ehealth radio network

Thursday Apr 11, 2024
Latest trends and procedures in Plastic Surgery
Thursday Apr 11, 2024
Thursday Apr 11, 2024
Dr. Adam J. Rubinstein, a Board Certified and Award-Winning Plastic Surgeon based out of Miami, Florida again joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Plastic Surgery Information Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Adam J. Rubinstein discuss the following:
Tell us about some of latest procedures in plastic surgery starting with Aveli for cellulite.
I also understand there is a new procedure to eliminate wrinkles called Ellacor, what is that and who is it intended?
What are some of the latest trends in procedures and plastic surgery – such as minimally invasive procedures or reductions of previous procedures?
Now e have learned a lot from you on ways to choose a plastic surgeon…so tell us….What is the most important thing to share with listeners about choosing a plastic surgeon?
How do you know what procedures are right for you?
Dr Adam J. Rubinstein is a Board Certified and Award-Winning Plastic Surgeon. He has served as the Chief of Plastic Surgery and Chief of the Department of Surgery for Jackson North Medical Center in Miami, FL. Dr Rubinstein specializes in whole body surgical & non-surgical cosmetic treatments for both women and men. He can discuss the latest innovations and procedures to help people make proper and informed choices.
Dr. Rubinstein is also a patient advocate and is passionate about sharing the good, the bad and the ugly about common plastic surgery practices to help patients navigate the world of plastic surgery effectively and safely. His goal is to help people make their best choices about the latest and most innovative procedures.
Social Media Links: Instagram: @drrubinstein | @nakedbeautytv | @plasticsurgerytruths SnapChat: @drrubinstein Facebook: @MiamiPlasticSurgeon
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Monday Apr 08, 2024
Your Breast Lift Guide with Dr. Stephanie Teotia
Monday Apr 08, 2024
Monday Apr 08, 2024
Dr. Stephanie Teotia, a distinguished board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon from Flower Mound, TX who serves patients in the Dallas area again joins eHealth Radio and the Plastic Surgery Information Channel.
Dr. Teotia brings her extensive expertise to the topic of breast lift surgery and provides valuable insights into this popular procedure. In addition to explaining what a breast lift is and how it's performed, Dr. Teotia will address some of the most common concerns she hears from her patients. Topics include the impact of breastfeeding post-surgery, the necessity of a breast lift after implant removal, considerations for postmenopausal women, and the effects of smoking on surgical outcomes.
Join Dr. Teotia for a comprehensive discussion on achieving and maintaining beautiful results with breast lift surgery.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Stephanie Teotia discuss the following:
What is a breast lift, and how is it performed?
Should patients undergo a breast lift after the removal of their implants, and if they don't, will they be left sagging?
If a patient is postmenopausal and unhappy with the look of their breasts, is it too late for a breast lift?
Can patients who have quit smoking for 6 months undergo surgery, and how can smoking affect your results?
What is the surgical process and recovery like for a breast lift?
Dr. Stephanie Teotia is a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon located in the Dallas area. She specializes in a number of plastic surgery procedures, including facelifts, neck lifts, eyelid surgeries, brow lifts, breast enhancements, and tummy tucks.
Renowned for her surgical expertise and exceptional outcomes, Dr. Teotia is also celebrated for fostering a professional and welcoming environment with her all-female team. Whether patients are interested in cosmetic surgery or non-surgical treatments, Dr. Teotia finds fulfillment in providing her patients with the highest level of care, personalized results, and an unforgettable experience.
Social Media Links:
Facebook: CLICK HERE
CONTACT INFORMATION: Dr. Stephanie Teotia 2301 Olympia Dr, Suite 100, Flower Mound, TX 75028 Phone: (214) 823-9652
People also listened to this: Experience the Renewal of Spring with Kerasal® Foot and Nail Care

Friday Feb 23, 2024
Friday Feb 23, 2024
Dr. Stephanie Teotia, a distinguished board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon from Flower Mound, TX who serves patients in the Dallas area joins eHealth Radio and the Plastic Surgery Information Channel.
