ehealth radio network
Friday Feb 13, 2015
Foru, feel great with nutrition made just for you
Friday Feb 13, 2015
Friday Feb 13, 2015
Sharon Tahaney, the President of foru International, the leader of personalized health, beauty and wellness products joins eHealth Radio and the Nutrition and Supplement Channels. Sharon has more than thirty years experience in direct sales.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Sharon Tahaney discuss the following:What is foru International and how is it different from other health, beauty and wellness product lines?You mention foru products and supplements are created based on the individual’s genetic variations. What specifically are these custom formulas targeting?Who would benefit from using foru products? Maybe we turn this more into a why: Why should we be using or taking personalized products and supplements as appose to others products on the market?What has been people’s experience with using foru products?How can our listeners learn more about the foru line and get started on the foru experience?
Duration: 7:40
Sharon Tahaney has combined a Master’s Degree with thirty years experience in direct sales separating what works from what doesn’t. She has led strategy teams, sales teams, events, training, and communication teams for direct selling companies both small and large. She has developed business plans for start-ups and led turnaround efforts for established organizations as well. She has authored four personal finance books, a business growth book for direct sales executives and field leaders, has taught leadership excellence and created and coached recruiting and sales tactics to direct sellers both at home and around the world. Ms. Tahaney joined foru out of passionate belief in the product and the powerful business opportunity it creates for families.
Tuesday Feb 03, 2015
EZC Pak, a 5 Day Natural Immune Support Pack
Tuesday Feb 03, 2015
Tuesday Feb 03, 2015
Dr. Sarath Malepati, MD, a California physician and Medical Director of the PPC Group, a health product design team and designer of The EZC Pak, a 5-day tapered immune support pack joins eHealth Radio and Nutrition and the Supplement Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Sarath
Malepati discuss the following:What is EZC Pak and how did it come about?What are the benefits of Echinacea, zinc and vitamin C?Can anyone take the EZC Pak? Who is the intended audience?Anything else that you would like to add or that we should know about EZC Pak?
Over 80% of upper respiratory infections are viral, not bacterial, and as such, cannot be treated with antibiotics. Inappropriate antibiotic use and rising drug resistance continues to be a major global problem that must be addressed at all levels of our communities and society. As physicians and healthcare providers, we need to close the knowledge gap between clinicians and patients. The PPC Groups team product, the EZC Pak was conceived as a solution to patient pressure and inappropriate antibiotic prescribing patterns. Their goal is to do the right thing in reducing inappropriate antibiotic prescribing, while still maintaining, if not improving, patient satisfaction.
Duration: 10:10
The EZC Pak is the first physician designed 5-day tapered Immune Support Pack formulated based on the best available evidence in its core components – Echinacea, zinc, and vitamin C, designed as a tool to reduce inappropriate antibiotic prescribing and use. Happiness is Feeling Better.
Sunday Jan 11, 2015
SuperNutrition a leader in natural supplements launches Heart Smart
Sunday Jan 11, 2015
Sunday Jan 11, 2015
Michael Mooney, Co-Founder and Director of Science and Education for SuperNutrition a leader in natural supplements joins eHealth Radio and the Heart Health and the Supplement Channels to discuss Heart Smart.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Michael Mooney discuss the following:Can you talk about the launch of Heart Smart and the heart health benefits of K2?Why are natural supplements the better choice for maintaining heart health than prescription drugs?You talk about support for arterial flexibility and elasticity, why is this so important?What would be your most important piece of advice for our listeners during American Heart Month?Where can our listeners get more info & buy Heart Smart?
Duration: 12:52
Michael Mooney, Director of Science and Education, Co-founder
Michael Mooney’s voracious appetite for nutritional science began in 1967, when he reversed his “sugar-kid” brain problems by abandoning the standard American diet, taking high-potency niacin and other vitamins and seeking out natural and organic foods in his hometown of Omaha, Nebraska.
Mentored by his biochemist father, Patrick Mooney, Michael learned to research nutritional science and became a “world authority, according to Sports Illustrated.” In 1973, they created a not-for-profit vitamin research co-op that led to the development of SuperNutrition anti-aging potency supplements. Together, they were early pioneers in nutrition, creating the world’s first gluten-free, hypoallergenic, science-based, full potency multivitamins that were also the first multivitamins that contained no fillers. They founded SuperNutrition in 1977 to bring their cutting-edge anti-aging potency multivitamins to the public.
About Super Nutrition
Founded in 1977 by Patrick Mooney and son, Michael Mooney, SuperNutrition is a California-based family business. SuperNutrition¹s mission is to build a better world through better nutrition. Each of Super Nutrition¹s products is made by combining science-based optimal potencies of essential vitamins, minerals, herbs, and antioxidants to maintain optimal health at the cellular level. SuperNutrition¹s formulas go beyond minimum RDA requirements to scientifically proven potencies balanced according to human biochemistry.
Friday Oct 17, 2014
youtheory, offering a separate men’s line of daily supplement products
Friday Oct 17, 2014
Friday Oct 17, 2014
Darren Rude, CEO at youtheory, the industry leader in daily supplements with a separate men’s line of products joins eHealth Radio and the Skin Care and Supplement Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Darren Rude discuss the following:Tell us about youtheory and the supplement industry.Collagen is one of your most popular supplements, what are some of its benefits?Why did you create a separate men’s line of products?How did the NASCAR & off-road racing sponsorship come to be?Where can our listeners find youtheory?
Duration: 10:12
As CEO, Darren Rude oversees the team in the company’s Tustin, California headquarters that handles all of its manufacturing, packaging and shipping needs. He is personally involved in all aspects of the company, including sales, marketing, product development and distribution.
Darren grew up in the grocery industry within a 3rd generation family business. Darren’s grandfather, Concetto Guiliano, joined his cousin Giuseppe Uddo to help create the Progresso Quality Foods brand before creating the family bakery and deli, Guilianos. After years in the family business, Darren decided he needed to manufacture a different type of food, supplements. Using the knowledge that he had, Rude worked for three leading manufacturers before he launched Nutrawise in 2011.
Nutrawise created the youtheory brand that has reached over 55,000 retail locations in three years and expanded worldwide with offices in London. Youtheory launched a line of dietary supplements specially formulated for men that includes Advanced Collagen, Joint Collagen, Revive After Workout and Collagen Powder, in June 2014. With the help from his retailers, Darren was able to create youtheory racing, which is involved with NASCAR and off-road racing as a way to promote the beauty product to a male audience.
Darren and his wife Patty split their home between Orange County and Arizona. Both he and Patty, who also serves as the president of Nutrawise, are involved in the local community and various charitable organizations. Darren and Patty travel to Kenya to aid and support projects close to their heart. Darren and Patty have six children.