ehealth radio network

Wednesday Aug 08, 2018
The changing face of medical equipment purchasing
Wednesday Aug 08, 2018
Wednesday Aug 08, 2018
Keith Hamilton, the CEO of Mahe Medical USA, who is an engineer by trade & has almost two decades of experience in various manufacturing technologies and supply chain management joins eHealth Radio and the Health News Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Keith Hamilton discuss the following:
What is a commoditized product? Can you give us an example?
Why is healthcare a ripe area for commoditization and selling direct through large organizations like Amazon?
How exactly would this new commoditized purchasing system work? Give us an example of how it helps drive down costs for items.
How do you find the market is reacting to this in your field? What are you hearing?
Where else are we seeing this disruption in the market taking place? Why will it work in healthcare and who are the winners in the end?
Keith Hamilton, the CEO & Co-Founder of Mahe Medical USA. Mahe Medical was founded to provide unsurpassed quality commodity orthopedic and trauma products at fair prices. Focusing on the C-Suite Mahe Medical is helping both large and small care providers realize significant savings.
Our factory direct model eliminate unnecessary middle men and US based warehousing eliminates excessive lead times. Mahe Medical’s manufacturing has been in business two decades. Offering close to 10,000 product skews there are few items we don’t have experience producing.

Monday Aug 06, 2018
The Shift: How Seeing People as People Changes Everything
Monday Aug 06, 2018
Monday Aug 06, 2018
Kimberly White, a freelance writer, a certified Arbinger Institute presenter, and former research assistant to its founder, Terry Warner and author of The Shift: How Seeing People as People Changes Everything joins eHealth Radio and the Health News & Senior Care Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Kimberly White discuss the following:
You’ve said this book came as a complete surprise to you. What’s different than you imagined?
What happens when you experience “the shift”?
Does this have limitations, or what doesn’t ‘the shift’ do?
How can seeing people as people help in the workplace, and at home?
Kimberly White is a freelance writer, certified Arbinger Institute presenter, and former research assistant to its founder, Terry Warner. Her nine months of research for The Shift included dozens of hours working alongside nursing home employees in offices, vans, patient rooms, and kitchens. She recently relocated from Harlem to a small farm town in Pawnee, Illinois to focus on writing.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: @kim_berly_white Linkedin:

Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
The status of therapy of heart disease in America with Dr. Simon H. Stertzer
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Dr. Simon H. Stertzer, Professor Emeritus at Stanford University School of Medicine and Chairman of the Board at BioCardia, a clinical-stage biotech-regenerative medicine company that develops innovative therapeutics for the treatment of cardiovascular disease joins eHealth Radio and the Heart Health and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Simon H. Stertzer discuss the following:
You’ve devoted your career to the advancement of cardiovascular intervention. Can you tell listeners a bit more about your background and why you decided to pursue a career in cardiovascular medicine?
How big of a problem is heart disease in the United States, and can you give me the profile of a typical patient with heart disease?
What is a the difference between heart attack, heart failure, and other kinds of heart disease?
How do we treat the different types of heart disease today?
How should we be screened for heart disease as adults?
Simon H. Stertzer, M.D. is Professor of Medicine, Emeritus, at Stanford University School of Medicine, and is currently Chairman of the Board of Directors at BioCardia®, Inc., a clinical-stage biotech-regenerative medicine company that develops innovative therapeutics for the treatment of cardiovascular disease. In 1964, Simon Stertzer performed the first selective coronary arteriogram in New York City. He pioneered the subspecialty of Interventional Cardiology by performing the first coronary balloon angioplasty in the United States, in 1978. He has performed more than 12,500 cardiac interventions and has worked alongside others to develop new technologies for the improvement of patient care. Dr. Stertzer has contributed to research and advancement in rotational atherectomy, cardiac stents, drug delivery stents, cardiac transplant molecular diagnostics, and most recently, transendocardial stem cell implantation in ischemic heart failure. His bibliography contains more than 140 peer-reviewed articles. Dr. Stertzer co-founded BioCardia in 1999, and was a founder and board member of Arterial Vascular Engineering, an angioplasty balloon and stent company acquired by Medtronic Inc..Simon Stertzer received his Doctor of Medicine degree from New York University, after a Bachelor of Arts degree in Humanities from Union College. He had previously earned a Certificat de Physiologie from University of Paris (Sorbonne). About BioCardia®, Inc.
BioCardia®, Inc. is helping lead the way to new treatments of heart failure using the direct injection of cells and agents into the heart muscle. BioCardia is a clinical-stage, regenerative biotechnology company that develops novel therapeutics to treat cardiovascular disease. The treatment modalities include a system of personalized screenings to determine which patients are most likely to benefit from intramyocardial injection of therapeutic agents.
Websites: |
Social Media Links: Linkedin: Facebook:

Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
How to have THE TALK with Your Aging Parents
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Lynda Shrager, an occupational therapist, an expert in the field of geriatric rehabilitation, as well as author of Age In Place: A Guide to Modifying, Organizing and Decluttering Mom and Dad’s Home joins eHealth Radio and the Health News & Senior Care Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Lynda Shrager discuss the following:
What are some of the biggest obstacles to overcome when trying to help aging parents stay in their home?
What’s the best strategy for getting Mom and Dad on board with organizing and decluttering?
What are a few modifications that can make a big difference to the safety of seniors in their homes?
What are some red flags that signal a parent’s cognitive abilities are declining, and what should be done?
When is the best time to approach parents about making a plan in case the time comes that they aren’t able to function independently?
An essential aspect of successful aging in place is having a caregiving team at the ready. How do you build this team?
Lynda Shrager, OTR, MSW, CAPS is the author of Age In Place: A Guide to Modifying, Organizing and Decluttering Mom and Dad’s Home (Bull Publishing, March 8, 2018). Her newspaper column, Mom’s RX, appeared in countless newspapers across the country, and she is a featured columnist for Everyday Health, one of the country’s leading online consumer health websites. Lynda has practiced in the medical field of geriatric rehabilitation for more than 37 years, focusing on all aspects of senior health and wellness. She combines her expertise as an occupational therapist, a Master’s level social worker, professional organizer and certified aging in place specialist to pursue her passion of providing therapeutic care in the patient’s home environment and in educating their caregivers. Learn more at
Social Media Links: Twitter: Facebook:

Saturday Jul 28, 2018
Saturday Jul 28, 2018
Dr. Steven Swann, speaking on behalf of North American Rescue sharing the importance of Audio Bleeding Control Kits joins eHealth Radio and the Emergency Care and Health News Channels. As a trauma surgeon with the United States Army, Dr. Swann has experienced firsthand how rapid response to a life threatening bleeding injury can make the difference between life and death.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Steven Swann discuss the following:
What is the Audio Bleeding Control Kit?
If someone has a bleeding emergency, can't we just call 911 and wait for EMS to arrive?
Has there been any call-to-action by Homeland Security and the White House that would empower the general public to respond when they are needed most?
Can you explain exactly how this kit works?
We all know we can't stop living our lives because we fear the possibility of events like an active shooting. What would you tell people to make them more aware?
Dr. Steven Swann is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, a Diplomat of the American Board of Surgery, a graduate of the National War College, and also holds a Master Degree in National Strategic Studies. Throughout his military medical career, he has been at the forefront of advancing new tools and technology to provide the best care possible for our nations' warriors.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

Wednesday Jul 25, 2018
A healthy mouth will help you live a healthy life!
Wednesday Jul 25, 2018
Wednesday Jul 25, 2018
Dr. Matt Laurich who is a well respected Dentist in Livonia, Michigan & who is known for his commitment to community and ongoing dental health education joins eHealth Radio and the Dental Information Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Matt Laurich discuss the following:
What is Periodontal Disease?
How would you get periodontal disease?
Is there any concern that this infection could affect the rest of health?
How could someone tell if they had periodontal disease?
What steps could be taken to prevent Periodontal Disease?
Tip: Do not neglect your oral health. We use our mouth to communicate, eat, and breath. Take care of it. Listen to professionals on how you can improve and maintain your teeth. Do not take for granted a healthy mouth, it will help you live a healthy life.
ABOUT DR. LAURICH: With my father being a dentist, and my mother a dental hygienist, not only did I learn about the importance of strong oral health from an early age, but I developed a passion for dentistry and how essential it is to a person’s overall health.
To me, dentistry is not just about fixing teeth. It’s about educating. It’s about improving health. And it’s about changing lives. Being able to provide those services to my community brings me immense joy and fulfillment, and I can’t imagine doing anything else. Each of my patients is important to me. Forming long-term relationships with them makes Laurich Dentistry feel more like a family than a dental office. Hearing about a person’s family, career, vacations, and life events is the best part of my job. I look forward to these exchanges and how they bring us together. For more on Dr. Laurich click here.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: @laurichdental