In today's episode, Dr. Teotia, will discuss the effects of Ozempic (semaglutide) on facial and neck areas following rapid weight loss. Dr. Teotia discusses semaglutide's effects on the face and neck, its reversibility, preventing "Ozempic Face," and treatment options for those affected by significant weight loss from Semaglutide.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Stephanie Teotia discuss the following:
Semaglutide, commonly known as Ozempic, is quite popular lately in the weight loss space, can you explain a bit about what exactly it is?
What are the effects of taking Semaglutide on a person's face and neck?
Will a patient's face return to its previous shape and size if they stop taking Ozempic?
Are there preventative measures a person can take to prevent "Ozempic Face"?
What treatments would you recommend for someone who recently experienced rapid weight loss due to Semaglutide?
Dr. Stephanie Teotia is a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon located in the Dallas area. She specializes in a number of plastic surgery procedures, including facelifts, neck lifts, eyelid surgeries, brow lifts, breast enhancements, and tummy tucks.
Renowned for her surgical expertise and exceptional outcomes, Dr. Teotia is also celebrated for fostering a professional and welcoming environment with her all-female team. Whether patients are interested in cosmetic surgery or non-surgical treatments, Dr. Teotia finds fulfillment in providing her patients with the highest level of care, personalized results, and an unforgettable experience.
Social Media Links:
Facebook: CLICK HERE
CONTACT INFORMATION: Dr. Stephanie Teotia 2301 Olympia Dr, Suite 100, Flower Mound, TX 75028 Phone: (214) 823-9652
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Friday Dec 22, 2023
Friday Dec 22, 2023
Dr. Adam J. Rubinstein, a board-certified plastic surgeon acclaimed for his dedication to patient safety and education again joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and Plastic Surgery Information Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Adam J. Rubinstein discuss the following:
Your one of the first plastic surgery practices to introducer Ellacor Micro-Coring treatment. the first-and-only FDA cleared micro-coring device to remove sagging skin – tell us about that and what makes this a good option for some people?
Who are the recommended candidates for this procedure Ellacor?
What are some of the other latest trends in plastic surgery?
As a patient advocate what is the most important detail to remind people when choosing plastic Surgeon and or Plastic surgery?
Where can people go to learn more about you and plastic surgery procedures?
Dr Adam J. Rubinstein is a Board Certified and Award-Winning Plastic Surgeon. He has served as the Chief of Plastic Surgery and Chief of the Department of Surgery for Jackson North Medical Center in Miami, FL. Dr Rubinstein specializes in whole body surgical & non-surgical cosmetic treatments for both women and men. He can discuss the latest innovations and procedures to help people make proper and informed choices.
Dr. Rubinstein is also a patient advocate and is passionate about sharing the good, the bad and the ugly about common plastic surgery practices to help patients navigate the world of plastic surgery effectively and safely. His goal is to help people make their best choices about the latest and most innovative procedures.
Social Media Links: Instagram: @drrubinstein | @nakedbeautytv | @plasticsurgerytruths SnapChat: @drrubinstein Facebook: @MiamiPlasticSurgeon
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Thursday Dec 21, 2023
The “Awake” Facelift with Dr. Stephanie Teotia
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Dr. Stephanie Teotia, a distinguished board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon from Flower Mound, TX who serves patients in the Dallas area joins eHealth Radio and the Plastic Surgery Information Channel.
As a top expert in her field, Dr. Teotia will share her professional insights on the intricacies of facelift surgery. She introduces her MACS facelift technique, which merges the effectiveness of traditional facelift surgery with a quicker recovery. Additionally, Dr. Teotia discusses her state-of-the-art "awake" facelift that can be performed in the office using Pro-Nox™️ anesthesia.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Stephanie Teotia discuss the following:
Who is considered a good candidate for a MACS facelift procedure?
Since you offer your facelift, neck lift and blephar-oplasty surgeries in office, what are the benefits of having an in-office procedure vs. at a surgical center?
