ehealth radio network

Friday Jun 02, 2017
Friday Jun 02, 2017
Dr. Linda Rozell-Shannon, the Founder & President of The Vascular Birthmarks Foundation (VBF), the world’s leading charitable organization dedicated to helping patients and families living with a vascular birthmark diagnosis as well as find ways to cover the cost of treatment joins eHealth Radio and the Health News & Vascular Birthmark Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Linda Rozell-Shannon discuss the following:
What is the Vascular Birthmark Foundation?
Why did you start it?
What did you achieve during the Vascular Birthmark Awareness Month, which is this month? What about the International Day of Awareness on May 15th?
What are your goals?
What are your biggest challenges? What is your biggest accomplishment?
Why is it so difficult to diagnose and treat a vascular birthmark?
Linda Rozell-Shannon is the President and Founder of the Vascular Birthmarks Foundation (VBF), the leading not for profit in the world for children and adults affected by a vascular birthmark, anomaly, or syndrome.
Linda is also a Professor at Excelsior College where she teaches in the Health Sciences and Liberal Arts Programs.
VBF was founded in 1994, when Linda’s daughter Christine was born and subsequently diagnosed with a hemangioma. There was no internet at the time for every day use. There was no book on the subject for parents. Physicians were not trained in medical school to treat these lesions.
Prior to 1994, Linda had earned her BS in Business and her MS in Health Education. She worked as an Administrative/Legislative Analyst for New York State for over 25 years, retiring in 2009.
In 1980, Linda participated in the Winter Olympics as a Torch Runner through Upstate New York. She has also worked on the drafting and implementation of several pieces of legislation in New York State.
In 1997, Linda became the co-author of the only book for parents on the subject of Vascular Birthmarks, entitled: Birthmarks: A Guides to Hemangiomas and Vascular Malformations. Since then, she has authored or co-authored over 12 medical journals, 3 text book chapters, and has presented at over 20 conferences worldwide on the subject of vascular birthmarks. She is an avid public speaker concerning this topic and advocates for parents and lobbies insurance companies to cover treatment.
In 2012 Linda established the VBF iTEAM, the first team of medical experts concerning vascular birthmarks assembled to lecture and train doctors all over the world to accurately diagnose and treat vascular birthmarks.
In 2014 Linda designed the first ever on-line course in vascular anomalies. The course will be launched in 2016. Physicians enrolling in the course will receive 16 CME credits. In addition, she has been working with the American Academy of Pediatrics to educate pediatricians and primary care specialists regarding vascular birthmarks.
Over $3,000,000 has been raised for VBF in the past 20 years while under the leadership of Linda Rozell-Shannon and she has established chapters on 6 of the world’s 7 continents. In 2016 the foundation reached 100,000 networked into treatment and they currently receive over 3,000,000 visits a month on their worldwide websites.
Today, Dr. Linda (as she is referred) is considered the leading lay expert in the world concerning vascular birthmarks and anomalies.

Saturday Mar 04, 2017
The Laws of Potential aiming to help individuals unlock their potential
Saturday Mar 04, 2017
Saturday Mar 04, 2017
Dr. Robert Flower, Founder and Director of The Gilchrist Institute, a nonprofit Human Potential Research and Development think tank located in Bronxville, New York joins eHealth Radio and the Health News & Personal Development Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Robert Flower discuss the following:
How did you come up with this model and please describe what it is
Please describe the process and the type of results that can be expected
How did you develop this?
Can you give us an example, a success story, describing how this has helped a particular individual?
Can anyone implement this model?
You are also known for making predictions using this model, can you give us an example and explain how this is done?
How do you work with people - is it individual consultations? Online or In person? Classes? What is the best way to contact you to arrange this?
ROBERT J. FLOWER, PHD is a highly successful entrepreneur, scholar and “entelechist”. For over 35 years he has dedicated himself to the study of Potential and the best ways to fully achieve it. Through his discovery of the Laws of Potential and the development of Natural Intelligence and Thinking, Dr. Flower has created the Science of Achievement and Total Success.
Dr. Flower has been acknowledged in print, radio and television as one of the world’s leading authorities on Potential and Achievement. He has been an advisor and consultant for companies such as IBM and Chrysler as well as the State of New York and former governor Malcolm Wilson. He was a Professor of Economics, at West Point and Business Management at Mercy College in New York. He was also a Professor of Philosophy at Seton College in New York. He has written five books and a downloadable workbook describing "Natural Thinking and Intelligence," the cornerstone of the Science of Achievement. In Decoding Potential, A Revolution in Understanding, Your Exceptional Mind and How We Analyze, Understand and Decide Things, he describes how our 13 Natural Intelligences define our natural potential and work together to enable achievement, as well as how to overcome obstacles that restrict our success. Several thousand case studies have proven that NaTI provides unique and invaluable insights about perceptions, awareness and learning. NaTI also provides the foundation for Success; achieving financial and material goals as well as “unlocking your dynamic purpose” to find true happiness and fulfillment.
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Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: Youtube:
The views and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

Monday Oct 03, 2016
Monday Oct 03, 2016
Dr. Laura Lemle, Ph.D., Founder and Chairperson of The NVLD Project, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting people affected by Non-Verbal Learning Disability joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Non-Profit Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Laura Lemle discuss the following:What is NVLD?Why did you found this organisation?What research are you funding?What are the workshops? Why are you doing them? What are your future goals?
Duration: 6:52
Growing up in Manhattan, Laura Lemle attended the Ethical Culture Fieldston School, completed her undergraduate studies at Barnard College and earned her M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in clinical psychology at Yeshiva University. Laura practiced clinical psychology for nearly 20 years before choosing to enter the real estate business. Today, she runs LC Lemle Real Estate Group, a residential real estate company which owns and manages multi-family dwellings throughout Manhattan.
Throughout her life Laura has been committed to helping others. In 2013, she founded The NVLD Project, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting people affected by this disability. The Project was inspired by her daughter who was diagnosed with Non-Verbal Learning Disability at the age of five.
In addition to founding The NVLD Project, Laura is on the boards of both The Promise Project and Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, Yeshiva University. She resides in Manhattan with her three children and two dogs.
Social Media Links:
Twitter: @theNVLDProject