Thursday Jul 19, 2018
The new way to get hearing aids with Dr. Elaine Saunders
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Dr. Elaine Saunders, audiologist, biomedical engineer, and Executive Chairman of award-winning Australian telehealth and hearing aid company, Blamey Saunders hears joins eHealth Radio and the Hearing Health Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Elaine Saunders discuss the following:
How does an online hearing solution work?
How can you test hearing online?
What can we expect in regards to the appearance of hearing aids today?
Hearing aids are always quoted as very expensive - with premium devices upwards of $10k. Are they really worth that investment?
If someone is starting to have trouble hearing in restaurants and some situations where it is noisy - what advantages would they get from having a hearing aid, most would rather just put up with it?
Tip: I suggest listeners get hearing aids as soon as they find difficulty hearing, in order to make sure the brain gets enough brain stimulation for hearing speech sounds
Dr. Elaine Saunders B.Sc., M.Sc. (Clinical Audiology), PhD, GAICD, Grad Dip Mgt. (Technology)Dr. Elaine Saunders is co-founder and Executive Chairman of Blamey Saunders hears, a hearing aid and telehealth company. Elaine is an advocate for people with hearing loss and aims to reduce the barriers to quality hearing care and hearing aids. Elaine was co-founder and former CEO of Dynamic Hearing Pty Ltd (now part of Cirrus Logic), a company which supplies award winning digital signal processing for ultra-low power chips for the hearing aid and Bluetooth headset industry.
In May 2018 the Blamey Saunders’ Australian designed and manufactured Facett™ modular hearing aid won the Australian Good Design of the Year Award, CSIRO Innovation Award and was Best in Class for the Social Impact and Medical/Scientific design categories. It also won a Gold Medal at the Melbourne Design Awards and three Australian Information Industry Association iAwards. In 2015 the Blamey Saunders IHearYou® self-fit hearing aid system received the Australian Good Design Award for Social Innovation. Elaine’s recent personal awards include the BioMelbourne Network’s Women in Leadership Award (2015), AFR/Westpac’s 100 Women of Influence (2015) and the ATSE Clunies Ross Medal for Entrepreneur of the Year (2016). She also led the Cooperative Research Centre team that developed a new electrode for Cochlear Ltd, leading to the company gaining the Australian Design Award in 2000.
Elaine is Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology, Swinburne University and Chair of its Innovation Precinct Advisory Board. She is a Non-Executive Director of the Australian National Fabrication Facility (ANFF) and of the Australian Innovation Research Group (AIRG), and a former Non-Executive Director of Alfred Health.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter:

Monday Jul 16, 2018
Plastic Surgery Trends with Dr. Roger Tsai
Monday Jul 16, 2018
Monday Jul 16, 2018
Dr. Roger Tsai a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon practicing in Beverly Hills, who performs aesthetic and cosmetic procedures of the face and body joins eHealth Radio and the Plastic Surgery Information Channel to discuss plastic surgery trends.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Roger Tsai discuss the following:
What trends do you see in plastic surgery?
What are the more popular procedures people ask for?
What do you think the new fad is or will be?
How do one find a good surgeon?
Is surgery safe, and are the results permanent?
Dr. Roger Tsai is a board certified plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, providing care to patients from all over the world. His interests include aesthetic cosmetic surgery that encompasses the entire body as a whole, specializing in all aspects of plastic and reconstructive surgery. He also performs non-invasive rejuvenation and has a special interest in health and nutrition.As Dr. Roger Tsai progressed through his early academic education, his interest in the health and wellbeing of the human body began at the University of Florida where he earned his undergraduate degree in Microbiology with a dual minor in Biochemistry and Nutrition. It was here where his research helped shed some light into liposomal drug delivery systems for cancer patients. Graduating with highest honors and multiple academic accolades, he furthered his education at Drexel University College of Medicine that solidified his path into plastic surgery. During that time, he was involved in research projects that helped further understand and improve wound healing. Due to his significant academic achievements and vast research experience, he was selected as one of the top medical students to be accepted to the highly competitive integrated Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery residency program at the University of Texas Medical Branch where he completed his training. Having the opportunity to build experience at one of the world’s elite cancer centers (MD Anderson), burn reconstruction facilities (Shriners Hospitals), and cosmetic institutions, he has also published research papers in renown journals of his field.Not only does Dr. Roger Tsai promote health and nutrition, he also practices them. An avid athlete, he was involved in competitive swimming and tennis as a youth, and continues to this day with devoted bodybuilding and rigorous exercise. His interests include healthy cooking and nutrition. Dr. Tsai also has an affiliation with the performing arts; skilled at playing piano, violin and saxophone.Dr. Tsai consults patients, performs surgeries, and provides non-invasive rejuvenation procedures in this practice. Through his love of combining art, health, and medicine, he is committed to providing the finest quality surgical experience and is honored to use his expertise to rejuvenate the body and soul in a compassionate environment.
“My goal is to produce the finest quality surgical experience, safely and effectively, while providing excellent patient care in a respectful and compassionate environment.”

Saturday Jul 14, 2018
Saturday Jul 14, 2018
Dr. Daniel H. Chang, an ophthalmologist at Empire Eye and Laser Center in Bakersfield, California joins eHealth Radio and the Eye Health and Health News Channels to discuss cataracts and how they may impact the vision and health of seniors.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Daniel H. Chang discuss the following:
What are cataracts and how do they impact your vision?
What do seniors need to know about cataracts and cataract treatment?
Why is surgery often a better solution for seniors with cataracts than bifocals?
Tell us about the surgery you performed on your mother. Why did she need surgery? Did you use any certain products during your mother’s cataract surgery?
What are some symptoms that seniors should look out for, that might warrant a visit to the ophthalmologist?
Daniel H. Chang, M.D. is a board certified ophthalmologist who came to Bakersfield in 2008 to join his brother, Dr. Joe Chang. Dr. Daniel Chang graduated with honors from the California Institute of Technology. He then received his medical and ophthalmology training from two of the top programs in the Southeast: Duke University, where he performed groundbreaking laser vision correction research; and Emory University, where he earned the position of Chief Resident in Ophthalmology. Dr. Chang was then invited to the prestigious cornea and refractive surgery fellowship at Minnesota Eye Consultants, where he was trained on state-of-the-art vision correcting techniques.Dr. Chang has performed thousands of successful LASIK, PRK, and cataract procedures. He has served as a principle investigator on numerous US FDA clinical trials, including several that have brought some of our most advanced vision-correcting lens implants to market. He has authored dozens of articles and publications on refractive surgery and advanced intraocular lenses. He regularly lectures at eye meetings from the local through the international level; and he trains and advises other surgeons and physicians on vision correcting surgery techniques.Dr. Chang is president and founding member of Advanced Center for Eyecare, a non-profit clinic that provides medical and surgical eye care to the uninsured and underinsured people of Kern County. Nationally, he serves on the Refractive Surgery Clinical Committee of the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) and on the Special Projects Committee of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO). Dr. Chang is partnering with Johnson & Johnson to educate people on cataracts and eye health. You can visit this website to learn more on Johnson & Johnson Vision and their cataract offerings:
Websites: |
Social Media Links:
Empire Eye & Laser: Facebook: Twitter:
Johnson & Johnson Vision: Twitter:

Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
Dr. Kamakshi Zeidler from Aesthetx in San Jose, California joins eHealth Radio and the Dermatology & Plastic Surgery Information Channels to discuss the unique benefits of providing patients with the best possible care in plastic surgery and dermatology.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Kamakshi Zeidler discuss the following:
What is board-certification? We hear this all the time per a doctors credentials but what is it exactly?
Why is it important to seek a medical professional that is board-certified?
What are the requirements to be recognized as a board-certified plastic surgeon and a board-certified dermatologist?
Your practice is unique in having board-certified plastic surgeons and a board-certified dermatologist. How does this benefit patients and their results?
How do these fields work together when it comes to reconstructive care?
Dr. Zeidler received her Bachelor of Arts degree in biology from Rice University in Houston, Texas. She earned her Doctor of Medicine Degree at University of California, San Francisco, one of the top five medical schools in the country. Dr. Zeidler graduated at the top 5% of her class, earning her a membership into the prestigious Alpha Omega Alpha honor society. She continued her career at UCSF by completing her residencies in general surgery and plastic and reconstructive surgery. She also completed a postdoctoral research fellowship in UCSF and studied stem cells and their effects on wound healing, a study which earned a grant from the National Institute for Health (NIH). During her time there, Dr. Zeidler was awarded with UCSF’s Julius R. Krevan’s award for her outstanding clinical care of her patients. She later underwent further training for breast reconstruction techniques with an additional advanced microsurgical clinical instructorship and fellowship at Stanford University Medical Center. In 2012, she was honored with the California Patients’ Choice Award.
Dr. Zeidler is a member of multiple renowned professional societies, like the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, the California Society of Plastic Surgeons, the California Medical Society, the Santa Clara County Medical Association and the South Bay Chapter of the American Medical Women’s Association.
A thought leader and visionary in the future of plastic surgery, Dr. Kamakshi Zeidler is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and a founder of Aesthetx, a premier plastic surgery and dermatology practice. As an expert in reconstructive and aesthetic breast surgery, Dr. Zeidler is a leading authority and clinical investigator who partners with companies to bring new technologies and innovative products to the field. An author and lecturer worldwide, her exquisite plastic surgery outcomes have earned her renown not only in the heart of Silicon Valley, but around the world. Dr. Zeidler also serves on the board of directors of Cancer CAREpoint.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Twitter: YouTube: Instagram: