ehealth radio network

Sunday Feb 23, 2014
Finding love at Jewish Home Community Clinical Services in Los Angeles, CA
Sunday Feb 23, 2014
Sunday Feb 23, 2014
Dr. Rafael Gonzalez-Amezcua, Medical Director at Jewish Home Community Clinical Services in Los Angeles, CA joins eHealth Radio and the Health Care Channel. Dr. Amezcua has more than 15 years experience as a physician, educator and leader in caring for seniors.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Rafael Gonzalez-Amezcua discuss the following:First tell us a little about Los Angeles Jewish Home and your role there.Today is Sweetheart’s Day at the Jewish Home. I suspect there are some residents who found each other there. Despite the fact many think those over 70 or 80 are too old to fall in love and marry, you have probably seen enough happy seniors who met to dispute that.Do seniors tend to shy away from new romances because of a spouse’s death or divorce?Is it true that single people tend to die earlier than those who are married or have a significant other?Is sex over 70 or 80 safe?Tell us some advice for children who have a single parent who may be 80 or 90 years old and has found love at a retirement home or residence such as yours.Do you think older people are better at finding love than the young?
Duration: 10:43
Dr. Rafael Gonzalez-Amezcua is a Board Certified Internist who is currently the Medical Director for Community Clinical Services for the Los Angles Jewish Home. Among other duties Dr. Amezcua oversees the medical services at the Brandman Centers for Senior Care, a new Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly(PACE) at the Jewish Home, Skirball Hospice, Palliative Care, Care Transitions, Home Health Agency and assists in the management of the Medical Group and its geriatric community clinic. Additionally, Dr. Amezcua has a panel of patients for which he is the primary care provider.
Dr. Amezcua attended the University of California at Davis for his undergraduate education and the Rosalind Franklin School of Medicine in Chicago, Ill. for his medical degree. He completed his residency training in Internal Medicine at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco CA. Post graduate training includes a fellowship on Health Policy and Leadership at the NYU’s Wagner School of Public Service and a Policy Fellowship at the Central Valley Health Policy Institute at Cal State Fresno.
Dr Amezcua has spent his professional career focusing on care for the poor frail elderly. He first worked at On Lok Senior Health in San Francisco, CA where he helped open and supervised the first PACE clinic in a predominantly Latino community. While there he joined the Clinical Faculty at UCSF and developed an out patient geriatric rotation for the Internal Medicine program at the San Francisco General Hospital. In 2007 Dr. Amezcua relocated to Fresno CA where he opened and directed a geriatric focused clinic in a poor area through Sequoia Community Clinics, a local FQHC. He soon after was recruited to UCSF Fresno Medical Education Program and became the Medical Director for the General Internal Medicine Clinics. Due to family health issues Dr Amezcua accepted an offer to relocate to the Los Angeles area as Regional Director for Senior Services for AltaMed Health Services Corporation. He later accepted an offer as Interim CEO and CMO for Bienvenidos Community Health Center, a small non for profit clinic in East Los Angeles, where he guided the clinic toward attaining FQHC status and worked there until joining the Los Angeles Jewish Home.
Dr. Amezcua has been extensively involved in community educational and volunteer activities. While in San Francisco he was a founding member of the Alzheimer’s Association Medical-Scientific Advisory Committee and served as the Chair of the Multi-Cultural committee as well as serving on the Board of Directors. He was a member of the San Francisco Network of Adult Day Centers quality of care initiative and spoke extensively to multiple community and professional groups. Dr. Amezcua was also a Medical Commentator for Univision’s Channel 14 ,KTVU where he had a weekly live TV medical segment for several years.
Dr. Amezcua also has served at the national level, as an advisor to the Director of the NIH as co chair of the Council of Public Representatives, as National Policy Committee of the National Hispanic Medical Association and a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, State Solutions grant reviewer.
Dr. Amezcua is married to a pediatrician and have three children. He currently resides in South Pasadena CA.
Web Site: www.jha.orgFacebook: @LAJewishHome

Saturday Jan 18, 2014
Twist 25 cream can improve aspects of your health
Saturday Jan 18, 2014
Saturday Jan 18, 2014
Hugh Woodward, President of Health2Go, Inc. makers of the highest quality DHEA supplement made, called Twist 25 DHEA cream, as well as other leading edge science based anti-aging supplements. Health News Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Hugh Woodward discuss the following:What is DHEA, what does it do, and why does it have to be used as a bioidentical DHEA cream called Twist 25?Please explain to our listeners why if they're 35 or older using Twist 25 cream can improve aspects of their health? Most DHEA supplements on the market are in a pill form. How does Twist 25 DHEA Cream differ from many other DHEA products in the market today?
Duration: 8:29
Hugh R. Woodward, President of Health2Go, Inc the makers of Twist 25 DHEA Cream, the top quality bioidentical DHEA supplement cream absorbed and processed in the skin.
Hugh has a Masters of Science in Healthcare Services Administration (MHA) from Trinity University and a Business Management (BBA) from the University of Texas at Austin. In 2007 Mr. Woodward founded Health2Go, Inc. to research and develop leading edge anti-aging and wellness products and bring them to people conveniently and cost effectively.
Hugh Woodward teaches people all over the U.S. about DHEA what it does and how to use it. Prior to that he was Administrator of Surgical Services for the South Texas Veterans Health Care System , then was the Administrative Director of Surgery and Anesthesiology at Cypress Fairbanks Medical Center in Houston, Texas and also the Administrator of the Travis Center outpatient surgery center before starting Health2Go, Inc in 2007.

Friday Aug 23, 2013
Friday Aug 23, 2013
Greta Klingler, the Director of the Colorado Family Planning Initiative at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment joins eHealth Radio and the Sexual Health Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Greta Klingler discuss the following: Can you tell us a little background about the Beforeplay Campaign?What makes Beforeplay unique to other sexual health-related campaigns?What is Colorado's unintended pregnancy rate among young adults and how does it compare to the rest of the U.S?Why do you think this campaign is so important for society as a whole?Where can our audience and listeners go to find out more information about the campaign? Duration: 7:56About the is the hub for a Colorado statewide effort to reduce unintended pregnancy and help “normalize” conversation around sexual health and well being. About 50% of Colorado pregnancies are unintended, and the rate is even higher among young adults in their twenties. Poor knowledge about effective contraception or how to use it, jobs without health insurance, and ambivalence toward starting a family—If it happens, it happens—all contribute to this situation.Greta Klingler, MPH, CHES is the Director of the Colorado Family Planning Initiative at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. She has spent the past five years working to increase access to family planning services in Colorado, specifically focusing on increasing use of the most effective contraceptive methods. One component of this work has been the campaign, which aims to normalize the conversation around reproductive health for young adults in Colorado. Greta also serves on the board of the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association.Links:

Monday Aug 06, 2012
Hormones, Health and Happiness with Dr. Steven Hotze
Monday Aug 06, 2012
Monday Aug 06, 2012
Dr. Steven Hotze, the author of Hormones, Health and Happiness, and founder and CEO of the Hotze Health and Wellness Center, Hotze Pharmacy and Physician’s Preference, a vitamin and supplement company, in Houston joins eHealth Radio. Dr. Hotze believes you can achieve optimal health and wellness naturally, without the use of prescription drugs.
Listen to interview [audio player below] with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Steven Hotze discuss the following:
What are bioidentical hormones (opposed to synthetic hormones)?
How can bioidentical hormones prevent and treat chronic health issues more effectively than prescription drugs or surgery? (Examples of chronic health issues: menopause, heart disease, ED, diabetes, obesity, fatigue, muscle aches and pains, depression, low energy, decreased sexual desire, allergies, etc.)
What should someone do if their doctor has told them their hormone levels are in the “normal range”, but they still feel terrible?
What other natural approaches to health do you recommend?
If people want a complimentary copy of your book, Hormones, Health & Happiness, what phone number should they call?
Steven F. Hotze, M.D., is the founder and CEO of Hotze Health & Wellness Center (HHWC), Physician’s Preference and Hotze Pharmacy. His goal is to change the way women and men are treated in midlife through the use of bioidentical hormone therapy. His 8-Point Treatment Regimen has helped over 20,000 individuals get on a path of health and wellness and enjoy a better quality of life, in an environment of extraordinary hospitality and guest service.
Dr. Hotze is the author of the book, “Hormones, Health, & Happiness”. In the book, he describes his journey from using pharmaceutical drugs to actively listening to his patients and treating the root cause of their symptoms through natural approaches. Dr. Hotze has appeared on hundreds of television and radio shows across the nation, including ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX affiliates, and CBS’ “The Morning Show”. He is also a regular guest on the KHOU Channel 11 morning program, “Great Day Houston”.
Suzanne Somers dedicated an entire chapter to Dr. Hotze in her New York Times best seller, "Breakthrough". “This Texan doctor is going to steal your heart,” said Somers. “He has so much energy he can’t wait to get to his office each day. He has built up a practice that is the envy of doctors everywhere."
Dr. Hotze is a member of the American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy and the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and is former president of the Pan American Allergy Society.
You can listen to Dr. Hotze and his colleagues on his radio program, “Health and Wellness Solutions”, which airs Monday - Thursday on KSEV 700 AM in Houston from 12-1 p.m. CT, or online at,
Related Web Site:

Saturday Feb 11, 2012
The impact diabetes has on a women’s sexual health
Saturday Feb 11, 2012
Saturday Feb 11, 2012
The impact diabetes has on a women’s sexual health
with Dr. Stacy Lindau
Dr. Stacy Lindau, a practicing gynecologist joins the show focusing on sexual health and diabetes with women.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Stacy Lindau discuss the following:
Can diabetes harm one's intimate life?
What impact does diabetes have on a women’s sexual health?
Are there specific symptoms?
Can having Type 2 diabetes cause complications in a women’s sexual health?
Are there specific symptoms of nerve damage?
Stacey Lindau combines biomedical and social science techniques to study life–course health, aging and sexuality.
As principal investigator of the South Side Health and Vitality Studies, Lindau directs population–based biosocial and health technology research using a community–engaged, minimally invasive approach. This project is the major research component of the University of Chicago Medical Center’s Urban Health Initiative, and it involves dozens of faculty members across biomedical and social science disciplines collaborating with civic leaders and community members living on Chicago’s South Side. This undertaking–inspired by the commitment of the medical profession to the principle of justice–aims to inform and evaluate community–level strategies for health and health care equity for all residents and reflects a central theme of Lindau’s research. Related to this work, Lindau directs the Chicago Core on Biomarkers in Population–Based Health and Aging Research at the University of Chicago and NORC Center on Demography and Economics of Aging, funded by the National Institute on Aging. She also leads the Population–Based Integrated Biology Research Core at the University of Chicago Institute for Translational Medicine.
As a practicing gynecologist, Lindau translates her population–based research into clinical care via the Program in Integrative Sexual Medicine. PRISM’s Clinic for Women and Girls with Cancer is a unique interdisciplinary program providing medical, psychosocial and physical therapy care for women seeking to prevent sexual problems and recover sexual function following cancer treatment and induced menopause. PRISM’s patient registry and health services research focuses on ways to improve clinical care in this important domain. Lindau is developing a national network of institutions with similar efforts to accelerate research and establish best practices for care of sexual concerns in women with cancer.
Lindau’s research accomplishments include the 2005–06 National Social Life, Health and Aging Project, the first comprehensive study of social relationships, sexuality and aging. She collaborates with several disease–based teams to study sexuality in the context of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cognitive impairment, HIV/AIDS, and several cancer types. She also has contributed research and teaching in the area of sex education. Lindau actively engages with policymakers, including her participation in the recent national health care reform debates.
Associate Professor, Pritzker School of Medicine, Departments of Ob/Gyn and Medicine–Geriatrics
Associate Professor, University of Chicago Comprehensive Cancer Center
Core Faculty in the MacLean Center on Clinical Medical Ethics
Note: The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the opinions or beliefs of the show host or it's owners.