ehealth radio network

Thursday Feb 23, 2023
How to Battle Snoring with The Snorinator
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Susan and Lloyd Ecker of The Snorinator, a patented, non-invasive, high density, memory foam pillow that will help you sleep upright and put your snoring to rest for good joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Sleep Health Channel.
Listen to host Eric Dye & guests Susan and Lloyd Ecker discuss the following:
I read your interesting Ecker family business bio. Can you give us some of the highlights and then tell us how you two came up with the Snorinator?
It sounds like you came up with The Snorinator so you would both get better sleep?
2019 was three years ago. What happened next?
I saw in your Press Kit, last month you were awarded a U.S. Patent. What got you that?
If someone is interested in getting more information or purchasing The Snorinator, where should they go?
Besides having three children and three grandchildren, Susan Ecker’s greatest accomplishment is being the sole inspiration for every single one of Lloyd Ecker’s successes.
When they both got to Ithaca College, it would be the first time Susan inspired Lloyd. He knew she was there, but he needed to figure out how to meet her. In 1973, after he got Bette Midler to agree to perform at I.C., the future Eckers went on their first date, had dinner with Midler after the show, and ten years later, in 1983, the couple had been married for eight years and were expecting their third baby. That’s when Susan inspired Lloyd a second time by making him a baseball hat saying “Father-to-be”. Lloyd changed the “Father-to-be” to “Father-to-BEE” with a BumbleBEE logo, expanded with gifts for the entire family-to-BEE, and in 2004 when was collecting 15,000 mother-to-be names a month, the company sold for 8-figures. All because Susan made Lloyd a silly hat!
After that, Susan gave Lloyd his third inspiration. “I wanna have dinner with Bette Midler again,” his muse stated. So, in 2006 Lloyd got to work on reintroducing a trailblazing Vaudeville star named Sophie Tucker. To date, Team Ecker has been nominated for a Grammy, their documentary got rave reviews in the NY Times, they won a book award, and currently they are producing their musical SOPH which is headed to Broadway. When they make their HBO Tucker series, Lloyd plans to hire Midler to play Sophie and get her a couple of Emmy awards. Then, Susan will have dinner with Bette again!
Which brings us to Susan’s latest Lloyd inspiration, The Snorinator! After forty-five years of marriage and Lloyd’s house rattling snoring, in 2019 Susan finally put her foot down and kicked Lloyd out of the bedroom.” Forget about “Necessity” being the mother of invention. As you now know, for Lloyd, it has always just been “Susan”!
After months of research, and an approved U.S Patent, something else, besides snoring, is once again keeping the Eckers up in the bedroom!
People also listened to this: Shining a light on Happy Jack’s World, an online community focusing on the mental health of GenZ and younger Millennials

Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Bradi Harrison, the mother of Jack Nathan, who is the Founder of Happy Jack's World, an online community and apparel brand focusing on mental health, mainly targeting GenZ and younger Millennials joins eHealth and the Health News and Mental Health Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Bradi Harrison discuss the following:
Who is Happy Jack?
Why was Happy Jack’s World created?
Any particular reason you are targeting mostly the GENZ & Younger Millennials?
I understand Happy Jack gives back - how are you doing that?
What is your advice for other parents of children who suffer from mental health struggles?
About Happy Jack Foundation:
The Happy Jack Foundation, Inc. is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization that enhances access, funds research and provides tools for young adults who struggle with mental health. The foundation is funded from a combination of product sales from the Happy Jack Brand, community events and direct donations.
In sharing our 19 year old son Jack Nathan’s story, we aim to let others know that they are not alone and that they can in fact, persevere in the face of adversity.
We invite you to learn more about Happy Jack and to join us on our mission to better the lives of young adults who struggle with mental illness like Jack did.
About Jack:
Jack Nathan is an artist, creator and founder of The Happy Jack Group, LLC. Jack launched Happy Jack’s World, on June 7, 2020, as a lifestyle brand surrounding his battle with mental health. Jack’s goal was to help kids struggling like he did.
Jack personally channeled his anxiety via painting and design. It was the one place where Jack found peace and where his mind found solace. Painting was Jack's outlet. Art was his therapy. In creating the brand Happy Jack, Jack found a way to use his art to help others.
In Jack’s mission to help kids struggling with mental health, he donated a portion of the proceeds from all Happy Jack product sales to the Child Mind Institute. Jack wanted to ensure that others felt less alone by being transparent about his own battle with anxiety and bouts of depression. Jack encouraged everyone to embrace their eccentricities wholeheartedly and to persevere in the face of personal adversity.
Jack Nathan left us suddenly and accidentally at the age of 19. We are forever grateful for the impact he left on all who knew him. Our goal is to continue Happy Jack in his honor and to ensure that his mission of "making this world a better place for kids like him" is realized.
Social Media Links: Facebook:
People also listened to this: Fatty Liver Disease in Children: Prevalence, Evaluation, & Essential Tools

Friday Feb 17, 2023
Fatty Liver Disease in Children: Prevalence, Evaluation, & Essential Tools
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Dr. Alisha Mavis, a Pediatric Hepatologist at Duke University where she cares for pediatric patients with liver disease joins eHealth Radio and the Children's Health & Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Alisha Mavis discuss the following:
What is the prevalence of fatty liver disease in children, and who should we be screening?
When screening a child for fatty liver disease, what are some of the tools used to evaluate for the disease, and how is the diagnosis of pediatric fatty liver disease made?
What is the natural history of pediatric liver disease, and how does this differ from adult fatty liver disease?
What are the current recommendations for the treatment of pediatric fatty liver disease?
Are there other diseases associated with pediatric fatty liver disease?
As a pediatric hepatologist at Duke University, Dr. Mavis cares for children of all ages with a variety of liver diseases and patients with improperly functioning small bowel/intestinal failure requiring long-term nutritional support. She also cares for patients needing a liver and/or small bowel transplant.
One of the most common diseases seen in her clinic is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), an increasing chronic condition in pediatrics that parallels the obesity epidemic. NAFLD and other chronic liver diseases place a significant burden on the child as well as the function of the family. Dr. Mavis’ goal is to do everything possible to support and encourage the child and family to maintain full participation across all aspects of life while managing their disease.
Her specific areas of interest are NAFLD, portal hypertension, liver transplant, and Fontan associated liver disease. Much of her research focuses on transplant outcomes and pediatric NAFLD, specifically relationships between early life changes and risk factors, nutritional aspects of fatty liver disease, and the impact of metabolic phenotype.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Linkedin: Youtube: Twitter:

Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Tina Paterson the author of the new book Effective Remote Teams joins eHealth Radio and the Health News Channel. Tina has helped teams of over 10,000 members navigate working remotely while maintaining a healthy work/life balance.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Tina Paterson discuss the following:
How is it possible to leverage a virtual team and not only meet your goals but to outperform them without burnout?
It’s said that remote working can actually lead to over-productivity which can be a very fast way to lead to burnout. What can leaders do to help foster a culture of not over producing?
What are some warning signs that employees, particularly your over achievers are nearing the burnout stage?
Do you think that overall company culture needs to change to address burnout?
What are your feelings about the purpose of the office and how some executives are demanding that their teams return to the office full time?
What is your idea of a perfect work environment or scenario?
Do you think Leaders believe it’s silly, unproductive or unprofessional to connect with their teams other than in a professional manner?
Leaders seem to really be in a spot these days where they are asked to be a lot more flexible when it comes to dealing with their teams, what in your opinion is the best way for them to get help in handling tough situations?
Tina Paterson is a master of efficiency, helping leaders to navigate the complexity of working with remote teams.
Author of the book Effective Remote Teams, Tina has helped teams of over 10,000 members to navigate this new world of working remotely while maintaining a healthy work/life balance. With her proven steps and processes, these remote teams are actually MORE effective and efficient with more free time for their family and personal lives.
She dispels the entrenched notions of time and effectiveness and instead teaches the hard-earned strategies she has learned first-hand, to move from exhaustion and being overwhelmed to a happier, healthier, more productive leader, wife, and parent.
People also listened to this: HeartBeam: The First 12-lead medical grade heart attack detection that’s personal, portable, and easy-to-use

Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Branislav Vajdic, PhD, and the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of HeartBeam, Inc. joins eHealth Radio and the Heart Health and Health News Channels. HeartBeam is the first 12-lead medical grade heart attack detection that's personal, portable, and easy-to-use.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Branislav Vajdic discuss the following:
Please tell us about your background and why you launched HeartBeam. We'd love to hear more about how this device is being used for the first time outside of a medical setting, and what makes it different from what's currently available.
According to the American Heart Association, more people die from heart attacks during the last week of December than at any other time of the year. How is HeartBeam positioned to slow this trend in terms of saving lives, trips to the hospitals, and how it helps people know if they are having a heart attack?
How will HeartBeam impact patients in remote areas and what does this mean for virtual medicine?
HeartBeam is being tested and in trials. Can you tell us a bit more? Where is HeartBeam currently being used? What has been the feedback from doctors and patients?
What's next for HeartBeam in 2023 and even in 2024?
Branislav Vajdic, PhD, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of HeartBeam, Inc, combines over 30 years of experience in technology development and senior management positions. Dr. Vajdic has been deeply involved with the development of HeartBeam’s technology to fit his vision for the Company.
Prior to HeartBeam from 2007 to 2010, Dr. Vajdic was CEO and Founder of NewCardio, a publicly traded company in the cardiovascular devices space. From 1984 to 2007, Dr. Vajdic was at Intel, where he held various senior management positions. At Intel, Dr. Vajdic was the designer of first Flash memory and two key inventions that enabled Flash as a product and led engineering groups responsible for Pentium 1 through Pentium 4 designs.
Dr. Vajdic was awarded two Intel Achievement Awards, the highest level of award for outstanding contributions to Intel. Dr. Vajdic is the author of numerous patents and publications in the fields of cardiovascular devices as well as chip design.
Social Media Links: Twitter: LinkedIn:
People also listened to this: Mental Health for Teens with Ken Baum

Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Mental Health for Teens with Ken Baum
Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Ken Baum, a best-selling author of numerous life-changing books and a successful performance expert and author of his new book “The Mental Edge for Teens: How to thrive in school, sports, and life in a world of chaos, bullies, and ever-changing values” joins eHealth Radio and the Mental Health Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Ken Baum discuss the following:
What do teens need to learn about their mental health?
Is this why you wrote the book Mental Edge for Teens?
What is the impact that this book is making, and why do you want to give away 100,000 books?
Tell us about your Mental Health for Teens program and coaching certification programs.
TIP: It's ok for teens to be themselves. Being authentic and proud of who you are, makes for great mental health. Society makes sexuality a focal point, yet in reality, this is not an issue for most teens. A bigger issue is not fitting in because of your values, money, dress, looks, religion, intelligence, or perceived lack of athleticism or other talents. This feeling of not being like others or accepted is destructive to mental health. Embrace your values, be proud of your religion, your looks are what makes you unique and looks change over time. What is fashionable today will not be tomorrow and hey/ Who are these people that are telling you how you should dress and groom anyway? They don't care about you! They care about manipulating you to buy their stuff and the teens that mock or tease about Lack lack of style or coming from the wrong social strata and income range are the ones that are not cool. Stand tall, breathe calm and love who you are!
One of the premier success coaches in the world, Ken Baum has trained Olympic athletes, and business and thought leaders, and is the creator of the Mental Edge System, a world-class-level system that teaches people of every age and station how to create a success mindset in their own lives. His clients range from mega-companies Vans, Oakley, and Merrill Lynch; to individual champions like MMA World Champion Ilima-Lei Macfarlane, X-Games gold medal winner Elliott Sloane, and the Tampa Bay Devil Ray’s Comeback Player of the Year Carlos Peña.
Aside from his client list reading like a Who’s Who of success in business and sports, Baum is known as one of the most dynamic and entertaining speakers in the world, connecting him with everything from small teen audiences to 14,000-seat arena crowds, where he has shared the stage with the biggest names in sports, politics, and industry, like Phil Jackson, John Wooden, Oprah, Larry King, Bob Dole, and Naomi Judd. He delivers thousands of seminars, workshops, and speeches annually, with praise from all walks of life. CBS News senior correspondent Ben Tracy says “he commands the stage like few have ever done,” Hall of Fame speaker Zig Ziegler describes him as a “skilled and powerful speaker,” and Tommy Lasorda gives the ultimate praise: “He is Mr. Mental Edge.”
In addition to his coaching and speaking, Baum is also an author of life-changing books like The Mental Edge: Maximize Your Sports Potential with the Mind-Body Connection (Perigee, 1999), Metabolize: The Personalized Program for Weight Loss (Putnam/Perigee, 2000), The Performance Zone (audiobook; Nightingale/Conant 2000) and Mind Over Business (Prentice Hall, 2012), and he has appeared in or written articles for major magazines and media outlets like BBC News, Success, ESPN, Men's Journal, Volleyball Monthly, Sports Illustrated for Women, and hosts of others.
Above all, Baum is a teacher. From arena crowds to intimate groups of disadvantaged teens to his own two children (both of whom made it through their own teen years relatively unscathed), Baum is dedicated to a world where people’s successes are determined not by circumstance, but by the success-oriented mindsets they create.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn:
The beliefs, views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.
People also listened to this: How to Live a Deliberate Life

Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
How to Live a Deliberate Life
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Chris Jankulovski, author of "Near Death Lessons: A Dream. A Terminal Illness. An Extraordinary Life Gained From 8 Near Death Experiences joins eHealth Radio and the Personal Development and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Chris Jankulovski discuss the following:
How does staying in a victim mentality stop you from living a deliberate life?
What are the three main steps needed to live a deliberate life?
How can you stretch your own personal boundaries? How can you overcome the conditioning of your early life that keeps you stuck in your comfort zone and why it is so important?
You discuss the importance of finding your purpose and the method that you can implement. The first part of the method is to start with the end in mind. Can you explain why that is so important?
You talk about having an “Unstoppable Attitude“ in the face of adversity. How did you maintain that and turn it around on the days when you thought you might want to give up?
Chris Jankulovski is the Founder and CEO of Remote Staff, a recruiting company specializing in remote working placements. Remarkably, he was able to build and grow this thriving business while battling cancer, failing kidneys and several brain operations. Throughout these challenges and more, Chris was able to find a way to transform his life from one of fear, struggle and self-doubt, to one of empowerment, success, health and happiness. Chris is the author of the soon to be released “Near Death Lessons.”
People also listened to this: Health Carousel: Keeping up with the digital trends while providing a personalized career experience

Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Dr. Robert L. Murry, the Chief Medical Officer at NextGen Healthcare, an award-winning provider of innovative cloud-based healthcare technology solutions for over 100,000 ambulatory providers joins eHealth Radio and the Health Care and Technology Channels. Dr. Murry is also a board-certified practicing family physician.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Robert L. Murry discuss the following:
Describe what doctors are facing today in terms of information overload and this concept of “overtech.”
How did this come about and what approaches have been attempted to correct it?
What is your advice to those trying to combat this overload and ‘turn down the noise’?
How can technology be harnessed in a useful way?
As patients, what can we all do to get the best healthcare outcomes?
Dr. Robert (Bob) Murry joined NextGen Healthcare in July 2012 and was appointed chief medical officer in December 2021. He brings to this position more than 20 years of extensive clinical experience and background in health IT.
Previously, Dr. Murry served as the company’s Chief Medical Information Officer (CMIO) since May 2017. During his time as CMIO, he was the "Voice-of-the-Physician" across specialties, product safety, and government/regulatory affairs. Before becoming CMIO, he was the company's vice president of Clinical Product Management, responsible for clinical oversight and workflow design.
Previously, Dr. Murry served as Medical Director for Ambulatory Informatics and CMIO for Hunterdon Medical Center, where he continues to practice family medicine at Hunterdon Family Medicine at Delaware Valley.
He is board certified in Clinical Informatics by the American Board of Preventive Medicine and board certified in Family Medicine by the American Board of Family Medicine. He is also a Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians. Dr. Murry holds an MD from The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas; a PhD in Physical Chemistry from Boston College; and an MA in Physical Chemistry from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: Linkedin: Instagram:
People also listened to this: The Opportunity In Cancer: How to Radically Transform Your Cancer Recovery Journey

Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Dr. Katrina Cox, the best selling author of "The Opportunity In Cancer: How to Radically Transform Your Cancer Recovery Journey", an international bestseller in four countries across multiple categories joins eHealth Radio and the Cancer Information and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Katrina Cox discuss the following:
How does one boost their energy after cancer?
How does someone deal with anxiety and fear after cancer treatment?
Do share if you would how can one create a plan to reduce the chances of cancer recurrence?
How can one become a strong support for a cancer survivor?
Looking at the positive angle on all this - how can someone who has cancer, or has had cancer explore what the opportunity in cancer is when it’s the 2nd leading cause of death globally?
Dr. Katrina Cox is a Naturopathic Doctor, a lover of science, nature, and the human body. As a passionate healthcare practitioner, she’s spent the last decade observing, researching, and connecting with cancer survivors. Witnessing the inspirational journeys of her parents, and patients has allowed her to see the opportunity that cancer presents to each of us. As the author of the international best selling book - The Opportunity in Cancer she hopes to bring awareness and a new framework to explore solutions to the many challenges that cancer survivors and their families face. Ultimately, her goal is to help survivors begin their recovery journey on their own terms, at their own speed and in the comfort of their own homes.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram:
People also listened to this: Charlie’s Table Gluten Free Pasta Invites Everyone to Eat Together

Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Charlie’s Table Gluten Free Pasta Invites Everyone to Eat Together
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Bennett Hirsch and David Landay of Charlie’s Table, a company that specializes in delicious gluten-free and kosher pasta joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Nutrition Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guests Bennett Hirsch and David Landay discuss the following:
Bennett, why is a gluten-free diet important for some individuals?
David, why was Charlie’s Table gluten-free pasta created?
How does this pasta make it easier for a host to be inclusive with meals?
What makes a good gluten free pasta?
What tips would you give to someone who needs to find a safe gluten-free restaurant?
Charlie’s Table makes gourmet artisanal fresh pasta that is certified gluten-free. Our pasta is also Kosher Pareve, dairy-free, peanut-free, soy-free, non-GMO, and made locally in NY in a facility dedicated to those attributes. Our non-profit, Charlie’s Table Oasis, supports the gluten-free community through its Gluten-Free Food Safety Restaurant Program, our series of Living A Gluten-Free Lifestyle guides, and efforts to address food insecurity among people who need to eat gluten-free and a whole lot more.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram:
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