across the country. She has appeared on television for ABC4, Free Speech TV, and others.
As a former member of the military, Jeanie had the honor of being sent to OCS. This leadership training helped her in many ways; from starting three very successful businesses, to training staff, and mentoring others with their startups and staffing issues.
Jeanie was told in elementary school she would never make because she was too stupid. Thank goodness she didn't believe them because she never would have done the things she has.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: