ehealth radio network

Wednesday Apr 20, 2016
Wednesday Apr 20, 2016
Jacqueline Williams- Hines, Autism Awareness Advocate and Founder of the No Small Victories Organization that is focused on educating the community about Autism and supporting families with a child on the Autism spectrum rejoins eHealth Radio and the Autistic Syndrome Information Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Jacqueline Williams- Hines discuss the following:What is No Small Victories?What inspired you to Start No Small Victories?What are the themes of the books in your series?What are the future goals of NSV?What are some early sign of Autism, listeners can look out for?
Duration: 13:05
Jacqueline Williams-Hines journey began nearly sixteen years ago upon receiving a diagnosis of autism for her youngest son, Joshua. She began to navigate the maze of social services and special education. In an effort to educate her son’s peers on autism as well as catharsis in dealing with overwhelming depression, guilt and anxiety Mrs. Williams-Hines self-published her first children’s book, “Joshua and the Startabulous Dream Maker.” Positive response to her book prompted Williams-Hines to organize autism awareness walks, fairs and to continue with the book series to include three more books as well as an accompanying discussion guide.
In 2008 she founded No Small Victories, a program of The Martin Luther King Jr. Family Services of Springfield, MA. Through this organization she continues to promote education and early detection of autism through workshops and book signings. A state member of Mass Act Early, a national autism initiative founded by the Centers for Disease Control, No Small Victories works to combat diagnostic disparities suffered by African Americans and Hispanics in underserved communities.
Twitter: @nosmallvictorys
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Thursday Jan 07, 2016
Special Needs Advocacy with Television Personality Areva Martin
Thursday Jan 07, 2016
Thursday Jan 07, 2016
Areva Martin the Founder of the Los Angeles based Special Needs Network, who's mission is to raise public awareness of developmental disabilities and to impact public policy, while providing education and resources to families, children and adults joins eHealth Radio and the Autistic Syndrome Information & Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Areva Martin discuss the following:Why did you start special needs network and how is the work that it does different from mainstream autism organizations like Autism Speaks?Has there been an increase in the incidence of autism over the last decade and what is the current incident rate?How are various communities impacted differently?What are some of the biggest myths and misunderstandings that people have about individuals with autism? What is on the horizon for Special Needs Network?
Duration: 9:32
Areva Martin is known to audiences across the country from her regular appearances on Dr. Phil, The Doctors, Anderson Cooper 360, Nancy Grace, Good Morning America and various other daytime talk shows and cable news shows including CNN, MSNBC, HLN and Al Jazeera. She is a TV host, author and go-to on-camera expert and commentator. She is consistently sought out to weigh in on breaking news with an emphasis on compelling legal, political, women’s and celebrity issues. Her unique ability to go to the heart of matters in a commanding, yet passionate, manner has gained her great popularity with the media and world-wide audiences.
Areva is also is a multi-award winning Harvard-trained attorney and advocate who has been featured on the pages of publications ranging from the Redbook, Parenting to Ebony for her advocacy on behalf of victims and the “underdog.” Throughout her career, Areva has been a strong advocate in promoting diversity, inclusion and equity. She has been recognized for her distinctive work on behalf of women and children with many national and state awards including the Los Angeles County Woman of the Year Award, L’Oreal Paris Women of Worth, KCET Local Hero Award, Ford Foundation Unsung Hero, Farmers Insurance Living Legends Award and the California Legislative Black Caucus Civil Rights Leadership Award to name a few.
She is the founder and President of Special Needs Network, Inc., a Los Angeles based non-profit organization created specifically to raise awareness of issues that impact individuals with autism and related disabilities living in under served and marginalized communities. Areva has raised millions of dollars for autism and is leading the organization on a campaign to build the state’s first-ever autism medical health home for kids as a part of the historic Martin Luther King Hospital health campus.
Areva is the author of two books, Journey to the Top, a popular career guide for professional women and The Everyday Advocate: Standing Up for Your Child with Autism and Other Special Needs (Penguin 2010), a regularly used reference book for parents and professionals.
A graduate with honors from Harvard Law School and the University of Chicago, she is the founding and managing partner at Martin & Martin, LLP, one of LA’s premiere female and African American law firms. Areva has been consistently identified as one of LA’s top attorneys including being selected as a Southern California Super Lawyer for 2014 and 2015, a distinction reserved for the top five percent of the attorneys in the state.
Areva lives in Los Angeles with her husband and three children. A lover of all things social media, she is a runner with a passion for half marathons.
Social Media Links:
Facebook: @specialneedsla

Friday Apr 17, 2015
Friday Apr 17, 2015
Autism Awareness Advocate, Jacqueline Williams-Hines again joins eHealth Radio and the Autistic Syndrome Information Channel for Autism Awareness month to discuss her organization No Small Victories.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Jacqueline Williams-Hines discuss the following:What is No Small Victories?What inspired you to Start No Small Victories? I understand you are an author of the No Small Victories Children's Book Series, what are the themes of the books in your series? What are the future goals of NSV?What are some early sign of Autism, listeners can look out for?
Duration: 13:11
Jacqueline Williams-Hines journey began nearly sixteen years ago upon receiving a diagnosis of autism for her youngest son, Joshua. She began to navigate the maze of social services and special education. In an effort to educate her son’s peers on autism as well as catharsis in dealing with overwhelming depression, guilt and anxiety Mrs. Williams-Hines self-published her first children’s book, “Joshua and the Startabulous Dream Maker.” Positive response to her book prompted Williams-Hines to organize autism awareness walks, fairs and to continue with the book series to include three more books as well as an accompanying discussion guide.
In 2008 she founded No Small Victories, a program of The Martin Luther King Jr. Family Services of Springfield, MA. Through this organization she continues to promote education and early detection of autism through workshops and book signings. A state member of Mass Act Early, a national autism initiative founded by the Centers for Disease Control, No Small Victories works to combat diagnostic disparities suffered by African Americans and Hispanics in underserved communities.

Wednesday Nov 12, 2014
How Autism affects language skills with Dr. Martha Burns
Wednesday Nov 12, 2014
Wednesday Nov 12, 2014
Dr. Martha Burns, a noted neuroscientist, author, and leading expert on how children learn joins eHealth Radio and the Autistic Syndrome Information and Health News Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Martha Burns discuss the following:How does Autism affect language skills?What are some of the common ways to strengthen a child's language skills? What is BrainPro Autism?How does BrainPro Autism work?Where can parents find out more about Fast ForWord?
Duration: 7:53
Dr. Burns has been a practicing speech and language pathologist in Evanston, Ill., for over 40 years. She is a Fellow of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, and is an adjunct Associate Professor at Northwestern University. Dr. Burns has authored over 100 journal articles on the neuroscience of language and communication, has written three books on language difficulties associated with neurological disorders, and lectured around the world on neuroscience applications to education and clinical intervention for children and adults with communication/cognitive disorders.
Note: Parents are invited to apply to the Fast ForWord at Home Scholarship, open through November 20th, 2014.

Saturday Oct 25, 2014
Would you Teach a Fish to Climb a Tree?
Saturday Oct 25, 2014
Saturday Oct 25, 2014
Anne Maxwell the author of the book, "Would you Teach a Fish to Climb a Tree? A Different Take on Kids with ADD, ADHD, OCD, and Autism joins eHealth Radio and the Autistic Syndrome Information Channel.
Anne Maxwell, who is a child, play and family therapist, and an Access Consciousness® facilitator with over 20 years of experience working with children of all ages and backgrounds, who have been given all kinds of diagnoses.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Anne Maxwell discuss the following: Why did you write the book - Would you Teach a Fish to Climb a Tree?You work with alot of children with Autism and have a totally different take? Can you tell us about that? What can be done for children who have a hard time focusing and concentrating?If there was one thing you wished that parents could take away after reading the book, what would it be?
Duration: 15:50
Anne Maxwell, LCSW, RPT-S, is a child and play and family therapist, and an Access Consciousness® facilitator with over 20 years of experience working with children of all ages and backgrounds, who have been given all kinds of diagnoses. Anne teaches children and parents to tap into and recognize their own abilities and knowing, and to acknowledge that different is simply different; not right, not wrong. As a result, healing and change are so much easier, more effective, more fun and faster!

Monday Sep 22, 2014
Monday Sep 22, 2014
Jacqueline Williams-Hines, Autism Awareness Advocate and Author of the No Small Victories Children's Book Series joins eHealth Radio and the Austism Information Channel. Jacqueline's organization is focused on educating the community about Autism and supporting families with an autistic child on the Autism spectrum.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Jacqueline Williams-Hines discuss the following: What is No Small Victories?What inspired you to Start No Small Victories?What are the themes of the books in your series?What are the future goals of NSV?What are some early sign of Autism, listeners can look out for?
Duration: 11:50
Born in Monroe, Louisiana in 1965, Jacqueline moved to Springfield, MA with her family in 1970 and has since been a Springfield resident.
A graduate of the former Classical High School and grad student of American International College, Jacqueline subsequently left college to marry and start a family with her high school sweetheart. Though employed in several positions in her youth, it was the birth of her youngest son and his later diagnosis of autism that brought Jacqueline back to her first passion as a means of catharsis and coping mechanism…writing.
Though the dream of publishing her work had never truly been forgotten, it was this new found drive to help educate her son, Joshua’s, peers about autism as a way of bridging the communication gap that motivated her to self publish her first book in 2006.
Since then, No Small Victories has grown to become an organization active in increasing Autism Awareness as well as annually hosting an Autism awareness fair and boasting 4 books and counting.
Web Site:

Thursday Mar 20, 2014
How Google Glass can assist those with disabilities
Thursday Mar 20, 2014
Thursday Mar 20, 2014
Paul Louden a 31 year old man diagnosed with autism at the age of 23 who has been selected by Google to help explore potential uses for Google Glass joins eHealth Radio and the Autistic Syndrome Information and Technology Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Paul Louden discuss the following:What is Google Glass?How did you get chosen as an explorer?How has Glass helped you?What other uses can you see for it in relation to autism?Do you see potential to help those with other disabilities?
Duration: 8:41
Paul Louden is a 31 year old diagnosed with autism at the age of 23. Before his diagnosis he visited many countries with his family as a child and young man, and from these experiences has developed a thoughtful perspective on autism spectrum disorders and what they can mean to those who live with them. He advocates for those on the spectrum at conferences, conventions, and on the Understanding Autism Radio Show.
Web Site:

Tuesday Feb 25, 2014
Helping people affected by Autistic Spectrum Disorders with Celina Miller
Tuesday Feb 25, 2014
Tuesday Feb 25, 2014
Celina Miller, an advocate for people affected by Autistic Spectrum Disorders joins eHealth Radio and the Autistic Syndrome Information Channel. She works to raise awareness for positive solutions to answer the questions that face people affected by ASD.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Celina Miller discuss the following:How and why did you become an advocate for people affected by Autistic Spectrum Disorders?You have a child with Aspergers Syndrome. Can you tell us about the early signs of ASD?What is the prevalence of ASD? Why is the number of children diagnosed on the rise?How can a concerned parent begin the process of having their child tested for ASD?Can you talk about some of the resources available to parents whose child is diagnosed with ASD?Duration: 10:29Celina Miller is a writer, advocate, trained yoga instructor, musician, and mother to three - one of whom is affected by Aspergers syndrome. She understands the complexity of issues faced by families who are touched by ASD. A graduate of the University of Virginia, the former editor-in-chief of YogaMom Magazine volunteers her time with various organizations to help people affected by Autism, mental health issues or homelessness. A member of the Board of Directors at Oasis Center for Women and Children, Celina is the co-chair for a multi-million dollar expansion that will provide needed play therapy services and resources to children in need. A volunteer with Autism Speaks, Celina reviews grants and is a committee member for the Alabama Walk Now for Autism Speaks. In this capacity she meets with various organizations to encourage involvement and further raise awareness. Celina service as a volunteer at the First Light Women’s Shelter where, with her children, she makes and serves food to homeless women and children. Celina is an active member in her church and a children’s service-project organizer. She also teaches piano. A writer, Celina advocates for the protection of civil rights for people affected by ASD as well as promotes awareness about the issues faced by those affected and their families. You can visit her website and blog at Celina lives in Birmingham, AL with her husband and children.Web Site: www.celinamiller.comFacebook: @celina_millerPhone: (251) 363-5000email: