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Friday Aug 16, 2013
Training adolescent female athletes since 1995 with Warren Potash
Friday Aug 16, 2013
Friday Aug 16, 2013
Warren Potash, the managing partner of, a Specialist in Exercise Therapy, Sports Nutrition, and a Sports Performance Coach who has been training adolescent female athletes since 1995 with remarkable success joins eHealth Radio and the Fitness and Nutrition Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Warren Potash discuss the following: What are some of the reasons that female athletes need to value training to play sports? Are you saying that female athletes have not always trained to play sports?Why did you start your website: ?The subtitle of your book is “Safely Training the Adolescent Female Athlete” and you say that “all female athletes must value training to play sports”, why are both of these concepts so important?If a female athlete suffers an ACL injury (knee) or other injuries like rotator cuff (shoulder area for overhand sports) – are the long term effects different for a female as opposed to a same age male athlete?Why is your book: They’re Not Boys… important for parents, female athletes, and volunteer coaches of these young women?Why is it so important that before every season, every female athlete and their parents and coaches need to understand the athletes must get proper rest and daily nutrition, set SMART goals, and train to play sports must become a standard practice in youth sports...?How does the female athlete benefit from a lower body, safe and age-appropriate training program that is integral to skills training for all female athletes?
Duration: 17:07
As the father of a two sport D III female athlete, a trainer of more than 600 teen female athletes since 1995, and as a former athlete I am uniquely qualified to speak to the challenges all female athletes need to address during their teenage years.
I studied biomechanics, kinesiology, human anatomy, and spent more than 250 hours working in sports medicine physical therapy clinics as part of 1,500 hours that were required for my [ISSA] certifications after I created, co-developed, and co-authored Your Lower Back (1993); the first book by a patient (me) and his doctor to help everyone understand how a spine-safe exercise program will help the majority of people dealing with low back pain.
Immediately after the book was published I became interested in the non-contact ACL injury challenge for all female athletes when my daughter started playing travel softball and basketball. I created and co-developed the training progressions that I have used since 1995 to help more than 600 adolescent female athletes with sport-specific training to play sports that has produced remarkable results as not one teen has ever reported an ACL injury (which was not expected). I have also developed exercise programs and personally trained men, women, and children with a variety of medical challenges with my spine-safe training philosophy.
In 2003, my colleagues and I co-authored two online CEU courses at that helps numerous trainers; Safely Training the Adolescent Female Athlete. In 2010, I launched to provide quality information so every user can value training to play sports for teen female athletes playing every sport. In January 2012, my new book: They’re Not Boys – Safely Training the Adolescent Female Athlete™ has been published.
Training Philosophy: To help every individual achieve, or surpass their personal goals with a safe and age-appropriate, functional/integrated, and spine-safe conditioning program.

Friday May 17, 2013
The benefits of meditating with Linda Lauren
Friday May 17, 2013
Friday May 17, 2013
Linda Lauren, a fourth-generation Psychic Medium, Color & Energy Artist, known as the ‘Travel Psychic™’ uses that energy to guide her clients with their travel plans and joins eHealth Radio's Personal Development Channel to talk about the benefits of meditation.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Linda Lauren discuss the following:
We understand you work with the color and energy of a person. How do you do that?
What are the benefits of meditation?
How does one meditate?
How long have you been meditating?
How many and how often do you do it?
Linda Lauren is a 4th Generation Psychic Medium who owns and operates Linda Lauren’s Embracing The Universe in Mountainside, NJ. She has been a professional psychic since consulting with law enforcement in a murder investigation dating back to 1978. She is most noted for her ability to tap into the energy of a person via Intuitive Zoning™, which is by the touch of a hand, a look into the eyes, or the sound of a voice. When she stares into a person’s eyes, Linda actually “sees” a shaded vision of events just as one would see on television. Slow moving flashes of pictures emerge of past, present or future. Because of this gifted ability, Linda is able to do sixty-second readings, as well as delve into past lives.
Linda Lauren is also a Color and Energy Analyst and connects with people who come to her for guidance through the color and energy she senses around them. This led to the NY Times referring to her as the ‘Travel Psychic™’ wherein she reads that same energy to guide her clients with their travel plans.
Lauren’s first book, Hostage in Time, a paranormal time travel romance, is available in print and e-book format on, and on iBooks. Lauren is a Reiki Practitioner with a private Healing Room at her metaphysical center. Reiki meaning ‘Universal Life Energy” is the use of energy to help heal the mind, body and soul.
For more on Linda Lauren click here.
Note: The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the opinions or beliefs of the show host or it's owners.

Tuesday Mar 26, 2013
Tuesday Mar 26, 2013
Mitch Williams, the author of the book A Call to Magic - the Artful Science of Transforming Self and World joins eHealth Radio and the Personal Development Channel. Mitch is an authority on creativity, peak performance, and personal transformation.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guests Mitch Williams discuss the following:
You're a professional magician, and you've been described as an authority on personal transformation. How does magic fit into the self-help arena?
I notice you refer to yourself as an "inspirational speaker" rather than a "motivational speaker". Is this just another way of saying the same thing? What's the distinction?
Your book is about how to transform our own lives and impact the greater world around us, and the main theme is "magic". How do those tie in together?
How can listeners use the "magic" idea to improve their quality of life and be more happy, healthy, and fulfilled?
I understand the Kindle edition of your book is going to be available for a limited time as a free download. Can you tell us more about that?
Mitch Williams is an international award winning magician and sleight of hand artist, an inspirational speaker, and an authority on creativity, personal transformation, and peak performance. As an entertainer, he has performed for audiences throughout the US and Canada, in Japan, and in Europe. For over thirty-five years, he has been an avid student of cutting edge information on human development, transformational psychology, future studies, and psycho-spirituality.
As a speaker, Mitch has presented seminars and workshops, which combine his astounding magic with uplifting and thought provoking messages on the "real magic" within and around us, for corporations, service organizations, and other groups throughout the country, to rave reviews. A true modern Reinnassance man, he is an accomplished artist, musician, poet, author, athlete, gardener, gourmet cook, woodworker, and a martial artist with a fourth degree black belt in Judo. Mitch currently lives in Canton, Illinois.
Notice: Time Sensitive Free Offer - Listen for Details
Related Web Site:
Note: The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the opinions or beliefs of the show host or it's owners.

Thursday Jan 17, 2013
The Look of Success: A Guide for Wanting, Achieving, and Sustaining Overall Success
Thursday Jan 17, 2013
Thursday Jan 17, 2013
Karissa Thomas a personal development speaker and the award wining author of Uncertainty to Confidence: A New Way of Living Your Life joins eHealth Radio and the Personal Development Channel. She is here to talk about her new book The Look of Success: A Guide for Wanting, Achieving, and Sustaining Overall Success in Your Life. She teaches nationally through lectures on creating a shift in consciousness.
Listen to our interview [audio player below] with host Eric Michaels & guest Karissa Thoma discuss the following:
What are the LAWS of Leadership in Wanting, Achieving, and Sustaining The Look of Success?
What is the first thing a person has to do when they want to go after success?
How does someone go about working on their belief system?
Where does someone get the motivation that they need to fight for what they want?
When your book comes out later on this summer what can people expect for this book?
Where did you get all this insight for writing this book?
Karissa Thomas is a personal development speaker and award wining author. She has written Uncertainty to Confidence: A New Way of Living Your Life and Foolproof: A Woman's Guide to Self Love, Strength, and Relationships. She teaches nationally through lectures on creating a shift in consciousness for youth, women, and business groups. She is passionate about inspiring change within the self through positive self talk and building confidence. Her philosophy derives from an innate place within her that was accessed through life experiences. She believes that only you can confront yourself to effect lasting change, and that the first step begins with self-honesty. She specializes in women empowerment talks and she continues to coach in personal development. As Ms. Thomas tours the country she has uniquely been able to connect with an increasingly growing male demographic focusing on personal development. She resides in New York City.
Related Web Site:

Wednesday Dec 19, 2012
Imagineering Your Life with Siobhan McKenna
Wednesday Dec 19, 2012
Wednesday Dec 19, 2012
Siobhan McKenna is the author of the book "Imagineering Your Life" as her mission is to inspire and empower people to design and build extraordinary lives and she joins eHealth Radio and the Personal Development Channel to talk about it.
Listen to interview [audio player below] with host Eric Michaels & guest Siobhan McKenna discuss the following:
What inspired you to write this book?
What are 3 of the key principles to Imagineering Your Life?
What is the Goal ?
What is the Inspiration?
How are you taking care of you for an example for the listener?
Imagineering Your Life, takes you on a journey to find success and learn how to live a full and joyful life. Through applying the most fundamental and essential concepts of systematic engineering, you will find seven succinct and valuable principles to implement into your life. Each of these principles are a powerful tool that readers can use as a resource and directive to blueprint and architect the kind of life you want to lead.
We all have the need to finely tune and optimize our ability to set attainable goals and reach them. So many people let life pass them by and slip through their hands, mostly because they do not have the know-how to go further, reach higher, and build bigger. Combine the principles presented in this book with a little determination and dedication, and the result will be exquisite.
"I am a big fan of Siobhan McKenna. I love her energy, positive attitude, and enthusiasm for life. You will, too, if you read Imagineering Your Life. Who Siobhan is seems to jump off the pages into your heart. Why? Because she cares about you and me and wants us to have an extraordinary life like she has been able to design for herself. If you think that’s not a bad deal for your life, read on. I guarantee you that Imagineering Your Life, with Siobhan as your guide, will be a journey well worth the time. Enjoy.
Ken Blanchard, Coauthor of The One Minute Manager® and Lead with LUV
Siobhan has worked in the Aerospace and Defense industry for over seventeen years as a software and systems engineer designing and developing large complex computer systems. Along with her education and experience in this technical arena, Siobhan has been studying and modeling successful people for twenty-five years.
She is dedicated to helping people define and live their ultimate lives. Siobhan has had a fascination with people who have been happy and ultimately live a wonderful and fulfilled life. This book is an accumulation of the wisdom and experience she has to share with you.
Related Web Site:

Sunday Sep 16, 2012
The Happiness Coach, Ingrid Perri, helping you with traumatic pasts!
Sunday Sep 16, 2012
Sunday Sep 16, 2012
Ingrid Perri, The Happiness Coach is a passionate Master Coach and Trainer of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Hypnosis can help you with a traumatic past and joins us on eHealth Radio's Personal Development Channel.
Listen to interview [audio player below] with host Eric Michaels & guest Ingrid Perri discuss the following:
What does a Happiness Coach do?
How is it different from Counselling or Psychology?
Can it help people who have traumatic pasts?
Can you help people who need to find motivation in their business lives?
Do clients need to learn mantras, affirmations or do exercises?
Ingrid Perri, "The Happiness Coach" is a passionate Master Coach and Trainer of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Hypnosis. She is an engaging Speaker and Workshop Facilitator. Drawing on her background in Psychiatric Nursing and 20+ years of experience, Ingrid supports her clients overcome even the most challenging of situations (including depression, post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, low self esteem, relationship issues and many other emotional disorders) so they can finally achieve their goals and true happiness.
Ingrid also incorporates many of these revolutionary tools and techniques to help people breakthrough their fear of speaking in public enabling them to achieve their full potential.
Related Web Site:
Note: The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the opinions or beliefs of the show host or it's owners.

Sunday Sep 16, 2012
Expect to be Empowered with MJ Domet
Sunday Sep 16, 2012
Sunday Sep 16, 2012
Expect to be empowered with inspirational speaker, workshop facilitator & Reiki Master Teacher MJ Domet, who joined us on the eHealth radio's Personal Development Channel. She is the Inspirational Author of the Year 2012 and Living Now Book of the Year gold metal winner.
Listen to interview [audio player below] with host Eric Michaels & guest MJ Domet discuss the following:
Why do you feel it is important that healing occur at the body, mind and soul levels?
Can healing occur just addressing the physical symptoms?
You call yourself an inner relationship expert-what does that mean?
How important is it that a person be involved in their own healing?
What is L.O.V.E Yourself Well?
Hundreds of people have thanked M.J. Domet for helping them develop an inner relationship, healing body, mind and soul and through this communication become masters of their life. With her teaching coming from the heart and her wisdom from within; people are transformed by embracing the teachings of their heart and accepting their own innate wisdom.
A lifelong resisdent of Alberta, Canada , M.J. lived on a farm until the age of six and remembers her first pet as a chicken she raised from a chick. “Cluck” is her first recalled emotional trauma when an uninformed uncle decided her pet would look better on a dinner plate. Many years later this now wife, mother and grandmother became a Reiki Master Teacher in three disciplines within three years, an event which changed her life and which she now incorporates with other modalities learned from proficient Masters or through self study. Her interest in body, mind and soul communucation came about through her own experiences when she recognized the effect emotional trauma had on her physical body. Through this experience, she developed Deep Cellular Healing (formerly Deep Healing Emotional Energy) which creates a link within the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies enabling them to heal simultaneously, gently and easily. Her interest in body, mind and soul communication led to studying Body and Face Reading. Using her intuition and the teachings she has obtained, M.J. can easily recognize the issues you are holding onto which have served their purpose in your life.
Realizing everyone has unique gifts and the inner guidance to heal themselves, M.J provides workshops encouraging you to use your innate wisdom within to communicate with your mind , body and soul in order to self heal in all ways, from changing your perspective of your life exrperiences, releasing emotional blocks which hold you imprisioned emotionally and spiritually, giving yourself permission to heal physically to realizing your unclaimed potential, passion and purpose.
An author and inspirational speaker as well as a workshop facilitator, M.J. travels throughout Canada spreading her message of empowerment. She is looking forward to travelling, speaking and teaching internationally and welcomes any opportunity that comes her way. M.J can often be heard on Ashford Radio in New York where she received the 2012 Inspirational Author Of The Year Award for her best selling first book, Waves Of Blue Light: Heal The Heart And Free The Soul, a semi-autobiographical account of her rise from an abused child in an alcoholic family to a celebrated spititual author and speaker. This simple rendition of her life is replete with spiritual lessons in the form of prose, pictures and poetry. The book, which is a 2012 Living Now Book Of The Year gold metal winner, has been called “amazing” , “healing” and “inspiring” while M.J. herself has been referred to as “caring”, “supportive” and a “fabulous teacher.”
M.J. recently was named as a Top Female executive in Cambridge's Who's Who and also accepted an award for her counselling services from this same prestigious company in 2011. Her biggest reward comes from people realizing the power they have within them to change their lives and recognizing that their experiences do not define them-they define their experiences.
To find out more about M.J. Domet's workshops, please visit her website at, or email to book her for your next event.
Related Web Site:
Note: The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the opinions or beliefs of the show host or it's owners.

Tuesday Aug 07, 2012
The Fitness Minister Mr. Jay Jones
Tuesday Aug 07, 2012
Tuesday Aug 07, 2012
Mr. Jay Jones, a World Class Celebrity Peak Performance Coach and Fitness Minister committed to resurrecting, renewing and restoring 10 million Temples/[BODIES] to their God Given Greatest LIFE by 2017 joins eHealth Radio to discuss the vision.
Listen to interview [audio player below] with host Eric Michaels & guest Mr. Jay Jones discuss the following:
How did you begin Training and what inspired you to become a Fitness Minister?
What is exactly Faith Based Fitness Training?
Is the Faith Based community more prone to bad health?
What is your mission & how can you be of service to churches and other faith based communities?
What is the best way people can help you accomplish your mission?
Jay Jones is a Certified Celebrity Peak Performance Coach and Fitness Minister whose motto is "Change your mind, change your body, change your life." Jay puts this philosophy to practice everyday as Inspiration and Owner of Jay Jones INI (Inspiration Not Intimidation) Peak Performance Coaching.
Jay is an all-around athlete and was a standout football player at the quarterback position until his career was cut short by a broken neck. The subsequent physical rehabilitation as well as the mental and spiritual awakening a "near death" experience often creates... inspired Jay Jones to utilize his unique gifts to save the world.
Through World Class Faith-Based Fitness Training that includes elements of muscle confusion, plyometrics, balance training and focused breathing and Life Changing Mentality Coaching that includes elements of Biblical Teachings, Positive Affirmations, Guided Relaxation and Auto Suggestions Jay Jones has built a successful business of building healthier Bodies and Minds for people across the World. Jay Jones has truly created a powerful method of Right Thinking that will tremendously aid you in the obtainment of ANYTHING you want to accomplish!
Related Web Site:

Thursday May 10, 2012
Losing weight using the non-diet approach
Thursday May 10, 2012
Thursday May 10, 2012
Losing weight using the non-diet approach
with Laura Cipullo
Laura Cipullo, Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator who provides sound, ethical nutrition advice to both adults and children joins the show.
Listen to interview [audio player at end of post] with host Eric Michaels & guest Laura Cipullo discuss the following:
What is the non-diet approach?
What is a hunger fullness scale?
Are all people able to identify when they are hungry and or full? It seems that Americans have trouble stopping when full.
Can people lose weight using the non-diet approach?
Are there any good resources our listeners can access to help them learn more about this approach?
Laura Cipullo, Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator, provides sound, ethical nutrition advice to both adults and children. Laura’s practice is based in Manhattan and she is available for private, one-on-one consultations, family nutrition sessions or meetings with groups of peers. Laura’s holistic approach focuses on meeting you, the client, at your level of readiness. Using the science of hormones, Laura makes meal and snack recommendations that enable you to feel full and energized while achieving a healthier body. Relying on her endocrine knowledge, she will help you make balanced meal decisions that stabilize your blood sugar and hormone levels. Through her expertise and experience Laura can help you learn from your internal cues to comfortably determine your appropriate food intake and eventually rid yourself of the “diet mentality.” Working with Laura is the first step of a new life: one that is completely free of diets and replaces them with a true understanding of moderation.
Laura earned a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics at Colorado State University, where she graduated with honors. She interned at New York–Presbyterian Hospital/Weil Cornell Medical Center as a Dietetic Intern and has since held the distinguished positions of Clinical Dietitian for New York–Presbyterian Hospital/ Weil Cornell Medical Center, Nutrition Coordinator for CEDAR Associates in Westchester and Rockland counties, and consultant for the Renfrew Center in both New Jersey and New York. She was invited to join the team and teaches online research-based nutrition to BMIQ patient groups.
In 2000, she opened her private practice, Laura Cipullo, LLC Nutrition Services, in New Jersey, where she specialized in medical nutrition therapy, eating disorders and the non-diet approach. Due to high demand, she soon moved and expanded her offices to New York City. As of 2011, Laura closed the NJ offices and maintains her private practice Laura Cipullo Whole Nutrition Services in the union square area of NYC. In conjunction with her private practice Laura acts as the Nutrition Director for Experience Wellness Group ( and leads bi-weekly meal support therapy groups (
Laura shares her expertise in the nutrition field by providing mentoring services to other registered dietitians and volunteering for food and nutrition causes. Most recently, Laura serves as the Membership Chair for the New York chapter of the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals (IADEP) and is also Chair of the Food and Nutrition Committee for Corlears School. Her volunteer history includes a designation as a Food Professional for the children participating in the American Institute of Wine and Food’s Days of Taste program and volunteer work for the nonprofit organization Children for Children, which engages young people in community service. Her expertise is consistently sought by a variety of nationally circulated publications, including Fitness, Cosmopolitan, OK! Magazine, Competitor, Diabetes Forecast, and Diabetic Living. Laura has also made television appearances as frequent guests on The Dr. Steve Show, Headline News and NewYork One. She is currently at work on her first book, which will focus on managing the responsibilities of feeding a busy family and teaching children about nutrition in a way that fosters a positive, healthy attitude towards food.
Visit Laura’s nutrition blog for free nutrition tips and encouragement to adopt a wholesome way of eating that incorporates all foods in moderation. Laura resides in New York City with her husband and children and you can also read her advice on navigating nutrition for a family on her blog Mom Dishes It Out.

Monday Apr 30, 2012
Practical Reiki with Alice Langholt
Monday Apr 30, 2012
Monday Apr 30, 2012
Practical Reiki with Alice Langholt
Alice Langholt, a Reiki Master Teacher, founder and Executive Director of The Reiki Awakening Academy, and author of the book Practical Reiki for balance,well-being and vibrant health joins the show.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Alice Langholt discuss the following:
How did you get started with Reiki?
You developed a Reiki method, Practical Reiki, and wrote a book. How is Practical Reiki different from traditional Reiki?
Tell us about the Reiki Awakening Academy.
How do you use Reiki and intuition in your personal life?
What do you think is most important for people to know today?
Tip: Learn Reiki, and learn to access your intuition. It can help you achieve and maintain wellness, improve relationships, and is the key to a more fulfilled life. It's easy and powerful. It'll change the way you feel about your life and your personal power for improving it.
Alice Langholt, RMT, MJS is the founder and Executive Director of The Reiki Awakening Academy School of Intuitive Development, the first of its kind offering live video instruction online, and proudly offering local classes at Insight Wellness in Cleveland, Ohio. She is the author of the new Reiki resource, Practical Reiki for Balance, Well-Being, and Vibrant Health: A guide to a simple, revolutionary energy healing method, which was a finalist for Best Reiki Book in the 2012 Reader's Choice Awards. Alice is a parent of four with Master level training in several Reiki modalities.
Alice spent a year as part of the Healing Services Department at The Cleveland Clinic, giving Reiki to patients, staff and family members. She currently volunteers regularly at The Gathering Place (a cancer support center), and is a Group Leader with The Distance Healing Network ( Considered a social media expert, Alice is rated the #1 most influential person on Twitter under the category “Reiki” by
As a teacher, Alice believes that close guidance and mentoring are essential elements for learning energy healing. She provides this close support to each student, getting to know each and assist him or her in strengthening intuition and learning energy healing.
Alice also offers personal Reiki healing sessions by appointment. Learn more about Reiki and contact Alice via her website
Note: The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the opinions or beliefs of the show host or it's owners.