When would someone want to consider a neck lift along with their facelift?
What is the recovery process like for a facelift, and when will the patient see the full results?
Why should a patient choose you for their facelift surgery?
Dr. Stephanie Teotia is a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon located in the Dallas area. She specializes in a number of plastic surgery procedures, including facelifts, neck lifts, eyelid surgeries, brow lifts, breast enhancements, and tummy tucks.
Renowned for her surgical expertise and exceptional outcomes, Dr. Teotia is also celebrated for fostering a professional and welcoming environment with her all-female team. Whether patients are interested in cosmetic surgery or non-surgical treatments, Dr. Teotia finds fulfillment in providing her patients with the highest level of care, personalized results, and an unforgettable experience.
Social Media Links:
Facebook: CLICK HERE
CONTACT INFORMATION: Dr. Stephanie Teotia 2301 Olympia Dr, Suite 100, Flower Mound, TX 75028 Phone: (214) 823-9652
People also listened to this: Revolutionize Your Health with Agatha Achindu

Saturday May 06, 2023
The Extreme Plastic Surgery Pendulum Swings Back
Saturday May 06, 2023
Saturday May 06, 2023
Renown Miami Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Adam Rubinstein is an award winning, board certified plastic surgeon well regarded for his outstanding work and cutting edge non-invasive and surgical plastic surgery procedures for women and men again joins eHealth Radio and the Plastic Surgery Information Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Adam J. Rubinstein discuss the following:
Remind our listeners about your background as a board certified Plastic Surgeon and where you are located?
What are you seeing as trends in 2023 – starting with reversing extreme plastic surgery like Brazilian Butt Lifts; Breast Implants and fillers?
Why do you think people are reversing these procedures is it aesthetics or health reasons or both?
What are some of the other trends you are seeing in plastic surgery such as non-surgical face and neck lifts; cellulite removal and lymphatic massage?
As a vocal patient advocate, what is the most important thing people need to know when choosing a plastic surgeon?
Dr. Adam Rubinstein is an award winning, board-certified plastic surgeon well regarded for his outstanding work and cutting edge non-invasive and surgical plastic surgery procedures for women and men. He is a well-known and outspoken patient advocate and is not afraid to speak out about botched plastic surgery, unsafe conditions and questionable clinics related to patient deaths.
Dr. Rubinstein is passionate about his mission to educate the public about plastic surgery. You can learn more about him on his site at and social channels, including his Instagram accounts, @drrubinstein and @plasticsurgerytruths, SnapChat @drrubinstein, and Facebook page @MiamiPlasticSurgeon.
Dr. Rubinstein is certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery whose skills are sought out by patients from around the world. He has trained with the world’s eminent surgeons at the forefront of developing techniques for plastic surgery. His offices are located at 2999 NE 191st Street, PH 6, Miami, Fl 33810.
He has served as the Chief of Plastic Surgery and the Chief of the Department of Surgery for Jackson North Medical Center, a 382-bed acute care hospital in the Jackson Healthcare System. Dr. Rubinstein is a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Surgery at NOVA Southeastern University, clinical faculty for the Department of Plastic Surgery at Florida International University (FIU) School of Medicine, and clinical faculty for the Cleveland Clinic Plastic Surgery Residency Program in Florida. Dr. Rubinstein currently serves on the editorial staff of the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal published by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
He holds memberships in many prestigious medical societies and associations, including:
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons
The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
The American Society of Bariatric Plastic Surgeons
The Ralph Millard Jr., M.D. Medical Society & Education Foundation
You can learn more on his website and social channels including his Instagram accounts, @drrubinstein and @plasticsurgerytruths, SnapChat @drrubinstein, and Facebook page @MiamiPlasticSurgeon.

Saturday Mar 19, 2022
The Importance of Choosing The Right Plastic Surgeon
Saturday Mar 19, 2022
Saturday Mar 19, 2022
Renown Miami Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Adam Rubinstein is an award winning, board certified plastic surgeon well regarded for his outstanding work and cutting edge non-invasive and surgical plastic surgery procedures for women and men again joins eHealth Radio and the Plastic Surgery Information Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Adam J. Rubinstein discuss the following:
Tell us about your practice, what you specialize in and what you are most passionate about?
I understand you are in successful new Lifetime Series – My Killer Body with K Michelle? Tell us about that, what it is and when it runs?
Sounds like the show reinforces your exact message about choosing a Plastic Surgeon carefully – what should people know when choosing a plastic surgeon so they get the best results?
What do you hope this show and patient advocacy messages will accomplish
How can people find you?
Tip: Always choose a Board Certified Plastic surgeon when seeking any procedures. It may seem appealing to get a ‘bargain’ but not all plastic surgery is the same.
Renown Miami Plastic Surgeon Dr. Adam J. Rubinstein is an award winning, board certified plastic surgeon and well regarded for his outstanding work and cutting edge non-invasive and surgical plastic surgery procedures for women and men. He is a well-known and outspoken patient advocate and is not afraid to speak out about botched plastic surgery, unsafe conditions and questionable clinics related to patient deaths. Dr. Rubinstein is passionate about his mission to educate the public about plastic surgery.
Dr. Rubinstein is certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery whose skills are sought out by patients from around the world. He has trained with the world’s eminent surgeons at the forefront of developing techniques for plastic surgery. His offices are located at 2999 NE 191st Street, PH 6, Miami, FL 33810.
He has served as the Chief of Plastic Surgery and the Chief of the Department of Surgery for Jackson North Medical Center, a 382-bed acute care hospital in the Jackson Healthcare System. Dr. Rubinstein is a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Surgery at NOVA Southeastern University, clinical faculty for the Department of Plastic Surgery at Florida International University (FIU) School of Medicine, and clinical faculty for the Cleveland Clinic Plastic Surgery Residency Program in Florida. Dr. Rubinstein currently serves on the editorial staff of the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal published by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. He holds memberships in many prestigious medical societies and associations, some of which are:
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons
The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
The American Society of Bariatric Plastic Surgeons
The Ralph Millard Jr., M.D. Medical Society & Education Foundation
Dr. Rubinstein currently serves on the editorial staff of the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal published by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
You can learn more on his social channels including his Instagram accounts, @doctorrubinstein, @drrubinstein and @plasticsurgerytruths, SnapChat @drrubinstein, and Facebook page @MiamiPlasticSurgeon.

Saturday Nov 27, 2021
What You Need to Know About Breast Implants and Breast Implant Disease
Saturday Nov 27, 2021
Saturday Nov 27, 2021
Renown Miami Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Adam Rubinstein is an award winning, board certified plastic surgeon well regarded for his outstanding work and cutting edge non-invasive and surgical plastic surgery procedures for women and men again joins eHealth Radio and the Plastic Surgery Information Channel.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Adam J. Rubinstein discuss the following:
What is Breast Implant Disease and why is there so much controversy about it?
Based on that, would you and do you still believe breast implants are safe and are you still doing them?
What else should anyone know or consider when choosing a plastic surgeon for any plastic surgery?
Tell us about your social shows -- #itsnotallthesame and why you created it.
What else is trending or people should know about plastic surgery now & has it changed since the pandemic?
Where can people see you show and find you? Anything else to share?
Summary: Breast implants can change a person’s life for the better. But in recent years, some people have suspected that their breast implants have made them very ill with diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, Sjogren’s syndrome and other issues that can make a person feel flu-like ill and fatigued. Yet Older studies showed no clear scientific evidence connecting these conditions to breast implants — silicone or saline-filled. While there is controversy, Breast implants are safe and it is most important to be sure to choose a Board Certified Plastic surgeon no matter what procedure you choose.
Renown Miami Plastic Surgeon Dr. Adam J. Rubinstein is an award winning, board certified plastic surgeon and well regarded for his outstanding work and cutting edge non-invasive and surgical plastic surgery procedures for women and men. He is a well-known and outspoken patient advocate and is not afraid to speak out about botched plastic surgery, unsafe conditions and questionable clinics related to patient deaths. Dr. Rubinstein is passionate about his mission to educate the public about plastic surgery.
Dr. Rubinstein is certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery whose skills are sought out by patients from around the world. He has trained with the world’s eminent surgeons at the forefront of developing techniques for plastic surgery. His offices are located at 2999 NE 191st Street, PH 6, Miami, FL 33810.
He has served as the Chief of Plastic Surgery and the Chief of the Department of Surgery for Jackson North Medical Center, a 382-bed acute care hospital in the Jackson Healthcare System. Dr. Rubinstein is a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Surgery at NOVA Southeastern University, clinical faculty for the Department of Plastic Surgery at Florida International University (FIU) School of Medicine, and clinical faculty for the Cleveland Clinic Plastic Surgery Residency Program in Florida. Dr. Rubinstein currently serves on the editorial staff of the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal published by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. He holds memberships in many prestigious medical societies and associations, some of which are:
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons
The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
The American Society of Bariatric Plastic Surgeons
The Ralph Millard Jr., M.D. Medical Society & Education Foundation
Dr. Rubinstein currently serves on the editorial staff of the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal published by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
You can learn more on his social channels including his Instagram accounts, @drrubinstein and @plasticsurgerytruths, SnapChat @drrubinstein, and Facebook page @MiamiPlasticSurgeon.

Saturday Nov 20, 2021
Top Hollywood Plastic Surgeon Tells All!
Saturday Nov 20, 2021
Saturday Nov 20, 2021
Dr. Michael Hakimi, one of the top Hollywood Board Certified Plastic Surgeons that all the stars go to joins eHealth Radio and the Health News and the Plastic Surgery Information Channels. Dr. Hakimi has been on the forefront of new technologies and services during the pandemic.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Michael Hakimi discuss the following:
How did you know you wanted to be a surgeon?
What about plastic surgery gets you excited each day?
What is the state of plastic surgery these days during the pandemic?
What trends are you seeing?
What health and safety precautions have you changed to or been seeing during these times?
What tips can you give people who want to get some work done?
Dr. Michael Hakimi is a board-certified plastic surgeon. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree in molecular, cell, and developmental biology from the University of California in Los Angeles in 2005 with a focus on 3-Dimentional tissue engineering. He went on to attend David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA where he studied 3D tissue engineering. He finished his plastic surgery training at Loma Linda University Integrated Plastic Surgery program. Both his undergraduate and graduate studies led him to present his findings in publications and at multiple plastic surgery meetings throughout the country. He augmented his plastic surgery training with a fellowship in aesthetic surgery at the Plastic Surgery Center of Sacramento. With a passion for technology and innovation, Dr. Hakimi uses the most advanced techniques in the industry. When he is not working, he enjoys traveling and photography.
For more on Dr. Hakimi click here.
Websites: |

Saturday Jul 10, 2021
Talking With One of America's Top Facial Cosmetic Surgeons!
Saturday Jul 10, 2021
Saturday Jul 10, 2021
Dr. Daria Hamrah, a top Double Board Certified Oral and Maxillofacial / Facial Cosmetic Surgeon in the US joins eHealth Radio and the Beauty and Health News & Plastic Surgery Information Channels.
Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels and guest Dr. Daria Hamrah discuss the following:
What procedures have people been getting most during the pandemic?
What new types of technology have you been using these days that is really changing the game?
With your charity foundation, tell us about it and why is providing services to kids in Colombia so important to you?
What tips can you give people when selecting a facial cosmetic surgeon?
What else do you have planned for 2021?
Dr. Daria Hamrah is a top double Board Certified oral and maxillofacial / facial cosmetic surgeon in America. When he isn't performing surgeries, Dr. Hamrah is also the co-founder of a non-profit called “The Alegria Foundation”, which helps children with cleft lip and palate and facial deformities; Dr. Hamrah travels to Colombia yearly and donates his time performing cleft lip procedures for the children there.
Social Media Links: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: YouTube: